The Untold Story of the Woolworth Building Incidents on 9-11-01

Interesting quotes, follow the link for more information. Warning, its a huge page, takes a while to come up:

"Someone had fired missiles at the World Trade Center's north tower from atop the nearby Woolworth Building."

"...we just had a second explosion, possibly a missile from the roof of the Woolworth Building."

"They're shooting at the Trade Center from the Woolworth Building."

"The first one they think was a guy shooting the missiles off the Woolworth Building."

"Woolworth Building! They're firing missiles from Woolworth Building!"

Murphy's Law & 911

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." ~ Arthur Conan Doyle

As a testimony to a couple of legendary but fictional detectives, I once wrote a pair of Internet essays called "Detective Columbo Asks: Was 911 An Inside Job?" and another entitled, "Sherlock Holmes & 911...The ULTIMATE Unsolved Mystery." Just imagine the conversation detective Columbo might have had with Watson and Holmes, as that trio stared at the pile of wreckage in the weeks after 911.

The Howard 100 News Wants To Hear From You

You heard it folks, they want to hear from us, so have your say. While some may not approve of Howard Stern, he is a pretty good example of someone who can admit when they were wrong regarding Bush and the war. These days you can hear him talk about the need to get out of Iraq immediately.

Lately he has also been mentioning global warming and also has a link on his website promoting alternative fuels, citing the need to lessen our dependence on oil. Thanks to his girlfriend, he has also been mentioning the plight of homeless animals quite a bit too.

And occasionally, 9/11 truth slips out on his show, thats where I was initially exposed to the truth a little over a year ago. I frequently send emails to them hoping that one day they'll end up on their news segments. Now we have another method:

Suspicious Planes Tracked Over Western Canada

I just discovered this yesterday, and it may be nothing, but thought I'd post it to help all the researchers out there. This is something I had never heard about until now, is anyone else aware of this report or have any idea how it was resolved?:

Aired September 12, 2001 - 09:30 ET
MILES O'BRIEN, CNN ANCHOR: Let's turn to David Ensor, who is in our Washington bureau, with a bit of breaking news -- David.

Reopen911 Video Available Online

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It looks kind of small, so its probably only a small part of the entire video. If you want the entire video for free, request it here.

Prof. Jones Talks to Arctic Beacon

Prim, proper and Republican-looking BYU professor crosses into uncharted 9/11 truth waters. Bush attack dogs lurking around every corner. Watch your back, professor!

By Greg Szymanski

The story of the day in the 9/11 truth world is the prim, proper and conservative-looking BYU physics professor, coming out of the closet with a 19 page report about how the WTC buildings, defying laws of gravity, most likely collapsed due to “pre-positioned explosives.”

Professor Steven A. Jones’ highly provocative and scientifically researched report, concluded the government’s jet fuel theory was inconceivable due the nature of the freefall of the buildings, the towers falling in a matter of seconds within their own footprints exactly like a controlled demolition.

Alex Jones interviews Steven Jones

Alex Jones interviewed Steven Jones, BYU professor who released an article arguing that demolition, not fires, brought down the towers. You can find the previous article on Steven Jones here

Alex Jones and Steven Jones Interview (MP3 - 4.5mb)

Al-Zarqawi myth U.S.'s own creation

Wow, lots to post today!! These are exciting times, this thing is hopefully hurtling towards its conclusion. Thanks again to Jon Gold.

Edit: Check out this story on Jon's BB where he includes tons of additional information:

WASHINGTON -- The United States created the myth around Iraq insurgency leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and reality followed, terrorism expert Loretta Napoleoni said.

Action Item: demand New York Newsday give a fair hearing to 9/11 skepticism!

Thanks to Jon Gold for this. Sounds like we're having an impact, send in your emails everyone!!!

Your letter to can help tip the balance!

Read on... and forward freely!

"Your article would have been much more beneficial to your readers if it had examined the specific reasons that many ordinary, respectable people have questions about the cause and motives behind the tragedy."
- Ellis Baumel, Newsday reader, Nov 10

"It seems to me that we really haven't a choice in believing or disbelieving '9/11 conspiracy theories' in general, but rather which conspiracy theory to believe, including the 'official' conspiracy promulgated by the Bush administration and the 9/11 Commission. Indeed, there was a conspiracy. I've yet to meet anyone who proposes that all four planes hijacked themselves that morning... I'm sorry to say the official version is presented to us by a most dubious source..."

Mike Malloy Discusses Steven Jones

Thanks to Maddog for this. It starts about a quarter of the way through: