911truthnet.org's blog

UK 911 Truth Movement steps up pressure on Members of Parliament to investigate BBC bias on 911

The 911 Truth movement in the UK is sending letters to members encouraging the use of UK government websites
designed to enable people to easily raise issues with members of parliament (MP's). MP's are being asked to address
the BBC's bias of 911 "truth" theories after it released a documentary containing biased and innacurate information and presented a completely
one sided view. The BBC has a Royal Charter to present information to the public in an impartial and unbiased manner and in this case
are in breach of their Royal Charter.

The letter sent to members is below and details evidence to the contrary of that contained within the BBC documentary, that has been presented to the BBC and to which they have not reported. The evidence comes from the likes of Richard Gage of ae911truth.org:-

Dear seekers of 9/11 truth and UK based AE911truth petition signers