DIA pressures 9/11 whistleblower


ISN SECURITY WATCH (21/10/05) - A vocal Republican congressman is calling for a new investigation into what he says is a “witch-hunt” by defense chiefs against a 9/11 intelligence whistleblower, and has threatened to resign from Congress if the matter is ignored.

Representative Curt Weldon of Pennsylvania told the US House of Representatives on Wednesday that officials at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) were embarked on “an attempt to prevent the American people from knowing the facts about how we could have prevented” the 11 September 2001 attacks.

FBI slammed for fighting 9/11 reforms


WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The former members of the 9/11 commission slammed the FBI on Thursday for the pace of its reforms, saying the agency has fought the changes more than expected and warning that "terrorists will not wait."

The criticism came in a report by the former commission, now called the 9/11 Public Discourse Project, released Thursday in Washington.

"Reforms are at risk from inertia and complacency," said former commission Vice Chairman Lee Hamilton.

Dylan Avery on TVNewsLies Radio

Dylan Avery, Director of Loose Change, will be on TVNewsLies Radio on October 24. Check it out:


A Tale of Two 9/11 Meetings - The Pakistani ISI and How The Hijacker's Plans Were Hijacked - Part 1

While this may offend some, it is very possible that the 19 hijackers did exist and were trained by CIA agent Osama Bin Laden thereby leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for investigators after the attacks. These hijackers could have essentially been "hijacked" by the real perpetrators.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 - 09:12 PM, - Posted by valis (21 Reads)

Two seperate, but equally important meetings that took place, regarding the preparations for 9/11, just might have more in common than we think. One is a "three-day secret terror conference" which was "monitored by the Malaysian secret police at the CIA's request". The other is a series of meetings in Pakistan between August 28-30, 2001, which were attended by Sen. Bob Graham (D), Rep. Porter Goss (Now CIA head) and Sen. John Kyl (R).

9/11 Agent's Lax ... Bush Knew?


Thursday, October 20, 2005 - FreeMarketNews.com

In all the furor over re-examining the September 11th attacks for inconsistencies and loose ends – asking essentially, "what did George W. Bush know, and when did he know it?" – it is surprising that one aspect of that day has never been explained satisfactorily: Why neither George W. Bush nor his aide Andrew Card showed any sign of surprise or urgency at the news of the attack – and more importantly, why the Secret Service did not immediately rush to the President's side, to protect him from a potential attack!

CNN's Nuke Plant Photos Identical for Both Iran and N. Korea!

This isn't really 9/11 related, but its just too unbelievable to pass up. Just realized its a little old, still worth checking out though:


Two stories posted in the last week on the CNN website, one on nukes in Iran last Wednesday, and another on nukes in North Korea on Saturday, both use the same aerial photograph of the same purported nuclear power plant!

But one is supposed to be in Iran and the other is supposed to be in North Korea!

A story posted Saturday to CNN's website suggesting that North Korea is rallying behind their leader Kim Jong Il in his latest nuclear saber-rattling makes use of a satellite photo described in the caption as "An aerial photo of North Korea's Yongbyon nuclear plant outside of Pyongyang".

26 Anomalies of 9/11

26 reasons not to believe the official story. Great for opening new eyes:


Boondocks Commercial

This link was buried below in the comments, thought I'd give it its own thread. This could be a handy link to forward to unsuspecting people, tell them its a funny cartoon or a joke link, something like that:


George W. Bush - Terrorist in the White House

A website with an incredible amount of information regarding 9/11 and other examples of state sponsored terror:
