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About Me

Los Altos, California
I found out about the attack that was to take place on 9/11 on February 11, 2001. This information has already been given to the FBI, on 7 occasions, the Joint Inquiry Committee of the House and the Senate investigating 9/11 and the 9/11 Commission. My focus to get the American people to learn the whole story of 9/11.

Let me list a few more details that are on my web site:

The book, “Prior Knowledge of 9/11” is an account of how I found out about the attacks on 9/11 on February 11, 2001 on a trip out to New York from San Francisco. The information I was able to put together was as follows:

The al Qaeda terrorists were planning an enormous terrorist attack on the US aimed at destroying the World Trade Center Towers.

The al Qaeda terrorists were going to hijack four large aircraft in midair departing from eastern airports.

The planes would be of type 767 and 757.

They would use four to five al Qaeda terrorists per plane using concealed four inch knives as weapons, to hijack these planes.

They would fly these hijacked aircraft to the sides World Trade Center Towers.

The terrorists would be in place and ready to carry out this attack by September 1, 2001, and would carry out this attack somewhere between September 1, actually September 4, and September 14, 2001.

On February 14, 2001, I stood in front of these buildings to see if I could possible envision them continuing to stand after sustaining collisions from large commercial aircraft. I quickly concluded they would in almost all certainly collapse. The very tall floor trusses meant that these trusses had to have been made out of light weight steel. It was obvious that these trusses combined with both the open floor plan and the estimated 100,000 pounds of aviation fuel in each plane was going to cause these structures to collapse.

On September 8, 2001, I went through Logan airport to see if I could spot the al Qaeda terrorists who were going to hijack these airplanes in front of the airport departure security points surveying the security procedures to find out how they could get their weapons, the four inch knives through security without alerting security personnel. I apparently missed seeing them by just a few hours.

On September 11, 2001 after the attack, I immediately contacted the FBI field office in Boston and gave them this information. Not only myself but almost every single person in my company was aware of this attack. Not only were they told about this attack, but I had called a special meeting at my company in June 2001 to alert everyone on how to avoid flying on any aircraft that might have these terrorists on board when we were all flying out to Las Vegas from San Francisco to exhibit my companies EDA software at the DAC conference in the second week of June.

When I was not re-contacted by Boston FBI, after I retuned back to San Francisco I gave this information to the FBI field office in San Francisco, and in to the field office San Jose.

When the Joint Inquiry Committee of the House and the Senate had their investigation of 9/11, I gave them this information and the FBI reports on how I had known about the events on 9/11, to one of their investigators a Michael Jackson, and to Rick Cinquegrana, who at one time was in charge of this investigation.

On April 13-14, 2004 I gave this information to the 9/11 Commission.

After listing to the testimony of George Tenet on April 14, 2004 and still unable to figure out why they could not have figured this out prior to 9/11, and prevent these attacks, I went back to research all of the information from these investigations to find the truth behind why they did not prevent these attacks. I also started to put this into a book on this research. It was not until late July of this year, 2006 that I was able to finally find the missing pieces I had been looking for and finally understand what went so terribly wrong, what was the real reason that 3000 people were killed in a entirely preventable attack on 9/11.

Both San Jose FBI field office FBI and the deputy to Eleanor Hill, the staff director of the 9/11 Inquiry investigation, Rick Cinquegrana , in a written email said I should feel I was to blame for not preventing the 9/11 attacks. The FBI said they would not have used my information in February 2001 since I did not have the fight numbers or the names of the terrorists, the Joint Inquiry people said they felt that the FBI had as much information as I had and they did not even use the information they had to prevent these attacks.

I told the people on the Joint Inquiry Committee that there was in fact an completely systematic process where you could go from the actual material the al Qaeda terrorists had written to virtually every single detail of the attacks on 9/11 even to estimating the timing of this attack to within +/- one week in September 2001. In fact I had found that there were 3-4 ways you could estimate the timing of this attack to +/- one week from just publically available information.

In the end it was almost too simple to figure out what the al Qaeda terrorists were up to, they had made their intentions well known with material they themselves had published worldwide. They did not try hide a thing, they let everyone know exactly what their intentions were. All you had to do was to fill in between the lines of the material they had written. The hard part was figuring out what could you do with this information once you had it. I was convinced that the FBI, the only organization set up to deal with this type of information was going to do nothing prior to that attack on 9/11, since I had no real physical evidence and the FBI was caught in catch 22 situation, no proof no investigation and no investigation no proof.

It was only several years after the attacks on 9/11, after I was doing research on this book, that I uncovered information that indicated that agents at FBI HQ working with and under the control of the CIA had intentionally allowed the attacks on 9/11 to take place.

Robert Schopmeyer/Author Prior Knowledge of 9/11

Los Altos, CA