George W. Bush - Terrorist in the White House

A website with an incredible amount of information regarding 9/11 and other examples of state sponsored terror:

More Highly Credible Whistle Blowers Identifying Global 'Al-Qaeda' Terrorism as State Controlled

Interesting article about State Sponsored Terror:

During an interview for an Australian documentary, former Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid unequivocally fingered the Indonesian authorities as the true culprits behind the 2002 Bali bombings.

Wahid said the authorities were acting at the behest of Western intelligence agencies.

Other sources used for the documentary were adamant that there were no Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist groups in existence that were not controlled by intelligence agencies.

To get away with crimes, pretend to be a crime fighter

A shockingly blunt article by Eric Hufschmid, kind of a long read but worth it:

By Eric Hufschmid
11 Oct 2005

Most people think I am exaggerating when I tell them that the 9-11 "truth movement" is dominated by wolves in sheep's clothing.

Those of us who expose corruption actually face two problems:

# Convincing people that our government is corrupt beyond anything they dreamed possible

# Convincing people that most of the "truth seekers" are trying to cover up the corruption, or they are rival criminals trying to take over while Bush appears vulnerable.

Agent Reinstated After 9/11 Criticisms

His actions didn't warrant firing since he didn't profit from his actions. Where does that leave Cheney?

The Associated Press
Wednesday, October 19, 2005; 11:49 AM

CHICAGO -- The Justice Department ordered the FBI to reinstate a Chicago anti-terrorism agent who had faced possible dismissal for accusing the bureau of not doing enough to prevent the Sept. 11 attacks.

The FBI had suspended and was trying to fire Agent Robert G. Wright Jr. for alleged insubordination, unprofessional conduct and talking to the media without bureau approval.

"Able Danger" & 9/11 Foreknowledge

The ongoing coverup concerning the secret Able Danger operation provides further evidence that the "war on terror" is a farce.

There was nothing in outward appearance to draw attention to the four-bedroom apartment at 54 Marienstrasse. Nonetheless, the attention of the intelligence services of Germany, the U.S., Israel, and other Middle Eastern and European countries had been drawn to the nondescript flat in Hamburg, Germany, as early as 1998. That was when Mohammed Atta signed the lease and he and Ramzi bin al Shibh moved in. Soon thereafter, it was identified by intelligence agencies as a target of interest. It became known as the hub of al-Qaeda's "Hamburg Cell."

9/11 Panel Says Congress and White House Are Failing to Act

I guess the only way to hold people accountable for anything is to privately finance an investigation.

WASHINGTON, Oct. 18 - The members of the Sept. 11 commission will sharply criticize the Bush administration and Congress this week in a new, privately financed report expected to single out the F.B.I. as having failed to act on many of the panel's recommendations to protect the nation from terrorist attack, members of the bipartisan panel and its staff said.

9-11: Testimony: State Employees Got 9/11 Bonuses

NEW YORK (AP) - Some state employees reaped thousands of dollars worth of ‘‘bonuses’’ for their work after the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, a state official testified Monday.

Robert Ryan, who headed a state agency after being Gov. George Pataki’s campaign manager, said at an Assembly committee hearing that he increased his six-figure salary and the pay of all 14 of his employees with bonuses.

Leading Theologian Speaks Out On 9/11 in NYC

David Ray Griffin is a busy guy!!! This time in New York:

Even after four years, controversy over the events of 9/11 continues to surface in the news. We recently witnessed the honest questioning of the official account by a FDNY Muslim chaplain which gave rise to a storm of intolerance and deflection of any actual and legitimate inquiry into the official account of the attacks. Even more recent was the refusal by the CIA Director, Porter Goss, to investigate people within the agency who played key roles and should have acted on important information but didn’t.

Open Thread

It's been a while since we have had an open thread, what is new? Anyone get a copy of the Griffin speech in NY last weekend? How about the new advertisements for 'The Boondocks'?

Have at it.

D.C. Truth Emergency 9/11 Coverage - Video Download has posted a 36 minute long video of the event held in Washington D.C. July 22nd through the 24th, 2005.

You can find the download on their site here.

Here are a list of those appearing in this great video:

Webster Tarpley
Nafeez Ahmed
Jenna Orkin
Nick Levis
Jim Marrs
Charles Key
Les Jamieson
Peter Phillips
Peter Dale Scott
Dorothy Mackey
Gael Murphy
Paul Thompson
Dr. Robert Bowman

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