January 2012

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Spain Proceeding With Bush Torture Case By Carol Rosenberg, The Miami Herald 16 January 12


Spain Proceeding With Bush Torture Case

By Carol Rosenberg, The Miami Herald

16 January 12

The Obama administration may want to look forward but but other countries are still interested in determining whether Bush-era anti-terror practices violated international law.

Spanish judge on Friday re-launched an investigation into the alleged torture of detainees held at the U.S. detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, one day after a British authorities launched a probe into CIA renditions to Libya.

The twin developments demonstrated that while the Obama administration has stuck to its promise not to investigate whether Bush administration officials acted illegally by authorizing the use of harsh interrogation techniques, other countries are still interested in determining whether Bush-era anti-terror practices violated international law.

MLK: A Call to Conscience

MLK: A Call to Conscience

The second episode of Tavis Smiley Reports examines Martin Luther King, Jr.’s stand against the Vietnam War and the influence of his legacy today. Tavis speaks with scholars and friends of King, including Cornel West, Vincent Harding and Susannah Heschel.

Watch here: MLK: A Call to Conscience on PBS. See more from Tavis Smiley.

10 reasons the U.S. is no longer the land of the free by Jonathan Turley

Every year, the State Department issues reports on individual rights in other countries, monitoring the passage of restrictive laws and regulations around the world. Iran, for example, has been criticized for denying fair public trials and limiting privacy, while Russia has been taken to task for undermining due process. Other countries have been condemned for the use of secret evidence and torture.

Even as we pass judgment on countries we consider unfree, Americans remain confident that any definition of a free nation must include their own — the land of free. Yet, the laws and practices of the land should shake that confidence. In the decade since Sept. 11, 2001, this country has comprehensively reduced civil liberties in the name of an expanded security state. The most recent example of this was the National Defense Authorization Act, signed Dec. 31, which allows for the indefinite detention of citizens. At what point does the reduction of individual rights in our country change how we define ourselves?

What IAEA reports about Iran’s nuclear energy/medicine, how US War Criminal 1% lie for war

hyperlinks live at source: http://www.examiner.com/nonpartisan-in-national/what-iaea-reports-on-iran-s-nuclear-energy-medicine-how-us-war-criminal-1-lie

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in their inspection role for compliance of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) has their November 2011 report in similar misleading language as their February 2010 report.

IAEA appears to be under the same political pressure to make a case for war on Iran that we witnessed before US armed attack of Iraq. US corporate media and US political “leadership” will not remind Americans that the US eliminated the UN agency director who would have resolved concerns of alleged Iraq weapons:   

The Big Lie: 6th Most Controversial Comic Book of 2011

Truth Be Told Comics Jan 15, 2012

The Big Lie has been awarded a 6th place standing in the most controversial comic books of 2011!

The 11th Annual Rumour Awards, presented by Bleeding Cool, has named The Big Lie as the only title from Image Comics to make the list for most controversial comics of 2011.

DHS monitoring of social media concerns civil liberties advocates

Washington Post
By Ellen Nakashima, Published: January 13

Civil liberties advocates are raising concerns that the Department of Homeland Security’s three-year-old practice of monitoring social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter could extend to tracking public reaction to news events and reports that “reflect adversely” on the U.S. government.

The activists, who obtained DHS documents through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, say one document in particular, a February 2010 analyst handbook, touts as a good example of “capturing public reaction” the monitoring of Facebook and other sites for public sentiment about the possible transfer of Guantanamo detainees to a Michigan prison.

Spotlight on Building 7 - Mini-doc Airing Nationally on National Public Television

[Update]: The program did well, airing 678 times in 32% of all U.S. television households, reaching a gross audience of 2,731,200 viewers. .PDF file attached

A five minute version of the newly-released documentary, "Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7," is now showing on National Public Television stations across the United States. The mini-doc will run as part of the "Spotlight On" series of educational, short five minute programs that have been broadcasting nationally on Public Television for 19 years. *Narrated by Ed Asner.

Spotlight On: A Strong Alternative to Advertising. Public Awareness Programming.

- Guaranteed 500 National Airings on Public Television
- Guaranteed 3 Million Viewers
- Confirmed Nielson-based Monitoring Report
- Approximately 40%-60% airings in Prime Time

http://www.trivue.org - Architects and Engineers

Please report any airings you see to: MediaOutreach@AE911Truth.org

9/11 killed 1, injured 2 if US was a city of 100,000. US wars: CRIMINAL response

hyperlinks live at source: http://www.examiner.com/nonpartisan-in-national/9-11-killed-1-injured-2-if-us-was-a-city-of-100-000-us-wars-criminal-response

An analogy to understand US wars after 9/11 are Orwellian unlawful. Americans, especially US military, are under Oath to refuse and end them. The analogy has US, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran all within the US with populations of 100,000 to compare casualties.

You live in United City with a population of 100,000. On September 11, 2001, a “suicide” car driver downtown kills one person and injures two. Media and your mayor, Dick Tator, blame a “terrorist” who resides in Afghan City and demand extradition. The mayor of Afghan City expresses condolences, and agrees upon presentment of due process evidence. The FBI claim jurisdiction, and order cooperation to discover who committed this crime for arrest and prosecution. Dick Tator violates the FBI order with the following actions against Afghan City, nearby Tigres City, and Tehrangeles:

Analogy: US wars on Iraq, Iran as US criminal gangster “business”

hyperlinks live at source: http://www.examiner.com/nonpartisan-in-national/analogy-us-wars-on-iraq-iran-as-us-criminal-gangster-business

An analogy of US relations with Iraq and Iran (documentation of facts below):

“Uncle” Sam had a Machiavellian business history of 40 years with Saddam; a history that included transactions worth billions in profits. Sam helped Saddam attack Mahmoud from 1980-1988 after Mahmoud refused Sam’s control over his area of the business. Sam had previously overthrown Mahmoud’s control over business and profits from 1953-1979, making billions. After further complex history between Sam and Saddam, Saddam began selling product for currencies other than Sam’s.

Dr. Peter Dale Scott: An Example of Intellectual Courage and Outstanding Scholarship

Dr. Peter Dale Scott charcoal portrait

Dr. Peter Dale Scott's work has a major effect on many seeking a honest and realistic model that describes politics and hidden politics. He is the son of a notable intellectual family. His father F.R. Scott was the McGill Dean of Law and mentor of Pierre Trudeau who would go on to become Canada's Prime Minister. His mother, Marian Dale Scott was a Montreal painter. Peter Dale Scott was born on January 11, 1929. In Poland, during 1961, his work at the Canadian embassy involved reading cables from the International Control Commission policing the 1954 Geneva Accords dividing North and South Vietnam. He went on to teach at the University of California at Berkeley. He was an anti-war speaker during the Vietnam and U.S.-Iraq wars and he became the co-founder of the Peace and Conflict Studies Program at his university, and of the Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA). He is currently Professor Emeritus of English.