Spreading the word, a special thanks to donators and contributers

i have been amazed at the support this site has received in so many different ways.. first, donations have reached ~$350. second, this site has been mentioned all over the web. i wanted to give a very heartfelt thankyou for all those who have donated and to those who have helped spread word of this blog over the last week or two..

starting tommorrow (assuming my ads are accepted) 911blogger.com will be running ads spreading the word of David Ray Griffin's recent appearance on CSPAN, and its upcoming replay on BookTV.. the following ad will link directly to the topic 'Proper Release of Griffin in Madison':

Watch respected theologian
David Ray Griffin on CSPAN
Saturday May 7th at 2:30pm
EST. This is the first time a
serious look at 9/11 has been
offered on US television.

Blogging 9/11 Related News.
Ask questions, demand
answers. Don't expect the
mainstream media to inform

this ad will run on the following sites:

Current Ads
   website - visitors/day - cost/week - status
   crooksandliars.com - 151,901 - $40.00 - Currently Running
   bradblog.com - 43,703 - $60.00 - Currently Running
   bartcop.com - 109,783 - $90.00 - Currently Running
   politicalwire.com - 136,891 - $75.00 - Currently Running
   Totals: - 442,278 ad views/day - $225.00

thats ~442,278 people who will see this ad every day for the next 7 days..

donations to this site are very important to help cover the massive bandwidth we are sending out of Griffin's speech and any advertising like this i do.. but at the same time the researchers of 9/11, and the major 9/11 related sites are made up of people who have dedicated months and years to 9/11.. it is important for me to make sure that those who donate here understand that donating to the researchers is very important, i can only hope to spread their word as an activist for awareness.

a call to all 9/11 'truthers'
this is a call to all 9/11 activists to write and publish new well referenced articles that i can link on this blog to help those new to 9/11 related research.. since i blog 9/11 related alternative news i am nothing without the work of other researchers and activists.. the more new articles on 9/11 published, the more i can spread that news to those new to the subject.. keep up the good work, and please contact me if you have any concerns.

EDIT: i cant wait to see what the bandwidth usage is tommorrow.. sending out 124GB+ of Griffin's speech is a great accomplishment :)

EDIT: please let me know of any blogs using blogads that you might suggest.. also, please spread this ad anywhere and everywhere you can.. in open threads, in comments, on forums.. you can find great text to use here.. make sure this CSPAN broadcast gets watched!

Hey Great job. Maybe it

Great job.

Maybe it would be an idea to consider advertising on blogs/websites that aren´t already (to a degree) sympathetic to the cause? We need to 'enlighten' a lot of new people too?

Peter Kofod, Denmark

oh, and maybe it would be

oh, and maybe it would be good to state that it´s CSpan2.... which it is... isn´t it?




Here you will find hi-resolution video of the (obvious) demolition of World Trade Center Seven and of the (less obvious) demolition of the Towers. The Naudet brothers stunning footage of the first plane hitting the North tower is also presented (at least one of the brothers quite clearly knew the first aircraft was about to hit the North Tower) together with less well known footage of the first plane hitting the tower, accidently caught by someone filming, while waiting in traffic.

If you are using Windows Media Player you need the DivX3.11a codec plug-in (many non-Microsoft movie players come standard with the codecs necessary to play DivX movies (eg Mplayer for Linux)).

If you do not already have it, you can find it here:


The files from public.planetmirror.com are bit for bit the same (I checked) as those I have had on my system for years (with no harmful effects). You unzip the files and double click on Register_DivX.exe

If you wish to learn about DivX movies, in particular, why they sometimes play upside-down, read this thread:



Here HiRes (high resolution) video means video recorded with the DivX3.11a codec with the (variable) bitrate set to 6000 and crispness/smoothness set to 100. The HiRes videos are much larger files than necessary for good viewing. They are meant to convey as much of the original detail as possible.


The First Plane Hitting The North Tower (13 MB HiRes Codec: DivX3.11a 692x408) Copy.
Video taken while waiting to enter the Brooklyn Tunnel (0.8 MB Codec: DivX3.11a 360x240).


Plane Hitting South Tower. View from south (10 MB HiRes Codec: DivX3.11a 692x472) Copy.
View from north-east (4.9 MB HiRes Codec: DivX3.11a 716x480) Copy.
View from north (13 MB HiRes Codec: DivX3.11a 692x472) Copy.
View from east (1.2 MB HiRes Codec: DivX3.11a 692x356) Copy.
Close view from east (1.3 MB HiRes Codec: DivX3.11a 692x356) Includes the "911 In Plane Site" flash. Copy.
Another view from north (0.8 MB HiRes Codec: DivX3.11a 692x356) Copy.
Short view from north-east (1.2 MB HiRes Codec: DivX3.11a 696x472) Copy.
Longer view from north-east (2.8 MB HiRes Codec: DivX3.11a 716x480) Copy.


Video one of the WTC North Tower demolition (2 MB HiRes Codec: DivX3.11a 492x408) Copy.
Video two of the WTC North Tower demolition (5.6 MB HiRes Codec: DivX3.11a 716x480).
Video three of the WTC North Tower demolition (0.5 MB HiRes Codec: DivX3.11a 676x408).
Video four of the WTC North Tower demolition (13 MB HiRes Codec: DivX3.11a 692x472) Copy.
Premature Detonations in North Tower Demolition. (4.8 MB Codec: DivX3.11a 692x472).
North Tower Premature Detonations (