Comparing Nazi Germany to Modern Day America

Slicing away liberty: 1933 Germany, 2006 America

Just so nobody misunderstands what follows: I am not saying that George W. Bush is Adolph Hitler, or that the rest of his administration crew are Nazis. What I am saying is that since history often is opaque (making it difficult to figure out the contemporary parallels), when the past does offer a clear lesson for those of us living today, we should pay special attention.
The Enabling Mantra of 9/11

The Busheviks defend the administration's harsh, sweeping actions as necessary in a "time of war." The U.S. was attacked by forces representing fanatical Islam, this reasoning goes, and the old rules and systems simply don't apply anymore -- they are old-fashioned, "quaint." Instead, we are expected to inculcate the "everything-changed-on-9/11" mantra, the effect of which is to excuse and justify all. Defense of the fatherland comes first and foremost, trumping all other considerations, including the Constitution, checks-and-balances in the three branches of government, separation of powers, the Geneva Conventions, international law, etc. etc. (The Busheviks refuse to believe that one can be muscular in going after terrorists and do so within the law and with proper respect for the Bill of Rights and Constitutional protections of due process.)

Not only do the Busheviks pay no attention to modern history, but they seem to have forgotten how our very nation came into existence and why: Our Founding Fathers rebelled against a despotic British monarch, a George who ran roughshod over their rights and privacy and religious beliefs. Learning that hard lesson, they established a system of government that scattered power so that no person or party or religion could easily reinstate authoritarian rule. Politicians and citizens would have to compromise and cooperate in order to get anything done. It's a slow, cumbersome system ("Democracy," said Churchill, "is the worst form of government ever invented, except for all the others"), but the system they devised served this nation well for more than two centuries, making American government a model for much of the rest of the world.

And now, using the fear of terrorism as justification for all their actions, the Bush-Rove-Cheney-Rumsfeld crew within just a few years have moved America closer to a militarist, one-party state, led by a ruler in whom virtually all power is vested. In '30s Germany, this was called the Fuhrer Principe, the principle of blind obedience to the wise, all-powerful Supreme Leader. We've seen other such examples in Stalin's Soviet Union, Kim's North Korea, Mao's China, Saddam's Iraq, etc.
In the beginning of their rule, the Nazis would announce restrictive policies aimed at marginalized citizens (the mentally handicapped, for example), and if no great uproar or objection came from any power centers such as the churches or hospitals or political parties, the Nazis would proceed to the next slice aimed, say, at Communists or homosexuals or Jews or Gypsies. All of these moves were carefully couched in terms of saving the "national security" of the Reich or purging the country of "non-productive" or "destructive/dangerous" elements in society. The Nazi propaganda machine was clever, intense and all-pervasive, using the Big Lie technique masterfully -- endlessly repeating its falsehoods until the drummed-upon populace came to accept them as truths.
The "Enabling Act" that gave Hitler total control of the organs of power in Germany was passed in 1933, following the burning of the German Reichstag (Parliament), an arson that was blamed on Communist "terrorists." Hitler "temporarily" suspended civil liberties during this "national emergency," which of course never ended. Hitler lied to the Reichstag about his true intentions in order to obtain approval of the Enabling Act. Shortly after its passage, Hitler began rounding up tens of thousands of political enemies and sending them to concentration camps. Democracy was dead in Hitler's Germany.
The alleged "terror attacks" of 9/11/2001 served as the equivalent of the "Reichstag Fire" -- or, seen another way, as a "new Pearl Harbor," the phrase lifted from a 2000 PNAC document. The Bush administration's "Enabling Act" came in several key bills passed by Congress: the unread and barely-debated USAPATRIOT Act, which gave virtually unlimited police powers to the government in rooting out "terrorism," and the Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF), written so broadly as to give the "commander in chief" authority to take whatever unspecified actions he considered necessary against those responsible for 9/11. Attorney General Gonzales recently claimed that the AUMF, in conjunction with Article 2 of the Constitution, permits Bush to authorize both the torture of prisoners and spying on American citizens, without the need to seek any court warrants, thus overriding the Fourth Amendment and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act that states in no uncertain terms that ALL such eavesdropping requires court permission.
So, let's see: a Supreme Leader who has taken his country into blitzkrieg ("shock & awe") attacks on foreign nations, bogging down in an ill-advised invasion quagmire in Iraq; who has traded historic civil rights and liberties for defense of the fatherland; who has destroyed or rendered toothless his nominal opposition party; who has wrapped himself in the flag and questioned the patriotism of those who raise questions about his policies; who has engaged in a Big Lie propaganda strategy to move his agenda; who has demonized internal dissidents; who violates the law to get what he wants and claims that he serves a higher power in doing so; who has marginalized the other two branches of government; who effectively controls the voting process; and so on.
Bernard Weiner, Ph.D., has taught government & international relations at various universities, worked as a writer/editor with the San Francisco Chronicle, and currently co-edits The Crisis Papers. To comment, write

This is a very good article, and one that should be spread. While not directly discussing government involvement in 9/11, the article paints a very clear picture as to where we are heading.

Excellent article.

Excellent article.

Anyone ever read about

Anyone ever read about Mohammed Mossadegh

Like 1939 Germany, we are

Like 1939 Germany, we are attacking other countries based on lies!

I am not sure why he is

I am not sure why he is featured on this web site. Mr Weiner is a long time denier of 9/11 being an inside job and his web site will not run articles setting out the arguments of people such as Griffin, Jones or Tarpley.

One difference between 1930s

One difference between 1930s Germany and US today -- Bush (and Cheney) poll numbers are sinking. Did you see latest? Even had lower numbers on their conduct of the 'war on terror.' Don't know what Hitler's numbers were or would have been at the time, but I suspect they weren't as bad as Bush's latest.

Like 1939 Germany, we are

Like 1939 Germany, we are attacking other countries based on lies!

We are worse, we use debt as one of our most prominent weapons to seize control of other countries.

Like 1939 Germany, we are

Like 1939 Germany, we are attacking other countries based on lies!

We are worse still, we sacrifice the lives of american citizens so we can go to war to take away more lives.

The fact that he picks up on

The fact that he picks up on the 'time of war' phrase is not unimportant. Those words also appear in statutes providing extraordinary authority for the Secretary of the Treasury, with the President, over the banking system. The bald words of the law are really amazing.

Good article, but not

Good article, but not excellent IMHO.

Look at how it starts: "I must confess that I'm utterly baffled by the lack of sustained, organized outrage and opposition from Democratic officials".

Given that it only takes one counter-example to disprove a theory (say, the belief that Dems truly oppose Reps), one need study no further than the case of Prescott Bush to recognize that Dems didn't, and no further than the total non-reaction to GWB's incriminating 9/11 witness statements to recognize that Dems don't.

So if that author is baffled, he must not be much of a student of history or of 9/11.

Here is my favorite 9/11 truth song, David Rovics' Reichstag Fire.