Open Thread

Been getting a lot of duplicate submissions in email today, so if there is something I haven't covered, or you want to bring back up, post away!

On a side note, quick questionnaire..

1) Would outbound advertisements (ads between here and the linked page) be worth the hassle if they provided a decent contribution to us running future ads?

2) If I helped host a screening of LC2E and 9/11 Eyewitness in Atlanta in the next 2 weeks would anyone here be in the area to attend?

Have at it.

1) Would outbound

1) Would outbound advertisements (ads between here and the linked page) be worth the hassle if they provided a decent contribution to us running future ads?

I don't think so. Personally I think it's a nuisance, and just bypass the advertisent without looking at it anyway.

Jimmy Walter and E.

Jimmy Walter and E. Hufschmid (and a 3rd guest) were on Greg Syzmanski's radio show today, 12/7, talking about their "New Pearl Harbor" event in FL this week. Audio links:

I have no objections to

I have no objections to advertisements, and even if I did, I value your time and contributions, and if advertisements can help defray your costs, I'm all for it.

Just don't accept any advertising dollars from the military industrial complex, Jeb Bush for President '08 Committee, or any oil companies, otherwise I'll scream. :-)

Just don't accept any

Just don't accept any advertising dollars from the military industrial complex, Jeb Bush for President '08 Committee, or any oil companies, otherwise I'll scream.
sl | 12.08.05 - 2:00 am | #

and i'll just go to for my information.

no seriously, ads in between link clicks probably wouldn't matter either way. i've trained my eyes to avoid looking at them until i can click forward.

maybe there is a way to keep costs lower than now, like everyone here helping to host stuff instead of putting the cost on all your shoulders....i'm trying to think more democratically or open source.

but hey, by all means do what you gotta do. i will make my daily trips here regardless.


I'm from upstate GA (Canton

I'm from upstate GA (Canton area), and may be interested in going to a screening of LC2E. Have a pretty screwy schedule though, so it depends on that...



Michael Moore actually has

Michael Moore actually has as the link of the week PNAC with the text below it:
"The process of creating tomorrow's dominant force "is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor." -- PNAC, September, 2000"

Interesting. I believe it was in Martial Law that Alex Jones asked MM why he didn't bring up any hardcore 9/11 issues like Norad stand down orders. Mikey replied "That would be considered un-american".
My personal opinion on Fahrenheit 9/11 was that it was too tame..

thanks for the opinions.. as

thanks for the opinions.. as for costs, the hosting/bandwidth is no longer an issues after switching hosts last month..

my main costs right now are in search keywords.. typically around $90 a month, although i upped it to about $200 last month to try to capture everyone searching for steven jones..

im not sure what type of revenue it would pull in.. if it wasnt at least $50 a month then i would take them down.. just thought about doing a trial run to see if they bring in any real revenue or not.. i don't want to have any ads like that unless they are worth it..

If you are up late at night,

If you are up late at night, call in to Mike Malloy's radio show. He is 'Official Story' skeptical.

He could probably motivate some people to a screening in Georgia.

Mike believes that 9/11 was

Mike believes that 9/11 was an inside job by the Bush Crime family. I've heard him say it several times. He had Mike Ruppert on and David Ray Griffin. I think we should try to convince Maureen Dowd to get in on this. She is sufficiently poed at the Cheney/Bush whitehouse.

Anyone in Chicago want to come see the film. I'm thinking about renting the party room in my building and having a viewing and discussion.


reprehensor, good point


good point about malloy, he is in atlanta i think.. atlanta really needs to step up to the plate as a southeast hub for 9/11..

Malloy broadcasts from

Malloy broadcasts from Atlanta. He is definitely MIHOP. I have never heard him interview Ruppert or Griffin although he mentioned he would like to interview Griffin. I doubt if Air America would ever let that happen. A while back he devoted his entire show to 9/11 truth. One of the founders of Air America was on the show with him to "muzzle" him. It didn't work. It's hard to keep Mike in check. How he holds his job is beyond me. If you do call in he will let you talk 9/11 truth all you want. He is definitely one of us.

i must hear Mike Malloy if

i must hear Mike Malloy if he is as honest about 9/11 as you say he is. is he on Sirius radio?

I don't know about Sirius

I don't know about Sirius but he is part of the late nite stream available on the net everyday:

Malloy doesn't talk about 9/11 everyday but he is at least willing to contemplate non-official theory, and talk about it on the radio if it's argued logically.

He shuts down trolls faster than a duck on a junebug.

you gotta pay thr bills in

you gotta pay thr bills in this world.

so, have you guys all seen

so, have you guys all seen this?::
it's an animation of the precision of the flightpaths of the highjacked 911 planes ~ choreography that the bolshoi would be proud of ~

Ed: I might be down for a

Ed: I might be down for a screening of Loose Change 2 in Chicago if other people are going to turn out for sure. I work 7 days a week so I would need a few weeks notice to get the time off for certain. Im out in Palatine. Where are you roundabout? Anyone else in the area reading this? Intoduce yourself. Id really like to see this site used for more networking. I love the comment section but its usually the same characters most of the time. dz: You should do a thread sometime inviteing people on this site to introduce themselves in the comment section. Maybe like whats your name, age, location (roundabout vague idea whereabouts for you paranoids out there), how and when did you learn about THE BIG LIE, occupation,etc. Im just curious about people who frequent this site. Maybe this could lead to people hooking up and doing a little more than hideing inside browseing this site. Just an idea.