Open Thread

There are a ton of people out there now seeding the 700mb DiVX of Jones's lecture thanks to the guys from You can find the link to grab the torrent file from their site, or you can grab it here.

We will be hosting a smaller WMV format of this video possibly as early as this evening. If you want the original 700mb DiVX grab the torrent and get to downloading.

Open thread, have at it!

I got my copy... will watch

I got my copy... will watch it tonight.

FYI... this is the week of

FYI... this is the week of the 11th... Citizens' Counter Coup time...

Neither your link or the 911

Neither your link or the 911 truthseekers links worked for me. It is important to make access for the public as easy as possible. Your link resulted in a bunch of squares and symbols and odd ball letters. The 911 truthseeker links resulted in "this page cannot be displayed." I can imagine that there are people out there who might not want this video generally available.

Bush to say terrorist attack

Sandy, the link is to a


the link is to a .torrent file, which you then use in bittorrent to download from other users with the file.. we will be hosting the video directly later this evening, so if you arent familiar with how to use .torrent files then just check back later this evening or tommmorrow.

Last night on the Mike

Last night on the Mike Malloy show he opened by pushing Loose Change Two really hard. Obviously the vid made a huge impression on him. He was saying people are buying them by the spindle and handing them out. Good work Dylan!!!!! Your the MAN!!! I plain to burn copies and hand them out at our next 9/11truth function later this month. I am also downloading the Steven Jones vid and will do the same. I urge others to follow suit. Lets go on the attack. It is time to end the Bush madness.

i completely agree maddog..

i completely agree maddog.. any time a new dvd or presentation comes out we have to push it hard.. especially once the clips are up on the web for download.. we will be running a blogad next week for people to watch jones's presentation.. people are much more apt to watch something than read everything.. ;)

as for LC2E, Dylan said on his blog last week that some distributer in europe wanted to make 10,000 copies to distribute for free and wanted to make sure that was ok.. thats freakin sweet.

Check out this garbage.

Check out this garbage.

Looks like Bush is getting desperate.

DSM -- I just heard that

DSM -- I just heard that story on CNN. The anchor said the President referred to the tallest building on the west coast as the Liberty Tower. However, there is no "Liberty Tower" in L.A. He was probably referring to the Library Tower ... Groan.

I believe him! ;) Reminds me

I believe him! ;)

Reminds me of Australia 'foiling' their terrorist plot as well.

The timing couldn't be better.

Even LA mayor never heard of

Even LA mayor never heard of it.

But I think these "suspicions" surfaced from time to time, everytime they "needed" such things.

Boy, what a coincidence...

They got the information

They got the information from KSM. Like every other lie they got from KSM.

"He said that Khalid Sheik

"He said that Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks who was captured in 2003, had already begun planning the West Coast operation in October, just after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks."

Of course, we can't ask KSM

Of course, we can't ask KSM because he's disappeared within U.S. custody.

You would think the

You would think the "mastermind" behind the attacks of 9/11 would be made to account for his actions... nah... not in Nazi America.

You know... the

You know... the terrorists... ehem, I mean the communists flew airplanes into the WTC... ehem... burned down the Reichstag so Bush could take over the world... ehem... Hitler could take over the world.

Actually Jon, communists are

Actually Jon, communists are people who question the official accounts of 9/11.

I wonder if i'm not the only one who's been called a communist as of late :)

Trailers for George

Trailers for George Clooney's recent flick about the 1950's McCarthy commie-hunt

Good Night, And Good Luck | Trailer Page

Flashback http://www.vermontg


"Terror alerts conveniently timed"

KSM is the go-to-guy when

KSM is the go-to-guy when you need to scare the public into supporting works every time.funny how the mayor of L.A. had no fucking clue about this.lets hope he fights hard on this one,i dont even know who the hell he is to be honest,but it would be nice if the mayor challenged this know we cant count on the national democrats to call bullshit.

add this to Keith Olbermanns

add this to Keith Olbermanns Nexus of Politics and Terror(best cable news segment ever) list of conveniently timed terror threats.........

here is how you can grab a

here is how you can grab a DVD of Jones's presentation:

Mail us a self-addressed DVD mailer with adequate return postage, and a $5 check payable to UVSC to:
Utah Valley State College Studios and Engineering Mailstop 264
800 West University Parkway
Orem, UT 84058
Re: Steven Jones DVD

anybody wanna help me spread

anybody wanna help me spread some truth over at im going at it with a guy named Stephen in the "Jonah gets one right" thread. hes using the classic government lines,here is one of his comments:I think conspiracies for the most part don't exist for the same reason that criminal law DEPENDS on people ratting each other out. We're not good at being organized and keeping quiet. Also we're prone to develop very complex systems that are designed to do one thing well but are poorly adapted to handle threats outside of a very narrow set of design parameters. Air defence systems are designed to defend against a military threat from outside not civilian airliners in the US, for example. That's why cops do policing and the FBI does not.
Stephen | 02.09.06 - 6:30 pm | #
nuff said.

that same tired "someone

that same tired "someone would run to the press if it was true" bullshit.

I thought it was the space

I thought it was the space aliens.
Stephen | 02.09.06 - 5:56 pm | #
as you can see, somebody needs an ass whuppin.

There's a couple of 911

There's a couple of 911 threads in progress over at if anyone feels like arguing.

It's been the news about Scholarsfor and Loos Change 2 that has re-sparked a heated exchange over there.

Podcasts are the only way to

Podcasts are the only way to go on this. We need to get podcasts out on this stuff. We need volunteers to help get this podcast thing going. The scholar's site has a "zero" rating in Google at the current time indicating hardly anyone is visiting it.

This whole effort will prove fruitless unless the information gets out to the masses somehow. Only then will it be worth the time. Otherwise, the alternate reality of the Bush Administration will reign forever.

i like to stick to

i like to stick to mainstream blogs to spread the truth rather than preaching to the converted.i usually go to C&L.lots of close minded liberals and conservatives over there that need some truth slapped into them.......

Get people to watch Loose

Get people to watch Loose Change. Its posted on my homepage if you wish to send the link to anyone.

Cheryl, We have a group of 4


We have a group of 4 or 5 people working together on a new 9/11 podcast site right now, if you (or anyone else) wants to help please contact somebigguy directly. we should have some sort of announcement for it this month.

also, a 260mb WMV is uploading now, i will post a thread for it when it is done, which should be approx 10:30 - 11:00PM EST.

The Professional: No, I

The Professional: No, I haven't been called a Commie recently, but just the other day, someone called me a Democratic baby killer! It must have been my anti-Bush and 9/11 Truth stickers, because I don't even identify with the Democrats now that I removed my Kerry sticker. I should have reminded him that Bush has killed more babies than I have (none). I just threw a Deception Dollar at the guy as I sped out of the parking lot. The guy was a little too threatening, but I couldn't stop laughing once I made my getaway. I've been driving around with the stickers for a year and a half, and this was the first such incident. I still get more thumbs up than fingers.

i allways give the thumbs up

i allways give the thumbs up when i see 911 truth stickers... its nice to see people on the street that know the truth...

i have yet to see a car with

i have yet to see a car with a 9/11 truth sticker.too bad i dont have a car,hahaha.sigh.

Carl Nelson quote: There's a

Carl Nelson quote:
There's a couple of 911 threads in progress over at if anyone feels like arguing. fortopic1...topic17253.html fortopic1...topic17165.html

It's been the news about Scholarsfor and Loos Change 2 that has re-sparked a heated exchange over there.
Carl Nelson

Carl, thanks for the links! I registered and am "educating" the Peak Oilers...

i just got this bumper

i just got this bumper sticker for my car: "Bombs Blew Up The Towers"
i'm pretty happy with it

if anyone would like to help

if anyone would like to help me out with these bozos, feel free:

Thanks for the direct

Thanks for the direct torrent link.

Will watch it tonight.

Already shared 8 copies in 24 hours.