New Ministry Album Featuring Clips From Loose Change in Stores Now

Ministry - Rio Grande Blood -
Just got a reminder that Ministry's new album 'Rio Grande Blood' featuring the song titled 'Lies Lies Lies', which contains various clips from Loose Change, is being released Tuesday.

You can find more 9/11 related music in our music section on here.

carn, which is your favorite

carn, which is your favorite 9/11 truth movie or book?

Able, it looks like there is

Able, it looks like there is also a lot of Loose Change 2 bashing going on lately. This may also be part of a setup to weaken 9/11 truth.

Ministry -

Ministry - Lieslieslies
(unofficial lyrics)

“Gentlemen, we have called you together to inform you that we are going to overthrow the United States Government”

“Do you still think that jet fuel brought down the World Trade Center?”

“Does anybody else see a problem here?”

“If the government has nothing to hide, then why are they so afraid to answer a few questions?”

“This story does not add up”

We’re on a mission to never forget
Three thousand people, that I’ve never met
We want some answers, and all that we get…
Some kind of shit about a terrorist threat

Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies
Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies
Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies
Surprise surprise!

Lies Lies

We’re on a mission to dig up the truth
[?] and there’s no proof
But let me tell you that the time has come
To pull the trigger on the smoking gun

Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies
Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies
Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies
Surprise surprise!

Lies Lies Lies Lies

Don’t listen to it, listen to your pain
Don’t listen to anything they say
Don’t listen

Lies Lies Lies Lies

“America has been hijacked, not by Al Qaeda, not by Bin Laden, but by a group of tyrants…that should be of great concern to all Americans.”

We’re on a mission to bring out the facts
You got your stories but they all have cracks
This information lies in deceit
What made you think we were all asleep?

Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies
Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies
Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies
Surprise surprise!

Lies Lies Lies Lies

Don’t listen to it, listen to your pain
Don’t listen to anything they say
Don’t listen

Lies Lies Lies Lies

I can just imagine if

I can just imagine if Martial Law 9/11, a much stronger film than Loose Change IMHO got the kind of coverage and spreading as Loose Change has.

Regarding the missing $2.3

Regarding the missing $2.3 trillion announced by Rumsfeld on the eve of 9/11, you might be interested in reading three blogs, researched and written by me, entitled:

1) Cheney, the OODA Loop, and 9/11;

2) OODA, Rumsfeld, TIA, NSA;

3) Cybersecurity and the OODA Loop.

You can find them, in reverse order, at .

Eventually, a music video is

Eventually, a music video is coming out for this song. Lets get it on TRL when that happens :D

Very encouraging post,

Very encouraging post, ahern29!
"To avoid being harrassed by CTists, I have chosen to issue this guide anonymously."
Real hero. Does anybody have contact info for the author of that anti-L/C PDF, possibly "Mark Roberts" as per the URL at the bottom? The feedback link doesn't work in either version, what does it point to?

The PDF is also available via this page, apparently:

I've found nothing else via search engines... kinda odd.

That may have nothing to do with this, but I suspect the whole of 9/11 truth is being set up for a fall. It seems to be happening in five interlocking steps:

1) Equate all of 9/11 truth with no-Pentagon-757 (completed, but weak)
2) Equate all of Loose Change with no-Pentagon-757 (completed, easily)
3) Equate all of 9/11 truth with Loose Change (in progress)
4) Release security camera footage showing 757 impacting Pentagon (soon?)
5) Claim, seemingly with credibility, that 9/11 truth is now dead.

Bonus step: giggle.

If all that happens, I won't pull a Mike "I told you so" Ruppert -style self-congratulation: I will be too despondent.

While that pdf contains

While that pdf contains numerous errors, he does a good job of pointing out the fact that Loose Change contains little more than flimsy arguments and speculation. I look forward to the movie that JG is hyping, as it sounds like it might be better in this regard.

Before Chris jumps all over me, I acknowledge that Loose Change has increased awareness of the movement. It's a shame it's so weak.

Able, where did you find

Able, where did you find that PDF linked?

It's not very convincing. Not to mention his demeanor is inappropriate and juvenile.

I may pick apart his comments when I'm done reading it, especially if I can convert it back to HTML.

far from done. Anybody got

far from done. Anybody got any suggestions?


March 1999: Germany Provides CIA HijackerÂ’s Name and Telephone Number

August 12, 2000: Italian Intelligence Wiretap of al-Qaeda Cell Reveals Massive Aircraft-based Strike

June 2001: Germans Warn of Plan to Use Aircraft as Missiles on US and Israeli Symbols

June 4, 2001: Illegal Afghans Overheard Discussing New York City Hijacking Attack

Late Summer 2001: Jordan Warns US That Aircraft Will Be Used in Major Attack Inside the US

Late July 2001: Taliban Foreign Minister Tries to Warn US and UN of Huge Attack Inside the US

Late July 2001: Egypt Warns CIA of 20 al-Qaeda Operatives in US; Four Training to Fly; CIA Is Not Interested

August 2001: Russia Warns US of Suicide Pilots

Early August 2001: Britain Warns US Again; Specifies Multiple Airplane Hijackings

August 23, 2001: Mossad Reportedly Gives CIA List of Terrorist Living in US; at Least Four 9/11 Hijackers Named

Before September 11, 2001: Three Countries Hear bin Laden Tell Wife to Return to Afghanistan; This Warning Sets Off ‘Scramble’ in US and Elsewhere

September 4, 2001: Mossad Gives Another Warning of Major, Imminent Attack

September 7, 2001: Priest Is Told of Plot to Attack US and Britain Using Hijacked Airplanes

September 7, 2001: French Give ‘Very Specific Information’ about Possible Attack on US Soil

Early September 2001: Sharp Increase in Short Selling of American and United Airlines Stocks

Early September 2001: Almost Irrefutable Proof of Insider Trading in Germany,2933,34910,00.html

September 6-10, 2001: Suspicious Trading of Put Option Contracts on American and United Airlines Occur

September 11, 2001: More Than $100 Million Rushed from WTC

FEMA in place on September 10th for drill in lower manhattan.


Muslim extremist, Mohamed Atta, apparently has american girlfriend, drinks alcohol and snorts coke:

January-May 2000: CIA Has Atta Under Surveillance

MSNBC archive: hijackers trained at US bases?: alle...d_us_bases.html

MSNBC: Osama a former CIA asset:

Two 9/11 hijackers lived with FBI informant: 2...ain521223.shtml

Top FBI agents told to back off from investigating al Qaeda hijackers months before 9/11

FBI agents say government is protecting terrorists, covering up 9/11:

August 24-29, 2001: Hijackers Buy 9/11 Plane Tickets Using Their Apparent Real Names

CIA 'had 9/11 hijacker details'

Obstruction of Justice

September 2000: Military Lawyers Prevent Able Danger From Sharing Information about Atta and Others with FBI

Able Danger, 2.5 terabytes ordered destroyed.

September 2000: Chart With Mohamed AttaÂ’s Photo Presented by Able Danger at SOCOM Headquarters; Meetings With FBI Cancelled

US agents told to back off bin Ladens

FBI agents told to "back off" from investigating al Qaeda months before
9/11: Archiv...4293682,00.html

FBI agent goes to her superiors with documents from pre 9/11 that al Qaeda was going to strike with hijacked airlines: 2004Apr8.html

FBI agent blocked by higher ups on uncovering plot: frontpage

Top FBI agents told to back off from investigating al Qaeda hijackers months before 9/11

FBI agents drop 9/11 bombshell: memo.html

FBI agent robert wright warned the WTC was going to be attacked soon based on evidence field agents found, and that a terrorist attack was imminent, but he was told to shut up: 161204.shtml

FBI agents say government is protecting terrorists, covering up 9/11:

US allowed top al Qaeda and Taliban flee to safety:
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.c...? artid=38382324

FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds,webmondo2,61790,6.html

FBI whistleblower Colleen Rowley "bombshell" memo

FBI whistleblower Robert G. Wright

Money Trail

"Money man" Pakistan ISI general Mahmoud Ahmad,meets with George Tenet, then head of the CIA plus others. DAYS before 9/11.,12271,1266520,00.html

Pakistan Lobbies 9/11 Commission


40-year-old FAA rule that allowed Armed Pilots inexplicably rescinded two months before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

September 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld announces that the Pentagon has lost track of $2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS of military spending.

Bush Senior and Bin Ladens Brother attend Carlyle Group meeting at Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Washington, On 9/11.

May 2001: Medics Train for Airplane Hitting Pentagon

June 16, 2001: Major Simulated Terrorist Attack Exercise is Held in Pennsylvania (near flight 93 crash site)

Early August 2001: Mass Casualty Exercise at the Pentagon Includes a Plane Hitting the Building

Before September 11, 2001: US Government simulated terrorist attacks involving Multiple-Planes

Before September 11, 2001: NORAD Plans a Mock Simultaneous Hijacking Threat from Inside the US "Delta pilots and actors posing as passengers"

All of the five alleged Flight 77 hijackers lived in a motel right outside the gates of the NSA

Wargames/drills On

Wargames/drills On 9/11

(9:09 a.m. and After): Numerous False Reports of Hijacked Aircraft
"11 aircraft are either not communicating with FAA facilities or flying unexpected routes..”

7 extra hi-jacked planes, what would be the casue? Why the lack of air defense on 9/11?

NORAD Begins Northern Vigilance Military Operation
"NORAD begins Operation Northern Vigilance. For this military operation, it deploys fighters to Alaska and Northern Canada
to monitor a Russian air force exercise in the Russian Arctic and North Pacific Ocean,
scheduled for September 10 to September 14."

The publicly available mass media articles about these exercises state that they were similar enough to the actual
events that top NORAD personnel were confused, not sure if 9/11 was "part of the drill" or a real world event.

The National Reconnaissance Office Plane Crash Drill
"The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) "provides our nation its eyes and ears in space." It operates a system of
reconnaissance satellites to provide real-time monitoring of objects in the skies. On 9/11/01 the NRO headquarters
in Chantilly VA were evacuated as part of a "plane into building" drill. The scenario involved a small corporate jet
crashing into one of the the campus' four towers."

Three F-16 jetfighters from the D. C. National Guard at Andrews AFB, which is 15 miles from the Pentagon, were flown 180 nautical miles away for a training mission in North Carolina.

Training exercise in "airport emergency operations" is being conducted at Fort Myer, a mile from the Pentagon

Amalgam Warrior
"Large live-fly air defense and air intercept,tracking and surveillance"

Global Guardian
"Nuclear warfighting, "Armageddon"
[9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, by Webster Griffin Tarpley

Crown Vigilance
"Air combat command exercise"
[9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, by Webster Griffin Tarpley

Apollo Guardian
"Large scale live-fly air defense and air intercept, tracking surveillance."
[9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, by Webster Griffin Tarpley

"AWACS over florida, Washington DC"
[9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, by Webster Griffin Tarpley

FAA Boston Center contacts NEADS, saying, "We need someone to scramble some F-16s or something up there, help us out."

“Is this real world or an exercise?” asked the military liaison officer?

"No, this is not an exercise," responded the FAA official. "Not a test."
BBC News, 6/18/04

"A perfect cover for conducting the actual live fly components of 9/11 through a largely non-witting military bureaucracy.
Under the cover of this confusion, the most palpably subversive actions could be made to appear in the harmless and even
beneficial guise of a drill."
[9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, by Webster Griffin Tarpley, 3/05]

September 10, 2001 Donald

September 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld announces that the Pentagon has lost track of $2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS of military spending. 2...ain325985.shtml

it still amazes me that this has been forgotten or in most cases never even known by 99% of the people i talk to. thats more than a quarter of our national deficit...lost.

wow! have you guys seen

wow! have you guys seen these pentagon photos yet?

My fellow Citizens for 9/11

My fellow Citizens for 9/11 Truth,

We had another breakthrough day for the movement. 9/11 truth was covered by both USA Today and CNN in one 24 hour period. What this shows is how much the movement has grown. It also indicates that people in high places are trembling at what we say. So now they send their media lynch-mobs to do hit pieces against our cause.

The truth movement has grown because so many courageous Americans put their reputations on the line. We have stood up for something that has been labeled Un-American, by our government, media and society as a whole. We have been called Conspiracy Theorist, Conspiracy Nuts, Nut Jobs, Con-Artists along with many other undesirable labels. But through it all we have endured.

And now a significant part of our country knows the truth of 9/11. That means the Main Stream Media; along with the powers that be, can no longer afford to ignore our efforts. The Media are threatened by this movement because we are interfering with their ability to dictate reality to the American public. These corporate media powerhouses have shown themselves complicit in the cover-up of the crime of the century. And having no shame of their criminal activities, these liars continue to distort the news.

Since they no longer can publicly ignore us, the elite are attempting to smear the 9/11 Truth Movement instead. They want to marginalize our efforts to the tabloid news, hoping that the public wonÂ’t take the facts of 9/11 seriously. They do this by focusing solely on the peripheral details of 9/11 that are widely debated within the movement over the internet. For example; pods being under the aircrafts that hit the trade centers. Issues such as these are difficult to prove. But at the same time; the media choose to ignore the more obvious inconsistencies such as WTC 7. But this desperate attempt at distorting the truth will not work for long.

America already knows that itÂ’s being lied to by the government and mass media. Because of issues like Iraq, Weapons of Mass Destructions, warrantless wire tapping, and the mistreating of prisoners at Abu Graeb, along with so many other misdeeds; America no longer trust itÂ’s public officials. And current polls indicate that Americans are concerned about the direction the country is heading. They are also fed-up of the policies of the current administration. Even worse is the congress who has been unresponsive to the demands of its citizens of taking this present administration to task over its policies. The citizens of this country feel that the government is not serving their interests.

The America citizens have (to use a biblical term) itching ears, meaning they are ready to hear the truth. In light of all of this, we have no better opportunity to get the truth out to an accepting public. The ground is now more fertile than its ever going to be. So it is my encouragement to the truth movement, to be even more vigilant in standing up for the truth. Lets not be discouraged by the negative publicity, because those are coming whether we deserve them or not. But lets continue to be committed to the grassroots efforts that has gotten us to this point.

Yes, using mass media can get our message out to the public much faster. But, as we saw yesterday, their desire is not the same as ours. So we should not look to them to help our cause. Yet, take whatever exposure we get and use it to our advantage. Lets continue talking about the facts of 9/11 to friends and strangers alike. Keep handing out pamphletÂ’s, and DVDÂ’s, and showing screenings. Challenge people who believe the official version with the actual facts.

If we keep this up, WE CANNOT LOSE!!! And eventually those who committed this heinous crime will be brought to justice. Keep up the good work!!!

Martial Law 911 isn't

Martial Law 911 isn't stronger because it puts the 911 Truth movement essentially into a broader Christian supremacist/militia camp to which Alex Jones belongs, though I agree with some of what he says when he sticks with simple facts and not his analysis. I've heard Alex Jones call Noam Chomsky a "New World Order shill" because Chomsky cast doubt on the idea that Jones' hunting rifle might stave off a fascist takeover.

I've seen more than one alleged 911 Truth site with an overt neo-Nazi, anti-semitic bent. In most cases these people do not distrust the government because it oppresses the many in the service of the few, but because they themselves aren't able to join in the oppression, whether it's of women, gays, Jews, or some other favorite target of whiny white men.

It may be useful to incorporate data from different sources in order to make a convincing case, but aligning ourselves with people who are using 911 as an excuse to scream about ZOG or the Satanic reptilian cabal is a recipe for disaster more certainly than any theory about pods or holograms.

Loose Change 2E is a good

Loose Change 2E is a good overview of some basic issues, and provides interesting background in its prologue that is left out of most other 911 docs. It could, however, benefit from more detail regarding the towers and more news footage from that day. I think some of the strongest evidence against the official theory is the eyewitness accounts of explosions at the WTC provided by reporters and firefighters.

For me, an ideal 911 Truth doc would incorporate the production values and style of LC2E with the analysis of 911 Eyewitness and Painful Questions and Dr. Jones' lectures, and would avoid the quagmire of speculating about secret cabals. Public documents from PNAC and other decision makers provide all the motive we need; bringing in rants about secret societies or aliens serves no useful purpose.

The Pentagon event was the

The Pentagon event was the thing that first persuaded me to take a second look at 9/11. I've never heard a convincing explanation as to how the official theory could be true. Jim Hoffman's hypothesis about gassed passengers and a plane that is destroyed by explosives as it penetrates the building makes about as little sense to me as the official story.

What evidence convinces you Pentagon 757 believers?

Where does Hoffman say that?

Where does Hoffman say that?

Anonymous: The Pentagon


The Pentagon No-757-Booby Trap.

I skimmed over this again to be sure it's the article I'm thinking about. I didn't see the part about gassing passengers, but I'm pretty sure Hoffman suggested that in some later speculative piece.

RE: timbermonkey | 05.02.06

RE: timbermonkey | 05.02.06 - 10:29 am | #

Alex Jones belongs to a "Christian supremacist/militia camp"? Where did you get that from?

He is a Christian, yes. Supremacist, no.

And he is in favor of the right to own a gun. You know, our second amendment. I never was concerned with that issue before. But he's right that if the government are the only ones with any of the guns, we have ourselves a serious problem. That's why the amendment was created. It doesn't make him a militia member. has some of the best news articles I've read in alternative news. They're often more professional and thorough than even mainstream sources.

RE: What evidence convinces

RE: What evidence convinces you Pentagon 757 believers?
timbermonkey | 05.02.06 - 10:38 am | #

The photographs of aircraft parts and recovered bodies at the Pentagon. The eyewitnesses. There are enough eyewitnesses saying different things that it's almost a draw.

Also, the evidence against it being a 757 is not very strong. There's no video footage available. Everything in that area is classified. It's much easier to get evidence about the WTC. In other words, even if we don't know the truth about the Pentagon, it's not as worthy of investigating or trying to prove anything as other areas.

ive been a fan of Ministry

ive been a fan of Ministry since the NWO days, its good to see them pushing 9/11 truth.

Before Chris jumps all over

Before Chris jumps all over me, I acknowledge that Loose Change has increased awareness of the movement. It's a shame it's so weak.
carn | 05.02.06 - 1:06 am | #
waaaaaahhh, waaaahhh, waaaahhhh.

yet you STILL cant keep

yet you STILL cant keep yourself from obsessing over how bad it is.

benthere: Ushering in the


Ushering in the One World Religion

This article, linked to from Prison Planet, is from Pat Robertson's CBN website. I've written to Prison Planet to mock them for articles about how "hate speech laws" are a threat to white Christians (when my sister or wife or my gay friends can bust you in the mouth for hate speech without getting arrested for assault, we can do without laws against hate speech). The Prison Planet homepage features a heading called "Occult Elite," with Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, and Freemasonry as subheadings, all implied to be somehow "Satanic." That's not even a stone's throw from the "Left Behind" b.s.

Believing in the individual right to bear arms (as I do) is one thing; fantasies about fending off the gay ZOG aliens with your Glock is another.

Like I said, it's fine and good to use valid information acquired through research and investigation; but to allow the messenger's agenda to taint the information isn't helpful.

Regarding the Pentagon: is

Regarding the Pentagon: is there a link to photos of 757 wreckage that look anything like the myriad of photos we've seen of other plane crashes? I'm not surprised that there are photos of bodies, since the Pentagon was an occupied building; I still haven't seen pictures of aircraft seats or turbines that would be part of a 757, and Hoffman's argument that the real damage to the building is hidden by smoke or firefighting foam is weak in my opinion.

i like Alex Jones, but he

i like Alex Jones, but he needs to back off of the whole religious, anti stem cell, anti gay, anti abortion shit.we get it, your a fundamentalist. he does his best work when focusing on government corruption and false flag far as Alex Jones calling Chomsky a "shill for the NWO" i basically agree with him. he still thinks Oswald acted alone and he thinks 9/11 was done solely by 19 arabs with box cutters.he refuses to go into any CIA/FBI atrocities in depth.Chomsky is very influential on the left, i should know, and i hate him for his silence on certain issues.

that Loose Change 2 PDF hit

that Loose Change 2 PDF hit piece is a sign of fear. keep it coming.

Chris-- I like Chomsky as a


I like Chomsky as a historian and analyst, but I share your anger at him and the rest of the establishment left for refusing to investigate 911, JFK, and other events that don't fit with their "institutional analysis" of politics.

benthere, a lot of the

benthere, a lot of the witnesses that back up the official story of a 747 hitting the Pentagon have military ties. i know its the pentagon and all, and thats bound to happen, but its just something to note when taking certain eyewitness statements into account.

Chomsky and Goodman and the

Chomsky and Goodman and the rest would rather cling to their absurd "blowback" theory. it fits their world view better than false flag operations.

Also, the evidence against

Also, the evidence against it being a 757 is not very strong. There's no video footage available. Everything in that area is classified. It's much easier to get evidence about the WTC. In other words, even if we don't know the truth about the Pentagon, it's not as worthy of investigating or trying to prove anything as other areas.

^^^^im so sick of this type of crap... a lot of americans think that they saw the plane hit the pentagon... my mother in law the other day said that she had seen the plane hit the pentagon on tv... she thought that she had until i told her that no one has seen it, she was shocked to say the least... she is not stupid either, she reads the paper everyday and knows how fucked up every thing is but she doesnt have a computer!!!!

inside: Your mother-in-law

inside: Your mother-in-law has probably been subjected to many PsyOps & disinfo in the msm.

"skimmed over this again to

"skimmed over this again to be sure it's the article I'm thinking about. I didn't see the part about gassing passengers, but I'm pretty sure Hoffman suggested that in some later speculative piece."

I think it was wacky Nico Haupt who suggested "gassed passengers." (You know, Gold's friend.)

^^^^im so sick of this type

^^^^im so sick of this type of crap... a lot of americans think that they saw the plane hit the pentagon... my mother in law the other day said that she had seen the plane hit the pentagon on tv...
inside | 05.02.06 - 12:09 pm | #

I know there was no video of it. Well, other than confiscated surveillance tapes and Pentagon tapes. But that's part of the problem in investigating it. So are the witnesses, who almost all have connections to the government.

It's a real weak point in proving anything about it to anyone. All they need is a few people contradicting anyone who said they saw anything else, and they've muddied the waters enough that it's incredibly difficult to prove anything.

The other problem is that all hit pieces focus almost exclusively on the Pentagon missile theories. To the extent that strong, strong evidence of controlled demolition of the WTC doesn't get out. If you include everything (like L2CE) they *will* attack your weakest point, to the exclusion of anything else you said.

I don't doubt that something may have happened differently at the Pentagon. But I don't know how you're going to prove it. I don't suggest that anyone stops investigating the Pentagon. It may be worth your time. But recently I've decided that if that topic gets all the coverage, we're not going to convince very many people of anything.

At this point, with the evidence for and against a Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon, my doubts about the Pentagon completely rest on whether WTC was demolished, and whether NORAD stood down.

Yes, benthere. Many disinfo

Yes, benthere. Many disinfo artists snicker something like, "Yah, and those kooks even think a cruise missile hit the Pentagon, blah, blah, blah."

This looks very bad to newbies.

One of the resident trolls

One of the resident trolls linked to the PDF in an earlier thread. I'd like to refute a lot of it, if I had the contact info. It's unusual to see attacks pieces that thorough, even if the style is of the common enraged variety.

"Able, it looks like there is also a lot of Loose Change 2 bashing going on lately. This may also be part of a setup to weaken 9/11 truth."

So, what, it would be better to heap uncritical praise at L/C and then watch it get shot down in flames in the MSM? It's better to brace for any impact that might come.


ahern29, nice job


"Christian supremacist/militia camp to which Alex Jones belongs ... hunting rifle might stave off a fascist takeover ... oppresses the many in the service of the few ... whiny white men ..."

Hey timbermonkey, how's business at Air America then? Not real good I hope?

"laws against hate speech"

It's so very encouraging to see someone advocate criminalizing thought in a 9/11 truth forum.

"fantasies about fending off the gay ZOG aliens with your Glock"

Perhaps you will now point to where Jones says something like that. No? Aww.

And Chris, opposing eg. abortion does not make one a fundamentalist, no matter what your liberal indoctrination says.
"Jon Carlson"
"Jack White"

So much for that link.

And Chris, opposing eg.

And Chris, opposing eg. abortion does not make one a fundamentalist, no matter what your liberal indoctrination says.
Able | 05.02.06 - 4:03 pm | #
HAHAHAHA, because abortion was the only thing i mentioned when i said that right you conservative puppet? read my whole statement please.

oh im sorry, i didnt know

oh im sorry, i didnt know you felt the same way about zygotes as the rest of the fault.

Opposing stem cell research

Opposing stem cell research doesn't necessarily make one a fundie, either. Nor does opposing the things I presume you mean by "anti gay", ie. hate speech legislation.

Of course, you could correct me by pointing out where Jones says, for instance, that gays need electroshocks. I doubt that will happen.

Able-- Air America has


Air America has plenty of flaws, esp. from my left-libertarian perspective, and I've bitched about them and to them more than once. But for the most part their heart is in the right place, as opposed to the bigots and spoiled, bloated white men and shrieking bimbos who populate "conservative" talk radio.

It's so very encouraging to see someone advocate criminalizing thought in a 9/11 truth forum.

I'm not advocating criminalizing thought. Think whatever you want. I'm arguing that hate speech is a restriction of the target's civil rights and a violation of their rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" that serves no purpose except to impose control on them by the person or group using that SPEECH (not thought) against them, especially in the workplace.

"fantasies about fending off the gay ZOG aliens with your Glock"

Perhaps you will now point to where Jones says something like that. No? Aww.

Able, you're not the first wingnut I've argued with. I was using a colorful exaggeration to make a point, which is that right-wing militia types and their like argue that their personal firearms are the only thing standing between good Christian society and some evil alien force personified in the "New World Order," Satanists, or some other boogeyman. Most of them carefully avoid admitting to themselves that it's other white right-wingers that are really screwing them over. And I stand by my ridicule of Jones' obsession with the "Occult Elite."

I agree Jones focuses way

I agree Jones focuses way too much on the "illuminati" shit(it does spice things up tho, I mean hour 3 of martial law 9/11 was intense in an eyes wide shut sort of way)

And yeah, his anti gay, anti abortion, anti Mexicna immigrant,
fundamentalist Christian stance bugs me...BUT he is NO racist, and no millitia type. Hes gone out of his way to expose corruption and injustice around the it China's organ harvesting, ISrael's radiation of children, or our own US government.
He also speaks out on racist Mexican movements, and has totlaly ripped neo nazis a new one at rallys. Hes a hero, and something that corporate lard Moore could only hope to be.

"left-libertarian" Vaguely


Vaguely scary concept, that.

"I was using a colorful exaggeration"

...that went too far. I use tactical exaggeration myself, of course, but I can't see what relevance 'ZOG' and '(space?) aliens' have with Jones. (I agree his occult focus is dumb.)

I don't think I'll be defending him any more, though, he can defend himself well enough. :o

watch out pocky, Able got

watch out pocky, Able got pretty offended when i said Alex Jones views on social issues were fundamentalist.

Guys, after we break open

Guys, after we break open 9/11 truth, we can still debate these other issues.

stem cell research is NOT

stem cell research is NOT abortion, regardless of what your local zealots say.(Able, you really think a cell you cant see with the naked eye that could potentially help in various medical fields has as much rights as you and i?) opposing it is opposing science, but republicans are pretty good at that.Alex Jones is a bit of a homophobe, his republican shines through when it comes to religious and social issues.

i mean, not to make this a

i mean, not to make this a bash Alex Jones thread, because i promote the guys site constantly and have bought many of his DVD's, but hes on par with Tom Cruise when it comes to depression for instance, and he had Terry Schiavos dad on his show yesterday.he needs to stop with the social shit, seriously.

stem cell research and gay

stem cell research and gay marriage are the litmus tests in identifying religious fundies. how can you be against science? why on earth would you care if 2 consenting adults get married regardless of what they do in thier bedroom?

"he needs to stop with the

"he needs to stop with the social shit"

Kinda like everyone on this board?

whats wrong Able? you a

whats wrong Able? you a republican? its cool if you are, im just wondering why it would bother you so much.

Just to not let this go

Just to not let this go unchallenged: Chris, Alex Jones is not a homophobe.

Please backup that statement with a citation of a single actual statement that he has made that suggests to you that he is a homophobe.

OR, stop making statements about Alex Jones that are unfounded and offtopic.

hes against gay marriage

hes against gay marriage right? that seems pretty damned homophobic to me.why the fuck would a grown man care what 2 consenting adults do with thier lives? as if 2 women or 2 men getting married is going to change his life in any way. thats homophobic to point is and was, i love what Alex Jones has done for exposing crimes within our government. he should stick to that.having Terry Schiavos dad on his show is bullshit to was sad when the government got involved in personal lives(i thought republicans hated that too?)and its sad when Alex Jones drags the dad on to further pry into personal lives.sorry to point out your heros flaws. i like Alex Jones too, that doesnt mean hes above criticism.

Everyone's above criticisim

Everyone's above criticisim without facts, including Alex Jones.

You still haven't cited sources upon which you base your opinions of him.

you know what man, i dont

you know what man, i dont have all of Alex Jones radio shows on tape. hes got literally thousands of hours of audio on file so i dont think im gonna be able to provide you with proof that Alex Jones is against gay marriage.jesus christ.i was just making a point, if you dont believe me, maybe you wanna comb through the thousands of hours of audio it really so hard to believe that Alex Jones, an admitted former "hardcore repubican" would be homophobic? let me state again, I LOVE WHAT ALEX JONES HAS DONE. for the most part. the whole point of my comments was that he should back off of the religious/social drags his website/radio show down in my opinion.

hi Allie.

hi Allie.

hi chris.

hi chris.