January 2012

(For a historical archive of our old site visit http://911blogger.com/archive)

Video download - University of Tennessee presentation

Suitable for college level classroom discussion:

This is the 45 minute edited version of 9/11 Experts Speak Out, shown at the University of Tennessee presentation.

You can download the file at


We hope to have the entire video, including panel discussion up soon.

Unscientific American?

Scientific American magazine, through columnists like Michael Shermer, has supported the notion that the World Trade Center was destroyed by fire, just like the government said it was. However, a recent article in the magazine, "Castles in the Air" (September, 2011), discusses the building boom in high-rise steel superstructure buildings and does point out how ironic it is that these buildings continue to be built.

A letter to the editor about the article was published in the January 2012 edition from Luke Bisby, a Senior Research Fellow in Structures and Fire at the University of Edinburgh (see the link below). His letter comes to the conclusion that architects and engineers need to face the reality of what a fire can do to a high-rise building. Neither the letter writer, nor the editorial staff of Scientific American bothered to note that over 1,600 architects and engineers have faced the notion that fire destroyed all three buildings at the World Trade Center and rejected it.
