
NYC CAN welcomes foreign donations

Yesterday i asked, in reply to the blog about NYC CAN obtaining 40,000 signatures, if they would allow donations from non-US citizens. Also, SnowCrash asked if they could put up their bank info to allow people to wire transfer donations. Since nobody replied I decided to email NYC CAN and received this reply:

Hi [......],
Yes, anyone is allowed to donate. The effects of 9/11 have been felt worldwide, and hundreds of non-US citizens were murdered on that day, so we don't care what the media says about non-US citizens donating.
I would have to consult other people before deciding to put our bank info on the website. I have no knowledge of the subject, but it seems like it could be a security issue. So far we've not had any trouble with paypal.
Thanks for your support.
Best Regards,
Ted Walter

Go here to donate.

It might be worth pointing out that you can pay with a creditcard through PayPal without having to have or set up a PayPal account.