Marv Sannes

WTC7 Awareness Day Will Be Introduced at the Oregon State Capitol

On June 24th, citizens concerned with the lives, liberty and equity lost to the ’War on Terror’ will gather at the Oregon Capitol Building to roll out “World Trade Center Seven Awareness Day”. World Trade Center Seven (WTC7) was the forty-seven story Solomon Brothers Building that collapsed like a traditional controlled demolition in the afternoon of September 11, 2001.

ReThink911-Street-Handout-hInformation booths will be located in the Oregon State Capitol lobby and outdoors on the front Capitol lawn from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM in a campaign to inform the public about the third skyscraper’s symmetrical free-fall collapse. The National Institute of Standards and Technology claims that WTC 7 is the only skyscraper to ever collapse because of fire.

At 6:00 PM, Architect Richard Gage (AIA) will appear in the nearby Ford Film Theatre to deliver a science-based presentation on behalf of 2,300 engineers and architects who are demanding a new independent investigation into the thorough destruction of WTC 7 which happened on the same day of 9/11.