'The Great Conspiracy' Documentary via Google Video Search

Barrie Zwicker's The Great Conspiracy - The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw is available through Google's video search. The quality is pretty high, and it appears to be the full length.

You can watch it here.

Be sure to check it out if you haven't before, and do some searches for other 9/11 videos as well.

Thanks Barry for the heads up!

Wow, nice. I didn't know

Wow, nice. I didn't know google had videos. Just did a quick search to see if they have "The Power of Nightmares" and YES, they do!


This is highly recommended. It was broadcast on BBC in 3 parts a year ago, and documents how Al Qaeda is NOT a huge organization with sleeper cells in 60 countries. And, even though the documentary doesn't take a stand on 9/11 per se, it's obvious that Adam Curtis, the filmmaker, is implying that the official story of 9/11 is bogus.

This is an amazing series that's one of my favorite documentaries of ALL TIME. Artfully done, with great music (some old Brian Eno tracks include) and fascinating collages of archival film. Highly recommended.

The Alex Jones videos are

The Alex Jones videos are also available from Google Video.

"The Power of Nightmares" is

"The Power of Nightmares" is also here:

If you look at my Homepage

If you look at my Homepage URL ...

You can download almost any

You can download almost any 9/11 video you want on kazaa file sharing. I downloaded almost every Alex Jones vid there. I also got "Power of Nightmares" there. (three parts) Also a lot of vids on the Kennedy murder.

maddog, good looking'

maddog, good looking' out.

If I might suggest, William Cooper will keep you occupied for awhile.

If anyone is interested in

If anyone is interested in 9/11 audios (mp3's) check out this url http://911verses.com/911/underground/ Some pretty good stuff.

just saw on my access

just saw on my access channel 29 in SF parts of 911 In Plane Site, sponsored by the 911 Truth alliance. The 30 min spot is titles "9-11 Cover-up"

i had never seen it before but apparently it is on every monday night at 11:30pm. i am not sure if they show other videos...will have to wait for next week.

anyone else see something like this on local access cable in your area?

ahk, plane site did that

ahk, plane site did that segment on the pod right?

Do you think I can find a

Do you think I can find a video call " This Divided State". It's about people trying to get Michael Moore to come to there school.

I recommend everyone watch

I recommend everyone watch Barrie's movie...

ahk, plane site did that

ahk, plane site did that segment on the pod right?

only caught the last 10 minutes, so not sure which part they were showing, other than going over the lack of plane material at the pentagon at the end...but yeah, i think In Plane Site does do the pod theory.

and not sure if other material will be used, like the griffin speech from CSPAN they have posted on their website....like I said, will have to wait until next monday to find out.

but seeing this info through

but seeing this info through the cable box rather than on the DVD is highly encouraging.


I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THIS MADE INTO A SHORTENED, MTV-STYLE VERSION, WITH ZWICKER'S VOICE REPLACED BY A DEEP, FORBODING NARRATOR (his style just doesn't give you a sense of the seriousness of the subject)...ala "PENTAGON STRIKE" VIDEO. http://www.pentagonstrike.co.uk/pentagon.swf

I called to order the video

I called to order the video and was amazed to have the call answered by Barry. I feel bad as I kept him on the phone for a while and away from his breakfast. But the conversation was absolutely enjoyable and reassuring.

When did you talk to him?

When did you talk to him? As far as I know, he's secluded himself far far away cause he's writing a book?


Jon: I'm sure he's just

Jon: I'm sure he's just avoiding you.

Ha... Ha...

Ha... Ha...

No... I know Barrie answers

No... I know Barrie answers the phone, so I don't question runnaround... but I was told last night that he's writing a book, and has secluded himself from the world...