It Can't Happen Here
The Center for an Informed America Newsletter #81
At the risk of offending anyone out there, I really need to ask a question here: what the hell is the matter with you people? And by “you people,†I don’t mean specifically the regular readers of these newsletters, but rather the American people in general. So to all you John and Jane Q. Publics out there, let me rephrase the question: what the hell does it take to get a reaction out of you?
I realize, of course, that there has been a serious dumbing-down of American society and culture over the years. And I realize that government operatives have virtually complete control over the flow of information, so that virtually every thing you read, hear or see is, at best, an approximation of reality. And I realize that you have been systematically conditioned, over the course of many decades, to revere the institutions of this society – the very same institutions whose spokesmen are routinely called upon to serve you up a nice steaming platter of lies.
None of that, however, fully explains the near complete paralysis of the American people as a whole. So let me ask the question once again: what the hell does it take to get a reaction out of you? Let's quickly run through a partial list of things that, thus far, have failed to inspire you to summon your inner Howard Beales: two consecutive stolen presidential elections; back-to-back wars, both of them unprovoked and brazenly illegal, with more on the horizon; the deaths of well over two thousand of your sons and daughters in Central Asia and the Middle East, and the maiming and disfiguring of thousands more; the ongoing slaughter of tens of thousands of Afghans and Iraqis; countless corporate/political scandals directly tied to the Bush mob; diligent efforts by a veritable army of 9-11 skeptics (including a growing list of people that some of you might find more credible than us wacky Internet 'conspiracy theorists') to convince you that the official story of the ‘terrorist’ attacks of September 11 is a nothing more than a fairy tale; passage of the Patriot Act, and various other attacks on your civil, privacy, and due process rights; the entirely preventable deaths of an unknown number of people in New Orleans; military occupation of southern Louisiana; sanctioning of secret military tribunals; revelations of the widespread use of, and official sanction of, various forms of torture; getting slapped in the face with the Abu Ghraib photos; indefinite, warrantless detentions without access to legal counsel; illegal domestic surveillance; open witch-hunting of ‘liberal’ members of academia (though it is perfectly acceptable for a former Phoenix Program assassin and torturer to educate your children); gross invasions of your privacy – at airports, at sporting events, when entering many public buildings, even when sitting at home on your computer; massive cuts in social spending, even while hundreds of billions of dollars are spent waging war and militarizing domestic law enforcement; massive tax cuts that primarily benefit corporate America; the steady erosion of the nation’s education and healthcare systems; trashing of the environment and environmental protections; the accumulation of an almost unfathomable level of debt; and the act of grand theft masquerading as Medicare ‘reform.'
So I’m curious to know: what sort of mental gymnastics are required to still view this Congress as a body interested in, or capable of, reigning in this administration?What actions by this Congress give you hope for the future? The regular allocation of tens of billions in additional dollars to fund an illegal war based on fully-exposed lies? The moves to retroactively legalize Bush’s illegal domestic surveillance programs? The Medicare ‘reform’ bill? The bankruptcy ‘reform’ bill? The sterling work done investigating the 9-11 attacks and the unnatural disaster in New Orleans? The routine rubber-stamping of reactionary political appointees? The fast-tracking of 'free trade' legislation, predictably coupled with the wholesale 'outsourcing' of jobs and widespread attacks on wages and benefits? The fact that, for five years, this Congress has marched in total lockstep with the Bush administration, sparing King George the trouble of having to veto a single piece of legislation?
Is it not perfectly obvious that we would not be in our current predicament if we had anything resembling a free and independent press? Washington would still harbor a desire to implement an overtly fascist agenda, to be sure, but without a compliant media machine to obscure the truth and shape public opinion, those plans would remain but a dream. Without a compliant media, we would not be living in a post-911 world, because no 'terrorist' attacks would have occurred on September 11, 2001. Why? Because without a propaganda machine masquerading as a free press, such an audacious and patently fraudulent story could have never been sold to the American people, just as the lie-based wars in Central Asia and the Middle East could have never been marketed.
Thanks Carol for the submission.
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David McGowan of the Center
David McGowan of the Center for an Informed America is great on the globalist elite's "Peak Oil" scam and their population-reduction agenda; not to mention exposing "CIA family" Michael Ruppert's role in pushing this elitist agenda.
For more on the globalist elite's "Peak Oil" scam, and how it relates to the globalist elite's population reduction agenda, see the below page by me:
"The 'Peak Oil' Scam," December 5, 2005:
For more on the globalist elite's misanthropic, Malthusian New World Order population reduction agenda (using the globalist elite's "Peak Oil" and "Global Warming" [or is it "Global Cooling"?] scams as pretexts), see the below articles:
"Forrest Mims did not Misrepresent Prof. Eric Pianka's Statements," James Redford, expanded edition, April 13, 2006:
"Top Scientist Advocates Mass Culling 90% Of Human Population--Fellow professors and scientists applause and roar approval at elite's twisted and genocidal population control agenda," Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones,, April 3, 2006:
"Burnet's solution: The plan to poison S-E Asia," Brendan Nicholson, The Age, March 10, 2002:
"Kissinger's 1974 Plan for Food Control Genocide," Joseph Brewda, December 8, 1995:
"National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests," National Security Council, Washington, D.C., April 24, 1974:
Hey James... did Mike
Hey James... did Mike Ruppert invent Peak Oil?
The fact is that most
The fact is that most Americans are living comfortably. There has been a 5% increase in GDP and the economy looks strong in the near term. There is no draft, dogs are not summoned to attack people of different color, and MTV promotes all the summer's coolest movies.
Face it. American's blow. Even people who grew up in the turbulent 60s are now content with weekends spent at Home Depot fishing for new light fixtures for their walkin closests.
It's the economy stupid. The best thing that could happen to the 9/11 truth movement is a Iranian oil bourst/Russian ruble switch and a natural disaster.
more bullshit from Arkin(who
more bullshit from Arkin(who does he really work for anyway?):
NSA Snoop Program: All about the Neocon Enemies List
Kurt Nimmo | May 27 2006
National Review Online, the home of many a Straussian neocon, has posted an excerpt from William Arkin on its Media Blog page. Arkin, who writes a column for the CIA’s favorite newspaper, the Washington Post (the editors over there like to call Arkin’s Early Warning a blog), declared on May 16, in regard to the massive NSA snoop program, “there is no enemies list” and the “Bush administration has been arrogant and incompetent in communicating to the American public. It has cynically split the country into red and blue in order to give itself greater power to pursue a wrong-headed national security strategy that it claims is red, white and blue…. The Congress has also utterly failed in five months to get to the bottom of the NSA’s warantless surveillance program and thereby resolve its legality and assuage public anxiety.” In other words, it is simply more partisan politics and splenetic political manipulation la mode de Karl Rove. Nothing to see here, except a bit of unresolved legality. Please move along.
Jon Gold, Michael Ruppert
Jon Gold, Michael Ruppert didn't invent the globalist elite's "Peak Oil" scam, but he sure is one of its high priests.
"I advocate an immediate convening of political, economic, spiritual and scientific leaders from all nations to address the issue of Peak Oil (and Gas) and its immediate implications for economic collapse, massive famine and climate destruction (partially as a result of reversion to coal plants which accelerate global warming). This would, scientifically speaking, include immediate steps to arrive at a crash program – agreed to by all nations and in accordance with the highest spiritual and ethical principles – to stop global population growth and to arrive at the best possible and most ethical program of population reduction as a painful choice made by all of humanity."--Michael C. Ruppert, in a March 2004 email to David McGowan, "Ruppert Responds!," David McGowan, Center for an Informed America, Newsletter #54, March 18, 2004
"And what happened to me was that I met and fell in love with a woman who was a contract CIA agent, a career agent. Now, I come from a CIA family and they had tried to recruit me, so this was not unexpected to me, but I began to see that she was protecting drug shipments and that the Agency was actively involved in dealing drugs."--Michael C. Ruppert, in "Wall Street, CIA and the Global Drug Trade," an interview of Michael Ruppert by Guerrilla News Network (GNN) at the CIA-Drugs Symposium II in Los Angeles on September 23, 2000, Nexus Magazine, Vol. 8, No. 6, October-November 2001 ,
Blue tarp mystery at the
Blue tarp mystery at the pentagon
ps John Gold are you still getting
e-mail from me?...if not...if you could send me the block of addresses
that your on, i appreciate it...i lost alot of my addresses
Just got done reading the
Just got done reading the entire article. Very good read!
James, Mike Ruppert used M.
James, Mike Ruppert used M. King Hubbard's theory, which was presented to the American Petroleum Institute in 1956, as his theory for some of the motive behind 9/11. Was Ruppert even born in 1956? Regardless, you're saying that the "globalist elite" invented the idea of "Peak Oil" in 1956, so that Michael Ruppert could push that theory as the motive behind 9/11? Is that what you're saying? Oil was definitely one of the motives behind the Neocons plans, whether it be because of the Peak, or just because they wanted to control the world's oil supplies, oil was definitely a motive. I'm not going to defend Ruppert over your accusations of him being a CIA asset or for his statements regarding population control. I'm just showing you how ridiculous your comments are. Ruppert didn't invent the Peak. If he agrees with the theory, there's plenty of reasons out there to do so.
pw, that was a blast! One
pw, that was a blast! One mystery solved. Hundreds (if not thousands) to go.
And this is not a Peak Oil
And this is not a Peak Oil blog.
And that's a very good
And that's a very good article.
whoops i meant Jon
whoops i meant
Jon Gold
No pw... I haven't gotten
No pw... I haven't gotten your emails in a while... I lost a lot of email addresses as well because I had to rebuild my computer...
My email address is
My email address is
FYI... Kyle Hence just
FYI... Kyle Hence just blasted Arkin...
William M. Arkin you are a liar and spinner of deceipt as evidenced by your vain attempt at smearing the sponsors of the second Zogby poll on these questions.
That's right the 2nd such poll. Here is the first done in NY State in 2004.
You wrote regarding a Zogby press release regarding this more recent poll that: "It pointed out that Mr. Kubiak was not a "poll co-author"..."
Yet if one reads that release one finds that Zogby said no such thing. Yes, they had final say in the wording but I can tell you from direct experience of being involved in the first Zogby poll that Mr. Kubiak did draft the questions and I have no doubt that he had a direct hand in this poll as well. Though the final edit was by Zogby Mr. Kubiak would in fact remain the effective co-author.
You have succeeded in placing yourself in growing company of those so called journalists and columnists seemingly only capable of smear and spin instead of dealing substantively with the evidence, circumstantial and otherwise, that directly undermines the official account for the attacks and demands we look beyond the 19 arabs and Al-Qeada for some level of involvement or complicity in the attacks of 9/11. According to fmr. Senator Graham and Sen. Shelby there were foreign sponsors (plural) of the attacks. Why in god's name would the government keep such information from the families and from the world by classifying 28 pages of the Joint Inquiry? Why would the 9/11 Commission insist that the question of who funded the attacks is ultimately of "little practical significance"? These are their words.
Clearly, Mr. Arkin you have no interest whatsoever in the truth here. You are deceiptful and irresponsible in this feable minded attempt to avoid honest discussion of why it is so many people in this country do not accept the official story on 9/11 and would support a real investigation.
Posted by: Kyle F. Hence | May 27, 2006 12:42 PM
Hell yeah, go Kyle F. Hence.
Hell yeah, go Kyle F. Hence.
Jon Gold, there's no reason
Jon Gold, there's no reason that is good to believe in the globalist elite's "Peak Oil" scam. There are more *proven* oil reserves than the world knows what to do with. By *proven* oil reserves it is meant reserves that are known to be economically viable to bring to market with current technology; which is to say, the oil reserves are actually larger, as advancing technology makes bringing to market previously economically unviable oil reserves profitable.
As Leonardo Maugeri notes in Science (Vol. 304, Issue 5674, May 21, 2004, pp. 1114-1115 ):
All these factors partly explain why the life-index of world reserves (gauged as the ratio between proven oil reserves and current production) has constantly improved, passing from 20 years in 1948 to 35 years in 1972 and reaching about 40 years in 2003. Today, all major sources estimate that proven world oil reserves exceed 1 trillion (10^12) barrels, while yearly consumption is about 28 billion barrels (10-13). Overall, the world retains more than 3 trillion barrels of recoverable oil resources (14).
And the man's name is spelled Hubbert. He cam up with what is called the Hubbert curve, but it is the globalist elite who are mostly pushing the notion of that world is about to run out of oil. They're pushing this as a pretext to massively depopulate the Earth.
My 2 cents on Michael
My 2 cents on Michael Ruppert and Peak Oil:
Like Jon said, Ruppert didn't invent Peak Oil. But, more importantly, Michael Ruppert is only well known within the 9/11 truth research community. His website and newsletter receive a teeny, tiny fraction of web traffic. If he were a CIA asset and selling disinfo, why would the alleged perpetrators of a peak oil scam leave him way out in the wilderness? C'mon, think about the logic of this. He has virtually ZERO influence on public opinion or geopolitical events. That alone is enough to prove he is NOT a CIA asset. And even though he is not active within the 9/11 truth movement, he recently stated that he WOULD go to Venezuela for Hugo Chavez's conference on 9/11, if he were indeed invited.
Ok James...
There are plenty of places for you to go to talk about Peak Oil.
Maybe we need to stage
Maybe we need to stage demonstrations in front of newspaper offices and tv stations instead of Washington D.C.?
At least we wouldn't be "zoned off" and the media would *have* to report that.
Channing... it's a great
Channing... it's a great idea... unfortunately, the media don't "have" to do anything... as they've proven time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time again... the bastards.
And James, came is spelled
And James, came is spelled c-a-m-e, not "cam".
Typos are a wonderful
Typos are a wonderful thing...
And, one more important
And, one more important point. We can argue about Peak Oil all day and night, but the bottom line is that the world is ACTING as if Peak Oil is real. Regular citizens can plan for powerdown or not, at their own peril. Personally, I would rather conserve, make fewer unnecessary car trips, go solar, grow my own food, and help CONTRIBUTE to lowering my energy footprint. An infinite supply of oil is NOT going to solve the environmental problems we've created by our overuse of said resource. But I suppose global warming is a ruse too, huh? Yeah right.
Here's what I suggest you
Here's what I suggest you guys do... look for 9/11 related local pieces that have been written, and call or write that reporter. That's what I did with Keith Phucas.
dz and I both have a massive
dz and I both have a massive collection of local articles... I know some have been written in New York, Vermont, California, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Florida, etc... if you guys are from that area, look up some of those reporters, and say hey...
Jon Gold, the reason I talk
Jon Gold, the reason I talk about the globalist elite's "Peak Oil" scam is because Michael Ruppert has made it such a big issue within the 9/11 Truth movement and has gotten many people within this movement to believe the reason the U.S. government staged the 9/11 attacks is because of "Peak Oil." As well, Michael Ruppert also promotes the globalist elite's population-reduction agenda.
Brilliant piece of writing,
Brilliant piece of writing, this applies to most of the western world I think, not just the US.
"Michael Ruppert also
"Michael Ruppert also promotes the globalist elite's population-reduction agenda."
I made a promise to myself that I would no longer defend Michael Ruppert, but I know for a fact that he doesn't promote the "globalist elite's population-reduction agenda", and has already commented on that statement of his a long time ago.
James, I have a problem with people who take it upon themselves to post the same links over and over again that "bash" certain members of the 9/11 Truth Movement.
Don't you have anything better to do with your time?
Never mind, don't bother
Never mind, don't bother answering that question. I'm tired of infighting, outfighting, sidefighting, upfighting, downfighting, whatever fighting you want to do.
CK, the world is not acting
CK, the world is not acting like "Peak Oil" is real, and trying to so-called "conserve energy" (which often times actually uses much more energy, such as with the electric cars) won't do a bit of good for the world.
Rather, ruling elites are acting like they always have throughout history: trying to obtain more power and control. The difference is that it has now become within the realm of possibility to form a one-world government, and so the stakes are much higher now. So also, with the advancement of bioengineering and chemistry, it is now more feasible to release upon the world plagues that could kill-off most of the world's human population. Both of which events are what the globalist elite want.
If you want to take over the world, then conrolling the major oil reserves would be critical for a successful strategy. The globalists aren't taking over major oil-producing countries in order to make money selling the oil on the market, but to deny others the use of that oil. This includes average-Joe populations, as this war to establish the New World Order is mostly against us, after all. Impoverished populations are weak and less able to mount an effective resistance.
Concerning the globalist elite's population-reduction agenda, when elites have obtained enough control over society they enjoy killing off their own populations. Currently the globalist elite are psychologically preparing the masses to accept a massive reduction in the Earth's human population, using such elitist scams as "Peak Oil" and "Global Warming" (or is it "Global Cooling"?) as pretexts.
More than four times the amount of non-combatants have been systematically murdered for purely ideological reasons by their own governments within the past century than were killed in that same time-span from wars. From 1900 to 1923, various Turkish regimes killed from 3,500,000 to over 4,300,000 of its own Armenians, Greeks, Nestorians, and other Christians. Communist governments have murdered over 110 million of their own subjects since 1917. And Germany murdered some 16 million of it own subjects in the past century. (The preceding figures are from Prof. Rudolph Joseph Rummel's website at .)
All totaled, neither the private-sector crime which government is largely responsible for promoting and causing or even the wars committed by governments upon the subjects of other governments come anywhere close to the crimes government is directly responsible for committing against its own citizens--certainly not in amount of numbers. Without a doubt, the most dangerous presence to ever exist throughout history has always been the people's very own government.
As well, it seems like with some of you people it's like talking to a wall. As I said previously, there are more *proven* oil reserves than the world knows what to do with. By *proven* oil reserves it is meant reserves that are known to be economically viable to bring to market with current technology; which is to say, the oil reserves are actually larger, as advancing technology makes bringing to market previously economically unviable oil reserves profitable.
As Leonardo Maugeri notes in Science (Vol. 304, Issue 5674, May 21, 2004, pp. 1114-1115 ):
All these factors partly explain why the life-index of world reserves (gauged as the ratio between proven oil reserves and current production) has constantly improved, passing from 20 years in 1948 to 35 years in 1972 and reaching about 40 years in 2003. Today, all major sources estimate that proven world oil reserves exceed 1 trillion (10^12) barrels, while yearly consumption is about 28 billion barrels (10-13). Overall, the world retains more than 3 trillion barrels of recoverable oil resources (14).
So you can know with certainty that the world is in absolutely no danger of running out of oil anytime soon. Indeed, the more time goes on the greater the life-index of proven world oil reserves increases.
Hawkins Renews Call for
Hawkins Renews Call for Independent Investigation of 9/11 Following New Zogby Poll
Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for US Senate, today called for a new, independent investigation of the 9/11 attacks.
Hawkins cited a new poll by Zogby International of Utica that found that "42% believe there has indeed been a cover up" (with 10% unsure) and 45% think "Congress or an International Tribunal should re-investigate the attacks, including whether any US government officials consciously allowed or helped facilitate their success" (with 8% unsure).
An August 2004 Zogby poll of New Yorkers showed nearly half believe certain U.S. officials 'consciously' allowed the attacks to happen and 66% want a fresh investigation.
"Four years ago thousands of innocent people were murdered. in our state's largest city: and yet no one has been held criminally accountable for those actions. Why hasn't the terrorist support network who helped hijack the airplanes been uncovered and prosecuted? Why hasn't Governor Pataki and Senator Clinton demanded to know who financed these attacks, a question the 9/11 Commission dismissed as unimportant? Why did the Bush administration fail to heed numerous warnings about a pending attack from our own intelligence agents and foreign governments including Israel, Germany and Russia?" asked Hawkins. "We need a real investigation to answer the basic questions."
"The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 were a crime against humanity. Unfortunately, these events were callously seized upon the Bush administration, with the support of the Democrats like Clinton in Congress, to launch illegal invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq instead of apprehending the perpetrators These invasions launched by the neoconservative hardliners of the Bush administration were intended to further tighten their control of oil in the Middle East and expand their global empire of foreign military bases. As they had previously stated in their Project for a New American Century policy documents, they were looking for a new Pearl Harbor and they found it in 9/11," noted Hawkins.
A former neocon was on the
A former neocon was on the Daily Show not too long ago and he talked about biological threats in the future. It seems to me like these plans were laid out long ago.
Forget peak oil. Oil is a
Forget peak oil. Oil is a horrible energy source to begin with. This is the 21st century. Hydrogen fusion is the answer to ALL our energy needs and we already have the technology to implement it. The Global Elite know this but if implemented it would mean the collapse of THEIR monetary system....That being said I think the article is right on the money although it didn't just begin with Bush and 9/11. The BIG coupe was 11/22/63.
Jon Gold, you wrote: "" I
Jon Gold, you wrote:
I made a promise to myself that I would no longer defend Michael Ruppert, but I know for a fact that he doesn't promote the "globalist elite's population-reduction agenda", and has already commented on that statement of his a long time ago.
Jon Gold, it's a fact that you are wrong in what you say about Michael Ruppert above. Michael Ruppert has praised at least one notorious eugenicist and he has stated in his own writing that he desires "a crash program – agreed to by all nations and in accordance with the highest spiritual and ethical principles – to stop global population growth and to arrive at the best possible and most ethical program of population reduction as a painful choice made by all of humanity."
That quote by him is quite revealing. For one thing, it reveals Michael Ruppert's statist, totalitarian, and globalist mindset. That is, the notion that "nations" will decide population matters, instead of individuals making their own choices, i.e., governments imposing upon their subjects Ruppert's desired world-wide population reduction. Of which would necessitate a world-wide totalitarian scheme similar to what is found in China today, at the very least.
Also, given Ruppert's promise that this "program of population reduction" would be a "painful choice," it's quite clear that he's not just talking about people being forced by governments to limit how many children they can have and then waiting for the world's population to be reduced due to natural causes of death, but is proposing to actively reduce the world's population, as in that very sentence by him he contrasts this "painful choice" with that of "stop[ping] global population growth." That is, it's not enough for Ruppert that people be forced by governments to limit how many children they can have and thereby "stop global population growth"--even more than that has to be done, according to Ruppert.
James, I have a problem with people who take it upon themselves to post the same links over and over again that "bash" certain members of the 9/11 Truth Movement.
An excerpt of an article David McGowan wrote was posted on the front-page of I made a post in response to that informing others of additional areas of research that David McGowan has done a good job in, such as exposing Michael Ruppert's promotion of the globalist elite's "Peak Oil" scam and Ruppert's promotion of the globalist elite's population-reduction agenda.
And as I told you before, the reason I talk about Michael Ruppert is because others in the 9/11 Truth movement buy into his promotion of these elitist policies. You can rest assured, it's not going to be the European royalty, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, etc., that are going to have their families' populations reduced by such policies.
How to spot a Alex jones
How to spot a Alex jones clone.
1. Is the word left right paradigm used at every opportunity.
2. Is Global Elitist used so much it loses all meaning.
James, I just wrote Michael
James, I just wrote Michael asking for a clarification of what he meant by that. If he responds, which he may not, I'll post it.
The Naudet brothers sue
The Naudet brothers sue Dylan Avery on copyright issues
What a fuckin' joke these brothers are.
About "9/11
About "9/11 Revisited":
'Shocking 9/11 Documentary Is Making Waves In The Mainstream Media'
unbelieveable. those french
unbelieveable. those french bastards oughta be ashamed of themselves.
so has Loose Change been
so has Loose Change been pulled off of Google yet? son of a bitch......
kick ass video: Rise of the
kick ass video:
Rise of the Pawns
You Tube | May 27 2006
Martin Luther, Gandi, Andrew Jackson - men who bucked the system, stood up for liberty and said "NO!" Where are men of such character today - lets join ranks for liberty, against all forms of tyranny and oppression of freedom by every peaceful means.
nope but its dropped to
nope but its dropped to eighth :(. Its been overtaken by "Barbie Girl", "Ultimate Porn Video", "Naked News",and "Webcam Girls Go Wild". no surpise there :/. Everybody click on loose change and bring it back up :)!
fyi dz and sbg, i clicked
fyi dz and sbg, i clicked download on the Take Back 911 movie, and it crashed my computer. it turned off as soon as i clicked download.
its possible its just my
its possible its just my p.o.s. computer though.
im all for Loose Change
im all for Loose Change being #1 on Google, as long as you guys make this #2.
i watch Univision every morning for this reason. i dont speak even a little bit of Spanish.hahaha.
Dylan told me last night
Dylan told me last night they were being sued by the Naudets. Scumbags, maybe they are plants like so many believe.
Chris, I'll try out that link and see what happens...
Hey Chris, they seem OK,
Hey Chris, they seem OK, which one did you try to download? The MP4 or the WMV? Its possible the browser plugin for whatever version you're trying to download is misbehaving.
Try right-clicking the download link and select "Save to Disk". This should at least let you successfully download it to your machine.
WMV, as soon as i clicked it
WMV, as soon as i clicked it my screen went black.its probably just my computer, its filled with various viruses and stuff.
Oh,regarding the Peak Oil
Oh,regarding the Peak Oil thing, I think we can all agree that oil, peak or not, was one of the motives for 9/11.
Money and power, thats what its all about, now quite yer arguing and get out there and get "Truthin'"!!!!
Here's a good flyer to help you out:
The Naudet brothers sue
The Naudet brothers sue Dylan Avery on copyright issues ma...ain_naudet.html
Coincidence just as loose change 2 is about to be shown to 200 members of British parliament?
the Naudet brothers are
the Naudet brothers are going to go down in History for more than just the footage they shot now. and its not gonna be good for them when all is said and done.bad move for sure.
ST911's petition just
ST911's petition just reached the goal of 10,000 sigs.
I'm pretty sure the Naudet
I'm pretty sure the Naudet brothers had advanced knowledge of the attacks. The shot of first plane hitting the north tower is too methodical to be considered just a lucky shot.
do yourselves a favor, and
do yourselves a favor, and watch this Immortal Technique video. its for the song "Bin Laden", but it has all of his verses unlike the version here. and the video is pretty powerful Immortal Technique.
"ST911's petition just
"ST911's petition just reached the goal of 10,000 sigs."
Finally. Months after they predicted.
There is nothing like
There is nothing like insulting the American public to gain credibility.
Another lost cause.
I agree almost totally with
I agree almost totally with the author of this article.
FDR and Pearl Harbor On
FDR and Pearl Harbor
On December 8, 1941, after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the following words
were broadcast across the United States by US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
“Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the
United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval
and air forces of the empire of Japan.”
It may have been a surprise attack to the American people, but it wasnÂ’t to the federal
government and the military. Months before the attack, they knew the Japanese were
preparing for an all-out assault in the Pacific.
The History Channel and many historical records have reported that twelve days prior to
the attack, Roosevelt knew the actual date of the strike. The government had in its
possession Admiral Yamamoto’s communiqué reading, “On the morning of December 7
we will attack the Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor and deal a death blow.”
On November 25, 1941 the Secretary of the War Department, Henry Stimsom, wrote in
his diary, “President Roosevelt brought up the event that we are likely to be attacked
perhaps as soon as next Monday, for the Japanese are notorious for making an attack
without warning, and the question was how we should maneuver them into the position
of firing the first shot."
The Honolulu Advertiser front page headline on November 30, 1941 read: “Japan May
Strike over Weekend.” Still, the military was told to go to the lowest level of readiness,
the ships in the harbor were lined up in tight rows, and the aircraft on the airfields were
put into circles, nose tip to nose tip.
Roosevelt had campaigned to keep America out of the war, but his backers had been
funding the Japanese war machine for years. They had also been financing and
encouraging HitlerÂ’s blitzkrieg.
The Anglo-American establishment based in New York and London needed a global
crisis to bring in a global government and the birth of the United Nations. ThatÂ’s why six
months before the attack on Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt had the naval command remove the
code-breaking machines from Pearl Harbor, as well as dismantle the radar. They had to
have the crisis to justify the creation of this global system of tyranny.
Think of the dastardly deed the White House had committed, leaving our troops, our
sailors, our boys to die. The global elite had attempted to create a League of Nations at
the end of World War I. When it failed, World War II had to be bigger, on a larger scale,
so the people would say, “Give us a global government to protect us from these horrible
The Cuban Missile Crisis and the Operation Northwoods Document
Concerning the Cuban Missile Crisis, President John F. Kennedy broadcast these words
on October 22, 1962:
“Good evening, my fellow citizens. This government, as promised, has
maintained the closest surveillance of the Soviet military buildup on the
island of Cuba. Within the past week, unmistakable evidence has
established the fact that a series of offensive missile sites is now in
preparation on that imprisoned island. The purpose of these bases can be
none other than to provide a nuclear strike capability against the Western
In the early 1960s, the federal government needed an excuse, a pretext, to invade Cuba.
The government actually put the plan to paper in the notorious Operation Northwoods
document. The story was first reported in James BamfordÂ’s Book, Body of Secrets and
carried in published media reports on ABC News (ABC News, May 1, 2001: “Friendly
Fire: U.S. Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize U.S. Cities to Provoke War with Cuba”) as
well as in the Baltimore Sun (Baltimore Sun, April 24, 2001: “New book on NSA sheds
light on secrets: U.S. terror plan called Cuba invasion pretext”).
In the Operation Northwoods document, the federal government proposed blowing up
airliners full of Americans, saying: “Casualty lists in U.S. newspapers would cause a
helpful wave of indignation.” The madman, the architect of this plan, was General L. L.
Lemnitzer, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff. He got his Faustian plan approved all the way
up to the Secretary of Defense. President Kennedy was not amused.
In this plan, they elaborated on how Washington, D.C. could be bombed and then Cuba
could be blamed; or how they could dress U.S. Army soldiers as Cubans, then have them
attack Marines at Guantanamo Bay. In another part of the plan, just as the U.S.S. Maine
was sunk as a pretext for entry into the Spanish-American War, it was suggested that the
Navy could blow up one of its own ships. The whole document is an insane testament to
the effectiveness of the cold-blooded use of problem/reaction/solution. The document
details how the Hegelian dialectic could be made to work in order to motivate the
American people to get behind the governmentÂ’s push for a war, in this case a nuclear
war with Cuba and the Soviet Union.
ItÂ’s hard for any decent person to be able to wrap their mind around the thought processes
that the controllers are/were using. You must understand that they are after raw power
and that history has shown that there is no better way to seize power, expand power and
maintain power than through controlled crises that harness the militant tribal enthusiasm
of the howling mob.
President Kennedy had always been a servant of the elite, but he was so shocked by the
Operation Northwoods document that he signed Executive Order 11110 shortly before
his death announcing that he would abolish the Federal Reserve System. He also began to
pull American soldiers out of Vietnam, and signed an order to abolish the CIA. For
taking these decisive actions on behalf of our Constitutional Republic, Kennedy was
assassinated. He had decided to be a leader of the people and to defend their interests.
The New World Order could not allow that to happen.
This is why I say 11/22/63 was a major coupe. Had Kennedy lived we wouldn't be in the mess we are in now. 9/11 never would have happened.
Please go here
Please go here download and listen to the 2nd hr. of Tarpley's interview with Morgan Renolds. He will go into detail next week in Chicago at the conference. Remember Renolds was a Bush insider turned 9/11 truther. Awsome truth here! Remember what I said about 11/22/63.
maddog, How do we identify
How do we identify which interview it is [at RBN]? I don't see Morgan Reynolds listed.
maddog, you're right on the
maddog, you're right on the mark^ re: the self-serving gov't liars that start wars + Kennedy & the evil elements that murdered him because he wouldn't stand for this!!!
This planet can EASILY
This planet can EASILY support 10 times the
amount of beautiful girls and lovely kids.
Just these males ... big worry.
Seriously. Food? shelter? sustainable living?
Mercedes Benz ALONE could build the engines
needed to power the lifestyle. They and
Duracell... electric cars..
But you cannot win wars with ELECTRIC CARS.
(sitting duck while battery recharge, and
won't fly, too heavy!)
> Face it. American's blow
Where do you live?
There is RAMPANT poverty in USA.
You will have a hard time finding such poverty
in central europe... england or portugal maybe.
> It's the economy stupid
What would you rather have:
a) dollar bust, huge war, bloodshed.. you starve
b) idiotic monetary system, USA killing iraqis, but
we all continue living the bizarro-world..
these are your choices.
c) transition to socialism, disarmament, change to
common good driven ULTRA DEMOCRACY.
well c) you cannot have because you do not accept
- Chomsky is right ALL THE TIME. (scarily so ;-)
- Anarchism (read Graeber is the way to go.
- your effort at learning intellectual self-defence and reading up on marx, bakunin, parenti, russell, is insufficient.
Solution: watch CENTURY OF SELF and listen to CHOMSKY and PARENTi
ah yes, and
PEAK OIL isn't the worst way to explain the world.
> Mass Culling 90% Of Human
> Mass Culling 90% Of Human Population
you americans are real sickos..
Goebbels and Himmler would be proud of you.
> globalist elite's "Peak Oil" scam
Oil is needed for one thing most of all:
to fight long wars. There *is* peak oil
for the US military in the sense that it
COSTS SO MUCH to fuel these tanks/ships/planes
911 was done for MONEY.
Money is not a value in itself. It is
nothing but information.
In yet other words:
The US military was faced with a severe
power loss (budget cuts, accountability etc)
911 solved this problem. End of story.
I wish you brainwashed americans wouldn't
blindly parrot the PATRIDIOT stuff.
There is SOME truth, but LOTS OF pea-brain!