Upcoming Rally in NYC for WTC7 #2 Opening

During the events in NYC on 9/11 there was mention about the next major rally that will take place in NYC. The next rally will occur in November when the new WTC7 building is opened to the public. Apparently Silverstein will be there, and it will be a good time to question his 'pull' comments and the events surrounding the first WTC7. When I find out the exact dates I will be sure to update this thread.

On a side note, here is an interesting article mentioning Silverstein from today:
Sharon raised illegal campaign funds in New York

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon raised illegal campaign funds during his just-completed trip to New York, Channel Ten reported Monday.
Channel 10 showed footage of the entrance to a swanky Fifth Avenue apartment building in Manhattan, where Sharon met wealthy supporters for dinner on Sunday evening.
Channel Ten interviewed real estate magnate Larry Silverstein in the building lobby after the dinner. He described Sharon as "extraordinary. The man is brilliant, enormous energy, great conviction, tremendous courage, and we applaud him for what he has done." Asked if Sharon thanked him for his contribution. Silverstein said, "No, but not necessary. We're here to support the man."

Boycott Silverstein

Boycott Silverstein Properties!

Please join this boycott by adding the link above
(or the gif inside) to your website if you have one.

It's an opportunity for all of us 9/11 skeptics to
come together and put pressure on Larry Silverstein
to answer what he meant by his "pull it" comment in
referring to the implosion of the WTC 7.


slimy Silverstein should be

slimy Silverstein should be hung from a lampost for complicity in nearly 3 thousand deaths.