Another Day, Another Open Thread

With the craziness of the last few days it has been near impossible to sort through everything, so post anything we have missed.

Here is a press release we missed today:
Spring Breakthrough for 9/11 Truth - Alex Jones, Webster Tarpley, and Charlie Sheen Splash on Mainstream TV - Total Print Media Blackout Continues

Also, there is a rumor that two other 9/11 folks might be on CNN tomorrow at 4pm. If this gets confirmed please let us know and we will be sure to help spread the word.

Update: Tonight, At 7pm EST On CNN Headline News' Showbiz Tonight - NY Senate Candidate and Author of "9/11: The Big Wedding" Sander Hicks, and actor Ed Asner.

Open thread, have at it!

The press release was

The press release was released through, which is a site where basically anyone can submit press releases that, if approved, will then spread around, and show up eventually on

Maybe the 9/11 truth movement should use these free press release submitting tools to send out information out there on a larger scale?

CNN or Headline News?

CNN or Headline News?

and did Fox mention

and did Fox mention anything? Did ANYONE mention anything?

Key 9/11 'Patsy Planner' was

Key 9/11 'Patsy Planner' was Triple Agent (ISI, American, and British Intelligence)

DHS - on Fox News' "Beltway

DHS - on Fox News' "Beltway Boys" this weekend (fred barnes and a moderate conservative), they mentioned sheen. It was a short 30 second segment where Barnes made some crack about a girl who was right to leave him. Then they just said how crazy he was.

What I found interesting about this was that they even took the time to "do" the story. While all they did was bash him, they still felt the need weaken his credibility. To me, it seemed like they know the shit's around the corner and they are trying to keep it in the closet for as long as possible.

Hey -- for people who are

Hey -- for people who are really interested in 911, I have a tip!

One place most people are not even looking at is the 911 FUND! Why is this important?

A compensation scheme for "no-fault" liability serves at least 2 purposes.
1. Effecient compensation
2. it effectively BARS all causes of action related to the fund. (security interest)

For example, workers compensation allows workers (supposedly) to quickly recieve compensation while disallowing them from suing the employer.

If someone can sue those related to 9/11 then all our problems will be solved! If discovery can be reached, we can effectively find the truth about 911 by the function of law. But the 911 fund basically disallowed liability against everyone: WTC owner and security services, airlines, government, air traffic control, the list goes on and on!

Therefore, we dont just need to get the message out. We need a fund to PAY LAWYERS where someone can somehow overcome the 911 fund and bring an action so that we can go to discovery. This should be the plan of attack.

and one more thing: thank

and one more thing:

thank God for democracy. I swear this whole Charlie Sheen thing hit the fan for those moronic media companies. Their credibility is worth a burrito after digestion.

84%!!!!! THAT IS ACROSS PARTISAN LINES, baby. This battle is not democrat vs. republican. This battle is the people vs. the military. In almost every history book I have, people like us would be tracked and killed. just want to let you know, this is unprecedented. without a shadow of doubt in my mind, the military must have been involved in 911. There would be no other way or reason that the "machine" could function, the big lie would be impossible unless the media was complicit in the militarys aid.

We all live in an illusion. the fact is, the government is everywhere and controls everything. im sure they have technologies beyond our understanding at their disposal. they must be using it. 500 billion a year buys more than any other organization can afford.

the military is the monster. it is allll about ends. by any means neccessary. people are fragile. the father of a 911 victim cannot even understand or imagine why the government would do such a thing. but this is not about an individual decision, this is a collective of people, like a corporation, which does not morally weigh the means to achieve and end. simple cost benefit analysis.

so always ask yourself who got the windfall. i think only 3 years of history will clearly show the cause.

Why do honest 911 truthers

Why do honest 911 truthers still tolerate the suppression/dismissal of government-lie-breaking evidence (the Naudet video "flash frame", the 5 Pentagon video frames, Bush's incriminating 9/11 witness statements, etc.) by the national (and other) misleaders of the supposed 911 truth movement?

Here's another good one that's overlooked/suppressed/dismissed by the wolves in sheepdog's clothing:

"Total Print Media Blackout

"Total Print Media Blackout Continues."

Why should the media cover your propaganda?

"they still felt the need

"they still felt the need weaken his credibility"

Does anyone here actually believe Sheen has any credibility to discuss scientific questions?

"Does anyone here actually

"Does anyone here actually believe Sheen has any credibility to discuss scientific questions?"

Sheen would like to see the Pentagon surveillance tapes.. that's a fair request isn't it?

"Total Print Media Blackout

"Total Print Media Blackout Continues."

Why should the media cover your propaganda?

The media already has covered this topic. Your definition of propaganda can be applied to just about anything the media broadcasts. Look it up in the dictionary.

Asking questions is not propaganda, however. It is the fundamental right in any democracy.

Are you so worried to question your leaders and their motives?

You don't think that media coverage of "Operation Iraqi Freedom" was propaganda?

Time for you to get educated, anonymous!

"Asking questions is not

"Asking questions is not propaganda, however. It is the fundamental right in any democracy."

Sure it is.

But not asking questions that have been repeatedly answered. And not making assertions that have been repeatedly debunked.

Do you understand the difference?

In that case, we have a right to point it out. Repeatedly.

Now when you come forth with a sizable number of the world's hundreds of thousands of structural engineers, physicists, forensic investigators protesting the various investigations on scientific grounds, we'll have reason to listen.

Until then, an actor repeating debunked nonsense to satify your politcal agenda does not cut the mustard with the vast majority of us devoted to the truth.

Charlie Sheen has more

Charlie Sheen has more credibility to discuss scientific questions than a creationist or other Biblical literalist, and as much as 99% of our scientifically illiterate Congress.

Every day the military is

Every day the military is engaged in special ops, covert ops, psy ops, and all manner of missions which are kept secret, many of which are absolutely illegal and most of which are conducted with no oversight, even by the useless Congress.

It's no stretch to suggest that they could be involved in an operation like 9/11 when we see from disgraces like Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo that there are some military personnel that will gladly carry out atrocities in order to get a paycheck or "protect national security."

And like in WWII, when thousands of people kept quiet about Operation Overlord and the Manhattan Project, and when propaganda warned us that "loose lips sink ships," I have no doubt that people conditioned to follow orders without question could be convinced to keep their mouths shut about 9/11. When you throw in threats against their lives, their careers, or their families, I think it's an open-and-shut case.

Zacharias Moussaoui

Zacharias Moussaoui continues to play his part in the drama; now he claims that both he and the "shoe bomber" were supposed to fly a jet into the White House.

From the craptastic USA Today:

Moussaoui acts out role as patsy

And Popular Mechanics is not

And Popular Mechanics is not a reasonable debunking nor does it answer the questions truthers have. So to say it's been 'repeatedly' debunked when all you mean is popular mechanics is foolish.

Harpers magazine I believe called the 9/11 commission a white wash. Are they all conspiracy 'kooks' too?

And there are many others. It's not really about Charlie Sheen at all. It's about truth and shining a light on a cover up.

i dont know why some here

i dont know why some here are so happy about that poll.

that was a very lame way to word the poll.
"do you think there was a coverup by the government?"

even I think there was. in the sense that our FBI dropped the balland was complacent and didnt want to admit it by showing they had a chance to stop it but didnt think somehting on this level would actually happen. of colurse alot of ameircans think there is a coverup.

if they had balls they would have worded it to what YUO GUYS believe.

do you think the government brainwashed saudi(not Iraqi no less)
to hijack and then slam planes into the WTC and set off demolishen charges to make them fall?

I think then you would see the polls come out alot different.

I also think you guys are

I also think you guys are too crazy about this "bombs to help knock down the WTC thing."

as though 2 planes slamming into it werent enough for us to start a war. since when? that would have been enough on its own.

oyu dont just fly jets into our towers in a civilian city and not be worthy of a all out attack by us anyways.

Glenn: If people were asked


If people were asked in a poll if they believed their government should use their tax dollars to support dictators overseas, what would the poll results show?

I'm guessing you would agree that the "Yes" responses would probably be 10% or less, and yet supporting dictators from Marcos to Suharto to Pinochet to Mousharref to Islam Karamov is standard operating policy for this government, under either party.

People want to believe the best of themselves, their children, their church, and even their government. To suggest that the government would not commit acts that we find abhorrent simply because it doesn't fit with our idealized image is intellectually dishonest.

Anonymous, Has Sheen asked


Has Sheen asked questions that have been repeatedly answered? Which questions and whom has answered them? Please research ?'s posed by the families of the victims of 9-11 addressed to the Kean commission that were simply ignored. You may feel a Hollywood actor can be rubbished but I would like to think that even you would agree that those who lost most on that awful day have a right to have their concerns about events on that day given some consideration by the "powers that be".

I am not a conspiracy theorist, and have not entered the debate until this moment, but if there is nothing to hide, what harm can a truly independent inquiry cause (as opposed to the Bush appointed, under funded, 9/11 Commission).


Oliver Stone new movie coming soon called World Trade Center

this may be old news to some of you guys but it was new to me. and i was also hurt, because as soon as i saw "World Trade Center" and "Oliver Stone" in the same sentence I swore this was going to be JFK II :0) but I was wrong :0( its about two port authority workers showing "courage and survival" and further perpetuates the idea that terrorist in the middle east brought down the towers.

i know i always sound pessismistic but this is the second multi-million dollar budget movie promoting "their propaganda" sometimes i dont even know why I, or we for that matter, even fight for people who dont want to acknowledge, see, or fight for themselves.


the fact there are rumours

the fact there are rumours about some of the hijackers with prositutes just shows that they werent brainwashed.

if you brainwash someone you brainwash them to be the cover story ie they are islamic militants.

you dont brainwash them to leave or be loose ends and engage in risky behaviour like picking up prosititues risking blowing the whole operation by them getting caught up in a freakin police vice sting which could have happened.

its all so much nonsense you have to explain away.

SBG... post the news!!!

SBG... post the news!!!

The fact that the alleged

The fact that the alleged Islamic militants were drinking and going to strip joints isn't a matter for skeptics to explain away; it undermines the official story, that crazy Islamic fundamentalists committed the 9/11 attacks as part of a holy jihad against the West.

No one came out after Eric Rudolph was caught and talked about how he was really a party animal; he really IS a religious wacko. So are many Islamic fundamentalists, like the Muslim Brotherhood. But for at least some of the alleged 9/11 conspirators, that doesn't appear to be the case.

Their incompetence and stupidity does, however, make them perfect candidates to be set up as patsies and scapegoats, especially for a government already dead-set on invading and occupying a part of the world dominated by Islamic Arabs.



O come on Glenn. Independent

O come on Glenn. Independent research showed that they weren't islamic radicals. It was the government and the MSM who said they were radical jihadists. You're logic makes no sense.

On an earlier point...two planes were enough to start a war. Our belief is that the Govt was behind the plan. If so, and we're right, are you saying it's okay that two hijacked planes hit those towers for political purposes? Your okay with murdering innocents? You seem to want to apologize for them.

You do raise a good point though. Why did they go one step further and knock down those towers? And building 7? What was housed in Building 7? And while you're busy questioning the fall of WTC7 (fires, etc. and that we are all full of it) please tell me why buildings 5 and 6 (which were hugely damaged and were simply shells of the original buildings) fell? Some fell, some didn't. All WTC buildings should have fall that day if the debunkers are right.

Let us know what you come up.

Articles on Rumsfeld?

Articles on Rumsfeld?

Get it uuuuuuuuuuuup!!!!

Get it uuuuuuuuuuuup!!!!

*jumping around frantically,

*jumping around frantically, waving arms in the air*

Get it uuuuuuuuuuuup...

Get it uuuuuuuuuuuup... Too

Get it uuuuuuuuuuuup...

Too easy.

Charlie Sheen for

Charlie Sheen for President!
We are fighting for the right thing - Truth and Freedom!
Regards from Good Old Europe,


"It requires a very unusual

"It requires a very unusual mind to make an analysis of the obvious."

Alfred North Whitehead

"Too easy." Well aware,

"Too easy."

Well aware, don't care.

But not asking questions

But not asking questions that have been repeatedly answered. And not making assertions that have been repeatedly debunked. - anonymous

what questions have been repeatedly answered? here's one that never seems to get answered:: why was the engine that plummeted to the street below from a 737 instead of a 767?
being a skeptic of the official fairytale, I can think of 2 legitimate answers to this, but since I am a skeptic I'm not required to have the answer. the authors of the official fairytale are. and they have not. - there are many many such questions that remain unanswered.

and assertions that have been repeatedly debunked - such as? many of the official assertions have been debunked yes - one such :: a 757 struck the pentagon - that has been debunked, yes -

there is absolutely no excuse for believing in the official 911 fairytale any longer - anyone who persists in such nonsense is either blind or knows that 911 was an inside job and believes that it was a good thing -

This was in todays Hartford

This was in todays Hartford Courant, letters to the Editor.

Sheen's Doubt Shared By Experts

In response to the March 25 Java column ["Brainless Actor Bloviates II"]:

The following, clearly not "brainless," professionals have come out publicly to express their informed belief that there was a controlled demolition of the World Trade Center towers and a government cover up of 9/11:

Col. Robert Bowman (former head of the Star Wars program during two administrations), Steven Jones (Brigham Young University physicist), Judy Wood (Clemson University professor of engineering), Paul Craig Roberts (father of "Reaganomics" and former government economist), Ray McGovern (former top CIA intelligence analyst) and Morgan Reynolds (former chief labor economist under President George W. Bush) among others. But this gets almost no news media coverage.

Then Charlie Sheen gives an interview on a fringe talk show, essentially reiterating the conclusions of these professionals, and The Courant blasts him in its gossip column about his personal weaknesses.

Brainless? No. I believe it's The Courant that is being spineless in refusing to fairly report on some uncomfortable but verifiable facts about 9/11. I hope this will change. We owe it to our country.

A great example of using the coverage of Charlie Sheen, to bring out a debate of the real issues. If you live in the Ct. area be sure to let them know of your support of the letter or write similar letters to your local media.

Sent this to AJ at Showbiz

Sent this to AJ at Showbiz tonight.

Hello AJ I just wanted to say thanks again for your coverage of 9/11. Also If you are looking for more celebs to speak out, I think you should have Jim Ward on your show. He is the co-host/voice guy of the Stephanie Miller show on Progressive Talk. He is quite funny and has been speaking up for years in his "Conspiracy Corner".

Like Sheen, I've yet to hear

Like Sheen, I've yet to hear a plausible excuse as to why Bush sat like a moron in that classroom after 2 planes had struck the WTC? The president of U.S.A. "sits out" an emergency like that??? He doesn't even want to question people about what's happening??? (Sure as hell looks, smells, & tastes like INSIDE JOB to me!)

For a reality check, here's what president Ronald Reagan did when space shuttle Challenger exploded (a far smaller catastrophe):

White House spokesman Larry Speakes said Vice President George Bush and national security adviser John Poindexter notified Reagan of the explosion during a meeting with top aides. The president interrupted the session and went immediately to his small study. "The president stood there in almost stunned silence as he watched the television, ...

Bush had tv & radio available nearby, yet he had no interest, no curiosity, in seeing what was happening??? The President of the U.S.A.??? BULLSHIT!!!

Wow, Sander Hicks and Ed

Wow, Sander Hicks and Ed Asner on Showbiz Tonight this evening?! Whoa, this is gonna be good. I respect them both. This is extremely good news because it's showing that more reputable people are willing to speak openly, and A.J. at Showbiz isn't being told to stop on this story.

Jon, your suggestions to Sander Hicks about those Sibel Edmonds quotes are excellent. He's a smart cookie so hopefully he'll make a lot of waves this evening. Keep up the great work, Jon.

Asner. Hicks. Showbiz

Asner. Hicks. Showbiz Tonight. Now that's what I'm talking about!

Here are the quotes

Here are the quotes CitizenKit is referring to. The first two have been verified by Sibel herself, and the last one is from a recent interview she did on the Alex Jones show.

Sibel Edmonds is the most gagged individual in history.

Do you think these quotes are a reason as to why?

"once this issue gets to be...investigated, you will be seeing certain [American] people that we know from this country standing trial; and they will be prosecuted criminally"

"There is direct evidence involving no more than ten American names that I recognized"

"The American Public Have Not Heard Who Is The Real Culprit Behind 9/11"

Sibel is a hero. Don't

Sibel is a hero. Don't anyone forget that.

I hope Hicks gets the chance

I hope Hicks gets the chance to mention the Citizen's Complaint/Obstruction of Justice charges against Eliot Spitzer.

U see Massoui was wearing a

U see Massoui was wearing a Stun Belt??????

jesus christ they are too much.

ALL whistleblowers are

ALL whistleblowers are heroes. Without whistleblowers, there would be absolutely no checks and balances for how our Government works. They are essential for our Democracy.

People like:

Mary Schneider

Karen Kwiatkowski

Coleen Rawley

Good job, Gold.

Good job, Gold.

gold, what are you trying to

gold, what are you trying to get sbg to post???

Sander Hicks and Ed Asner

Sander Hicks and Ed Asner are going to be on CNN Headline News Showbiz Tonight... TONIGHT at 7PM EST.

CitizenKit, yes I think tons

CitizenKit, yes I think tons of people like Hart (political insider for decades, Ph.D. from Oxford, etc.) know the truth, but DO NOT want to admit it to anyone, perhaps even to themselves.

If anything they're afraid, not niave, IMHO.

The lady doth protest too

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Is Anonymous the kettle calling the pot black?

this look very

I just started an Inside Job

I just started an Inside Job thread in IMDB's Ed Asner forum. Let's see what happens

I've made half-page flyers

I've made half-page flyers of this and are passing them around.


"Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multi-cultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat." (p. 211)

Zbigniew Brzezinski, United States National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter
The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives, New York: Basic Books (October 1997)

"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor."

Project for a New American Century (PNAC), Rebuilding America's Defenses (2000)

“The easiest way to gain control of the population is to carry out acts of “terror”. The public will clamor for such laws if the personal security is threatened.”

Josef Stalin

“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for the lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."

Hermann Goering, Highest figure in the Nazi Hierarchy who had authorized on paper the 'final solution of the Jewish Question',

The Goebbels technique, also known as argumentum ad nauseam, is the name given to a policy of repeating a lie until it is taken to be the truth.


The PRWeb press release of

The PRWeb press release of 3/26/06, "Spring
Breakthrough for 9/11 Truth", is correct in the
statement that 9/11 was fabricated by US military
intelligence. I refer to the 9/11 attack on New York
City as the The Eight of Spades PSYOP. Harry Potter
isn't the only one with an invisibility cloak.

"Here we're talking about plastic knives and using an
American Airlines flight filed with our citizens, and
the MISSILE to damage this building and similar
(inaudible) that damaged the World Trade Center. The
only way to deal with this problem is by taking the
battle to the terrorists, wherever they are, and
dealing with them."
-Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld 10/12/01

The Eight of Spades

Woolworth Security

The caller's story was outrageous: Someone had fired
missiles at the World Trade Center's north tower from
atop the nearby Woolworth Building. "Can you send
somebody over to the Woolworth Building to check the
roof?" a Port Authority police officer asked. "There's
a possible ... they said it was ... we just had a
second explosion, possibly a missile from the roof of
the Woolworth Building."

At one point in the radio dispatches, there is a
report of a "possible missile launching from the
Woolworth Building," a landmark a few blocks away.
Another person called out: "They're shooting at the
Trade Center from the Woolworth Building."

A lighter (700-lb) insensitive-munition PBXN 107
warhead with programmable delay fuze permits more fuel
storage for range of the -109C increased to
approximately 900 nm (1,036 mi.).

In the real world this is how jet crashes look:

Based on the MIT study of the attacks and twin tower
collapse, it is established science that the visible
flying craft could not have done any, nor all, of the

- the entering craft is in south wallÂ’s shadow wedge
but parts of the craft shine white like a lamp

- the visible flying craft emits a yellow flash
instants before nose-touch-wall event

- the visible flying craft cuts six floors which is
impossible (Prof. Wierzbicki, MIT)

- the entering craft creates dust pimples that blow
outward as from explosions

- the sensitive wing tips do not bend or break off,
nor do they flip forward

- the sensitive tips of tail rudder and elevator
(winglets) do not break off

- no veer or teeter despite flying in at an angle
(about 13 degrees)

- no deceleration despite calculated loss of kinetic
energy of 26%

- no deformation, crumple or smash-up of the visible
flying object

- no explosion until the visible flying object has
faded out of sight

Harry Potter isn't the only one with an invisibility

Air University Public Affairs
55 LeMay Plaza South
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112-6335
(334) 953-2014

Airborne Holographic Projector Capabilities

* Precision projection of 3-D visual images into a
selected area
* Supports PSYOP and strategic deception management
* Provides deception and cloaking against optical

The Cloaking System is designed to operate in the
visible light spectrum, utilizes optoelectronics
and/or photonic components to conceal an object within
it, and employs analog or digital control feedback
resulting in camouflage adaptable to a changing
background. The system effectively conceals either a
still or moving object from view by the interposing of
a shield between an observer and the object and
recreating a full color synthetic image of the
background on the shield for viewing by observer, thus
creating the illusion of transparency of both the
object and the Cloaking System. This system consists
of four major elements: a sensor; a signal processor;
a shield; and a means of interconnecting, supporting,
and safely enclosing the aforementioned elements along
with the concealed object.

Zebras are digitally-mastered, actively-animated,
true-color, full-parallax holographic images of

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about
things that matter." -Martin Luther King Jr.

Sound Bite (quotes several

While I watched the Sheen

While I watched the Sheen thing on CNN I noticed 9/11 was mentioned. The first thing that crossed my mind was that we would get bombarded with Bush shills. I sure was right. HELLO GLENN. People like you make me want to puke. Get a life and get off this page. We don't need your garbage. Sorry guys, but I had to say it. I have zero patience with traitors and thugs.

Here's an article from the

Here's an article from the New York Times that reports that our old pal Donald Rumsfeld went to the site where Flight 93 allegedly crashed and place a medallion usually reserved for soldiers killed overseas at the foot of the temporary memorial there.

So I guess NOW there's a link between 9/11 and Iraq.

MSNBC VIDEO: Moussaoui wore

MSNBC VIDEO: Moussaoui wore 'stun belt' for new testimony

If you're looking for a reason why Zacarias Moussaoui suddenly testified today to a version of the 9/11 plotline that sounds more like the Official story than even the official Whitewash Commission report, this video may have the answer.

In it, NBC news reporter Pete Williams lets slip that Moussaoui is wearing a "Stun belt" underneath his clothing controlled by US Marshals. MSNBC host Dan Abrams gets some more details on the stun belt.

A taste of the exchange:

WILLIAMS: The old outbursts were gone... He was very docile today... We believe that he's wearing one of those stun belts, and it may be that he was very worried about doing anything that would cause those Marshals to press the button....

ABRAMS: A stun belt? They literally have sOmething around his waist? That they can push a button and?

WILLIAMS: [Pause] Well...

I just saw “liberal”

I just saw “liberal” former Sen. Gary Hart plugging his new book on the Colbert Report. Hart made some remarks reinforcing the “official story” about the “terrorists” & 9/11.

I truly believe that many clever people like Hart suspect/know the real truth about 9/11. They deliberately ignore 9/11 truth because if they admit it (to themselves & others), then they would have to do SOMETHING about it. So much easier for folks like Hart to just avoid & burry 9/11 truth, and go on with their very comfortable lives. They figure, “Why should I stick MY neck out and risk criticism, annoyance, harassment, etc.

Shame on all of these cowards!!!

The holograph theory is way

The holograph theory is way off the map of logic, I'm afraid. And, I believe that pushing these kinds of far-out theories discredits the 9/11 truth movement and makes it very easy for people to discredit the movement and look no further. I know we've had many a discussion on this board regarding what should be emphasized and what should not. But, I feel the "no planes" theory is just poisoning the well. My 2 cents.

AmandaR: Please cease &

AmandaR: Please cease & desist with your blue screen/hologram disinfo!

Clean and clear: Explain

Clean and clear:

Explain Building #7.

If the file is blocked you

If the file is blocked you can find (ua175-1-a.swf)


Anonymous, that's

Anonymous, that's fascinating about Gary Hart. He's either really naive, or really afraid. And, here's another possibility about the fear -- maybe high-profile people in this country don't want to be responsible for the civil unrest that might occur if 9/11 truth became mainstream. If that's true, they're still cowards and shameful. I say, let the chips fall where they may. The truth needs to be OUT.

Clean and clear: The

Clean and clear:

The President asked Tom Daschle to limit the scope of the senate investigations.

The President fought AGAINST the creation of an independent commission.

The President first appointed Henry Kissinger to lead the commission.

The President then created a commission that would be controlled by Peter Zelikow and Dietrich Schnell.

The President then refused to allow people like Condoleezza Rice to testify publicly.

The President then refused to testify publicly and under oath, and without Dick Cheney at his side.

The 9/11 Commission Report itself was a complete whitewash.

There are MANY "clean and clear" examples of why 9/11 was an inside job.

True about WTC7. Let shills

True about WTC7. Let shills explain it and then ask them why WTC 5 and 6 DIDN'T fall.

The ridiculousness of New

The ridiculousness of New York being attacked, and Washington being attacked almost an hour later with NO RESPONSE is "clean and clear".

Washington D.C. was

Washington D.C. was penetrated at a time when EVERYONE knew what was going on, an hour AFTER New York was hit, AND under Dick Cheney's so called "watch" in the PEOC. That is an IMPOSSIBILITY.

I'm still waiting for on-air

I'm still waiting for on-air discussion on CNN, MSNBC, or FOX.

Until then, I am skeptical about the direction of this new "mainstream attention"...

Why is it that illegal immigrants can march in protest in the tens of thousands, yet we can't get people around the country to march for answers on a scale that grand?

Two planes hit the WTC... a

Two planes hit the WTC... a plane is headed to Washington D.C.., being monitored, according to Norman Mineta, by Dick Cheney, and NOTHING happens?



when dealling with people

when dealling with people like GLENN, please try to keep in mind that they are very confused and scared, which it is not really their fault. (remember: 9/11 was designed to traumatize us into a fractured, child-like mental state... and it worked better for some than others.)

"MYERS: Mr. Chairman, the

"MYERS: Mr. Chairman, the armed forces did not shoot down any aircraft. When it became clear what the threat was, we did scramble fighter aircraft, AWACS, radar aircraft and tanker aircraft to begin to establish orbits in case other aircraft showed up in the FAA system that were hijacked. But we never actually had to use force.

LEVIN: Was that order that you just described given before or after the Pentagon was struck? Do you know?

MYERS: That order, to the best of my knowledge, was after the Pentagon was struck."

What?!?!? AFTER the Pentagon was hit?

So if Dick Cheney got to the

So if Dick Cheney got to the PEOC by 9:10, monitored a plane coming into Washington D.C. airspace for at least 50 miles, and didn't bother to send up any "fighter aircraft, AWACS, radar aircraft and tanker aircraft" until AFTER the Pentagon was hit, WHAT THE HELL WAS CHENEY DOING?!?

Oh, that's right, the 9/11 Report says he got to the PEOC by 9:58.

My bad.


Sorry Glenn, and the rest of

Sorry Glenn, and the rest of you trolls... you have lost.

Ok. I admit it. I wrote this

Ok. I admit it. I wrote this brilliant letter to the editors in todays Hartford Courant.

Sheen's Doubt Shared By Experts

In response to the March 25 Java column ["Brainless Actor Bloviates II"]:
The following, clearly not "brainless," professionals have come out publicly to express their informed belief that there was a controlled demolition of the World Trade Center towers and a government cover up of 9/11:
Col. Robert Bowman (former head of the Star Wars program during two administrations), Steven Jones (Brigham Young University physicist), Judy Wood (Clemson University professor of engineering), Paul Craig Roberts (father of "Reaganomics" and former government economist), Ray McGovern (former top CIA intelligence analyst) and Morgan Reynolds (former chief labor economist under President George W. Bush) among others. But this gets almost no news media coverage.
Then Charlie Sheen gives an interview on a fringe talk show, essentially reiterating the conclusions of these professionals, and The Courant blasts him in its gossip column about his personal weaknesses.
Brainless? No. I believe it's The Courant that is being spineless in refusing to fairly report on some uncomfortable but verifiable facts about 9/11. I hope this will change. We owe it to our country.(end)

Whats interesting is the editors removed my reference to 3 world trade center towers, my reference to Sholars for 911 Truth's press conference at the Moussaoui trial and Wayne Madyson's name on my list of experts.

Its all becoming quite real now. I've been receiving phone calls at my home, all positive so far. But does anyone know what numbers to press to trace a call if the phone calls start getting nasty or threatening. I've been warned by some other callers that this might happen.

Jon, there are just so many

Jon, there are just so many inexplicable details like the ones you've touched upon above! Added up, they OVERWHELMINGLY demonstrate that 9/11 was an inside job!

Radical Prag: * 69 or get

Radical Prag:

* 69

or get caller ID

jon: these are the types of


these are the types of things I am looking for to put in my presentation. I want to deal with the facts and documented reports. If you can point me toward video/documents/photos that'd help I'd appreciate it.

"Jon, there are just so many

"Jon, there are just so many inexplicable details like the ones you've touched upon above! Added up, they OVERWHELMINGLY demonstrate that 9/11 was an inside job!"

Which is why I think sticking to one topic is dangerous.

Here's Norman Mineta's

Here's Norman Mineta's omitted and covered up video testimony.

Click Here

Here's General Richard Myers confirmation hearings.

Click Here

Page 40 of the 9/11 Report states:

"We have concluded, from the available evidence, that the Vice President arrived in the room shortly before 10:00, perhaps at 9:58."

Page 33 of the 9/11 Report states:

"9:37:46 AA 77 crashes into the Pentagon"

In order to capitalize on

In order to capitalize on deception and surprise, an aerospace based hologram generator would be used to display realistic visual images at the time and place best required to support offensive or defensive operations. Picture a realistic image of an armored division massed at the border of an enemy. While enemy forces react to this decoy (which is being projected from an orbiting satellite or an aircraft), U.S, forces are performing a left hook maneuver to hit the weak flank of the enemy. The image could be projected in the visual or infrared spectrum for use in day or night conditions. In order to project an image from geo-synchronous orbit, we must develop ways to make a geo-synch satellite more maneuverable. This requires greater maneuver fuel (which requires ability to launch heavier payloads). To use low earth orbiting satellites for hologram projection, we need a vast array of satellites operating in a constellation that provides continuous coverage of key areas of the earth.

Hoversat is an unmanned Low Earth Orbit (LEO) platform capable of slowing down and `hovering` over an area of interest on the EarthÂ’s surface. The propulsion system would be analogous to that of the Harrier jump jet. Vectored propulsion would slow down satellite and keep the platform from falling into the atmosphere. Upon completing itÂ’s mission, the vectored propulsion would swing in the opposite direction to return the satellite to a stable orbit. The platform would be refueled by a manned shuttle or NASP-type vehicle. Technology required: Efficient space propulsion system. Delta Clipper propulsion concepts may be useful. The satellite platform should be just big enough to carry the payload. Minimizing the size should help alleviate the propulsion challenge.

When Seeing and Hearing Isn't Believing



(9:10 a.m.): Rice and Cheney Apparently Go to White House Bunker; Other Accounts Have Cheney Moving Locations Later

According to counterterrorism “tsar” Richard Clarke and others, Vice President Cheney goes from his White House office to the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC), a bunker in the East Wing of the White House, at about this time. National Security Adviser Rice, after initiating a video conference with Richard Clarke in the West Wing, goes to the PEOC to be with Cheney. There is no video link between response centers in the East and West Wings, but a secure telephone line is used instead. [Clarke, 2004, pp 3-4; Daily Telegraph, 12/16/01; ABC News, 9/14/02 (B); New York Times, 9/16/01 (B)] One eyewitness account, David Bohrer, a White House photographer, says Cheney leaves for the PEOC just after 9:00 a.m. [ABC News, 9/14/02 (B)] However, there is a second account claiming that Cheney doesn't leave until sometime after 9:30 a.m. In this account, Secret Service agents burst into Cheney's White House office. They carry him under his arms—nearly lifting him off the ground—and propel him down the steps into the White House basement and through a long tunnel toward an underground bunker. [9/11 Commission Report, 6/17/04; MSNBC, 9/11/02 (B); New York Times, 10/16/01; Washington Post, 1/27/02; BBC, 9/1/02; Newsweek, 12/31/01] At about the same time, National Security Adviser Rice is told to go to the bunker as well. [ABC News, 9/11/02] In addition to the eyewitness accounts of Clarke and Bohrer, ABC News claims that Cheney is in the bunker when he is told Flight 77 is 50 miles away from Washington at 9:27 a.m., suggesting that accounts of Cheney entering the bunker after 9:27 a.m. are likely incorrect.

So you see, there is more to

So you see, there is more to talk about than Controlled Demolitions.

Of course, Jon. One must

Of course, Jon. One must always view the whole enchilada to know exactly what's on the plate.

Headlines for

Headlines for Today:
Abramoff to be questioned about murder

Rove said cooperating in CIA leak inquiry

Also: Chief of Staff Andy card resigns (not bothering to link)

And tonight we have more quality TV from CNN!
I think the day is off to a good start.

Background: Abramaoff's Sun Cruise lines linked to 911 through Mohammed Atta.
So it seems the patsies where visiting the gambling business of the biggest GOP slush-fund manager. Kinda suspicious looking no? At the very least, a real investigation would explore this.

Incidentally, I was wrong.

Incidentally, I was wrong. It wasn't an hour. It was 0:34:35 minutes between the South Tower being hit, and the Pentagon being hit.

Exactly DHS. When are we

Exactly DHS. When are we going to see a half million in the streets demanding a new, independent 9/11 investigation?

Al-Qaida Plotters Dismiss

Al-Qaida Plotters Dismiss Moussaoui's Role

AmandaReconwith: Blue

AmandaReconwith: Blue screen, holograms. You just know the Illuminati is developing the technology. How else are they going to fake the second coming? I encourage you to continue your research, but I don't think it is crucial to exposing those guilty of 9/11. Did I really just "go there"?

More corruption in the Bush

More corruption in the Bush crime family.
See LA Times article on Bush's uncle and ISSI.
The war profiteer sold his company just before an investigation was announced.



Dedicated to all the fake sites and the imposters they promote.

Especially YOU Valis.


83 SHIPLORD KIREL 11/27/2003 01:02PM


"Charles Johnson just thought he would get into the true spirit of Thanksgiving by giving thanks to the GENOCIDAL AMERICAN SOLDIERS IN IRAQ, way to be in the spirit Charles."

(Note: Dylan mocking CJ) "And since its a day for giving thanks, I want to send out my graditude to all the men and women of the armed forces of the United States, for putting your lives on the line and serving our country in its time of need."

"Quite disgusting really but still, that is the TRUE spirit of thanksgiving...........

Centuries ago the natives are exterminated almost completely,i'm sure Charles ancestors had a hand in this.

And today EVIL-DOERS across America give thanks to A NEW BREED OF GENOCIDAL IRAQI OCCUPATION"

Dylan Avery aka Abe Smoling aka sclomo Katz aka Dave Zelav

End Quote

How sweet...

How about this one folks?

LGf Red and Green Anti Semitism

Zulubaby 12/16/2003 12:29AM PST

Max L (#12)

" I just realized something! That E-mail address, is "DYLAN AVERY" aka Abe Smoling aka shlomo Katz and a multitude of other jewish sounding names. HE IS A RABID JEW HATER and has posted tons of vicious slander about Charles on NAZIMEDIA. He even posted something about REPORTING ME AND CHARLES AND DEATHBERG TO THE HATE CRIMES BRANCH OF THE ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE. ("ASIDE TO DYLAN IF YOU'RE READING THIS, IT DOESN'T SAY ZULUBABY ON MY PASSPORT, YA FREAK")


A snitch you say?


lgf: An open letter to Osama

db 11/3/2003 11:47PM PST


" I used to think you were just angry and misimformed, now I believe you might be just as "RADICAL AND INSANE" as the muslims you hate."

One Q:

Q1: Dylon(sic), are you saying that ALL MUSLIMS " RADICAL AND INSANE", or just some of them?

End Quote

Hates jews and muslims and the american fighting forces you say?

The guy is a spook with a suspicious past.


Posted by Paul Isaac JR(Sentinel)

Because the people have a right to know !!!!!!

Al Qaida plotters dismiss

Al Qaida plotters dismiss Moussaoui's Role.

Thanks DHS for the tip. My

Thanks DHS for the tip. My wife is freaking out with all these phone calls from strangers

But no black helicopters...yet.

But seriously does anyone have any suggestions for following up the letter. Some have suggested a protest in front of the Courant to demand coverage of 911. But based on the easy 'tin foil hat' crazy conspiracy/ protester label, supported by my discussion with a few people on the phone, I believe it would be counter productive at this time. I want this to become a concern of 'so called average ct suburban americans. I'm open for suggestions.

Rad: If you can get a bunch


If you can get a bunch of people to protest with you, you should have a peaceful demonstration in front of the courthouse.

Hand out flyers, etc that has useful information on it (the stock options, why no planes were sent out, errors in the official report, etc)

stick to the basics, don't go off on a tangent.

AmandaR--back to your old

AmandaR--back to your old tricks, I see.

I see you are too sweetie!

I see you are too sweetie!

Interesting read Amanda.

Interesting read Amanda.

Propping Up the War on

Propping Up the War on Terror: Lies about the WTC by NIST and Underwriters Laboratories

Turn on C-Span, or "Meet The Press," or any other media program presenting federal officials. Whatever the issue, it always comes back to the same thing. Our government really has nothing else to offer us but protection from another 9/11. It uses this painful story to cut public services, eliminate our basic rights, and plunder the national coffers. But for many of us, it is not entirely clear from whom we most need protection.1 As our debt explodes and our freedoms diminish, it would be wise to maintain focus on the origins of our War on Terror. No matter where this war leads us, we will need to keep the beginning in mind if we ever hope to see an end.

Oops, sorry.

Oops, sorry.

Anonymous on 03.28.06 -

Anonymous on 03.28.06 - 12:08 pm, Gary Hart is a New World Order demon. Yes, he knows quite well that the 9/11 attacks were staged by the U.S. government, and he loves that fact. Indeed, Gary Hart was predicting before the 9/11 attacks that Americans would die due to so-called "terrorist" attacks, "possibly in large numbers." And the reason he loves that fact is because, as he says, it can be used to establish his beloved New World Order.

Below is video of Gary Hart right after the U.S. government-staged 9/11 attacks, singing the praises of said attacks being used by Bush, Jr. to create a New World Order:

I make copies of Loose

I make copies of Loose Change 2 for distribution to local schools, churches, police and fire departments every day.

I wonder how many copies Anonymous made and distributed today?

I see two missiles with a hologram cloak. The missiles are off center. One missile is before the wing image the other missile is behind the wing image.

If the file is blocked you can find (ua175-1-a.swf)

Thanks for the input DHS.

Thanks for the input DHS. I'm still wondering whether its the best tactical approach at this time.

As for 'going off on a tangent', I save that for 911 blogger.

Jon, I'm not sure if you

Jon, I'm not sure if you noticed, but I got into a debate with a 9/11 believer on Daily Kos about exact the things you've profusely posted in this thread (when Cheney got into the bunker, etc). Thanks for posting the information. Alas, I only have the time for one post per day on that forum, so the shill is likely to have the upper hand...

Anyone notice catch this

Anyone notice catch this today? Regarding Flight 93...

"The first responders, when they came, there was nothing there," explained Joanna Hanley. "They actually thought they were coming out on a rescue effort but they couldn't find anything."

Anyone catch this today...

Anyone catch this today... sorry... sometimes I start typing something... stop to go look for something, come back, and finish the sentence with a new twist...

"Jon, I'm not sure if you

"Jon, I'm not sure if you noticed, but I got into a debate with a 9/11 believer on Daily Kos about exact the things you've profusely posted in this thread (when Cheney got into the bunker, etc). Thanks for posting the information. Alas, I only have the time for one post per day on that forum, so the shill is likely to have the upper hand..."

You're welcome... if you guys need ANYTHING... just ask.

I haven't been doing this

I haven't been doing this for my benefit.

amanda, even if what you say

amanda, even if what you say is true do you think it is going to change peoples minds about 911???? i dont... even people that know all about 911 could care less about what type of planes they were right now...

inside- How many copies of

inside- How many copies of Loose Change 2 have you made?

Jon Gold, you

Jon Gold, you said:

Anyone catch this today... sorry... sometimes I start typing something... stop to go look for something, come back, and finish the sentence with a new twist...

Yes, I call those "go-back typographical errors" (or "go-back typos"). They happen when one rewrites part of a sentence (or continues on from an old sentence with a new sentence in mind), leaving in part of the old sentence which doesn't match up with the new sentence one has in mind.

AmandaR... inside has been

AmandaR... inside has been on the internet almost as long as I have. He's not too bright, makes horrible arguments, but I can vouch for him.

More remains discovered near

More remains discovered near WTC site

more flying pieces... How did these folks get from the South Tower to the Deutsche Bank building? A collapse supposes downward momementum, not horizontal. What energy could have forced them 100's of feet south?

Here is an inside

Here is an inside argument...

Bush did it... HAHAHAHAHAH!!!

And how long have you been

And how long have you been on the internet, Jon Gold?

How long have I been

How long have I been actively promoting 9/11 Truth on the internet? The summer of 2004 I would guess.

I have the aliases...

I have the aliases... Gold9472, 9/11 Truther, and now... Jon Gold. Which isn't really an alias.

It took me a good year and a

It took me a good year and a half of research before I started promoting it.

inside, somebigguy, myself,

inside, somebigguy, myself, and a few others all met on the Howard Stern Bulletin Board which had close to 300,000 users... a great place to spread the truth.

Christopher as well...

Christopher as well... everyone knows Christopher.

Watching Amy Goodman on

Watching Amy Goodman on C-SPAN Washington Journal yesterday and she responds to a callers questions about 9/11 by saying that there needs to be a new investigation and that the official investigation was not adequate.

Al-Qaida Plotters Dismiss

Al-Qaida Plotters Dismiss Moussaoui's Role ap2627698.html
DHS | Homepage | 03.28.06 - 1:20 pm | #

Thanks DHS this is very important!!! I think this needs to be posted!

Wow, Jon Gold, you're like a

Wow, Jon Gold, you're like a newborn babe. You're bringing out my motherly instincts.

A newborn babe? James, I

A newborn babe? James, I know you've said from day one that you said it was an inside job...

However, that doesn't mean on the day itself I wasn't asking things like, "Where's our air support?"

I've always been leary of what happened that day. I guess I started researching 9/11 in early 2003.

I was a sheeple... I admit

I was a sheeple... I admit it.

However James... how many

However James... how many 9/11 Truth related posts have you made on the internet? :)

I think it's a safe bet that I have most people beat.

Toot Toot. ;)

Here you go James... the

Here you go James... the first thing I ever posted on the internet regarding 9/11 Truth.

I think I was "LIHOP" (Hate

I think I was "LIHOP" (Hate Labels) then.

Hey all. Was just listening

Hey all. Was just listening to Greg Szymanski raido show, and Ed Asner is on. He just said CNN canceled his appearance on Showbiz Tonight. fuck that.

Would love to stay and chat,

Would love to stay and chat, but I have some business to take care of at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport.

They did?

They did?

yeah...he said, "well now

yeah...he said, "well now that I can stay on your show longer because CNN just cancelled my apperance". I don't have any more info than that. I think they're going to talk about, but not too sure.

They'd better still have

They'd better still have Sander on...

They'd better be careful...

They'd better be careful... the truthers are showing up on their doorstep tomorrow to give them praise.

jon, he just said that it's

jon, he just said that it's not fully confirmed, but that he got a call from Sander and he said that they weren't going to be on. Ed doesn't seem to know exactly what's going on. He thinks they might not want them to be on at the same time.

Just talked to Sander. He

Just talked to Sander. He said the reason they cancelled it was because they couldn't find anyone to debate the other side. He's sending out an email. I'll post it when I get it.

Hello McFly

Also, supposedly, the

Also, supposedly, the "higher-ups" had something to do with it.

Gabriel Day says Ed Asner,

Gabriel Day says Ed Asner, 9/11 Truth Statement signer and activist actor, will be on Showbiz tonite, 4 and 7p

Erik. It was just

Erik. It was just cancelled.

AJ hammer was on CNN less

AJ hammer was on CNN less than 30 min ago and he confirmed Asner.

nside- How many copies of

nside- How many copies of Loose Change 2 have you made?
AmandaReconwith | 03.28.06 - 2:44 pm | #

around 20... what do i get if i hand out the most???

and gold, blow me... ive been on the net spouting off about 911 for way longer then you... unlike you, i like to talk to real live people about 911... HAHAHAH!!!!

inside and sbg have been picking on gold since 2003!!!

it's also still on showbiz

it's also still on showbiz tonight website.

I wonder why it was cancelled, if it was cancelled. Did Asner give a reason?

Sorry guys... just got off

Sorry guys... just got off the phone with Sander... no good for tonight.

Any reason why?

Any reason why?

It's still on their

It's still on their site...

Tuesday's show

Ed Asner
Exclusive: Actor Ed Asner takes on the controversy over Charlie Sheen's comments about a 9/11 conspiracy theory. "Showbiz Tonight" airs live on Headline News at 7 p.m. and replays at 11 p.m. (All times Eastern.)

According to what Sander

According to what Sander told me, it's because they couldn't find anyone to debate them.

Crap, i just emailed a bunch

Crap, i just emailed a bunch of people, too

Ähem. Can we just stop

Ähem. Can we just stop the childish "I was earlier on the movement" and "I did more for it" and "I handed out more copies than you" and concentrate again on our common goal: To expose 911 as an inside job?

"and gold, blow me... ive

"and gold, blow me... ive been on the net spouting off about 911 for way longer then you... unlike you, i like to talk to real live people about 911... HAHAHAH!!!!"


If you remember correctly, I blasted your first post on the Howard Stern board. As being disinfo. :)

" Ähem. Can we just stop

" Ähem. Can we just stop the childish "I was earlier on the movement" and "I did more for it" and "I handed out more copies than you" and concentrate again on our common goal: To expose 911 as an inside job?"

You're right. So long as we all agree that I'm the greatest, we can get back to bidness.


Look folks... we can watch

Look folks... we can watch the show again to see if there are any surprises... I doubt there will be. This is a huge disappointment. They were almost starting to become as the news should be. A big story breaks, and you follow up, and you follow up, and you follow up...

Just that show... notice

Just that show... notice none of the other CNN shows, or the REAL CNN picked it up.

Jon Gold, I can't say if I

Jon Gold, I can't say if I have you beat on the number of posts, because I don't know how many posts you have made regarding 9/11 Truth, nor do I even know how many posts I have made regarding 9/11 Truth. Although the amount of posts I have made on this subject must be a pretty large number.

What I do know is that I have been posting on this subject more or less non-stop since right after the U.S. government-staged 9/11 attacks all over the internet, including usenet. Plus I had my website "The Truth About the 9/11 Attacks" up since around September 2001.

Additionally, I have the honor of having had my original "The Truth About the 9/11 Attacks" usenet posts deleted from the Google archives. The Google controllers even deleted people who were responding to me that left in my links. Google stopped deleting my usenet posts after I complained about it very loudly in public.

Plus I made up business cards right after the 9/11 attacks which gave the name and URL of my "The Truth About the 9/11 Attacks" website, and passed them out to people in my area. I also have made a number of copies of Alex Jones's videos on VHS tapes for people in my area.

But this isn't a comparison game. I simply point it out because others here ought to take first-responders like Alex Jones and myself seriously insofar as we were speaking out on U.S. government-staged terrorism even before the 9/11 attacks (that's right, besides Alex Jones, I was telling people about such staged attacks as the Pearl Harbor attack, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, etc.). The 9/11 attacks are nothing new to me.

That is to say, people like me were warning about government-staged terrorism long before the 9/11 attacks. We were also warning about the globalist elite's self-termed New World Order. The point I'm getting at here is that newcomers oughtn't be so quick to dismiss those who were on the scene long, long before them.

Such old-timers in this 9/11 Truth movement of ours include people such as "militia-movement members" before the staged 1995 Oklahoma City bombing demonized them, despite the fact that U.S. government operative and mind-controlled patsy Timothy McVeigh was never a member of any militia. They include people warning since the 1950s about a New World Order takeover.

As an example of that, Hollywood Jew Myron C. Fagan's "The Illuminati and the Council on Forgein Relations" is one of the best short introductions regarding the long-standing plan by the globalist elites for the New World Order. He even predicts the war between the Arab world and the Western powers. You can listen to it in RealAudio, or you can read the transcript of this 1967 lecture at the below websites:

A.J. had a couple of

A.J. had a couple of segments last week with just Alex Jones, so the "debate" issue wasn't a problem then. There is obviously some pressure being put on him and his producers right now.

The problem is that there actually really isn't anyone to debate against anyway. It's only government officials that could back up the story right now. And they can't risk going on tv anyway because they will lose credibility immediately.

If you remember, they did

If you remember, they did have someone "debate" Mike Berger, albeit, it wasn't a very good debate.

James, as you said, it isn't

James, as you said, it isn't a comparison game, and it's definitely not a contest. We ALL contribute something.

Except hologram people. ;)

Except hologram people. ;)

And blimpy.

And blimpy.

somebody should tell Alex

somebody should tell Alex Jones Ed Ashner was cancelled. Its still on the main page as a news item.

*formerly andi

Jon, I utilized your

Jon, I utilized your information here:

Hmm... I wonder how many people are still reading that discussion...

And I can see the troll is

And I can see the troll is lying.

Jon Gold, my point was that

Jon Gold, my point was that we old-timer know what we are talking about. But as Alex Jones says, you shouldn't believe us, or anyone, for that matter. But what everyone should do is honestly research what we have to say.

Andi was Charlie Sheen?

Andi was Charlie Sheen?

James, I don't think I

James, I don't think I questioned what you said, did I? In fact, I don't even know if I read what you said?

Im not really Charlie Sheen.

Im not really Charlie Sheen. I just changed my screen name to Charlie Sheen to serve as a constant reminder at Americablog and C&L. Even if I am forbidden from posting on the subject matter or face being banned, the name will subliminally (or unsubliminally) remind people of to question 9/11.

You know when we've made it?

You know when we've made it? When we don't have to record what's being said on the television. When there's so much of it, getting every news clip is impossible. When you're so sick of hearing about 9/11 Truth on TV. That's when you'll know we've made it.

I don't understand why Asner

I don't understand why Asner needs to be debated? He was on there to SUPPORT sheen and address his own questions as well.

It kinda hurts to have the rug pulled out from under you like that.

man some interesting and

man some interesting and though-provoking discussion going on here....i've been lurking for the past few days, decided to say hi. anyways there has to be a better organized way to post here....maybe a BBS or a live chat room?

anyone know of any significant events going on in NYC this month? i wanna help out anyway i can

Jon Gold, you

Jon Gold, you said:

James, I don't think I questioned what you said, did I? In fact, I don't even know if I read what you said?

You're asking if you don't even know if you read what I said? Well, I can't answer that.

"that's right, besides Alex

"that's right, besides Alex Jones, I was telling people about such staged attacks as the Pearl Harbor attack, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing"

Ding, ding, ding We have a winner for our Internet kook of the day award...

I don't understand why Asner

I don't understand why Asner needs to be debated? He was on there to SUPPORT sheen and address his own questions as well.

It kinda hurts to have the rug pulled out from under you like that.
DHS | Homepage | 03.28.06 - 4:36 pm | #

Exactly, when Larry King does a show about Charles Manson, for example, we don't see the "other side" on their defending him.

The part of it is...the only people who can answer those questions CAN'T answer them, or they expose themselves as criminals.

sitting bull, me and gold

sitting bull, me and gold were just messing around with each other....

Tony... I have a BB...

Tony... I have a BB...

James, I just don't remember

James, I just don't remember if I gave you reason to think I thought of you as someone we shouldn't be paying attention to.

Hi, Flanstein. Perhaps you

Hi, Flanstein. Perhaps you would care to comment on the fact that it was the FBI that bombed the World Trade Center in 1993:

None of this would be known today if it were not for the FBI's undercover agent Emad A. Salem taping his conversations with his FBI handlers (unbeknownst to them). Salem thought that the FBI might try to pin it on him so he took measures to protect himself. Indeed, without the FBI the '93 WTC bombing would never have happened, as it was agent Salem who built the bomb for the would-be Muslim "terrorists." Salem wanted to use fake ingredients for the "bomb" but the FBI ordered him to make a real one. When the making of the bomb was complete Salem told the FBI that they could now arrest the would-be terrorists, but the FBI told Salem that the bombing is to go forward. After agent Salem went public with his tapes in a news conference the FBI found it necessary to pay him over a million dollars just to shut him up.

For more on the above, see the below New York Times article:

"Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart Bomb Used in Trade Center Blast," Ralph Blumenthal, New York Times, October 28, 1993:

And see also:

"Who Bombed The World Trade Center? FBI Bomb Builders Exposed," Paul DeRienzo, Frank Morales and Chris Flash, The Shadow, October 1994/January 1995 Issue:

On the above webpage you can find the below two audio clips from one of Emad A. Salem's recorded conversations with one of his FBI handlers, FBI Special Agent John Anticev:

The above clip is an excerpt from the below longer clip:

The above clips were recorded from a broadcast on WBAI Radio in the city of New York which aired this taped conversation between Emad A. Salem and FBI Special Agent John Anticev.

The below transcript is from 2:57 to 4:31 min:sec from the longer clip (SalemWBAI.mp3):

FBI Special Agent John Anticev: But, uh, basically nothing has changed. I'm just telling you for my own sake that nothing, that this isn't a salary, that it's--you know. But you got paid regularly for good information. I mean the expenses were a little bit out of the ordinary and it was really questioned. Don't tell Nancy I told you this. [Nancy Floyd is another FBI Special Agent who worked with Emad A. Salem in his informant capacity.]

FBI undercover agent Emad A. Salem: Well, I have to tell her of course.

Anticev: Well then, if you have to, you have to.

Salem: Yeah, I mean because the lady was being honest and I was being honest and everything was submitted with a receipt and now it's questionable.

Anticev: It's not questionable, it's like a little out of the ordinary.

Salem: Okay. Alright. I don't think it was. If that's what you think guys, fine, but I don't think that because we was start already building the bomb which is went off in the World Trade Center. It was built by supervising supervision from the Bureau and the D.A. and we was all informed about it and we know that the bomb start to be built. By who? By your confidential informant. What a wonderful, great case!

Anticev: Well.

Salem: And then he put his head in the sand and said "Oh, no, no, that's not true, he is son of a bitch." [Deep breath.] Okay. It's built with a different way in another place and that's it.

Anticev: No, don't make any rash decisions. I'm just trying to be as honest with you as I can.

Salem: Of course, I appreciate that.

Anticev: And as far as the payments go, and everything like that, they're there. I guarantee you that they are there.


For more on government-staged terrorism, see the below post by me:

"Documentation on Government-Staged Terrorism," September 30, 2005:

"Except hologram

"Except hologram people."

Agreed Jon. Disappointing about the cancellation if it proves correct.

Whoever said there always has to be a "debate" on Sheaubiz 2Nyte? Bet the higher-ups said the ideas could only be presented in debate format. No more pesky interviews like Alex Jones gave (guess he was a bit TOO good, no?)

Um ... guess they're just stalling. These issues are not going away. Many of us are dedicating a large part of my time to this truth movement.

Perhaps if they were given

Perhaps if they were given some signs of disapproval over the idea of debating, they might change their minds before it's too late. Time to flood CNN with some talking points.

I, for one, welcome debate.

I, for one, welcome debate. Without the namecalling, etc...

Debate makes you smarter.

Debate makes you smarter.

And debate, ultimately,

And debate, ultimately, makes us look better.

i dont like alex jones....i

i dont like alex jones....i mean i know he's on our side but the way he talks is just FILLED with so much sensationalism that he just seems like he has no credibility when he's in front of the camera. people look at him like he's just a crazy nut.

Bring back the National

Bring back the National Geographic lady!!!

We need a national debate. Get Dr. Jones, Griffin, Alex Jones, etc. on one side of the stage and the government representatives on the other (including 911 comm. members, NIST members, FEMA, etc..)

that'd be good TV!

Tony... I agree with you to

Tony... I agree with you to a certain extent. He is loud, obnoxious, and often makes leaps and bounds that he shouldn't.

However, I thought he did really well last week.

I don't know if anyone has

I don't know if anyone has ever seen this story, or if its true or not, but anyway, it's quite interesting...

Tony: Don't shoot the


Don't shoot the messenger!

Alex himself said don't believe anything he says, research it for yourself.

When the last time the 9/11 Commission said anything like that?

DHS... I bet you didn't know

DHS... I bet you didn't know that Kyle Hence from challenged the "9/11 Public Discouse Project" to an open debate...

This came after Lee Hamilton challenged us to challenge him.

Off topic but in the context

Off topic but in the context of it all:

If Hani Hanjour already had his pilot license (noted in LC2), doesn't that mean he at least could fly a plane? I cant imagine you get that pilot license without proper testing.

i dont know what james was

i dont know what james was trippin on either gold...

i'm not shooting the

i'm not shooting the messenger, i said i like him, and he's on our side.

what i INSINUATED what that he gives the anti-truth people a very VALID reason to say, "look, their ringleader is just a crazy conspiracy anti-government nut; they're al like that"

Sorry... not the discourse

Sorry... not the discourse project... the actual commissioners.

I remember Hamilton saying

I remember Hamilton saying it'd be on the public to present material that states otherwise. I didn't know about the 911CW challenge though. Hamilton also said that the 911 commission's job was to write the story of what happened. I find that statement troubling.

I think that'd be the best thing. Get the 9/11 Commission together, get the 9/11 Questioneers together and let them go at it until all matters have been addressed and arguments heard.

i dont like alex jones....i

i dont like alex jones....i mean i know he's on our side but the way he talks is just FILLED with so much sensationalism that he just seems like he has no credibility when he's in front of the camera. people look at him like he's just a crazy nut.
Tony | 03.28.06 - 5:00 pm |

i'm not shooting the messenger, i said i like him, and he's on our side.
Tony | 03.28.06 - 5:05 pm |


You said you DON'T like him, even though he's on "our side"

can't u understand what i'm

can't u understand what i'm trying to say? i LIKE what he's trying to do, but NOT how he makes the truth movement look. jeez its not that hard!

DHS... you and everyone else

DHS... you and everyone else should browse through the Truther Forum. I GUARANTEE there are things in there that you guys have never heard of. That's WHY it's there for crying out loud.

That's the archives...

Really folks... Me, and other people have collected SO MUCH stuff... stuff that's 90% from the mainstream media. Some of our own research, etc...

inside doesn't like me, but

inside doesn't like me, but even he'll tell you the truther forum is the shiznit.

I was about to make a

I was about to make a comment about Card's resignation and make some witty pun/phrase about the House of Cards beginning to fall, but I'll spare you all from that nonsense and save myself the embarrassment.

Tony: i'm just having a

i'm just having a little fun with you. no harm bro.

Narf! what are we going to

Narf! what are we going to do tonight, Brain?

The same thing we do every night, Pinky. EXPOSE the 9/11 COVER UP!

OK i need a break. See y'all around 7.

i dont like alex jones....i

i dont like alex jones....i mean i know he's on our side but the way he talks is just FILLED with so much sensationalism that he just seems like he has no credibility when he's in front of the camera. people look at him like he's just a crazy nut.
Tony | 03.28.06 - 5:00 pm |

Not really, I think you're wrong on that. Most empathetic people with good intuition can sense that he is genuine, and don't care if he gets a bit passionate sometimes.

inside doesn't like me, but

inside doesn't like me, but even he'll tell you the truther forum is the shiznit.
Jon Gold | Homepage | 03.28.06 - 5:13 pm | #

why are you such a bitch??? why do you say i dont like you??? have i ever said anything like that??? you know that i dont like the way you word what you think about the pentagon.. thats about it... oh ya, and i hate that youre so full of yourself for no reason... HAHAHAHHAHA!!!!

Tony, the reason Alex Jones

Tony, the reason Alex Jones seem like that to you is because he knows what the ultimate New World Order agenda is. The ultimate New World agenda is the depopuluation of most of the Earth's people, with a one-world government and one-world religion for the survivers.

So Alex Jones may say things which seem extreme to you, but that's because you haven't researched this matter as extensively. Granted, Alex Jones does sometimes make mistakes, but for the overwhelmingly greatest part he is right on the money.

For the globalist elite's depopulation agenda, definitely read the below David McGowan article, which gets into the globalist elite's agenda to reduce most of the world's population (i.e., quite literally murdering off most people on the Earth) using the "Peak Oil" scam as one of the pretexts--an elitist, misanthropic, Malthusian agenda promoted by population reductionists like Michael Ruppert:

"Beware the 'Peak Oil' Agenda," David McGowan, Center for an Informed America, Newsletter #70, October 12, 2004:

"I advocate an immediate convening of political, economic, spiritual and scientific leaders from all nations to address the issue of Peak Oil (and Gas) and its immediate implications for economic collapse, massive famine and climate destruction (partially as a result of reversion to coal plants which accelerate global warming). This would, scientifically speaking, include immediate steps to arrive at a crash program – agreed to by all nations and in accordance with the highest spiritual and ethical principles – to stop global population growth and to arrive at the best possible and most ethical program of population reduction as a painful choice made by all of humanity."--Michael C. Ruppert, in a March 2004 email to David McGowan, "Ruppert Responds!," David McGowan, Center for an Informed America, Newsletter #54, March 18, 2004

For more on the globalist elite's depopulation agenda, see the below post by me:

"The 'Peak Oil' Scam," December 5, 2005:

and your truth fourm

and your truth fourm suck!!!!

i do have to say that golds

i do have to say that golds board has tons of good info....

if we could get some of these new peeps to start posting over there it would be off the hizzy.. lol..

has anyone seen this

inside, concerning your

inside, concerning your 03.28.06 - 5:23 pm post, who were you responding to?

And let me also ask you this: do you realize that your above-said comment isn't even a grammatically correct sentence?

Did you see Alex Jones

Did you see Alex Jones website and the reasons for the shows cancellation? He also suggests in the headline that others stars will be coming forward.

Hi Charlie! Andrew Lowe

Hi Charlie!

Andrew Lowe Watson, composer here from England. You have done an amazing job this week. Just keep plugging the airwaves.


thanks's response:
Infowars received an email from author and publisher Sander Hicks this afternoon indicating that the interview with Ed Asner scheduled for this evening on Showbiz Tonight has been cancelled. Hicks, a published author on the 9/11 cover-up as well as a Green Party senatorial candidate in New York was slated to appear with Asner on the program to discuss 9/11. Infowars confirmed with sources at CNN the segment was cancelled because another guest scheduled to appear as an opposition voice to Hicks and Asner declined the interview at the last moment. The CNN source further indicated that the opposition guest was none other than a former member of the Keene 9/11 whitewash Commission.

"I guarantee that this member of the 9/11 Commission pulled out at the last moment because they think that by simply replying to Asner and Hicks and the comments of Charlie Sheen, he would be giving credence to their statements. This is a strategic move on their part to quash debate and avoid having to actually answer the hard questions about 9/11 which the 9/11 Commission failed to do. This stonewalling technique will not work forever - there are too many people waking up to their whitewash." - Alex Jones

Just so you know Andrew, Im

Just so you know Andrew, Im not the real Charlie Sheen. You can express thanks to the real Charlie Sheen here though:

Why call yourself that then?

Why call yourself that then?

The whole show today was

The whole show today was canceled?

Infowars received an email from author and publisher Sander Hicks this afternoon indicating that the interview with Ed Asner scheduled for this evening on Showbiz Tonight has been cancelled. Hicks, a published author on the 9/11 cover-up as well as a Green Party senatorial candidate in New York was slated to appear with Asner on the program to discuss 9/11. Infowars confirmed with sources at CNN the segment was cancelled because another guest scheduled to appear as an opposition voice to Hicks and Asner declined the interview at the last moment. The CNN source further indicated that the opposition guest was none other than a former member of the Keene 9/11 whitewash Commission.

"I guarantee that this member of the 9/11 Commission pulled out at the last moment because they think that by simply replying to Asner and Hicks and the comments of Charlie Sheen, he would be giving credence to their statements. This is a strategic move on their part to quash debate and avoid having to actually answer the hard questions about 9/11 which the 9/11 Commission failed to do. This stonewalling technique will not work forever - there are too many people waking up to their whitewash." - Alex Jones

My appearance on CNN tonight has been cancelled.

CNN claims they could not find anyone else to argue “the other side.”

Also, the producer said words to the effect of “people are asking me ‘why are you bringing this up’.”

The show is cancelled, or maybe post-ponedÂ….Does anyone know someone in the US Gov still willing to defend the official story? CNN desperately wants to talk to you.

Why do I have a feeling that that is not the real issue?

I feel like a heavy curtain just dropped, and IÂ’m on the other side.

Sander Hicks

I want to send him a song I

I want to send him a song I am writing, it's a real stadium anthem type number with hard-hitting lyrics and a catchy theme - who would be likely to record it in the US?

Title: You Cannot destroy America

Alex is great but his

Alex is great but his presentaion can be a little over the top for those who are not familiar all of his "New world order' ideas. As an example: I decided to go to a large party with many non-political ( i.e. 911 clueless) people for the NCAA basketball game, and put on the television when Alex was on Showbiz. I wanted to see their reaction. They were all very interested and perlexed by the show but as soon as he mentioned "the new world order", I cringed as everyone proceeded to ignore the bulk of the information in show and latch on to ... "'new world order' what a crazy nut.

'new world order' But the

'new world order'

But the Bushes themselves have called what they want a New World Order, so its exactly true.

Why call yourself that

Why call yourself that then?
Andrew Lowe Watson | 03.28.06 - 5:51 pm | #

its a long story. Its posted in this thread somewhere.

Does anyone know if any big,

Does anyone know if any big, and I mean big name musicians are truthers?

post continued..... I

post continued.....
I managed to bring many of them back to discuss some of the issues, so I could find out what worked, not necessarily in convincing them but inticing them to be open to look into it further. That is how I came up with the letter to the editor which I still can not beleive they published. (No of this group held Charlie's fondness for prostitutes and drugs against him) But they couldn't believe the people I mentioned also supported his ideas. The editor had to verify that the people I mentioned did in deed support explosives and a cover up.
Know your audience!!!!!!

andi... I actually don't

andi... I actually don't think it's a good idea for you to post as Charlie Sheen... people will get confused, etc... what do I know.

Redford - While I agree that

Redford - While I agree that Alex Jones is correct that elites probably do have depopulation on the agenda, peak oil and Ruppert are not scams. I don't want to turn this into a peak oil forum. I'm just saying Ruppert wants the truth as much as anyone The guy didn't move to Oregon and get into a subsistence type community just to carry out some oil charade. I think the oil issue is the only thing Webster Tarpley has wrong in his book.

Yes, a New World Order. The

Yes, a New World Order. The political elite have long said that that is what they want--be we, the common folk, are crazy because we simply tell others what they said?

Interesting how that works. Very interesting indeed.

"but we," that should read

"but we," that should read in my above post.

anonymous at 03.28.06 - 6:17

anonymous at 03.28.06 - 6:17 pm, Michael Ruppert has proven himself to be a government operative in a plethora of ways. But then, what could one expect from a person such as Michael Ruppert who comes from a "CIA family," in his own words?

"Michael Ruppert has proven

"Michael Ruppert has proven himself to be a government operative in a plethora of ways."

James. He's an ego-maniac, and has dropped off the face of the earth from the movement, but he is not a "Government Operative".

Do you have a Government paycheck to substantiate that claim? If not, then it's best that you don't say it.

Hey everyone, bad news

Hey everyone, bad news regarding the cancellation, but I'm sure Sheen and Alex Jones have a master plan. No way would Sheen come out without an overall game plan.

Nuttin on TV tonight???? Go Truthin', thats what I'm doing.

BTW, Inside Job is the MAN, nobody messes with him or they get banned. (not really, I don't have the authority, its more of an empty thread, so be warned).

"BTW, Inside Job is the MAN,

"BTW, Inside Job is the MAN, nobody messes with him or they get banned. (not really, I don't have the authority, its more of an empty thread, so be warned)."

That's cause he kisses your ass.

I support the "New World

I support the "New World Order"

, by that I mean its existence and our obligation to expose it and fight it. I was simply saying:

Know your audience!

The people that came to the 911 truth movement through their previous understanding of the New World order are already with us.

Remember how you came to look deeper into 911.

Don't start with new World Order then move into 911.
Start with the questions about the actually attacks and if then they will hopefully look deeper into the forces that are capable of pulling this off.

As I have.

JAMES REDFORD: im pretty


im pretty aware of alex jones; i've heard of him before. i've been into the whole 9/11 thing for quite some time now, and have just recently discovered the "comments" section of this site. i have a great sense of character, and something with that guy just doesnt sit right with me, but in my heart i know he's trying to do good. however, everyone else will look at him like a cook, thats alll i was saying; you're preaching to the choir here. and i dont buy into the whole "new world order" thing here, but thats a whole different can of worms, which if he IS correct about, will unfold itself as we tackle this 9/11 thing first. anyways thanks for the help and info!!

Jon Gold, I will damn-well

Jon Gold, I will damn-well say it, for the simple reason that it is true and that it needs to be said.

Michael Ruppert is a disgusting New World Order demon, straight out of the pits of Hell.

Besides hatefully attacking Alex Jones due to the obvious Gary Webb assassination (i.e., two shots in the back of the head, and Gary Webb saying that government agents were breaking into his house and that he feared for his life), Michael Ruppert is a eugenicist and population-reductionist. Just so we're clear on our terms here, by "population-reductionist" it is meant that he desires a program to murder-off most of the world's population.

But don't take my word for it. Research this matter for yourself.

For the globalist elite's depopulation agenda, definitely read the below David McGowan article, which gets into the globalist elite's agenda to reduce most of the world's population (i.e., quite literally murdering off most people on the Earth) using the "Peak Oil" scam as one of the pretexts--an elitist, misanthropic, Malthusian agenda promoted by population reductionists like Michael Ruppert:

"Beware the 'Peak Oil' Agenda," David McGowan, Center for an Informed America, Newsletter #70, October 12, 2004:

James. I've been around

James. I've been around long enough to know the accusations. I've also been around long enough to have correspondence with him, and know enough people who know him.

Say what you will, but you're wrong.

Keep in mind James, I DO

Keep in mind James, I DO think he's an asshole.

Thanks, Jon re: the Ruppert

Thanks, Jon re: the Ruppert issue. Egomaniac, arrogant, yes?

He does state in his most most recent DVD that he doesn't have a plan for depopulation, but he bets that guys like Dick Cheney do, and that's what's so scary. Anyway, enough of Mike. I just got turned onto this site this week. You guys are doing awesome work.

I meant, yes, I agree that

I meant, yes, I agree that he is an egomaniac, but I think he means well.



james, i was talking about

james, i was talking about golds fourm but i was just joking... i didnt know that we had a spelling and grammer nazi here.. sorry...

Jon Gold, you think your

Jon Gold, you think your "correspondence with him" is an accurate representation of him (i.e., Michael Ruppert)?

Apparently you've never heard of a wolf in sheep's clothing. Or rather, you probably have heard of the term, but you haven't taken to heart what it really means.

Yes, I'm sure Michael Ruppert has told you something to the effect that he isn't a murderous psychopath. But his other statements on the record prove that he is.

So he can tell you all sorts of things, but that doesn't mean that what he tells you is true. In order to get at what he actually believes, one has to consider his public statements. And he has gone on the record as supporting enforced population reduction (i.e., murdering-off a large portions of the world's population in order to reduce their numbers).

I don't call people demons lightly. It takes quite a lot for me to apply that term to a person. But "CIA family" Michael Ruppert is a Hell-spawn of Satan, no ifs ands or doubts about it.

Again, don't take my word for it, research the links I previously provided above for the documentation on that.

^^^^ like a kook**


like a kook**

Jeez.. Can we for once and


Can we for once and for all stop about 'exposing' people that actually are on our side, in spite of different views they may have? Ruppert's "Lucy.. you gotta lotta 'splainin to do" opened the eyes of so many of us, I feel you can't really blame him for believing in Peak Oil, at least not to the extent of labelling him an NWO advocate.

Alex Jones, IMHO, is a sensationalist who has more than once spewed out incorrect and unfunded articles, but does that make him a bad person, or better yet, a government agent? And if so, does that mean that Charlie Sheen is one? How about Ed Asner, and Martin Sheen? Walk that path and you'll find yourself to be the next Fintan Dunne, who claims everyone that is not Fintan Dunne is a CIA spook.

Every single one of the big names out there have something against them. One is a rabid anti-zionist, another is a devout Christian, some are into UFO's, others like burning flags. In stead of focussing on your differences, focus on what you have in common. All this energy would be much better spent aimed at people who deserve it, like the ones in politics, the media and the corporate world.

If you had to dismiss every single person that had some view, habit or preference you didn't like, you would probably be out there on your own. I'm sure if you're a vegetarian, meat eaters would be a bunch of government owned disinfo nazis in your view, but when you are discussing 911, it is not all that relevant, now is it. So if you disagree with someone's view on say, controlled demolition of WTC 1, 2 and 7, try to convince him or her with your arguments, and if you fail to do so, just leave it there.

Like I said before, the battle is in front, not to the side of us.

You will never succeed in

You will never succeed in geting help from the American Media. They are also part of it. This Loose Change DVD should be distributed outside USA, so that once outside media pick up these thing, then US media will shamefully start listening to beliver of Loose Change.

To uderstand the NWO you

To uderstand the NWO you only
have to research the Federal Resereve.
What has changed the whole game is the internet.
9-11 has happened on our clock if there is anyway to expose the NWO, in the next 20 years, 9-11 is the only way too.
Its the age of the internet(bacically there was none 10 years ago ,ponder that) and so much more including printing out articles and burning DVD's and hand them out like candy to as many people you can.

Tony, you don't have to "buy

Tony, you don't have to "buy into the whole 'new world order' thing," the globalist elite are trying to implement it whether you want them to or not.

The only reason I or Alex Jones talk about the New World Order is because the globalist elite talk about it--and they talk about wanting to implement it. The political elite have long said that that is what they want--but we, the common folk, are bad because we simply tell others what they said?

Interesting how that works. Very interesting indeed.

Below is video of Gary Hart right after the U.S. government-staged 9/11 attacks, singing the praises of said attacks being used by Bush, Jr. to create a New World Order:

And below you can see video of former Vice President Dan Quayle rapturously speaking about the New World Order on CNN:

For more quotes on the New World Order, see the below webpage by me:

Quotes on the New World Order:

See also the below article

See also the below article by me:

"World Government is Codified into U.S. Law":