sweet n sour's blog

UK Mainstream press discusses Loose Change

Yesterday the Daily Mail a mainstream UK newspaper had a 4 page article on Loose Change. Unlike The Guardian, another mainstream newspaper which completely ridiculed the film earlier this week the Daily Mail gave the film a fair review. The well known writer Sue Reid even admitted that there are a lot of facts that are undisputable. Unfortunately today their internet comments page has published mainly biased debunking remarks submitted from their readers. I and a few friends in the UK have sent in our remarks which were perfectly polite remarks stating our thoughts, however these favourable Loose Change comments have not been shown.
If some US citizens could send their comments maybe one or two just might get through. This is important as the majority of the UK is entirely unaware of the 911 movement and its aims and will tend to believe what they read in these mainstream sites and papers. Below are a few of the published comments-