9/11 Skepticism Continues to Gain Ground on Daily Kos

ABLE DANGER and the 9/11 Whitewash

This goes way beyond partisan politics. This about a defense establishment that will not come clean about what happened on 9/11, from the history of the "Af[g]han Arabs" to overlapping Intelligence operations that shared different agendas.

It's time to accept the fact that the 9/11 Commission crafted a political document in the "Final Report". It is clearly not a reference volume for serious research regarding the events of 9/11.

The omission of AD [Able Danger] from the Final Report is but one in a long list of items that didn't fit the narrative the Commission sought to cobble together.

This article by reprehensor focuses on the recent Able Danger hearings while undermining the credibility of the 9/11 Commission Report. This is the second 9/11 related dairy post on Daily Kos that I have been sent in recent weeks. Taking a simple glance over the comments left by other Daily Kos members shows that the amount of 9/11 skepticism in the left wing is rapidly increasing. It wasn't 6 months ago that members on Daily Kos considered the subject of 9/11 as too taboo, but now it seems everyone smells the stink surrounding the events of 9/11.

If your a Daily Kos member swing by and post some comments, just be sure they are well referenced.

Thanks reprehensor!

Hey guys. This is so cool.

Hey guys. This is so cool. Arab stations are talking about 9/11 truths i think. Go to you tube and look up 'Bush" and someone has posted an interview which they say (since they dont know anything about 9/11 i think) is crazy!!! Take a look. It's pretty exciting if what I saw is what I think I saw.

nemo Your post is written

nemo Your post is written poorly.....

"Go to you tube and look up 'Bush" and someone has posted an interview which they say (since they dont know anything about 9/11 i think) is crazy!!!"

Can you explain what the heck you are talking about?

Able Danger has legs. It's

Able Danger has legs. It's topical, it's current, and people know what you are talking about. It's a good opener. Mohammed Atta was identified thirteen times before 9/11. Eleven warnings from foreign intelligence agencies and 55 (54?) warnings from the FAA. Not to mention the Aug. 6, 2001 PDB: Osama Determined to Strike in the U.S. (a case for dereliction of duty on it's own merit). I could go on.

Two more reasons why Abel

Two more reasons why Abel Danger is important:

-We want the investigation re-opened, and right now this is the only part of 9-11 that is the subject of investigation in the Congress. It's an opening that can be enlarged if we apply enough pressure.

-The right, or at least part of it, supports Curt Weldon and wants to find out why this information was ignored, why the 9/11 Commission lied, and why the whistleblowers are being punished. Maybe some of them think it will land on Clinton's doorstep, but so what? Clinton may or may not have been part of the plot. I kind of doubt it but either way we want the truth uncovered. Some on the right feel the same way, let's make common cause with them and let the chips fall where they may.

I've been cross-posting on

I've been cross-posting on DU (Democratic Underground) as well.

The ABLE DANGER post has lived and breathed in the "General Discussion" forum for over 24hrs now, which is practically a record.

For about a year and a half, DU has relegated 9/11 posts to the "Dungeon" a side-forum that gets no public traffic, because anything you post in there does not show up as a "new thread".

To date; 50 votes for the "Greatest" page, which draws more attention to the post, and more comments.

It's a miracle.



Randy, you said: "Mohammed

Randy, you said:

"Mohammed Atta was identified thirteen times before 9/11. Eleven warnings from foreign intelligence agencies and 55 (54?) warnings from the FAA."

Do you have any references, sources etc for this stuff? Can you post them please? Thanks.

On YOU Tube, someone posted

On YOU Tube, someone posted an arab show talking about 9/11 truth. Just thought you might check it out but it is 2 months old. www.youtube.com
search for 'bush pilot'

Damien- Bob Graham, in his


Bob Graham, in his book Intelligence Matters, cites 12 specific times that the intelligence services could have stopped the "hijackers".

Along these lines, I was

Along these lines, I was struck by Sean Hannity's comment to Arianna Huffington, about those of us who can't seem to "get it" that this isn't pre-911 anymore.

That our thinking is "flawed" somehow, because we won't swallow that necessary pill, and have FAITH in BUSH, and 911.

And THAT is all I need to know we have been hoodwinked.


Or, you can see quite clearly, that nothing has changed, except the level of fascism from the usual suspects on the so-called "Right."