The '9/11 Truth Movement' raises questions about 9/11 attacks

Some Americans and people around the world are wondering more about the 9/11 attacks. Questions are being asked, information is surfacing and allegations are being made.

The “9/11 Truth Movement” is a phrase being used to describe a wide range of people and organizations in the U.S. and internationally who are asking these questions and digging up information that appears, on the surface, to be quite serious, if true.

Late Night Grab Bag

Haven't had a grab bag in a while. Got a couple of site updates, and a few links to old and new 9/11 related books. Check it out, make some comments.
Jim Hoffman's has reached version 1.000, which I assume means they have finished their content update in preparation for their upcoming book. You can find a history of what articles have been most recently updated here. It may be worth perusing to see if anything new has been added worth noting.

Vice Chairman of 9/11 Commission to Speak in Lexington

If you're in the Virginia area, and would like to question Lee Hamilton on whether or not the Commission gave a "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the Sept. 11, 2001", stop by Lee Chapel on November 9th. Remember, Mr. Hamilton CHALLENGED us to bring forth evidence.

Thanks to Jon Gold for the heads up.

LEXINGTON, Va., Oct. 31, 2005 - ­ Lee H. Hamilton, vice chairman of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, is scheduled to discuss fighting terrorism during a public lecture at Lee Chapel on Nov. 9. Carrying 9/11 Related T-Shirts

I got an email a couple of days ago from letting me know they are carrying 9/11 related t-shirts.

Steve Hammons Voices 9/11 Suspicions

'Intelligence failures' prior to 9/11, Iraq war: Planned strategies?

Inquiries by the 9/11 Commission and the Senate Intelligence Committee into “intelligence failures” have blamed intelligence officers and intelligence agencies.

Some former CIA officers and others have expressed concerns that the commission’s and the committee’s investigations of so-called intelligence failures before 9/11 and before the Iraq invasion seemed to make scapegoats of dedicated intelligence professionals.

New 9/11 Video - WTC Demolition Set to Bach

This 10 minute video focusing on demolition is of great quality and very striking. Definitely spread this around, don't keep it to yourself.

Indicted Libby Assigned Same Judge Who Denied Sibel Edmonds has reported some very disturbing information about the judge assigned to Scooter Libby, recently indicted aid to Dick Cheney. Apparently he has been assigned to Judge Reggie Walton, the same judge who handled a case by Sibel Edmonds in July of 2004.

US District Judge for DC Reggie Walton has been assigned the Lewis Libby case. It is noteworthy to point out Walton's past and current links to the Republican Right and to elements in the Bush administration who have covered up important details about 911. Walton was appointed to the DC Superior Court in 1981 by Ronald Reagan. In 1989, he was appointed by George H. W. Bush as the deputy drug czar under Bill Bennett. Walton was reappointed to the DC Superior Court by the senior Bush. George W. Bush nominated Walton to the US District Court for DC in 2001. Walton was the judge who, under pressure from the Justice Department, placed a gag order on former FBI translator and whistleblower Sibel Edmonds and cleared his courtroom of the public and media in Edmonds' hearing in her case against the FBI. Edmonds brought to light important information about how the FBI failed to translate important wiretap intercepts before and after 911.

Oliver Stone shoots Sept. 11 movie in New York, treading on sensitive turf

There are a lot of comments of this movie being "factual" and it portray the evidence "accurately". What is accurate and factual? The official story, or the truth?

The towers won't fall again. Downtown Manhattan streets won't be coated with ash and debris.

Producers of the first Hollywood film about Sept. 11 since the 2001 attacks have begun shooting scenes in the city, but have promised to tread carefully on sensitive ground. The film's director, Oliver Stone, won't film thousands of New Yorkers running terrified through debris-filled streets. Most of the action in the movie will be shot on a Los Angeles sound stage. And although news footage of the attack may be shown in the background, none will show the towers' collapse.

The importance of understanding 9-11

An interview with Eric Hufschmid (3.8 MB video):

Open Thread

Slow 9/11 weekend, got a few things to post tommorrow, what have I missed?

Have at it.