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Encinitas, CA
About Me

I am a financial advisor in Encinitas, which is North County Coastal San Diego. I grew up in Sunnyvale CA, Bay Area, and moved to San Diego to go to SDSU. I graduated in 1988 with a business degree. I am married with 5 children. My wife is a local artist Laura Lyn Walker, My mom was an activist during the Reagan Administrastion, so I learned a little about the war on the 3rd world, the military industrial complex, and our Corporatocracy. In Early 2002 my mom listened to Michael Ruppert on KPFA out of Berkely and ordered his video, The Truth and Lies of 911, which he completed 6 weeks after 911. She let me borrow it in early 2002 and that planted the seed for me. I have been active for about 2 years. I am good friends with Ted and Nellise Muga, who are the ultimate truthers here in San Diego. I have attended many events, marches, etc. I let Dylan Avery spend the night at my house when he came here last year. I have been calling structural engineering firms in the Bay Area setting lunch presentations for Richard Gage. There is a strong 911 truth group here in San Diego. I also really like talking to people one on one about 911. I stick to the controlled demolition information because that's what really did it for me. People are much more open in person than on the internet. It is a different experience face to face. People are more open than ever right now.