Christopher Bollyn Interviews Eric Hufschmid

I don't have any details on the interview other than that it is from June 6th, and that it can be downloaded here.

Thanks DHS for the heads up!



I wonder how many times

I wonder how many times he'll talk about Jews in the interview? D'oh!

Btw, Anne Coulter calls the 9/11 commission a "Clinton White Wash Commission"...that, we can agree on that it was a white wash:

"No real researchers were

"No real researchers were there".

We're "Zionist Deniers".

We're "Zionist Deniers".

I can't believe this guy

I can't believe this guy used to be my friend.

the guy lost his mind.its

the guy lost his mind.its funny too, because his was the first book i read about 9/11.

It's funny how he "screams"

It's funny how he "screams" everything.

He should be written off as

He should be written off as "non-postworthy".

We're trying to make people

We're trying to make people not question the media.



Flashback: A Letter To The

Flashback: A Letter To The Media After The 9/11 Omission Hearings

Proof The Media No Longer Does Its' Job

What's on the front page of

MSM Damage Control Kicks In?

Monday AOL News logged the NY Times report on the Chicago 9/11 conference (below) as their Most Popular News Story throughout the day and over 180,000 people responded to the attached poll. (See AOL version here.) It has now completely vanished from the Most Popular page (and every other story list on the site), despite the fact that only about 70,000 people voted in the week's Most Popular story poll. And consider the even odder fact that Google "9/11" News Alerts still do not list the NY Times story (and they also declined to run our Zogby poll press release even though PRWeb sent it to them at least three times). "What's up?" you might ask. We certainly do.

"Look at it... look at

"Look at it... look at it..."

hes bashing Kevin Barrett

hes bashing Kevin Barrett right now.what a tool.

Your not a real 9/11

Your not a real 9/11 researcher if you try and connect EVERYTHING to the jews according to them.

Just take down the link, all those assholes do is hurt the truth.

99% of us are liars.

99% of us are liars.

They are showing their hand.

They are showing their hand. There's no denying who these people are anymore.

What did Theirry Meissan's

What did Theirry Meissan's and Eric Hufschmid's books focus on for the most part?

The Pentagon.

What have they used to try and "discredit" us?

The Pentagon.

I'll never forget Eric

I'll never forget Eric Hufschmid's "Bullshit" interview when he was asked, "Why would they do such a thing?", and his response, "I don't know".

zero israeli troops in the

zero israeli troops in the war on terror

FIRE!!! FIRE!!! "Where?" "I



"I dunno".

zero israeli troops in the

zero israeli troops in the war on terror
huh | 06.09.06 - 7:28 pm | #
isnt it ironic? dont ya think?

9/11 Commissioner Criticizes

9/11 Commissioner Criticizes Coulter

Friday June 9, 2006 9:01 PM


Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - A member of the Sept. 11 commission on Friday lashed out at conservative pundit Ann Coulter for a ``hate-filled attack'' in saying the widows whose husbands died in the World Trade Center used the deaths for their own political gain.

In her latest book, Coulter criticizes the four New Jersey widows who pushed for an independent commission to investigate the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. The women also backed Democrat John Kerry's presidential candidacy in 2004.

this is funny coming considering the source.,,-5875895,00.html

What a bunch of whiners

What a bunch of whiners (Hufschmid/Bollyn).

This event was open to anyone who wanted to attend. Sorry if you didn't get a personal engraved invitation - I didn't either. Get over yourselves and help out the movement instead of whining about it. It was well advertised - all you needed to do is sign up and show up - otherwise please just shut up!

It's too bad that Hufschmid

It's too bad that Hufschmid is pathologically obsessed with "Jews." Not just the Mossad & other fanatical Zionists, but any & all "Jews." He fails to see any difference between Mossad murderers & some old guy selling knishes on Coney Island. There all just "Jews" to him.

Hufschmid's video "Painful Deceptions" is very good (in some ways better than LC2E), but his sick "Jew" paranoia renders him useless to the truth movement.

While it's very possible

While it's very possible that there are moles within the movement, what's the liklihood that the people would be behind the truth conference? These guys going on about falsification of the holocaust, whether it be true or not, is really hurting us. If we all have the same goal, we ought to be able to resolve this and do some damage control.

This guy has said Auschwitz

This guy has said Auschwitz was not a death camp. The gas chambers and the ovens did not exist. That is where he stands on truth.

He attacks those people in

He attacks those people in the truth movement who have success in getting the message out. WHY?

Another of his beliefs -

Another of his beliefs - this is quite fun to research - is that Paul McCartney is an imposter.

This guy just said that

This guy just said that mainstream truthers do not complain about the media cover-up of the truthmovement. That is bogus. Media complicity is a constant theme. Not only are this guy's opinions likely wrong, but his facts as well.

Eric is a nut job.

Eric is a nut job.

I think that these people

I think that these people (Bollyn and Hufschmid) have showed their hands. They clearly are focusing on way out topics that have nothing to do with 9/11, such as denying the Holocaust, denying that the men landing on the moon was a hoax. These guys are talking about way out topics, and are certainly not helping the 9/11 truth cause with their conversations. I would recommend that this site either:
1. Remove the link to this interview
2. Put a disclaimer about this link, warning visitors about some of the highly controversial things these people are saying.
Is this site keeping this link so visitors can see for themselves how these two people are turning off a lot of people?

Error above: they are saying

Error above: they are saying the men landing on the moon was a hoax.

One of the people in this

One of the people in this interview is saying 99% of the people in the 9/11 Truth movement are liars. I think this link needs a disclaimer, or get rid of the link. The only possible reason we should want anyone to listen to this is to realize that Bollyn and Haufschmid are agents trying to discredit the 9/11 truth movement. I recommend get rid of this link.

This guy just said that

This guy just said that mainstream truthers do not complain about the media cover-up of the truthmovement. That is bogus. Media complicity is a constant theme. Not only are this guy's opinions likely wrong, but his facts as well.
Oregon Truther | 06.09.06 - 8:54 pm | #
exactly, its a constant theme for me for sure, i talk it about it all the time.almost every time any of the Loose Change guys,John Albanese or anyone else like that posts here i urge them to put a segment about the media in their respective films.its essential to explaining to some people how something so big could be spun so disgustingly but masterfully.what is it, like 15 companys that own everything we read now? not everyone digs around on the internet, some people only read newspapers and watch CNN and think they are informed.its sad but true, and thats one of the main things i liked about Hufschmids film.Outfoxed is great too, not 9/11 related, but its a great teaching tool regardless.

I recommend that anyone who

I recommend that anyone who is offended by Haufschmid's comments in this interview send some feedback to
which is a website which contains a link to Haufschmid's 9/11 movie.
Incidentally, his movie (Painful Deceptions) itself is quite offensive in parts, at one point it says some insulting things about people in general, something like they are sheep, something like they are ignorant and conceited. I cannot remember the exact words he uses, but it is quite offensive when he generalizes and says negative things about people in general.

Well the good thing is these

Well the good thing is these people out themselves out. When websites or personalities obsess over 1. Focusing on attacking 9/11 Truth and 2. Focus on the Jews, they out themselves.

And I won't even give these folks the obligatory "disinfo" government cointelpro charge...I think they are merely just remnants of the 90's fringe that tried to connect everything to "ZOG".

Hey, David Duke and Louis Farrakhan(two virulent anti semetic idiots) think 9/11 was an inside job...but the reason why they are not embraced, is because they arent saying that out of activism or care. They just want a way to pin it 'on the Jews'. Or the Iranian president who said 9/11 was a CIA op, again another anti Semite. Nothing wrong with hating Israel or the Zionist fascists that run it, but when you attack the people of the Judaic ethnicity or religion that's not cool...just like when people blindly attack Islam or Arabs.

I personally don't feel anything by Hufschmid, IamtheWitness, WingTV, or any of these anti semetic sites that are obsessed with destroying the great people in the 9/11 truth movement should be linked or published on here, but that's just me.

Then again I've criticized the UFO/super fringe/Art Bell/Coast to Coast crowd for coming on board 9/11, but they seem harmless and more genuine then people with nothing but hate. And people think Alex is full of hate...sure his stance on homosexuality and other stuff isnt shared by me, but I defy anyone who downloaded his Chicago 9/11 conference hour speach to say he doesnt have a heart of gold. He's fired up, because he sees whats going on, and it's good to have balance with the other end, like Professor Jones and DRG.

I recommend get this link

I recommend get this link removed. Anybody can see what this man Eric is about just by viewing his website. And it is not good for the 9/11 movement.

I think the moon landing was

I think the moon landing was a hoax. It seems rite in line with the games our government and media plays. 911 has shown me I actually know nothing about history just looking at the last five years of current events. LIES, LIES, LIES!!!!!

lol I thought you guys would

lol I thought you guys would get a kick out of this interview ;-)

"Incidentally, his

"Incidentally, his [Haufschmid's] movie (Painful Deceptions) itself is quite offensive in parts, at one point it says some insulting things about people in general, something like they are sheep, something like they are ignorant and conceited. I cannot remember the exact words he uses, but it is quite offensive when he generalizes and says negative things about people in general."

See the following recent article, "Nation of Sheep," posted at Taken for Ranted:

and the book that is referred to in the article,"A Nation of Sheep," by William J. Lederer, (New York: W. W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1961), available from for $0.47!

Hufschmid suffers from a

Hufschmid suffers from a common ailment in the US of Angst. He imagines things because he THINKS HE KNOWS.

The reason why he thinks he knows the truth, is BECAUSE OTHER AMERICANS are soooo dumb.

Someone should tell him it is a non-sequitur.

I was suspicious when I saw him attacking LINUX.. "because you cannot earn a living from it"

furthermore.. he gets worse.

However, he has a sharp mind when his ego is not involved. We should send the Hufschmid-doberman to attack the PLANEHUGGERS.

He may well be right about

He may well be right about Apollo and even the mystery of the composer of Hey Jude whose head suddenly got bigger. He may be right about Zionist elements in the conspiracy. But anti-semitism cannot and must not be brushed aside as harmless, however much we disagree with apects of Israeli defence policy. It is a poison.

For the record, I also

For the record, I also believe the moonlanding was faked. I didn't, for the most part of my life, and brushed off respective claims as too outrageous to even consider, but then, I came across this weird outtake that sparked my interest.

And then, once you really look at it, it becomes damn hard to deny. The NASA director resigns days before the landing? Aldrin refuses to swear on the Bible that he was on the moon? Armstrong avoids publicity altogether? Ever seen the post-landing press conference? Those guys simply couldn't disguise their tension and bad conscience...

It's quite amazing. They pulled this off 37 years ago and got away with it. In fact, it worked so well that people still almost religiously cling to the fraudulent story. Must've been quite nurturing for the PTB's audacity, as indicated by 9/11...

I had to turn off the

I had to turn off the interview because he was just not making sense.

I'm beginning to realize who the disruptors are.. Eric, Michael Collins Piper, Wing TV, I had an interesting email exchange w/ Lisa Giuliani. She was a word twister when all I asked was backup info for a statement they made on their show. She played her hand BIG TIME.

WingTv is the most obvious

WingTv is the most obvious of all.

Lumos, that outake is fake.

Lumos, that outake is fake. Just google and investigate.

So if WhiteAryanResistance

So if WhiteAryanResistance or StormFront posts an article on how "9/11 was an inside job, at the hands of Israel", I hope ya guys won't link to that. Whether peopel are paid disinfo or not, not everyone who is on board 9/11 truth is without virulent poison and bad for the cause.

Alex, is

Alex, is nothing but some sort of search engine, it offers no original data whatsoever. Why you would propose I go "investigate" there is beyond me.

No one, repeat, NO ONE ever claimed responsibility for that outtake. Its setting as well as lighting are entirely similar to the Apollo 11 footage broadcast in '69. The lander, the spacesuit, it's all a perfect match. Who would go to the lengths of replicating all of that just for kicks without seeking any recognition whatsoever? It would've cost tons of cash.

So show me the proof, or at least some strong indicators that this footage is indeed faked instead of offering nothing but empty phrases. Please.

Lumos, is that "outtake" the

Lumos, is that "outtake" the only evidence you have that the moon landing was fake? im not making fun of you, i would really like to know.

Chris, of course not. I do

Chris, of course not. I do think it's strong evidence nonetheless, though. I know it doesn't qualify as scientific, bullet proof evidence, but what really sealed it for me was footage of the post landing press conference. WATCH IT! Look for "A funny thing happened on the way to the moon" on Google Video, it's about 2/3 into the movie, which admittedly is on the melodramatic side. The conference however is vintage, as is one cryptic and highly suspicious statement by Armstrong some years ago also featured there.

And, just to make things clear: I don't proclaim this to make 9/11 truth look whacky, I do it because I think it's somewhat part of the picture. Those that categorically deny the possibility can go FT.

I don't think the moon

I don't think the moon landing was a hoax, because unlike other conspiracies, the MSM likes to take it up and examine it. This is a probable indicator to me that the moon landing hoax is nothing but purposely created "honey pot" to attract conspiracy theorists and then discredit them.


what the hell happened to

what the hell happened to Eric Hufschmid? He's gone looney. Anyone that's pushing the moon hoax theory has lost critical thinking power.

i watched some of it, and

i watched some of it, and Armstrongs comments are indeed cryptic and make you think, but at the same time, im no scientist, and a lot of what was in that film was hard to follow. a nuclear ring around the earth? hasnt THAT at least been disproved? im pretty sure weve gotten above 1000 miles or whatever it was they said we couldnt go above in that film.

DHS, you think it was a

DHS, you think it was a hoax?

Chris: I don't know what to


I don't know what to think about it. Who knows really. I do know that a lot of the technology we think is so wonderful today has been around for a long time.

I'd like to believe it's not a hoax, but I don't have the background to know otherwise.

It wouldn't surprise me if it was though. These days, nothing surprises me.

Eric Hufschmid - quotes from

Eric Hufschmid - quotes from his websites:
(----The Jews in America then began pushing the New York government officials into selling the World Trade Center to Larry Silverstein so they would have control over the building._____
It seems as if most books and movies in America find a way to remind us of Hitler or Nazis. Imagine that every group of people were to provide as many holocaust books and movies as the Jews. Imagine that every time you look in a newspaper or magazine, or every time you watch the TV news, you have to put up with somebody's holocaust story.

None of the books or movies about the Holocaust are serious; rather, they try to stimulate pity of Jews and hatred of Nazis.__________ The Holocaust stories are attempts to manipulate, not educate.

The Jews are simply exploiting the suffering and death of their fellow Jews. __________-
The moment a Jew suffers or dies, the other Jews look for ways to exploit the situation. It reminds me of the way cockroaches immediately begin eating one another when one of them dies._____---- )


The American Free Press (Bollyn)
toplinks "The Barnes Review," a holocaust denial site some featured articles:

Adolf Hitler: An Overlooked Candidate for the Nobel Prize

and an article by By SS Gen. Leon Degrelle
Nuremberg: In the National Socialist Mind

Barnes Review also offers a variety of holocaust denial literature