More Stars to Speak Out on 9/11?

News Flash: The Dam is Breaking on the 9/11 Cover-Up -

More Stars Go Public with Demands for 9/11 Investigation, Others to Follow

Award winning actor, director, producer, and pioneering anti-Iraq war activist Ed Asner is scheduled to appear live on the CNN Headline News program Showbiz Tonight (6pm CST). Asner is reportedly going on to support Charlie Sheen's bold and brave stance calling for a real investigation of the events on September 11th, 2001 as well as to raise his own questions.
Actor James Woods began questioning the official fable in the first weeks right after 9/11. X-Files and Lone Gunmen star Dean Haglund has already gone public on the Alex Jones Show (December 18, 2004) questioning the official story. Actor Ed Begley, Jr. hosted a 9/11 Truth Symposium in New York City several months ago.

And we have recently confirmed that one of the world's most popular and beloved musicians is awake to the truth about 9/11 and in the very near future may be going public.

Many more major stars who are considering going public have contacted us in recent days.

It should be noted that the Showbiz Tonight show for tonight has apparently been cancelled, here are some details from the same article:

Infowars received an email from author and publisher Sander Hicks this afternoon indicating that the interview with Ed Asner scheduled for this evening on Showbiz Tonight has been cancelled. Hicks, a published author on the 9/11 cover-up as well as a Green Party senatorial candidate in New York was slated to appear with Asner on the program to discuss 9/11. Infowars confirmed with sources at CNN the segment was cancelled because another guest scheduled to appear as an opposition voice to Hicks and Asner declined the interview at the last moment. The CNN source further indicated that the opposition guest was none other than a former member of the Keene 9/11 whitewash Commission.

"I guarantee that this member of the 9/11 Commission pulled out at the last moment because they think that by simply replying to Asner and Hicks and the comments of Charlie Sheen, he would be giving credence to their statements. This is a strategic move on their part to quash debate and avoid having to actually answer the hard questions about 9/11 which the 9/11 Commission failed to do. This stonewalling technique will not work forever - there are too many people waking up to their whitewash." - Alex Jones

It should be noted that the Showbiz Tonight webpage still lists Asner as their guest, so be sure to check out the show tonight for more details.

Amy Goodman called for a new

Amy Goodman called for a new investigation of 911 on Washington Journal yesterday morning.

I am a British composer, and

I am a British composer, and I am writing a big anthem type song for 911 called You Cannot Destroy America. It's got hard-hitting lyrics and a catchy theme.
I need a big name to record it. Would anyone help with suggestions of who to approach? My preference in the UK would be George Michael.

lets keep the emails rolling

lets keep the emails rolling into Showbiz Tonight.

Let them know that you appreciate them coving the subject. It sounds like more celebs will be "coming out", so they should be doing more shows in the future.

I can't find it. Where's a

I can't find it. Where's a link???

I mean the Goodman

I mean the Goodman statement.

why doesn't Lou Dobbs man up

why doesn't Lou Dobbs man up and get some people to discuss the matter.

What worries me is that Charlie Sheen's demands (Building 7 / Pentagon photos) are not the most serious of issues and are speculative.

I really hope they don't just focus on those issues, debunk them (if possible), and disregard everything else (stock options, Mineta, etc...)

Hicks and Asner could come

Hicks and Asner could come out without opposition, couldn't they?

another angle is about the

another angle is about the pentagon crash video.

some of you guys complain that there is a coverup because all the video was confiscated yet the official one that was released you cant see what kind of plane went in due to the timing of the video.

if this is some devious well thought out plan, why would the powers that be release a video tape that actually MADE people question what was going on?ie, the wrong kind of plane or the missle theory that went into the pentagon?

if I was one of the planners I would have inserted a blurred video of the correct plane crashing into the pentagon. and thats just me, . so why wouldnt these supposedly devious conspiracy guys not even do that?

I mean think about it, you guys want the videos released....but if the government were to release them now,you guys would complain it was computer generated and faked, yet ironically that one released video isnt faked as no plane is seen.

for a devious consiracy these guys planned like a bunch of frat boys going by your evidence.

I'm confused. There were 3

I'm confused. There were 3 people to appear; Hicks, Asner, and Puppet boy. Who backed out first? Maybe I'm missing something.

Sorry just was thrown off,

Sorry just was thrown off, will it have TRUTH lyrics or official story non sense?

And BTW, George Michael sucks.

id be surprised if amy

id be surprised if amy goodman came out in support of a new 9/11 investigation, she has been as far from questioning 9/11 as anyone else has in the 'left wing' media..

any trascript available?

"There were 3 people to

"There were 3 people to appear; Hicks, Asner, and Puppet boy. Who backed out first?"

The former 9/11 commissioner cancelled at the last minute.

Its interesting that it says

Its interesting that it says James Woods is questioning the official story? He supposedly was on a plane the week before the attacks and thought the hijackers were on board doing a dry run...

Nevermind. I re-read it.

Nevermind. I re-read it.

What's the joke? Are you a

What's the joke? Are you a troll or something?

"Actor Ed Begley, Jr. hosted

"Actor Ed Begley, Jr. hosted a 9/11 Truth Symposium in New York City several months ago"

That would be more than a year ago, end of 2004 if i'm correct. Haven't heard from him since.

Glenn: Not everyone believes


Not everyone believes the "No Plane at the Pentagon" theory, just like not everyone here believes the "Controlled Demolition" theory, just like not everyone here believes the "LIHOP" theory, just like not everyone here believes the "Official Report" theory, just like not everyone here believes the "blue screen of death" theory.

Don't stereotype everyone, and why don't you try to add something of substance, not just nonsense, insults, or regurgitated garbage that has already been addressed in one way or another?

You have no god, you have no

You have no god, you have no armor
to defend your father who made this Osama
been paid from Bin Ladens, Saddam and the Taliban
so whose oil are you putting in your caravan?


what do you think? It's

what do you think? It's about GWB.


The LATEST .................

"Further investigation and probing of several other CNN sources closely connected with the production of the Asner segment on Showbiz Tonight reported that high-level members of CNN management advised the producers of the show to "kill it. " This statement was clearly made to stifle any further coverage of 9/11 despite the admitedly huge ratings boost and response garnered from the recent coverage of Charlie Sheen's statements on 9/11." - INFOWARS

while I love the title of

while I love the title of the song, I doubt george michael would want anything do with singing a song with that title,even if lyrically it was talking about an unpopular administration wont destroy america.

infact I dont think you could ever get anyone to do it as there is a mentality out there that loathes anyone who acts like they are patiotic.

thats why the left hated all those american flags after 911 and complained the patriotism was over the top. what american would hate seeing other americans happy to band together?

it just shows the REAL feelings of those who would pretend they are standing up for america.

Hopefully AJ Hammer and

Hopefully AJ Hammer and others at CNN will go public with being STOPPED!

Hey you guys... if A.J.

Hey you guys... if A.J. Hammer says something like, "We tried to contact Lee Hamilton, but he declined the interview", that would be GOLD (no pun intended.)

HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!

HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!

uh, no DHS,I am bringing up

uh, no DHS,I am bringing up things I am free to bring up.

I am an american and I dont have to fear some of you internet brownshirts who are all about democracy then want to shut up someone who doesnt believe as you do about this conspiracy.

*some* of you,your true intentions and colors are coming out.

AJ Hammer is our guy. He

AJ Hammer is our guy. He will!

Peace and love




PATRIOTISM is defending one's COUNTRY ALL THE TIME, and one's government when they DESERVE IT!

I'd try to get JACKSON BROWNE or the DIXIE CHICKS if it were me.

or i'd turn it into a hip hop track :-)

Glenn: I'm all for open


I'm all for open debate, but you aren't bringing up anything except insults and personal attacks. What have you said in this thread that addresses anything, that can be debated?

Bring up something of substance and let's debate it. I am all for that.



The honest CNN people HAVE

The honest CNN people HAVE to see what the hell is happening! How could they not?

A story gets killed at the last minute? Surely they put 2 and 2 together.

It is not what you KNOW. It

It is not what you KNOW.

It is what you can PROVE.

Hey everyone, don't feed the

Hey everyone, don't feed the troll. He's either a government employee, or an idiot. Either way, he's not worth the trouble...

I might a government

I might a government employee? you guys and your paranoia astounds me, but it also is a look inside of alot of your chracters and how you came to be that way.

as far as your comment, NOTHING will ever come of this conspiracy. as I said before we will all be around on the net for many years to come, and your theory will come to nothing, because YOUR evidence is lacking not mine.

your dreaming if you ever think anythign will ever be proved. hell, you guys spots are getting cancelled on 3 rate shows. what chance do you have on real fact finding shows?

bozo: are you sure about Amy

bozo: are you sure about Amy Goodman? Where's a link?

Glenn... to prove you're a

Glenn... to prove you're a regular guy with nothing better to do... please provide examples of "real fact finding shows?". Thanks.

"bozo: are you sure about

"bozo: are you sure about Amy Goodman? Where's a link?"


That's like having the name, "Your Momma".

Have you seen "Your Momma"? "Your Momma" is such an *&(*&....

Remember people, this guy

Remember people, this guy has been duped by the 1.6 BILLION dollar ad campaign to show us Islamic extremists had NORAD stand down and Building 7 collapse.

judge judy

judge judy

Ok Glenn. I assume you're

Ok Glenn. I assume you're being a retard by saying, "judge judy", but let's take a look at that.

What has Judge Judy found about 9/11 on her fact finding missions?

somebigguy, I say bring on


I say bring on the trolls.

If they're here is becuase something n their conscience is starting to tick.

Once they're willing for a real debate lets shine truth on them and watch them jumping to the light or go down with the darkness ship, which by the way started sinking in September 11 2001.

Guys, cool it. Bad news

Guys, cool it.

Bad news about the show.

Glenn - conpiracists are those who believe bush and co. We are truthers. And I guess truthers are patriotic too.

Thanks for the tips, DHS, only it's not hiphop.

fuck this guy.... I bet he

fuck this guy....

I bet he supports the Iraq massacre, but couldn't point it out on a map...

and I bet he supports the PATRIOT ACT buy never read it.

he is a mind control robot.

Not you...Glenn ;)

Not you...Glenn ;)

I was trying to lighten the

I was trying to lighten the mood.

in any case, remember. the tragedy happened in 2001. its 2006 already.

your evidence is lacking and with each new year history forgets you. you are fading.....fading

now you can either blame yourselves with lacking evidence and credibility, or you can blame the devious WTC planners who trusted their devious global domination plan to supposedly brainwashed fools who dropped the brainwashed routine long enough to have sex with hookers before they went on with their minders well laid plans.

and they say brainwashing is non fun.

The Matrix is a system, Neo.

The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

just drawing parallels....

Not a word.

Not a word.

Ok Glenn. Tell me what the

Ok Glenn. Tell me what the 9/11 Report says about Sibel Edmonds.

(shaking my head) Shame!

(shaking my head) Shame!

I spent a week on a theatre

I spent a week on a theatre based forum doing battle with a bunch of mentally-retarded Broadway babes who could not believe their government could murder its own people in cold blood. I have to be optimistic about Americans.

Suddenly, 9/11 Truth never

Suddenly, 9/11 Truth never happened on Showbiz Tonight.

Anyone watching Showbiz

Anyone watching Showbiz Tonight? What's AJ saying?

Moussaoui update. Moussaoui

Moussaoui update.

Moussaoui Wanted To Testify Vs. Himself

im at work we don't get

im at work we don't get headline news from the console, can someone let me know if anything was said on Showbiz Tonight?

"Anyone watching Showbiz

"Anyone watching Showbiz Tonight? What's AJ saying?"

9/11 Truth never happened on Showbiz Tonight.

The AMy Goodman interview is

The AMy Goodman interview is at rtsp://

I haven't watched it yet (Why is C-Span's website so damn bloody horrible for finding things on?)

Hey Al... nice find... "In

Hey Al... nice find...

"In the pleading, Moussaoui said, "Everybody knows that I'm not 9/11 material." He said 9/11 "is not my conspiracy." He said he was going to attack the White House if the United States did not release radical Egyptian cleric Omar Abdel Rahman, imprisoned for other terrorist crimes."

"The AMy Goodman interview

"The AMy Goodman interview is at rtsp://

I haven't watched it yet (Why is C-Span's website so damn bloody horrible for finding things on?)"

Hey man, aren't you minding the fort?

Andrew, George Michael is an

Andrew, George Michael is an alright idea. I don't like him personally but hell, he's mainstream. What about James Blunt? He's big now and a former soldier himself, his opinion carries a bit of weight that way.

*formely Charlie Sheen, changing my screenname just for you

In the pleading, Moussaoui

In the pleading, Moussaoui said, "Everybody knows that I'm not 9/11 material." He said 9/11 "is not my conspiracy."

That's what caught my eye.

Andrew, thanks much for your

Andrew, thanks much for your efforts, best of luck with your music!

A reminder to 9/11 students; the families' unanswered questions

To any willfully uninformed 9/11 coincidence theorists, a song:

I have a work-based 9/11

I have a work-based 9/11 Truth group convened at my house for pizza, beer, videos, and LIVE CNN Showbiz tonight. After playing Sheen's radio interview and the Fri. Showbiz tonight show, the group was PRIMED for some live Asner action. Too bad it was cancelled. Hopefully my rep is not ruined among those friends I told to tune in, but could make it over here...

Next time,

Nothing on CNN HLN as of

Nothing on CNN HLN as of 7:14 est.

I don't know if you've been speculating about this comment:

"And we have recently confirmed that one of the world's most popular and beloved musicians is awake to the truth about 9/11 and in the very near future may be going public."

Bob Dylan?

Another gander at "Masters of War" and I don't expect Dylan to avoid something as explosive as 9/11 Truth.

So you're not Alex Jones

So you're not Alex Jones either?

What have people got against George Michael?
I mean his singing for heavens sake.

Sting? Madonna?

Sting? Madonna? Spreengsteen?

Jon: I'm on eh...

Jon: I'm on eh... Administrative Leave...

What have people got against

What have people got against George Michael?
I mean his singing for heavens sake.
Andrew Lowe Watson | Homepage | 03.28.06 - 7:20 pm | #

I don't have anything against him, he's a good singer he just doesnt sing my style of music is all. I am not Alex Jones either LOL :)

"Jon: I'm on eh...

"Jon: I'm on eh... Administrative Leave..."


I don't know if you've been

I don't know if you've been speculating about this comment:

"And we have recently confirmed that one of the world's most popular and beloved musicians is awake to the truth about 9/11 and in the very near future may be going public."

Stevie Wonder?

Thanks for the links Frank. I will listen.

Stevie Wonder would be great

Stevie Wonder would be great to have with the 9/11 Skeptics. I get the feeling Steve Earle knows about the conspiracy but he's not as big of a name or as influential as Stevie Wonder.

Certainly not

Certainly not McCartney.
Condi is calling at his Academy in Liverpool this week. Yuk.

Whatever about his music

Whatever about his music (which I don't like), George Michael did have a good anti-Bush/Blair cartoon video for his single "Shoot the Dog"

And thanks to the magic of Youtube, you can watch it here!

which would be another

which would be another suggestion to send your song to Andrew, Steve Earle. Also Garth Brooks, he can really hit mainstream America and its about time for him to have a comeback.

"And we have recently

"And we have recently confirmed that one of the world's most popular and beloved musicians is awake to the truth about 9/11 and in the very near future may be going public."

Harry Belafonte?

Harry Belafonte Questions

Harry Belafonte Questions 9/11 And Asks Us To Redefine Terror


Yesterday, Tavis Smiley organized the 7th annual "State Of The Black Union" which featured different speakers from the black community, including such noteables as Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Reverand Al Sharpton, and Reverand Louis Farrakhan.

Mr. Belafonte asks us to redefine "Terror". For us to stop looking at "Terror" as how they see it, and to start looking at "Terror" as we see it.

To listen to the audio of this clip: Click Here

"And we have recently

"And we have recently confirmed that one of the world's most popular and beloved musicians is awake to the truth about 9/11 and in the very near future may be going public."


Bono? Ian C. | 03.28.06 -

Ian C. | 03.28.06 - 7:28 pm | #

I somehow doubt it. He whines and dines with Bush and Blair every once in a while. Who knows though...

"And we have recently

"And we have recently confirmed that one of the world's most popular and beloved musicians is awake to the truth about 9/11 and in the very near future may be going public."

Springsteen? Baez? BONO! (Please god no!)

CLINT BLACK?(ahahahaha!)

Also, I bet Johnny Depp has suspicions about the offical version...

I pledge to buy whoever's

I pledge to buy whoever's album it is.

If I had to guess someone

If I had to guess someone who wasn't an American I'd say "Thom Yorke of Radiohead". He hates the politics in politics!

James Taylor? Joan Baez?

James Taylor? Joan Baez? I'm trying to think of the hippies.

You know I think you have

You know I think you have something there with Garth Brooks. I want to reach Middle America.

It's probably Joan.

It's probably Joan.

Andrew... do you have a cool

Andrew... do you have a cool accent?

You know I think you have

You know I think you have something there with Garth Brooks. I want to reach Middle America.
Andrew Lowe Watson | Homepage | 03.28.06 - 7:32 pm | #

Yep, and like I said he hasnt put any music out in a while so it works to his benefit as well as 9/11 skeptics to get his name out in circulation again, attached to something.

Garth Brooks would for sure

Garth Brooks would for sure do the trick.

Bono would be HUGE! Won't happen though.

Joan did play at "Camp

Joan did play at "Camp Casey".

She also played in

She also played in Washington D.C. on 9/25.

I had a private concert from

I had a private concert from Joan Baez and Mickey Hart -- just me and about 10 other people.

Here's a video of Joan at

"I had a private concert

"I had a private concert from Joan Baez and Mickey Hart -- just me and about 10 other people."

I got to sit 10 ft from Rick Wakeman during Yes concert. Mickey Hart... Mickey Hart... nope, doesn't ring a bell... nope...

GW... you know I play the drums?

what about Anne and Nancy

what about Anne and Nancy Wilson for your song? Again, people that need an excuse to put out another album.

Have you any reason to think

Have you any reason to think Garth Brooks isn't a Bush supporter? It would be wonderful if he wasn't.

I will get the song on my site by tomorrow evening and you can hear what it's like.

I dont have any links or

I dont have any links or documentation or anything, but there is something in the back of my mind telling me he's anti-Bush.

"one of the world's most

"one of the world's most popular and beloved musicians"

The word that sticks out is "beloved." So, it's gotta be someone very big and very mainstream. And, with a descriptor like that, likely a woman. But, who knows!

Thanks for all the

Thanks for all the suggestions, and see you tomorrow.

Supralingua baby!

Supralingua baby!

Joan Baez is not "popular"

Joan Baez is not "popular" in the sense that is commonly accepted. I hope that's not who they mean!

Well, unless he's had a

Well, unless he's had a massive wake-up, looks like Garth Brooks is near clinically braindead:

11/7/00, 1 p.m. ET) - Garth Brooks, like many others, will go to the polls today (November 7) to cast his vote and help decide which presidential candidate will be the best caretaker for the greatest economic expansion in the history of this or any other nation. Brooks recently told LAUNCH that people need to have more respect for the office of the president, and that things need to change before he would ever consider running. "The system would have to change because, to me, there's too many things right now wrong with sticking a guy in a position that our system voted in, and then in four years trying to blow that guy apart just to make sure you can tell your buddy, 'Hey, look, I didn't vote for him.' I think what we need to do is, once he is elected, realize that it is our system that elected him or her, and then support him or her for that four years so we can get the best out of that four years instead of just running in place."

I do now that Tim McGraw and Faith Hill recently spoke out a little bit against Bush.

I'm betting it's Harry

I'm betting it's Harry Belafonte.



my money's on Joan if it's

my money's on Joan if it's female.

Look... all I know is

Look... all I know is this.

Our common enemy (BushCo) is not screwing around. They're trying to and probably have already started WWIII. A lot of people are going to die unless those with LOUD VOICES start to speak up. Those among us who don't have all the money in the world have relied on the internet to get the truth out because that's our best chance at reaching a wide audience.

However, it still hasn't been enough. We need people who believe as we do with LOUD VOICES to SPEAK UP.

This is NOT a game.

too bad we couldnt organize

too bad we couldnt organize a mass celebrity email letter, but most of them don't have public emails. Usually though they have the manager email who can forward the message on. All it would have to say is exactly what Jon just said about alot of people going to die if they don't speak up soon.

dz... write up something

dz... write up something about LOUD VOICES, and title it that. Make it a call to celebrities. Have it on my desk by 8am.

Building A Better Mirage:

Building A Better Mirage: NIST's Cover-Up Of The Crime Of The Century (911)
Building A Better Mirage: NIST's Cover-Up Of The Crime Of The Century (911)
with Software Engineer and Research Scientist, Jim Hoffman. Anaysis and deconstruction of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) draft government report on the physical evidence regarding the collapses of the World Trade Center twin towers on September 11, 2001. Originally broadcast on September 28, 2005.

Sorry go here and

Sorry go here and listen,very good detail on the report by NIST !!

I was suprised to hear Amy

I was suprised to hear Amy Goodman say what she did. She was on Washington Journal and a caller asked her to have Alex Jones on her show and suggested viewing Loose Change 2 and In Plane Site. Goodman addressed some other issues and ended by saying something like, "yes, we need to have another truly independent investigation of 911."

I too watched her treat David Ray Griffin like dog food. I really had never seen anything like that. I thought 911 frightened Ms. Goodman.,&ArchiveDays=100&P...

sorry - thats some sort of

sorry - thats some sort of dynamic link i gave above - go to c-span and search for Amy Goodman. She was on Washington Journal 3/26. The question comes about 3/4 of the way through the clip.

I can't describe the look on her face but she was dead serious when she spoke about 9/11.

why would they plan WW3 when

why would they plan WW3 when going by all reports it appears these devious planners didnt even have a masterplan for Iraq?

gee, lets come up with a huge well planned conspiracy to knock down the WTC so we can invade other countrys and steal resources.....

BUT heres the kicker...lets hardly put any planning into the invasion part and get our asses handed to us by insurgents and THEN make sure we have no credibility to do anything else in the worldby not planting WMD in the target country to justify the invasion!

sounds like a plan!

Bozo, I'm confused. What's

Bozo, I'm confused. What's the right link to watch Goodman?

A couple years ago there was

A couple years ago there was a song by some handsome country music cowboy du jour, forgot his name, but he had a 9/11 O.C.T. bolstering propaganda song, chorus went something like,

Do You Remember,

How You Felt that Day??
(yada yada)

It was huge, guy was on Larry King etc. Maybe he'll REPENT and do a 9/11 TRUTH song. Or maybe not.

Delta Force Founder: Bush

Glenn, you never answered my

Glenn, you never answered my question. What did the 9/11 Report say about Sibel Edmonds? They interviewed her for 3 hours. What did they say?

Goodman no doubt caught wind

Goodman no doubt caught wind of this FTW article from Jan ´06,

The Empress Has No Clothes



GW: rtsp://

Is a direct link - copy and paste the url into realplayer, She starts about an hour in - but like I said, I haven't watched it yet. (its from Sunday btw, not Monday)

AJ Hammer asked on day 2 why

AJ Hammer asked on day 2 why nobody else was talking about it in the media.

Well now he knows why. *I hope*

Just watched it. She didn't

Just watched it. She didn't say new investigation. She said need a "full investigation", and said the commission "did not do a satisfactory investigation".

That's still huge!

If Glenn doesn't answer that

If Glenn doesn't answer that question, then dz should ban him. That's my opinion. He is contributing nothing.

The caller asks the question

The caller asks the question at 1:16. She makes her statement about 9/11 at 1:20.

If Glenn the Troll wants to

If Glenn the Troll wants to earn respect here, he'll check his handy 911 Commish Report and tell us what they had to say about the collapse of the 47 story steel framed House Of Spooks, WTC-7. And Glenn will tell us whether or not he agrees with the commission's analysis of WTC-7's improbable collapse. Glenn?

Actually, Glenn does

Actually, Glenn does contribute something. Everytime he opens his mouth, he makes himself look like a fool, and nudges us to post relevant information for the casual browsers to read.

Thanks Glenn for all that you do.

Incidentally, this is what

Incidentally, this is what the 9/11 Report said about Sibel Edmonds.

"See DOJ Inspector General report,“A Review
of the FBI’s Actions in Connection with Allegations Raised by Contract Linguist Sibel Edmonds,” July 1, 2004; Sibel Edmonds interview (Feb. 11, 2004)."

That's it? That's all they got out of 3 hours of testimony?

Do you want to know what

Do you want to know what Inspector General Glenn A. Fine had to say?

That Mrs. Edmonds' accusations "were supported, that the F.B.I. did not take them seriously enough and that her allegations were, in fact, the most significant factor in the F.B.I.'s decision to terminate her services."

Her accusations were supported, and they fired her because of it?

Hmmm... here are some of her allegations:

"once this issue gets to be...investigated, you will be seeing certain [American] people that we know from this country standing trial; and they will be prosecuted criminally"

"There is direct evidence involving no more than ten American names that I recognized"

"The American Public Have Not Heard Who Is The Real Culprit Behind 9/11"


And then they gagged her.

And then they gagged her.

And look at what Sibel's

And look at what Sibel's doing now...

I must be delusional. All

I must be delusional. All of that is a figment of my imagination.

Here's a 911 Truth acronym

Here's a 911 Truth acronym I'm promoting,

GWOTH : Global War On Terror Hoax

By fusing the GWOT meme with the word HOAX, we can make a kewl new meme in people's brains. If you like it, just start using it around the web in forums etc where you're working to wake a few new people up.

can i get a clarification as

can i get a clarification as to if anything at all was mentioned about Asner on tonights show?



I know that you hated

I know that you hated Webster Tarpley's show last Saturday, and I agree with you. I also think that having his own show where he has to put his ideas into a standard radio show type format with commercial breaks ,kind of lessens his impact, dulls it alittle bit. Having Nico Haupt as a guest didn't help. Nico talked about his thing,the No Plane theory (there's alot about this on That pretty much lost me.
I think Webster Tarpley is better as someone else's guest. They ask him what he thinks about 9/11 and he tells them his views about what really happened with the patsies and the moles and the stuff in his book and then he talks about current events and how everything thats happening, like the Iraq war/occupation is all based on the lie of 9/11 that has to be exposed.

Well, if you check out the show, National Intel Report on the Republic Broadcasting Network, the guest for the first hour on Monday, March 27 is Webster Tarpley.
We can compare how he is as a guest on this show Monday to how he was on Saturday.
I haven't heard the show yet (I decided to tell you the minute I checked the archive and saw that he was the guest on the show yesterday) but maybe the host talked to him about Charlie Sheen and CNN Showbiz Tonight and asked for a follow up on it. Maybe this is what you were looking for.

Webster Tarpley's guest on

Webster Tarpley's guest on his upcoming Saturday show on April 1 will be Andreas von Bulow.

I emailed Mike Malloy and

I emailed Mike Malloy and told him to talk about Charlie Sheen and 9/11 Truth on his show. (He has talked about it before). But he was on vacation last week. He emailed me back saying that he wasn't up on the whole thing. (He must have had a real vacation---no real world news).
I told him to go to 9/11 blogger---its all on the website.

you guys HAVE to watch this!

It is funny as hell!

Caller to Mike Malloy's show

Caller to Mike Malloy's show brought up Charlie Sheen & 9/11. Mike Malloy talked about 9/11 for five minutes.
Tuesday March 28's show. About 12:10AM Wed. morning. Check the archives of his show on White Rose Society website.

Glenn probably believes the

Glenn probably believes the wtc towers were
supported by their outer walls, and the core
was a hollow shaft where the elevators ran.

Jon Gold, I should've know you had the great taste
to be a YES fan! Those guys are the most brilliant
talent in the music biz. I saw them in NYC just
days before 9/11, and then in May 2004 when they
had their triumphant return to MSG. Maybe we
could get Jon Anderson to spread some truth.
(Certainly a better choice than George Michael
who is probably passed out over his steering wheel somewhere.)

Keep on Truthin'