Stop Focusing on Ann Coulter and Start Focusing on the Jersey Girls
Enough about Ann Coulter: Answer the Jersey Girls questions about 9/11! - Save the USA
Is anyone else outraged at all the attention that Ann Coulter is getting for attacking the Jersey Girls? How is it possible that everyone is talking about what Ann Coulter wrote, and no one is talking about what the Jersey Girls have to say? John Kerry wrote for Huffington post about how horrible it is that Ann is attacking them with the provocative headline “Shameless, but the Real Shame Is If We Don’t Act†No folks, he is not talking about acting on the very important issue of demanding answers to what the hell happened on to our air defenses on 9/11…he wants us to act by calling the media and telling them we don’t like Ann Coulter.
Instead of jumping in to defend them from this insignificant hateful warmonger, I bet the Jersey Girls would rather have people pay attention to what actually happened on 9/11 and start answering their questions!
There are many more questions and I think if we are going to defend the Jersey Girls we should start by demanding John Kerry and others look at the facts and start answering some questions about why they are ignoring the blatantly obvious and letting the Bush Administration get away with murder.
Thanks Mike for the heads up!
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Yeah... they've completely
Yeah... they've completely ignored the Jersey Girls' response, and instead have chosen to focus on what a C_nt Ann Coulter is... VERY interesting...
Where's the best place to
Where's the best place to learn about the Jersey Girls?
:) Watch "9/11: Press For
Watch "9/11: Press For Truth" when it comes out... what would you like to know?
They Jersey girls had a
They Jersey girls had a chance to bring some attention to 9/11 truth and flushed it down the toilet.
I'd like to know how much
I'd like to know how much they've actually asked, as far as questions that might shed light on possible government complicity in 9/11. And what do they think happened on 9/11? Also, what are their names?
There were 4 Jersey
There were 4 Jersey Girls
Kristen Breitweiser
Mindy Kleinberg
Lorie Van Auken
Patty Casazza
and sometimes Monica Gabrielle...
All of them lost their husbands on 9/11. They fought long and hard against Washington D.C. for the creation of the so-called, "9/11 Commission". Their biggest adversary for the creation of the commission was the Bush Administration. Throughout the hearings of the 9/11 Commission, they acted as "watchdogs" to make sure the Commission did as their mandate specified which was to give a "Full And Complete" accounting of the attacks of 9/11. When the 9/11 Report was released, the Jersey Girls, now, "September 11th Advocates", declared the report a "Hollow Failure".
Some of them appeared at Cynthia McKinney's 9/11 Congressional Briefing in July 2005.
Kristen Breitweiser occasionally writes for HuffingtonPost.
Actually... I think Monica
Actually... I think Monica lost her son? I forget.
Here are all of the
Here are all of the unanswered questions the Jersey Girls submitted to the Commission.
Can You Imagine? - Video
Can You Imagine? - Video Inside
This is the interview I had with family member Bob McILvaine. He also fought alongside the Jersey Girls, and attended the hearings. Listen to what he has to say. He gives some insight about the "girls".
what about real the real
what about real the real questions we should be asking?
How did trade center 7 come down?
Why didn't the secret service rush Bush out of the classroom that day when we did not know when or wherethe next plane was going to hit?
PNAC published that they wanted to attack Iraq long before 911. Shouldn't that be looked into?
are the Jersey Girls even
are the Jersey Girls even LIHOP? i know they aint MIHOP..........
You know that Chris?
You know that Chris?
Where do you find the list
Where do you find the list of all the Jersey Girls questions?
they had a national platform
they had a national platform yesterday(and for years now really) and failed to make a peep about anything that would indicate they are even close to MIHOP.
why is it when these people,
why is it when these people, and anyone involved in questioning 9/11 gets on TV, they fail to ask any real questions? why does it take friggin Charlie Sheen to ask about WTC7 on national television? i have seen Breitwieser on tv before and she didnt even come close to showing me she was MIHOP.
cant forget Steven Jones
cant forget Steven Jones though, he tried to get Tucker to play the clip.
I just saw a movie called,
I just saw a movie called, "9/11: Press For Truth" where one of the girls asked how the towers collapsed. Another said something, "maybe worse" may have been behind 9/11 other than what we were told.
Incidentally, I'm not
Incidentally, I'm not defending them, but I think there's more to them not coming forward.
Incidentally, I'm not
Incidentally, I'm not defending them, but I think there's more to them not coming forward.
Jon Gold | Homepage | 06.09.06 - 6:52 pm | #
im sure there is, just like there is more to Chomsky not coming forward, and more to the leftist media in general not coming forward, and more to the MSM not coming forward. everyone has their reasons, but its still a damn shame nobody in a position to say something about 9/11 wants to take that oppurtunity and use it.they all wanna play softball once they get a spotlight on them.
I'm not defending them. I
I'm not defending them. I would LOVE for them to come forward. However, I will always have respect for them.
i respect them as well, at
i respect them as well, at least they are doing something(not that the families of the victims of 9/11 have any obligation) but my gripe is, why dont they ask those tough questions they wrote down when they appear on the Chris Matthews show or any other MSM they have done?
Say what you will about
Say what you will about Peter Lance, his book "Cover Up: What The Government Is Still Hiding About The War On Terror" is maybe the most detailed I've read about the Jersey Girls and the 9/11 Commission. I really don't think they're "LIHOP" or "MIHOP" at this point; I just think they want a real investigation so they can decide when all the facts are in, which I can respect. That said, in reference to the 9/11 Commission, Patty Casazza says in the book things like, "The word 'cover up' doesn't even seem to do it justice". Peter Lance goes into detail about the Commission's report as well, pointing out a few things David Ray Griffin left out of the seminal "The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions" (Laurie Mylorie, Jamie Gorelick's involvement in the TWA 800 investigation, inaccuracies in the report in regards to Ramzi Yousef and Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, etc.). Anyway, I think writing any media outlet that's covered the Ann Coulter story and demanding they cover the Jersey Girls' remaining questions about 9/11 could be effective. Hell, the letter's pretty much written for us right here.
i read Lances book, and was
i read Lances book, and was extremely dissapointed. i dont know why i expected not to be, i guess when you name your book Cover-Up you assume its going to dig pretty deep.the chapter on TWA 800 is laughable.
true though, it did have a
true though, it did have a few nuggets in there, but to ignore all the various things that he did is unjustifiable.
Kristin Breitweiser comes
Kristin Breitweiser comes across as a Democratic partisan, sorry to say. When she was on TV after the Moussaoui verdict, she made a point of saying that she was a lawyer, although she didn't practice, and through in the term "mens rea" (sp?) and that didn't work either. Why couldnt' she have been plain-spoken and make one good point?
Jon, Didn't you mention a
Didn't you mention a few weeks ago that the Jersey Girls were involved in a new movie about 9/11?
No folks, he is not talking
No folks, he is not talking about acting on the very important issue of demanding answers to what the hell happened on to our air defenses on 9/11Â…he wants us to act by calling the media and telling them...
I think this was 911blogger's best post ever.
It hit the nail on the head.
I go one further.
EVERYTHING is bastardized in the US of Angst, so much so, that people don't even understand how.
In other words.. there is established a way to talk about things in a NON-CONSEQUENTIAL manner..
In yet other words... someone intentionally shat in the brains of writer-who-have-something-to-loose and trained them pavlov-dog-like to GO FOR THE COP-OUT.
In yet yet other words:
Its about the RIGHT-CONFORMIST questions to ask. example: The question is not "shall be attack Iraq at all" .. instead the easy-cop-out is: "will it succeed" or worse "shall we use nukes or not"
It yet yet yet other words:
GOOD ON YAS... 911blogger is asking the right questions.. good on you for not relenting
It's Mike Jr., dz. There are
It's Mike Jr., dz.
There are other Mikes on this board, I'm Mike Jr. :)
This is Dan Rather approach
This is Dan Rather approach to burying the lead. Just as the "forged documents" debate managed to obscure the FACT that Bush gamed the National Guard in order to avoid Vietnam (as well as avoid actually serving in the Guard), the Ann Coulter counter-attacks obscure the imformation she was railing against in the first place.
Hardly anyone in America is asking what the 9/11 widows are upset about, and many don't even know there's a discrepancy of info surrounding 9/11.
Yes, they're in a new movie
Yes, they're in a new movie produced by Kyle Hence called, "9/11: Press For Truth". There was a preview of it shown in Chicago. It was very good.
Ann Coulter, Ann
Ann Coulter, Ann Coulter!
Ann Coulter is an idiot apologist for the gangsters that carried out 9-11, for the bastards who lied us into the Iraq war, and for the criminals who are turning the U.S. into a NWO hell-hole. She, and her ilk, should be canon fodder.