Recent 9/11 Related Interviews on RBNLive

Interview: Morgan Reynolds on "Non-Random Thoughts" with host Jim Fetzer
(June 15th - archive page)

Interview: Jim Fetzer hosts "National Intel Report" with Viet Nam Vet Tim White on his knowledge of events related to 9/11
(June 14th - archive page)

Interview: Jim Fetzer hosts "National Intel Report" with author, Charlotte Iserbyt about her book, 'the deliberate dumbing down of america'.
(June 12th - archive page)

Thanks Carol for the heads up!

I just got off the phone

I just got off the phone with Janice, and she gave me a great idea. Because I am a constituent of Rep. Weldon, and because we just had a zogby poll that said half of his constituents want a new Independent investigation, that we should push him for that, and if not, why not, and if not, tell him that I will campaign against him, etc... that is the PERFECT way to use the Zogby poll... to approach every elected official, and say, "I am one of the 45% of your constituency that want a new investigation into 9/11. What are you going to do about it?"

Rep. McKinney Won't Be

i just hope she wins

i just hope she wins re-election. i can see the dirty campaign commercials now......

Ok Cynthia. You have

Ok Cynthia. You have nothing holding you back now. We are on the verge of finally ending this nightmare. Half of your constituency supports a new investigation into 9/11. We need you to speak up as you've NEVER done before.

Call Cynthia, and tell her that the time is NOW.

Washington Office:
320 Cannon House Office Building
Washington DC, 20515
Phone: 202-225-1605
Fax : 202-226-0691

4th District Address
North DeKalb Mall
2050 Lawrenceville Highway, Suite D-46
Decatur, Georgia 30033
Phone: 404-633-0927
Fax : 404-633-0968

Office of Special Plans

Great stuff. Thank you.

Great stuff. Thank you.

funny picture. (bin Laden,

funny picture.

(bin Laden, the Bunny)

hehe.. another funny

hehe.. another funny pciture!:

just add oil

Isn't Zogby the same poll

Isn't Zogby the same poll that said Kerry won the election? Hence, keeping our minds off the war to focus on this "stolen" election that was to be "fixed" by the good ol Dems. Get off your asses folks.
Fuck Alex Jones, Fuck David Ray, and stop posting these "funny pictures".
Get offline.
Get to the streets, without the bullhorns. Ignore these so called "experts" and "Ex-CIA".

I agree to pressure Cynthia though. She may have had her bad press but it is my opinion that we can trust her to spread this around if enough people act concerned.

Of course, probobly won't get us anywhere with the way government is run. The "progressive" websites promise us a new breakthrough every week to keep up staring at the computer screen.

---A couple of questions for Jon Gold: Is it a coincidence that we have countless "whistleblowers" like Sibel Edmonds that can't actually state anything?
Is is possible we are all being led around to dead ends?
Is whoever did this so inept that they wouldn't create the truth movement and infiltrate it to the hilt?

"Isn't Zogby the same poll

"Isn't Zogby the same poll that said Kerry won the election? Hence, keeping our minds off the war to focus on this "stolen" election that was to be "fixed" by the good ol Dems. Get off your asses folks.

Polling isn't an exact science, no matter which polling service runs the poll.

Fuck Alex Jones, Fuck David Ray, and stop posting these "funny pictures".

I have a great deal of respect for Dr. Griffin, and I think Alex Jones has made some good contributions. The "funny pictures", the songs, etc... help us keep our sanity.

Get offline.

Get to the streets, without the bullhorns. Ignore these so called "experts" and "Ex-CIA".

I agree and disagree. "Ex-CIA" and "Experts" lend credibility to our message.

I agree to pressure Cynthia though. She may have had her bad press but it is my opinion that we can trust her to spread this around if enough people act concerned.

I agree.

Of course, probobly won't get us anywhere with the way government is run.

Would you rather not try?

The "progressive" websites promise us a new breakthrough every week to keep up staring at the computer screen.

I agree. To a certain extent. I don't promise anything. I just try to keep people informed.

---A couple of questions for Jon Gold: Is it a coincidence that we have countless "whistleblowers" like Sibel Edmonds that can't actually state anything?

Sibel has said a lot of things. The perpetrators of 9/11 have gagged Sibel. She didn't do it by choice. If you remember, she was willing to testify before the 9/11 Commission. The families stood behind her. We should ALWAYS support the efforts of whistleblowers. Without them, we have no way of monitoring the powers that be.

Is is possible we are all being led around to dead ends?

It's VERY possible. However, I do the best I can everyday, and that's all I can do, and that's all I would ever ask of anyone else.

Is whoever did this so inept that they wouldn't create the truth movement and infiltrate it to the hilt?

Of course they've infiltrated the movement. Again, I and we can only do our best every day.

I agree it's time to be as visible as possible. I agree it's time to step away from the computers. I keep asking people if anything is planned for the anniversary of the report, but I never hear a response. I would be up for something even sooner. I know something big is planned for the anniversary. I hope as many people as possible attend.

wow Brian. you must really

wow Brian. you must really be out in the streets making it happen, and not just, say,sitting here bitching at us and bashing people that have contributed information that most wouldnt/couldnt.tell us what it is that you do to help besides bitch specific.

But the computer does serve

But the computer does serve a purpose.

Ann Coulter on Able

Has someone seen this? DC

Has someone seen this?

DC 9/11 - Time of Crisis

I am intrigued. I would like to see it ... BAD PROPAGANDA can have a healing effect, too.

Maybe its so bad that it can serve as
"a test of will" ...



Jon- I appreciate your

Jon- I appreciate your response and I was way too quick to make some of the statements that I did, not to mention in a way that would turn people off. I am young and make a lot of mistakes. I hope to engange in futher diolauge. I do belive that some of what you have followed on this site are distractions(insider trading:debunked, mysterious Attah:leads us around by the nose through piles of horseshit), and that we shouldn't trust the creds of a lot of these folks. I am not in your neck of the woods, but Alex Jones and his image(anti-gay,anti-femenist, screaming) have crushed the movement out here in little ol' CT as far as I'm concerend. Those that even bother to look into the information are generally directed to him first, and instantly turned off. The only people that read David Ray Griffin that I know are 9/11 truthers. Just the fact that he is a theology prof. makes most people guffaw at his "expertise" alluded to in videos.

Chris- This is only the first time I have "bitched". You are right to assume with the tone that was used in my writing that I am guilty of what I accuse. I have tried to spread the key facts around at great risks to what little integrity I have. Aside from putting up fliers with little risk, I have presented this information to people that I know and don't know, including my boss. He did not fire me but sometimes questions my involement in a cult-like organization, as do my parents, grandparents, many friends.

The only reasons I made these statements were out of frustration with myself due to recent events and. I am sorry for taking it out at the wrong place. Also, spending a lot of time on the internet last year only to hit brick walls at every nearly turn. Hence, get off the computers. I will be at ground zero on the 11th of September.




yep, i just happened to

yep, i just happened to glance up at the end of a story on Iraq(i think), and some guy was standing outside of a building reporting. i heard a bunch of yelling, looked up, and caught some guy on the screen holding a sign that said simply-"9/11 was an inside job". i love seeing shit like that.

i understand the frustration

i understand the frustration Brian. we have the most sophisticated propaganda pushers on the planet against what we are trying to speak out about. its not going to be easy. this is an everyday struggle for many of us.

With that said: Chris you

With that said: Chris you have balls to make these statements with a link to a movie like "Loose Change: 2nd edition". 99% bullshit, and not just in "my humble opinion". It has only served to confuse and upset people, not bring them together. I really hope that the new one is better.

As if Dylan and co. have enough proof to state exactly what happened on that day, in a condescending tone that I similalry used in an above post. Can't you accuse them of doing the same things that I have done in some ways?(of course, film and online rants are two separate things but I hope you understand, as this film is nothing but a big rant)

ok Brian, because Loose

ok Brian, because Loose Change didnt wake thousands(possibly millions) people up to the fact that something is wrong with the offical story or anything right? simple logic asshole.

Chill folks.

Chill folks.

simple fucking logic. you

simple fucking logic. you Loose Change bashers kill me. how can you not see the logic in that? despite whatever flaws it has, how can you not be logical enough to see the impact it has had? as if people will take it all as gospel and not do any research like you seem to think.just causing thousands to know something is wrong with the official story is enough to give the movie at least some credit.

sorry dz, im done.

sorry dz, im done.

Firstly, I hope that we

Firstly, I hope that we don't resort to name-calling.
Yes, Loose Change took balls and woke a lot of people up.
That is why it is perfect for whomever did this....a good amount of the information can be debunked.
Do I think people are smart enough to work around this?:yes
For a person who claims to be out on the streets, you have already resorted to childish insults, and back a movie that is old, rough and possibly not worth much in the end.

brian and chris, chill with

brian and chris, chill with all that, or take it to a discussion board please!

"Just the fact that he is a

"Just the fact that he is a theology prof. makes most people guffaw at his 'expertise' alluded to in videos." I don't get this. The point is that he is a reputable academic, and that gets him cred with a lot of people. In fact, my parents, who are both pastors with lots of connections with the liberal clergy in our city (read: people who literally have a pulpit and an audience every week) thought I was going nutso until I showed them a DRG video, and then they were impressed and really started to pay attention to 911 issues. (Their words: whoa, he's a professor emeritus from Claremont -- he's not just some whackjob.) So, like I said, I don't see your point, Brian.

It is possible that my

It is possible that my somewhat pessimistic attitude about these things comes from the fact that I live in a very backward town. However, the response I usually get is that "a lot of professors are self-indulgent whack-jobs". My point is that even though we have a couple of solid experts like Prof. Jones possibly and Jeff King, it is not nearly enough. We need more of these physicists and engineers, not theologists and philosophers. My neck of the woods is never going to get it unless the list people with "real"(not that David is not a good speaker, presenter) credentials step up en-masse.

It (loosechange2) has only

It (loosechange2) has only served to confuse and upset people, not bring them together.

man, don't hold your breath waiting for a magic video to unite the masses. if you believe that the official fairytale is bogus then you should burn as many copies of whichever 911 dvds that you can get your grubby mitts on and freely pass them out to as many strangers as you can. i am still handing out 'in plane site' and 'confronting the evidence'. are they the best? not. but they make people think, and that's all it takes. get a sharpie marker and scrawl your fave 911 url's on every bill of every denomination that crosses your wallet and also on public restroom walls etc. develop a short spiel with which you can entice people to pay attention to you as you hand them a free 911dvd that you have burned. none of the 911 dvd's are perfect, but they all expose the lie to some degree or other - just keep handing them out.

Also, he can be inconsistent

Also, he can be inconsistent at times. Sure it is in little details, but these things are crucial. For example(If needed please ask and I will try to provide links later):
"The steel was quickly sent to Germany to be melted down!"
"The steel was quickly sent to Asia to be melted down!"

Believe, a lot of people caught me on this after I showed 9/11 revisited and later another speech by Griffin.

Not to mention it took more than eight months to remove all of the debris from Ground Zero.

Sure it is an honest mistake but he also never comes out to say that some of the steel was saved and tested. is

They did find thermite though. hmmmmm

Main point being that the majority is never going to get this unless we really clean up our image. Anything that can be debunked will be clung onto for dear life.

Brian, I noticed you slipped

Brian, I noticed you slipped the following tidbits into your earlier post of 11:20 p.m.^

I do belive that some of what you have followed on this site are distractions(insider trading:debunked, mysterious Attah:leads us around by the nose through piles of horseshit), and that we shouldn't trust the creds of a lot of these folks. I am not in your neck of the woods, but Alex Jones and his image(anti-gay,anti-femenist, screaming) have crushed the movement out here in little ol' CT as far as I'm concerend

- Insider trading was NOT debunked to my knowledge or satifaction.

- Atta has been revealed, not as a jihadist, but as a patsy drug trafficer in training.

- You even managed to bash Alex Jones, one of the leading truthers.

That's all classic shill-talk, Brian.

"man, don't hold your breath

"man, don't hold your breath waiting for a magic video to unite the masses."

I most certainly am not. I have been handing out Dvds to a great extent,mostly 9/11 revisited. Once people realize that a lot of the stuff in these videos are bullshit they may say "omigosh I can't believe I bought all that crap".
Just a thought, not that I am giving up in the least!

last night i put up a

last night i put up a freeway blog that read "Got WTC#7? But havent' swung by today to take a pic. i hope its still up when i cruiz by tomorrow to take a pic.
my wife and friend said that the message was too obtuse, that referring to WTC#7 was too obscure and people would get it, which to me was why i put "got?" on the front, maybe curious people will remember and check their www. when the get home with that.

How exactly has Attah been

How exactly has Attah been revealed? Can you prove this? I am asking this because I have already looked into the information,saw the video about his stripper gf also. They,whomever they are, are possibly making 9/11 look as vast as "they" can.

Am I wrong for bashing Alex Jones for thinking that gays and femenists are part of whats poisoning the planet?

And Brian, no independent

And Brian, no independent investigation was allowed on any of the debris from WTC.

The link you just posted about "steel being tested" was where some token debris was sifted through at Staten Island garbage dump. That is not a scientific investigation.

You are being very shilly, Sir.

here brian. a professor of

here brian. a professor of mechanical engineering at clemson univ. has revised her essay:
take it to any geniuses that you might know and ridicule it in a reverse psychology tactic and see if anyone can find any mistakes. maybe that will get any geniuses who are unfamiliar with the 911 facts to start paying attention.

Loads of facts have been

Loads of facts have been uncovered showing that Atta & his buddies could not be jihadists, just as they were not capable pilots.

(You & Alex Jones can debate gays & fems all you want after 9/11 is resolved. 9/11 truth is far more pressing at the moment.)

Your right anon. But if some

Your right anon. But if some of the steel was tested that day, that's enough for most people to say "hey that david ray griffin is lying to us". This is just in my experience. Remember, most people still believe that fires brought down three buildings at nearly free-fall speed.

My apologies if you are

My apologies if you are sincerely a novice truther, Brian. It's just that some of your one-liners look like things various disinfo artists like post here.

Main point being that the

Main point being that the majority is never going to get this unless we really clean up our image

just do what you do and let everyone else do what they do. that's what i do.
Got WTC #7 ? don't change a thing!

Ok this is all coming very

Ok this is all coming very quickly.
good link James
Alex Jones will turn people off just because of that.
As a shill, what am I swindling you into? Considering the idea that your movement is a full of disinfo as any other? More so? Just because people know that the no planes and podplanes are disinfo, they think they can trust almost anything else.
more on attah in a few seconds

ok..minutes. Just dont need

ok..minutes. Just dont need anymore rants on here from anybody. I would like to portray my thoughts clearly on this drug running thing.

brian just let it go. if

brian just let it go. if someone calls you a shill and you're not, then at least you know that you are not. and don't start in about no planes and pod people being disinfo or i will embark on a no-planes proving rampage. i suggest that you let that go as well.

Attah, in my opinion is a

Attah, in my opinion is a decoy with a thick tabloid past that may or may not be true. The point of getting a lot of this so-called evidence to the forefront is to create an endless trail to follow. You remember when articles came out saying that these attah bits were the "proof"? Please prove to me that these things (and "the grove" for that matter") should be focused on or considered at all? Of course, the government is hard-core in the drug business but prove to me that this has any relevance to 9/11 in a meaningful sense. Links would be nice, and I will gladly comment. We are constantly set up for new breakthroughs in all this anti-government shit and I am frankly sick of being sent into endless caverns.

o.k. this could possibly have been a rant but I am very tired and busy.

right about the shill thing

right about the shill thing James, should know better not to comment on pety insults.

Are you sarcastic about the no-planes thing? If not I am honestly intruiged.

"Isn't Zogby the same poll

"Isn't Zogby the same poll that said Kerry won the election?

John Zogby was on the site of the doubters. He runs a article called "I smelled a rat" by Colin Shea.

Brian, if want to debate the

Brian, if want to debate the facts, then I kindly suggest you use the 9/11 commission report as your resource for argument.
Thank you

Brian, You do stand by that

You do stand by that report, don't you?

I'm not sure where you came

I'm not sure where you came to that colcusion Cloak. Otherwise, some of you might be a little too deep into this to fathom anything that I am saying.(albiet, I admit in a way that could be more convincing)
I may return at another time after further research and when I am more alert.
I just pray to god that you all realize that the 9/11 truthers are most-likely being sold.

Zogby-wise: It's not that I don't think the election was stolen,(thrown/staged might be a better word),it's that Zogby is perhaps being used as a tool to make people think that it is all good. "Oh, a lot of people think that LIHOP is possible? Ok, I can just sit here and let the truth get out or post about it on my blog."

And I was told Rove was to be indicted as well, with no doubts. Sealed indeed.

not sarcastic are you truly

not sarcastic
are you truly intrigued brian? it's a wacky concept for one to get their mind around at first, but i believe that it bears out under true scrutiny. i would suggest starting here:
a critique of the complete official version of the second hit
and: morgan reynolds' we have some holes
it goes way beyond these generalities though, into analyses of the images of flight 175:
ghost gun UA175
the main thing to consider is that princess leia was a hologram, and the no-plane concept has nothing to do with a hologram. that is a word that is often bandied about by those that scoff instead of delve. ha, out.

I'll check it out James.

I'll check it out James. Back another time.

cool - one last thing; while

cool - one last thing; while i believe that the images of 175 actually impacting the south tower that we were presented with by the mcmedia were cgi's, i don't believe that springing that on unsuspecting strangers is beneficial to promoting the concept that 911 was an inside job.

the CGI theory doesn't fit

the CGI theory doesn't fit with the photographs of 175, like the one that won the Pulizer prize, the one that shows the UA colors on it.

The only possibility would be that they faked *every* single photograph and video, and discredited/planted every single eye-witness.

That takes a BIG CONSPIRACY and everyone knows that conspiracies involving too many people won't work, because someone will not keep his mouth shut (like Silverstein about WTC7).

The truth must be in the middle. There was definitely "something" wrong with 175, like the loose/shaking turbofan engine during it's approach, and the WTC 'absorbing' them, it's just we dont know what it was.

The CGI theory helps recruit 9/11 truthers, too, just like the Pentagon no-plane theory, as long as it's properly presented and leaves the gate open for other explanations. Stop the in-fighting, goliath is the enemy. Anyone that starts this fight by calling other theories 'disinformation' is in my view a sorry ass paid by the CIA to paralyze us.

James, I wish you would back

James, I wish you would back off this cgi stuff. It's just another incredible/unbelievable layer being added to further complicate the truth movement.

Thank you anon. Is this the

Thank you anon. Is this the same anon. that says Alex Jones is really going to get us anywhere? He is quite a layer in himself. I do visit his site frequently however because most of what he says is true.

greg, let me see a link to

greg, let me see a link to this pulitzer prize winning photo of 175 that shows the colors, if you would be so kind. and a loose/shaking turbofan engine during it's approach? that's a good one and i'd love to see that as well!
i am not here to argue with you guys, sow dissent, interfere with anyone's movement or promote disinfo. but scrutiny of the images of 175 will eventually be the undoing of the fairytale. IMHO. in the meantime i wholly support the work of all the scholars.

the last moment change of course

Conspiracy of the

Conspiracy of the day..

Italy did not win vs USA because they
got paid shitloads of money.

the CGI-theory.. fake EVERY

the CGI-theory..


EVERY SINGLE PHOTO of the plane approaching.


but that can be achieved. How many were there? Maybe 30? We already saw that a few of them WERE faked, (like the front-page of DER SPIEGEL)

But then think backwards from the result.

The only really dangerous photos would be the ones that showed the "impact area" ONE SECOND BEFORE THE EXPLOSION

But how can someone press the shutter
one second before an event that (s)he cannot know will come?

And even *if* they do. How can you tell *that* it was 1/2 a second before the explosion?

Well, it actualy can be .. the SMOKE CLOUDS IN THE AIR have certain shapes and therfore I would like to suggest a

SMOKE-CLOUD dendrology exercise for the vital second before "impact"

I think there *is* a photo around that clearly shows the tower WITHOUT THE PLANE, where it should have one.

I find the BIRD ON THE LEDGE video quite revealing. The bird DOES fly away, one second before "impact".
But there were CLEARLY VISIBLE explosions in the OTHER (burning) tower... and the camera-shake CLEARLY was from ground-movement and not from "explosion-wind" because it shook BEFORE the "impact" explosion. And it shook MORE VIOLENTLY DURING and *AFTER* ...

it *is* like Richard Grove says:

The event up-high in the towers were DISTRACTIONS from what went on on the ground. We shuold aks him on that.. he witnessed something important down there that day.