The Great 9/11-Truth Debate: A Call to Progressives and Anti-war Activists

This debate is expanding to include and welcome anyone from Progressive or Anti-War circles, to partake in a civil debate over the truth of 9/11, and the importance of it as an issue. Topics of discussion can vary between the following bullet points and other related issues, (anything that deviates to widely from these guidelines will be moderated);

  • The truth about 9/11 (being that we still don't know the truth about it).
  • The importance of the truth about 9/11, and how it relates to the shared goals of those in the Anti-War Movement and others.
  • Why for some in the Anti-War movement 9/11-Truth is viewed as unimportant (those who hold such views are encouraged to politely voice them).
  • The Anthrax attacks which came one week after 9/11 on 18/11. The issues surrounding those attacks and the importance of the truth about them in conjunction with 9/11.
  • And the arguments for and against a new, truly independent inquiry in the September 11th attacks of 2001.

 For those just joining now this how it started;

Ok I want to ask everyone to help illuminate this dude I know from a Technique board, he's smart and progressive, he thinks there’s a clear case for rogue element government complicity in the 9/11 attacks. But he's a big time Chomsky defender who just doesn’t get 9/11 Truth one bit, he thinks it's insignificant and pointless in comparison to other struggles, and so can’t see how it can ever change anything for the better. He hasn’t even agreed to debate yet so if he doesn’t come over here then its off and he's chickenshit, but if he does accept the call to debate then everyone please remain civil with it, even if he’s inflammatory and chats sh!t etc. Thanks guys!  (Ps his name's “Godfather of soul”, as in James Brown lol)

This is what he's written so everyone can get an idea of his position in all of this;

"You wanna know the best part of this whole little debate? Is the total irony of the administration of this board deleting literally 3 of my long posts. THAT IS TOTALLY FASCIST. Plus, I was banned for not agreing that 9/11 is the "most important event" in recent history. Can we have an honest disussion about this event, which I don't disagree with the fact that the standard storry is wrong (which DBLS fails to acknowledge) and that I disagree with Chomsky's stance on not examining it at all. However It most certainly is not the most important event of the last 50 years, nor is the reaction to it.

What is the "chomsky worship" that I am engaging in? Please, quote the fanaticism with which I "worship" Chomsky. I am merely defending him from attacks from people who are truly "fanatical" about 9/11.

The gist of my other posts was this:
1. 9/11 Truth is mainly a movement of middle -class white kids who think that it will revolutionize the entire world when the government of the US is shown to be a cabal run by the military industrial complex. Funny that the goal of that "movement" is to do something that Chomsky has already firmly established.

2. The 9/11 truth movement is irrelevant on a global scale, as resistance to imperialism is done organically by the people who live in the countries that face imperialism daily. These are black and brown people who could give two shits about 9/11.

3. 9/11 is claimed to be a "magic bullet" that can solve everything. I merely ask for a manifesto or something that shows how this is to be accomplished, and if so, then I will get down with it.

4. Disparaging Chomsky simply because he disagrees with you on the ACT of 9/11, not in resistance to the policies that come after it or analyzing the roots of those policies, is highly juvenile.

5. Global poverty is the single most important issue facing the world. Most people who fight it daily don't give 2 shits about live aid. They fight in the shadows, without recognition and fully understand the oligopoly that runs the world. Putting all of your energy into supporting them and spreading the word about how the global economic system works and can be toppled is more worthwhile than proving something that has been firmly established: that the US government is capable of anything.

6. The fact that my posts, which were totally impersonal and directed at THE TOPIC, were deleted is disturbing. DBLS attacked me personally, which I did not take personally, but I could easily call him a narrow-minded fanatic. I won't, because unlike him, I am willing to debate this in a respectful manner. He refuses to see that I don't disagree with him in many ways, just the ways in which he spends his energy trying to convince people of something that will not bring about systemic change (which he claims will happen, without enumerating how that plan will come to fruition).

If this gets deleted, it speaks to the closet fascism of some members of this board, who refuse to tolerate any dissent...which is exactly the way that those who were complicit in 9/11 feel the world should be run. Truly ironic."

I have no clue as to why the

I have no clue as to why the posts were deleted but from now on we're not going to have any of those issues at the Technique board and yes lets help our dear friend godfather of soul see the light.

Chomsky is quick to criticize US Imperialism but when it comes to 9/11 Truth he agrees with the Governments official story cause there isn't any other "credible alternative theories out there". Talks about poverty struggles in the world but never mentions the Federal Reserve and The Big Central Banks which have manipulated the economic/political systems of many nations. He's far too intelligent to neglect those things which only leads me to one conclusion.

He's protecting himself and/or the people who are funding his purpose.

RADA Tha RebeliouZ

I think it’s going to be a

I think it’s going to be a no show dude.

Oh f*ck it, if he shows he

Oh f*ck it, if he shows he shows, he he doesn’t then at least we tried.



So, let's begin with this:

1. How does 9/11 Truth specifically outline a revolutionary plan to overthrow the reign of global capital?

2. Why should someone in Uganda care about 9/11 truth?

3. Why is 9/11 Truth more important than an incident like the Gulf of Tonkin?

4. Peak oil, which you posted an article by palast, how exactly is it "articifcial scarcity" when palast himself relies on the "tar sands" argument. Tar sands are an extreme net energy loser and the fact that they are used as evidence that peak oil is a fraud, actually shows that peak oil is a reality. As oil becomes more scarce, as the peak approaches, it becomes more difficult to obtain. Tar sands etc. are notoriously difficult to obtain...

Here is evidence based on SCIENCE and not RHETORIC:

But that is a digression. We can have it out over 9/11 Truth being "the biggest development in recent history".

Don't expect a reply until

Don't expect a reply until Monday...My girlfriend is in town, it's her birthday and we are going to a hotel, dinner and some museums. Put that in your 9/11 Truth pipe and smoke it.

-It's all good though guys, I appreciate the willingness to debate these issues.

I believe people like G.O.S.

I believe people like G.O.S. have their hearts in the right place, they just don't quite see the big picture yet. Here is my take on his arguments in a nutshell:

Your goals of economic justice are admirable, and shared by a lot of Truthers. The problem is, it is an extremely uphill battle. The odds are extremely stacked in favor of the Establishment. Don't you get the feeling you are fighting a losing battle sometimes? Bailing water with a fork? HERE IS WHERE 9/11TRUTH FITS IN TO THE PUZZLE.

9/11Truth represents a rare, unique, and probably once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to catch the Establishment red-handed. You will never beat the Establishment without something that shakes their credibility to the core - something like 9/11. There are so many smoking guns, this issue is by far their greatest (and perhaps only) vulnerability. So keep tilting at windmills if you want, but we will choose to focus on the only issue that actually has a chance to shine some light on the admittedly numerous atrocities committed by the ruling class.

My take

1. It doesn't
2. He/she probably won't
3. Because it proves major media complicity, a very important accessory to the fact. The fact being the reign of global capital, if you will.
4. Is beside the point, imo.

The truth about 9/11 implicates the very power base of the reign of global capital: Media, Governments, Intelligence Agencies.

They were ALL playing along. In the ENTIRE western world.

If this goes public, we can uproot and dismantle the entire cancer, leading all the way back to the bankers. As it is, the people are sheeple - misled, herded, used. This is our chance to restore true democracy, abolish the fraudulent modern "capitalism" (I'm not opposed to capitalism, I just think it's been corrupted beyond recognition) and debt-based money system and pave the way for a better, fairer, more enlightened future.

How can focussing on winning rigged elections come close to that?

[edit: Just consider the massive efforts being made to defend the indefensible OCT - if you're taking flak, you must be over the target!]

Exactly what Dem Bruce Lee

Exactly what Dem Bruce Lee Styles and myself are trying to point out in

But i want more Chomsky supporters to join the debate cause i want more perspectives on this important issue thats dividing many of us.

"If this goes public, we can

"If this goes public, we can uproot and dismantle the entire cancer, leading all the way back to the bankers. As it is, the people are sheeple - misled, herded, used. This is our chance to restore true democracy, abolish the fraudulent modern "capitalism" (I'm not opposed to capitalism, I just think it's been corrupted beyond recognition) and debt-based money system and pave the way for a better, fairer, more enlightened future.

How can focussing on winning rigged elections come close to that?"

This is not a singular opportunity to prove that the entire system is flawed. If you have any sense of history, which many of you do not, you will see that this is merely the most recent step in a series of fraudulent, or questionable, events used to create a pretext for the expansion of American imperial power. If you can see that this is not a singular event, then you should be well aware that there will be literally dozens of opportunities to more firmly establish that the US government will do anything to maintain/expand its power.

Can someone pleae enlighten me on how exposing how our fiat currency system can be overturned by 9/11 truth? IT can only be overthrown when people no long cooperate with it. When the global south says it has had enough, which it most certainly is approaching its fill, that is when global capital will truly run in fear. MErely REFORMING it through the actions of bourgeois people in the global north will accomplish nothing.


I agree on two points:

-9/11 is only the most recent false-flag op in a long series.

-People need to strictly refuse further cooperation with the PTB to allow for substantial change.

That's a good basis. Certainly, we're longing for similar goals. Now obviously, the single most important question in this debate is: How are we going to get there? What do you envision?

I for one believe that 9/11 Truth has the unprecedented power to substantially undermine, if not outright destroy public trust in the PTB, like nothing ever could, and I'd like to ask you what better way you see to make the people aware of the mess we're in?

Because once one comprehends the scope of 9/11, there's not much left to trust in, or to conscientiously cooperate with, in terms of establishment. This singular event indicts the entire system. I can guarantee you that if the majority understood this, the opportunity to drastically change course would become reality. On very short notice.

Worth a try, don't you think?

"If you have any sense of

"If you have any sense of history, which many of you do not"

Godfather we know about Gladio, we know about Northwoods, we know about Northern Ireland, we know about Iran Contra and the CIA MI6 backed coups in that country. We know about The Gulf of Tonkin and the sinkings of the The Lusitania and The Maine. We know about the Reichstag Fire and the staged attack by Germany faking Polish gunfire as an excuse to invade. We know about one of the oldest places of civilisation on Earth once called "Mesopotamia", being fucked with and divided up by the British Empire, who named their newly conquered state "Iraq". We know the British Empire also fucked with other parts of the Middle East and instigated the latest episode of a long lasting territorial feud in Palestine. And we know about Rome using all the tactics thousands of years ago that the cynical Machiavellian seekers of Empire do today. And on and on and on.....

Your way to patronising Godfather, and it doesn’t help your credibility or line of argument one bit. For once the people have a chance to rumble the scumbags who try and despicably manipulate their societies (largely for their own selfish gain), and you don't want to stand with us man? You don't want to stand up and try and kick away one of their biggest supports, that would topple the rest of their shitty decedent system like a stack of cards? You don't want to be part of that effort to try and restore some sanity to the way the planet is run? If you allow murdering despotic madmen to get away with heinous crimes time and again, they will continue to commit them often with worsening severity. That is what 9/11 is a product of, people not grasping opportunities in the past that could have kept such lunatics in check. Right now we have another one of these opportunities presented to us in the form of 9/11, to not act on it would be shear folly with potentially terrible consequences. And regardless of whether or not you think its important, people like myself and others are going to try and do something about it. Even if that something is nothing in comparison to the efforts of others. Many hands make light work and the way I see it people in the Truth Movement are like strong links in a chain. Each little positive action often goes on to help the whole movement’s efforts on the larger scale. You may never get 9/11-Truth Godfather, but you’re damn lucky that there are more and more people out there who do.

I agree with you on the idea

I agree with you on the idea that there are more important issues that can be addressed than 9-11 such as the fraudulent banking system. I would love to see the people rise up against it and bring our country back to a consitutional monetary system. This would actually solve most of the problems in our political system. If you look back however a lot of these other problems people have been screaming about for many years but it doesn't seem to solve the problem. I believe the reason why is simply because people can't confront. They can't confront the idea that they don't know what a dollar is. Or that they have been lied to all their lives. They can't confront the idea that our government would try and take away our rights. They can't confront that the income tax is BS. Or that our own government would stage terror attacks as a pretext for war. People simply cannot confront.

The only thing that can work is to increase peopls awareness and the only way to do this is in my opinion is to do it on a gradient scale. Approach people with the truth in baby steps a little bit at a time. This includes the media your friends family co-workers. By doing this you keep from overwhelming them and eventually they can accept that which they know to be true and at that point their awareness level has risen where they can confront more until eventually they can smell a lie before it even occurs.

I believe that the 9-11 issue is tremedously important in this regard. When the attacks occured there was trauma that was inflicted on a social level. This trauma gets embedded deep in the collective psyche. This same trauma is dificult to reach on a lot of people but continuing getting the information out and having people look at it on a grandient scale you can eventually get this same collective subconcious abberation that prevents them from confronting to actually move into the concious part of every individuals mind where they can then critically analyze. And by doing this a new collective conciousness will emerge. We will get to a point of critical mass and breakthrough to the point that those in power causing all this suppression will eventually do themselves in.

Thanks for accepting to

Thanks for accepting to debate all this shit Godfather, we'll see how it goes, but if its going to be at all productive then you've just got to try and remain civil as well, otherwise this thing'll be pointless, cool?

To the Godfather of Soul

Hey Godfather, I read your plea for 911 Truthers to join in addressing the issues of global poverty because this is “the single most important issue facing the world”, and while I agree that there is a good deal of validity to this message it seems that you are missing some important facts about 911.

You say “9/11 Truth is mainly a movement of middle -class white kids who think that it will revolutionize the entire world when the government of the US is shown to be a cabal run by the military industrial complex” .

I have many issues with this statement. I am a member of DC911 Truth, a group in which “middle class white kids” are barely represented. Our average age must be between 40 and 50, and our members, while mostly white also include black & brown. And as for the goal of showing that the US government is a cabal run by the military industrial complex this is a long way from the truth.

911 has the potential to confront people with the fact that our government, and most importantly the media from whom most of us get all of our information about the world, are liars and murderers - that they murdered 3,000 Americans, just like you, in order to fool the rest of us into supporting their global wars which have led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands more. The official version of the events of 911 is clearly and obviously a lie, and ordinary people can easily find this out for themselves by looking at information widely available from non-corporate sources. It is the process of discovering for yourself that you have been lied to, that enables individuals to become skeptical of all corporate information sources, and once an individual has taken this step, they never go back into the TV induced slumber that allows all of the other crimes against humanity (such as global poverty) to pass by unnoticed.

911 is unique in catalyzing this waking up process, as can be demonstrated by the fact that more than a third of all Americans (as shown by polling data) have so far woken up, despite the monolithic support of the official lie by all corporate media outlets and all politicians. This is unprecedented.

“The 9/11 truth movement is irrelevant on a global scale, as resistance to imperialism is done organically by the people who live in the countries that face imperialism daily. These are black and brown people who could give two shits about 9/11.”

Those who resist US imperialism overseas are blown to pieces by US munitions. We the people of the United States are the only people with the power to dismantle the imperial apparatus, and the fact that 911 is causing many of us to take up this cause must eventually communicate to the resistance movements overseas. In the same way that overseas activists could give two shits about 911, most Americans who are still in TV slumber could give two shits about the repressed minorities who are often characterized as terrorists by their TV masters. Before they can be induced to care for the well being of Palestinians or poor Africans and Asians, it is essential that the ignorance and apathy of the American masses be overcome. This requires a complete repudiation of the propaganda sources that are a trusted part of the daily lives of millions of Americans. Currently only 911 truth can do this. You must be aware that major barrier that is forever shattered by 911 truth - that “our government would never do such awful things” is the major barrier to realizing the truth about global poverty and injustice.

I think I already covered your third point.

“Disparaging Chomsky simply because he disagrees with you on the ACT of 9/11, not in resistance to the policies that come after it or analyzing the roots of those policies, is highly juvenile.”

Chomsky is not only guilty of supporting the official story of 911, but also of the Kennedy Assassination, and the fact of false flag terrorism in the Oklahoma City bombings, World Trade Center 93, London 7/7, Madrid and more. This is because his major thesis that the US and other Imperial powers “deserve” these atrocities due to their past support of imperial and colonial policies is fundamentally inadequate and divorced from reality. It appears to me that Chomsky is tolerated (and paid) by the elites he disparages precisely because his critique is largely harmless to their interests. So it is much more than a disagreement over the facts of 911 that is the source of my disillusionment - I was a huge fan of Chomsky for many years, but the extent of elite control of the so-called opposition - Chomsky, Air America, The Nation and others, has been exposed by 911 and they are no longer deserving of respect.

While it has been “firmly established that the US is capable of anything” this fact is not widely known, and remains the view of no more than a fringe group. A fringe group cannot and will never topple the global financial oligarchies. This requires a mass movement, and 911 has the potential to be the source of that mass movement. Again, I think I have already covered the reasons why this is so, and the fact that a mass movement is building around this issue.

I have been politically aware for many years. I was a hunger activist, and an advocate for change more than twenty-five years ago. I was responsible for bringing microcredit to the forefront of global efforts to eradicate poverty, and this has brought the possibility of an end to poverty for hundreds of millions of people and continues to expand rapidly all over the world. I have also been a full time environmental activist. I am a vegetarian and I don’t drive a car. I meditate. And in twenty five years of really full-on activity I have never seen an issue with the capacity to instigate global change that comes close to the opportunity presented by 911 truth. Come on Godfather, its time to evolve.

"two shits" of interests

GOS, this response by Shrapnel above... is really quite amazing. Whether or not you are personally moved by this address, I have cut and pasted it, and intend to use Shrapnel's words for other friends of my own.

One line I liked the most, after the two "two shits" of interests parallel, was this one: "once an individual has taken this step, they never go back into the TV induced slumber that allows all of the other crimes against humanity (such as global poverty) to pass by unnoticed."

The truth in those words is really something to ponder, GOS.

Take care dear soul, for generating these loyal opposition-induced responses.


"I have many issues with

"I have many issues with this statement. I am a member of DC911 Truth, a group in which “middle class white kids” are barely represented. Our average age must be between 40 and 50, and our members, while mostly white also include black & brown. And as for the goal of showing that the US government is a cabal run by the military industrial complex this is a long way from the truth.

911 has the potential to confront people with the fact that our government, and most importantly the media from whom most of us get all of our information about the world, are liars and murderers - that they murdered 3,000 Americans, just like you, in order to fool the rest of us into supporting their global wars which have led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands more. The official version of the events of 911 is clearly and obviously a lie, and ordinary people can easily find this out for themselves by looking at information widely available from non-corporate sources. It is the process of discovering for yourself that you have been lied to, that enables individuals to become skeptical of all corporate information sources, and once an individual has taken this step, they never go back into the TV induced slumber that allows all of the other crimes against humanity (such as global poverty) to pass by unnoticed."

It is a movement of mainly college aged young adults who have internet access. THat makes it largely bourgeois AND white. Ask any black man in the United States if he thinks your statement:

"our government, and most importantly the media from whom most of us get all of our information about the world, are liars and murderers - that they murdered 3,000 Americans, just like you, in order to fool the rest of us into supporting their global wars which have led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands more."

is true. I promise you that 90% will agree, even without a 9/11 context. SO, again, you prove nothing that is not already firmly established in the minds of most black folk in the US. We were enslaved for christ's sake, that alone proves that this country can do anything. Do most Americans totally trust the media? NO! You have a disdain for the average American. You think they are stupid and incompetent. That is an elitist view of common people, one which I deeply resent as it reflects a wider sentiment that people do not know what is good for them.

Let's quote from this...And it comes from the Columbia Journalism Review...the preeminent school of journalism in the US. Oh wait, it's part of the "establishment" and therefore anything it says cannot be trusted, even if it supports your side:

'"Americans gave their own media the worst score in the world on the question concerning "Reports all sides of story." A whopping 69% of Americans disagreed that the media reports all sides. Only the UK (at 64%) comes close to harboring this sentiment."'

"Overall, among the nations polled, Americans turn out to be the most skeptical about the accuracy and fairness of their media organizations"

Now those facts can be used to justify some bias (be it liberal or pro-corporate) but the bottom line is that Americans don't trust the media and are not totally lulled to sleep by it.

"The official version of the events of 911 is clearly and obviously a lie, and ordinary people can easily find this out for themselves by looking at information widely available from non-corporate sources. It is the process of discovering for yourself that you have been lied to, that enables individuals to become skeptical of all corporate information sources, and once an individual has taken this step, they never go back into the TV induced slumber that allows all of the other crimes against humanity (such as global poverty) to pass by unnoticed."

My point of contention is not whether or not 9/11 was or was not an inside job. I agree with the majority of what you say here, but 9/11 will not be the event that creates this conciousness. IT will fade into political uselessness soon, as it barely works for the Bush administration now. In 10 years it will be something looked at with sentimentality, but it will not be as large in our conciousness as it is today.

"Those who resist US imperialism overseas are blown to pieces by US munitions. "

This is a gross exaggeration. In South America people are not being blown to bits by US munitions. In much of sub -saharan africa, people are not being blown to bits. But they resist. In India, people resist. In El Salvador people resist. Are you and I going to hear of these acts of resistance? Probably not, but they happen and they happen on a much larger scale than you give people credit for. The global south is the key to all of this. As they continue to organize they will deprive global capital of it RAW MATERIALS and the global north does not have sufficient miltiary force to completely suppress these acts of resistance. In Chile there was a large mine that was SHUT DOWN by the workers and that affected global copper prices significantly. Those are bigger effects than merely raising concisousness because they are ACTUAL ACTIONS! Do the Palestinians get blown to bits? Yes, but THEY STILL RESIST! The Iraqis are doing a fine job of resisting IMHO, so though many die, they will still fight. They, unlike you, are not hopeless. They fight with ACTION, not merely words.

As for dismantling propaganda. You fail to see that the only way that people will be able to see through things is if they are properly educated. The whole point of the US educational system is to create people who are not analytical, not independent and not willing to rock the boat. Trust me, I teach high school. Independence is not rewarded in the larger educational system. Unless you have a plan to revamp the way that schools are run, don't expect that merely proving 9/11 will do anything to challenge the standing order in AMerican schools. You do not have the resources to compete with that massive system. But unless you try to infiltrate it and start introducing analytical frameworks into the schools, nothign will change. BTW, the US is the only industrialized country that does not have a requisite "media studies" course. Ironic, but neccessary.

"It appears to me that Chomsky is tolerated (and paid) by the elites he disparages precisely because his critique is largely harmless to their interests."

Please show how Noam is tolerated? When was the last time he was on a corporate news station to debate anything? Oh, you can't do that. He is not harmless, he is ignored by the establishment. I don't see too many liberal democrats holding Chomsky books up and saying "this is the way!". In fact, he is totally boxed out of the established political process and ignored during their debates as "fringe". What evidence do you have that he is "paid" by "elite" interests? Show me a connection to a Soros or a "left" thinktank or "foundation." Show me that his books are published by massive publishing houses like harper collins. Oh, you can't do that. So, again, many of you engage in rhetorical nonsense, throwing arround totally unfounded claims that rest on nothing more than words.

I ask of you the same question that I asked Bruce Lee and RADA...What Chomsky books have you read, and what bone do you pick with them. Let's be specific. Let's talk about "New Mandarins" or "Hegemony or Survival" or "Manufacturing Consent" or "Necessary Illusions"...let's..

"I have been politically aware for many years. I was a hunger activist, and an advocate for change more than twenty-five years ago. I was responsible for bringing microcredit to the forefront of global efforts to eradicate poverty, and this has brought the possibility of an end to poverty for hundreds of millions of people and continues to expand rapidly all over the world. I have also been a full time environmental activist. I am a vegetarian and I don’t drive a car. I meditate. And in twenty five years of really full-on activity I have never seen an issue with the capacity to instigate global change that comes close to the opportunity presented by 911 truth."

Kudos...and that is not sarcasm. At least you are doing something other than merely blogging. But you are someone who was around during the 1980s, and the same charges were thrown about during the Contra Wars and the machinations of the REaganites as they are about the neo-cons and 9/11. Hell, IT'S THE SAME PEOPLE we are fighting against. So, just excuse me if I am skeptical about this "unique" moment in history.

Time will tell

Much appreciate your comprehensive answer to the points I made earlier. I read Manufacturing Consent which I found to be extremely useful, and also Turning the Tide, and maybe parts of others - I work in a library, so I see lots of books. I have also listened to a few lectures (on Vietnam war) and I think I saw a documentary based on Manufacturing Consent.

While it may be true that many people do not wholly trust the mass media I am acquainted with many who, despite their apparent distrust, still use the framework offered as their own. Perhaps I have been in the company of too many bad examples having lived primarily in Houston, and Washington in the US. I found people to be much more skeptical in Australia and in London where I have also spent a few years.

You may be correct in your assessment of 911 Truth as being primarily bourgeois, although, as I said earlier, this is not my personal experience. But assuming you are correct, is it not the white middle class that maintains the status quo? I think it is, and if 911 Truth is opening that group to a new paradigm, then the effects could be significant. There are millions of people out there who still buy the Washington Post and the New York Times and Time and Newsweek, and Fox has the highest rated news shows in the United States so it is not elitist to say that huge numbers of people are lulled to sleep by the media. I personally know many people for whom that is an accurate description. And you would have to include all those who take no interest in politics at all, but can quote an endless number of useless facts pertaining to professional sports. These ignorant masses are, nonetheless incensed by the mass murder that took place on 911, and are willing to countenance all manner of atrocities by way of revenge for those attacks. That anger could usefully be directed towards the real perpetrators, but such a change is deferred as long as the leaders of the leftist opposition continue in their disdain for this issue. Chomsky’s position on 911 smacks of elitism in my view.

And while you rightly applaud action, as opposed to mere words, your solution seems to require re-educating everybody. Not exactly practical. I assert that 911 presents the possibility (and the actual manifestation) of very large numbers of people starting to re-educate themselves. A bottom-up strategy that does not require an elite educated cadre to show them the way. This might actually succeed.

I think we are largely in agreement on goals, and I have no problem with the path you have chosen for yourself. However Chomsky’s position ion 911 is arrogant, elitist and utterly counterproductive. He allows so many others an easy route to cowardly compliance with their foundation funding sources, by following his lead, – and he is a leader, I am sure we can agree on that. Chomsky is too intelligent an individual to be convinced by the government’s preposterous fraud – blaming Muslims for 911. And if he knows the government is lying, why is he sticking up for them?

Chomsky’s legacy has been damaged by his support for the indefensible lone gunman story in the JFK assassination. His dismissal of 911 truth, as can be seen from many of the comments on this blog and others, means that the valuable work he has done in the past will be viewed by an ever increasing number as highly suspect. And who gains by that?

Since When Is Murder Acceptable?

9/11 was used to justify two wars that have resulted in the deaths of 30k - 250k innocent people that had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks.

9/11 has been used to justify the loss of civil liberties to the American people with little to no debate about said civil liberties on Capitol Hill.

Because of our two invasions, we have created more "terrorism", and lost anywhere from 2700+ - 15k of our soldiers, depending upon what you read.

Most of the world is currently against the United States because of our actions since 9/11.

If 9/11 was the result of incompetence, then everyone who was incompetent should be fired. Instead, they were promoted.

If 9/11 was the result of direct involvement on the part of our Government, then those involved should be punished for their crime, and those organizations involved should be disbanded, and recreated for our needs.

9/11 Truth exposes the corruption of the people in Washington D.C. that no longer work for the people, but the corporations that put them there.

Our country, and this world will continue to see so much death unless the crimes of 9/11 are investigated thoroughly.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

As Ray McGovern said...

"For people to dismiss these questioners as "conspiratorial advocates", or "conspiratorial theorists"... that's completely out of line because the... The questions remain because the President who should be able to answer them, WILL NOT."

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

GOS should debate pomeroo!

What could be better than that? I am only half kidding.


wasn't DBLS promising it would remain civil?

GOS should go a little deeper into investigation

Hey GOS, how about some 9/11 press for truth?...and as far as the Gulf of Tonkin in terms of importance? The dots, GOS , Connect the dots!
It's not a conspiracy theory, it's a false flag operation...which is the fact of the creation of war to fund the military monster machine that absolutely loves money.
The war on terror is PERFECT for the The coporatocracy to wage war with no declaration of unconditional surrender...Who has said within Afghanistan or Iraq, We surrender? Nobody. Hussein is no longer a factor in Iraq, soon the US won't be...We are not going to say it, How about Afghanistan? Did anybody say they surrender? Nope....Are We fighting against terrorists?
Now We are, yes, our presence is making the area unstable, more terrorist attacks are happening...but that is the whole idea.
Keeping the status quo invites more terrorism, which keeps the endless war going on and it keeps the Military Industrial Complex Machine running. Just look how much more money just got approved by Congress..70 Billion...and that is not budget's more debt money going to feed the purveyors of misery.
What about missing 2.3 trillion dollars? announced the day before 9/11? What has the CIA been doing? What has the NSA been doing? Why has the FBI been stopped on numerous investigations? What about the warnings before 9/11? Some of which were very significant.. All those superior officers in each respective agency could have just said..Oh what the hell, might as well as check it out, even if it turns out to be false. At least that would have been a lead, if false, eliminated.

Ok, so how are my arguments

Ok, so how are my arguments at all different from yours? I do not take umbridge with what you are saying. I am saying that you guys make 9/11 out to be more than it was. It was merely a link in a long chain. Something drastic will happen again, and then what? If you doubt that, then you truly are not a student of history.

I am aware of everything you say...I have done my own extensive research. I just don't agree with the level of worth you guys put on the event.

"Something drastic will

"Something drastic will happen again, and then what?"

^ Exactly, so do you want "something drastic to happen again" Godfather? Or do you actually want to do something about it this time, and try and make it stop with 9/11 (and all the recent cases of treason in Spain, Britain Turkey, Bali, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq where false flag attacks are happening daily)?

Beautiful arguments so far

Beautiful arguments so far guys, I couldn’t have said it any better! Lets keep it this way. And I hope Godfather actually takes some of this into account, because up until now I don't think he's grasped the bigger picture at all in relation to 9/11-Truth. And that's like so many other people out there like the anti-war folks etc. Getting through to these guys is a vital hurdle for 9/11-Truth, because rightfully things like the anti-war movement should evolve into the anti-war/9/11-truth movement. There's zero difference in intentions, the only real differences are an understanding of what the bigger picture is, what's at stake, and what can be done about it that's actually going to affect meaningful change.

I’m gonna chime in here on

I’m gonna chime in here on behalf of GOS, not because I agree with his position on 911 – I think 911 truth can and will be a powerful instrument for change – but because I share a different political viewpoint than most of the members of this forum.

“Talks about poverty struggles in the world but never mentions the Federal Reserve and The Big Central Banks which have manipulated the economic/political systems of many nations.”

There’s a line in “Freedom to Fascism” where the filmmaker claims that America was “free” before the founding of the income Tax and the Fed. This would be humorous if it wasn’t (apparently) taken seriously by so many paleoconservatives.

In fact, in the late 19th C (before the FED) child labor was common. The Pinkerton Detective Agency and other private militias would murder and maim women and children for attempting to unionize. In some factories, people couldn’t even speak to one another without being penalized and their wages garnished. For large swathes of the population, slavery was the norm.

And I’m talking about white people. I won’t even bother talking about the massive injustices suffered by blacks, Native Americans and other minorities – they are already well known.

The American labor movement is a history of brutal violence.

These massive injustices were not corrected by “The Constitution” but by massive organizing and rebellion by anarchists and socialists, who eventually forced legislators to adopt humane labor policies. In fact, it was only by rebelling against the spirit of the constitution that regular people achieved elementary rights. Most of these movements were eventually wiped out, nevertheless, by continued repression.

The Constitution – so beloved by 911-truthers – was a coup detat. It was opposed by the majority of the population at the time and established a strong central government which continues to this day. The opinions of Madison, Jefferson and others strongly correspond with the opinions of modern day elites. The famous report by the Trilateral commission condemning the “excess of democracy” which took place during the 60’s (during which more rights were won) strongly corresponds with the opinions of Madison and other super-rich slaveholders at the time of the Constitutional junta.

The elites who drafted the constitution had nothing but contempt for the “common” man.

“Whenever “the people” do make demands and become active, it is always a crisis for elites. The demands of the people at the time of the convention were described as “excess democracy” by Elbridge Gerry and “rampant democracy” by James Madison. We shall note in Chapter 5 that after a number of previously disaffected groups such as blacks, students, women, Chicanos, and Native Americans became politically active during the 1960s and 1970s, corporate elites referred to the fuller participation among disadvantaged constituencies as a form of “distemper” and a “crisis of democracy.” Elites, quite consistent with the values of the Framers, have always perceived the active political engagement of people without property as a crisis. John Quincy Adams, in a bit of understatement, reminds us that the Framers did not profess to be “slavish adorers of our sovereign lords the people.”17”

Chomsky talks about this kind of stuff. Alex Jones tries to gloss it over.

Indeed, the Patriot Act is pretty tame compared to the kind of measures the “Founding Fathers” supported – “crimes in thought but not in deed”, for instance (T. Jefferson).

It would actually be far easier for me to accept the idea that Alex Jones is an “agent” (which I don’t) than it would be Chomsky. Because Jones demands that people focus on the shadow (secret socities, bilderbergs etc.) instead of the substance. The substance is not as exciting or sensational as the shadow, but if we’re ever gonna create a humane society we will not do so by SIMPLY ‘defending the constitution”. The Bill of Rights (added later )is a fine thing and worth defending, but we must also question the “right” of elites to control our affairs, the “right” of some people to own more capital than entire countries, the morality of “wage slavery”, the entire concept of “representative democracy” (as opposed to delegation), the entire idea of the state.

Apparently, some truthers aren’t ready for these concepts, so they cling to simplistic “solutions” such as provided by Alex Jones, but there will come a time when everything you believe will be cast into doubt, and at that point, you may want to pick up a book by Noam Chomsky.

When I emailed Michael Parenti, he openly acknowledged that he thinks the OFT about 911 is a fraud, yet he also said: "It's nice to know we can have a division of labor". In other words, some people can conentrate on 911 truth, some people can concentrate on (what I consider) other matters.

I think we have to stop looking for people to idolize or condemn as "agents". We can appreciate Alex Jones' contributions, we can appreciate Chomsky's contributions, we can take from each what we consider right and just and reject what we consider false.

I'd like it if Chomsky acknowledged 911 truth, I"d like it if Alex Jones acknowledged the role of anarchists and socialists in creating many of the liberties Americans enjoy today, but if it doesn't happen, I'm not gonna lose sleep over it. Ultimately, we don't need any "leaders" to tell us what to do (including the "Fathers") We can decide for ourselves.

Interesting argument there,

Interesting argument there, thanks! I understand a lot of those points you made, but one thing I’m consfused about though is that are you attacking the moral principles of the US constitution? If so then I completely disagree on the front, because they provide a solid blueprint for a fair and just society, that's inspired many other nations around the planet. Also you've got to recognise that "Anarchism" and "Socialism", like "Communism", "Capitalism" and "Marxism" etc without trying to praise the merits or attack the faults of each one, which they all have, are strategically erroneous for the 9/11 Truth Movement to embrace. Because by flying such a banner you provide the real enemy of everyone (those corrupt “Elitists” with massive influence over the mainstream media, political and economic institutions as well as a multitude of other key things in quite a few countries societies, who own 90% of the planet’s wealth and also own an out of control unchecked greed that wants to play with the remaining 10%) with dismantling tools. They love it when an "Archaist" or "Communist" or "Socialist" etc banner is waved because they then get to pigeonhole that entire group of people, and marginalize them in the eyes the wider public. That's why the 9/11 Truth movement needs to remain non-partisan and mainstream, with a loyalty and common goal concentrated only on the truth. In the sense that our ranks swell with a whole spectrum of people in society, all with different opinions, but all with the understanding that differences in ideology need to be put aside so that the effort concerned with actually succeeding can succeed. And that we can all work together on that and recognise petty differences for what they are, and that they don’t matter. The fist goal is working for a new truly independent inquiry into the attacks. Non-violent peaceful resistance and campaigning is the most efficient and sane way to achieve that.

Thank you for providing

Thank you for providing evidence for the side I am arguing. Too many people are willing to throw the baby out with the bath water and that is a mistake. You have done a great job of providing a broader context for all of this.

A Word of Warning

911blogger is not a debate forum and we have in the past had to shut down threads due to fighting, name calling, personal attacks, etc.

Please keep it civil and debate like adults or this thread will be locked too.  If you're into namecalling, take it elsewhere, 9/11 Truth is too important an issue for that sort of nonsense.

Get to it.Sealed

Socialism or the death of the human species

Socialism or the death of the human species

Our society has an obscene gulf between rich and poor. The private assets of the 200 richest people are more than the combined incomes of the poorest 2.4 billion people - almost half the world's population.

The UN "estimated that the additional cost of achieving and maintaining universal access to basic education for all, basic health care for all, reproductive care for all women, adequate food for all, and safe water and sanitation for all is roughly $40 billion a year... This is less than 4% of the combined wealth of the 225 richest people."

Poverty is not due to a lack of resources. It is caused by the way our capitalist economy mis-allocates resources. Agribusinesses and construction industries do not feed the hungry and house the homeless, because it is not profitable for them. Privately owned corporations in a market economy cannot worry about anything except maximizing their short-term profits, or else they will be out-competed by their rivals.

Karl Marx pointed out one of the fundamental contradictions of capitalism - that it draws more and more people into a social division of labor and a global economy, yet it concentrates capital into fewer and fewer hands. Capitalism is organized around profits rather than human need. Brian Moffat, Chairman of a European steel company Corus, recently admitted this after cutting 6,000 jobs, saying: "Corus does not make steel. It makes money."

The movement against corporate globalization is directly challenging global inequality, but this new generation of activists is often not clear about how a viable alternative to capitalism could work.

Under capitalism, although business owners "earn" their wealth through legally established rules, but it is the working class who works day in and day out to create that wealth in the first place. The only way to end class inequality is through common ownership of the source of wealth, or what Marx called "the means of production." The top 500 corporations and banks must be taken out of private hands and into public ownership under workers' democratic control, laying the foundation for the construction of a new socialist society.

Efficiency, Productivity and the Environment
Socialists often encounter the question: "If everyone's basic needs were provided by a socialist society, why would anyone choose to work?"

But if workers collectively owned and managed production and distribution, rather than taking orders from a boss, we would take tremendous pride in our work. Especially if we could choose work that we love instead of jobs that pay the most, we would work much harder and produce a much higher quality product. As the American socialist Eugene Debs put it: "Men do not shrink from work, but from slavery. The man who works primarily for another does so primarily under compulsion, and work so done is the very essence of slavery."

If capitalism is supposedly so efficient, why are 2.5 billion people struggling to survive on less than $2 a day? Why are 2 million Americans, mostly people of color, rotting away in prisons? Why do companies waste on average 1/3 of their budgets on advertizing, packaging, and marketing when we could simply use internet directories and catalogues instead?

Productivity in a democratically planned economy would far surpass the level of a "free market" economy. A global socialist economy would employ the fifth of the adult population that is currently unemployed, increasing our workforce by almost a billion people. This would enable us to shorten the workweek to 30 hours while still raising productivity and living standards

If capitalism's crazy drive for short-term profits was ended, shoddy products and environmental destruction would become a thing of the past. Products would be built to last. With democratic control over the economy, the polluting oil, auto, chemical, agribusiness industries would be phased out. Workers in those industries could re-construct alternative energy and transportation choices that work for people and the environment.

No More War
The biggest waste of resources under capitalism is the $800 billion wasted around the world on the military every year. Bush has half that amount budgeted for the military next year in the US alone. That's over $1 billion a day.

What if all that money was spent on wiping out poverty instead of war? That would root out terrorism far more than Bush's wars against the people of Afghanistan and Iraq, which will actually lead to more tragic terrorist attacks.

Under capitalism, the ruling classes of each nation have no problem sending working class people off to die in wars so that they can enjoy more profits and power. But if the working class took over and abolished class divisions, we could provide an extremely comfortable standard of living for everyone. There would be no more wars over resources because everyone's needs would be provided for. No longer would powerful countries pillage and plunder poor countries.

Big business owners argue that socialism would take away the freedom and initiative of the individual. But it is capitalism that is running small shops out of business and trying to turn human beings into alienated robots, cogs in a machine.

Corporations have developed elaborate marketing techniques that appeal to children from an early age, to get them hooked on certain consumer habits and products. They use TV to raise generations of passive spectators and gazers. Their ideal society is an entire population of drones who follow orders and mindlessly accept the boring routine of the working, commuting, and shopping.

The ruling class has convinced many working class and oppressed people that their low social status is due to the fact that they are not as special as glamorous movie stars, or as talented and hardworking as CEOs. The cosmetics and fashion industries want us to feel insecure so that we will buy their latest products. They have women telling themselves: "My thighs are too fat. I am so ugly." Corporate marketers try to make women focus almost exclusively on their sex appeal, at the expense of developing their minds, skills, and confidence.

The ruling class attempts to divide and conquer the working class by oppressing certain genders, races, and nationalities. Politicians try to convince white male workers that their jobs are being taken by women and people of color. Meanwhile, these same politicians trade away our jobs through the NAFTA, WTO, and FTAA trade agreements.

Real Democracy
The US is supposedly a democracy, but what kind of democracy excludes Ralph Nader from the three televised Presidential debates when over 60% of Americans wanted him in the debates? What kind of democracy only lets you vote for corporate funded and controlled candidates once every few years? The 2000 Presidential elections showed that the Electoral College and Supreme Court ultimately decide who is President anyway.

A socialist society would transform our sham democracy into a real democracy, extending democratic decisions to all aspects of life, including the economy. Workplaces, schools, neighborhoods, and all institutions would be democratically controlled by elected councils of workers, consumers and all communities. In most socialist revolutions, these workers' councils have begun to link up on a local and national level to form the basis of a new government.

There should be no special privileges for elected public representatives, and they should be subject to immediate recall. Elected representatives should not make any more money than the average worker they represent.

A socialist government would have a multi-party system and the right to freedom of speech, association, press, and religion. Discrimination on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, creed, and disability would be prohibited.

Today, approximately 80% of all media outlets in the US are owned by only seven mega-corporations, which means that a few people decide what information is disseminated in the mass media. In a socialist democracy, all forms of media would be open to every point of view and group that can prove that they have support in society.

A Nice Idea in Theory but…
The capitalists' main argument against socialism is: "Socialism is a great idea in theory, but it doesn't work in practice. Wherever it's tried, like in Russia, it always results in a dictatorship because humans are greedy by nature. There will always be those few individuals who will acquire more power and wealth whether we have a capitalist or socialist system."

Although socialists would not say that human beings are greedy by nature, socialists would agree that human beings are fundamentally self-interested. People tend to act according to their material interests.

However, that is precisely why socialists believe that socialism is possible. Socialism will not come about because people will become spiritually enlightened, but rather because it is in the material interest of the majority of the world's population, the international working class, who is being exploited.

Until now, the only places where capitalism has been overthrown has been in the poorest countries like Russia, China, and Cuba. Those poor countries did not have an advanced level of industry to provide for the entire population, although the planned economy did raise living standards dramatically. Even though these regimes called themselves "communist," they were in reality planned economies that were parasitically controlled by brutal Stalinist dictatorships.

The dictatorships consolidated power, not because of human nature, but because there was not enough industry and material resources for it to work. Socialism can only work in a relatively industrialized country where there is enough wealth for everyone. The working class can take power and begin to build a socialist society in either a rich or poor country, but genuine democratic socialism will not be established in a poor country unless the movement succeeds in overthrowing capitalism in the advanced capitalist countries.

Is Socialism Really Possible?
There has been challenge after challenge to capitalism by the working class in the 19th and especially the 20th centuries, although you'd never get that from official history. There were working class revolutions in Paris 1871, Russia 1905 and 1917, throughout Europe right after the 1917 Russian Revolution, in Spain 1936-9, France and Italy 1945, China 1949, Cuba 1959, France again 1968, Portugal 1973, and Eastern Europe, Russia and China 1989-1991. And this is by no means a complete list, particularly in the colonial countries.

Due to the crisis of US capitalism, the working class in the US has suffered a serious blow to our living standards over the last 30 years. 45 million people in the US now live below the poverty line and have no health insurance. Americans now work six more weeks per year than we did in 1979. Corporate America is trying to squeeze more profits out of the workforce, but the working class will not tolerate this forever. As the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, there will inevitably be social explosions around the world, even in the US.

The working class already runs society. Nothing would move without the workforce. What is needed is for the working class to become conscious of its power as a class, and organize itself into unions, organizations, and our own mass workers' party to take power.

Many famous revolutionary thinkers of our time have been socialists.

"This crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism. Our whole educational system suffers from this evil. An exaggerated competitive attitude is inculcated into the student, who is trained to worship acquisitive success as a preparation for his future career. I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals." - Albert Einstein

"The movement to date has done much for the middle class but little for the black underclass. We are dealing with class issues. Something is wrong with capitalism… Maybe America must move toward democratic socialism." - Martin Luther King

"We do not fight racism with racism. We fight racism with solidarity. We do not fight exploitative capitalism with black capitalism; we fight capitalism with basic socialism… The very nature of the capitalist system is to exploit and enslave people, all people. So, we have to progress to a level of socialism to solve the problems." - Bobby Seale, Co-founder of the Black Panther Party

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it." - Karl Marx

Socialism is workers ownership

Most american voters don't know how to vote, because they don't know any thing about politics, they think Democrats are very different from the Republican Party, but both parties and that's why they will never cure poverty, because under capitalism puts bread on table for about 20% of society and kills the remaining 80% with high taxes, high bills, no medical insurance, etc. and that's no democracy at all, capitalism is like a monarchy

Socialism is about workers’ control

By Paul D’Amato | February 22, 2002 | Page 9

FOR MANY people, socialism is popularly defined as the degree of state intervention in the economy. Societies with strong social spending programs and some state-run industries were considered moderately socialist--like Sweden. Societies with total state control of the economy--like Russia before 1989--were fully socialist, or "communist."

The existence of a more or less expansive social safety net may indicate a strong history of class struggle, but concessions wrested from a capitalist state do not render that society socialist.

History shows that reform socialists who have sought public office have ended up not transforming society, but themselves being transformed into capitalism’s left flank of defense.

French socialists François Mitterand in the 1980s and Lionel Jospin in the 1990s implemented policies that have helped to gut France’s social safety net--and saved the French bosses’ system to stay profitable.

The degree of state ownership likewise is not a good measure of socialism. State-run industries under capitalism do not operate as islands of socialism, but on the same principles of profit and loss as the private sector.

As Frederick Engels wrote more than 100 years ago: "A kind of spurious socialism has arisen…that…declares all state ownership…to be socialistic."

"Certainly," he continues, "if the taking over by the state of the tobacco industry is socialistic, then Napoleon…must be numbered among the founders of socialism."

Even total state ownership, Engels argued, is not socialism. "The transformation…into state ownership, does not do away with the capitalistic nature of the productive forces," he wrote. "The modern state, no matter what its form, is essentially a capitalistic machine, the state of the capitalists…The more it proceeds to take over productive forces, the more does it actually become the national capitalist, the more citizens does it exploit."

Workers remain exploited in the same way as before, only their employer becomes not General Motors or Ford, but the state. "The capitalist relation is not done away with," writes Engels, "it is rather brought to a head."

The question of nationalization is not unimportant. But so long as nationalization is based upon production and competition on a world market, it will be capitalist nationalization.

Hence Stalin’s Russia--where workers had ceased to have any control over society, where the state became stronger and more repressive, and where the goal was to create a competitive military machine--had nothing to do with socialism.

For Marx, nationalization could only be a weapon in the transformation of society in a socialist direction because it represented the expropriation of society’s productive forces by the working class. Socialism for Marx was the collective seizure of political power by the associated producers--the "self-emancipation of the working class."

The question of whether socialism exists therefore does not depend on this or that form of property (private ownership or nationalization), but on whether the society is in the hands of the associated producers--the working class.

In fact, the aim of workers’ power is to implement a series of economic and social transformations that does away with all class distinctions and creates a society whereby the state--an instrument of class domination--gradually fades away.

As Engels wrote, "The proletariat seizes the public power, and by means of this transforms the socialized means of production, slipping from the hands of the bourgeoisie, into public property."

The economy, now under workers’ control, socializes the means of production so that production and distribution can be carried out according to a rational plan that meets human need. "In proportion as anarchy in social production vanishes," Engels continues, "the political authority of the state dies out."



The problem is that USA has been bombed with 300 years of anti-marx, and anti-solidarity ideology and 300 years with pro-individualist, pro-free market ideology when *in real truth*, free market system has been the sole cause of: wars, terrorism, crime, depression, obesity, illness, etc.

That's why is so hard for most ameircans to get out of the Bi-partycracy trap (Democrats and Republicans) and to welcome a real humanist democratic system like a lot of nations are having right now: Venezuela, Norway, Spain, Uruguay, where the whole society is working collectively to solve problems

You know what the ultra-right wing mass media of USA has told americans? The right wing media has been bombing americans with the idea that democratic socialism would turn their personal belongings like toothpaste, food, soaps, beds, radios, cars, into public property and that even they would have to share their underwear with other people (haha)

when in reality and in truth: the only public ownership of socialism are: major corporations in which money *created* by those corporations would be re-destributed among employees instead of a couple people like it's being done right now in USA,. that's why there is so much poverty in USA cuz money that is created b y wokrers is stolen from *workers the creators of wealth* and put in the pockets of a couple people

You see the economic frame of USA right now is capitalist (individualist, egocentric) and it's gonna be real real real hard to democratize the USA, cuz most people right now in USA make money individually, instead of collectivelly and this poses real problems it creates wrong ideas, mental viruses when they are confronted with a new social order that is very different. Besides people hate new stuff, they are *scared* that a Stalin or Hitler might steal their resources. So i see no solution for USA in the near future, the democratic party will continue to sack the USA, just as the republican party has sacked it,

The Democratic party will continue thier capitalist neoliberal ideology and every thing will be the same, just like any other capitalist nation like Mexico, Colombia, UK etc. which have the same economic model of U.S.

Juan Carlos

“We have assumed the commitment to direct the Bolivarian Revolution towards socialism and to contribute to the socialist path, with a new socialism, a socialism of the 21st century, which is based in solidarity, in fraternity, in love, in justice, in liberty, and in equality.” -Hugo Chavez Frias

Worshipping Chomsky is not bad. Arguments without proofs is bad

Dem Bruce Lee: All your arguments are just measly allegations, insults and cheap small talk, without a sip of justified evidence. There are no laws on what any movement can do to overthrow a system. If we can use 9-11 in order to overthrow capitalism, all you gotta do is to unite with the 9-11, socialists, communists etc. instead of being so individualist and neurotic. Being middle class is not evil, nor is being white, our task is to destroy capitalism and to replace it with socialism (the next stage in the human evolution process) you have to welcome the reality that the world is heading toward socialism indeed


we wanted to discuss the merits of 9/11 Truth, so...what's your Socialist Manifesto doing here?

Look: I'm not opposed to socialism, but this is neither the time nor the place to advertise it. You gotta have a revolution before you can have another societal system. Right now, we're working on the former...

Juan Carlos your more than

Juan Carlos your more than welcome to continue this debate on: All 911 Truthers and Chomsky supporters alike are welcome to continue this debate there.

RADA Tha RebeliouZ

This is'nt a debate about

This is'nt a debate about "Socialism" take that elsewhere, its not wanted here. The 9/11 Truth movement is a mainstream movement, it's not partisan left or right, communist or capitalist. Your posts are utterly inappropriate, if you carry on to troll this site with "Socialist Ideology" don't be suspired if you get banned.

chomsky is disinfo.... he

chomsky is disinfo....

he is just there to seem like he's an anarchist....but he's really just controlled opposition
so the beauracrats can try to keep the anarchists under thumb

you got as much luck getting o'reilly to join 911truth---

building 7 proves the pnac did 911-----

We might want to consider

a thread open only to registered posters.

This is another significant thing we differ on with the progressives and the anti-wars: We attract legions of shills.

Anonymous posters

I think it would be a good idea to restrict a few threads to registered posters, but if we restrict them all then we won't be able to see whether or not the government shills have been able to come up with any worthwhile arguments yet. It has only been a couple of years since the alternate hypotheses have been widely available, and these guys don't think too quickly, if at all, so we should continue to hold out the possibility for them. Also, there is a faint chance that one of them might even be persuaded by the enormous weight of the evidenceof high level malfeasance to which they are subjected when lurking on this site.

i won't reply to any posts from unregistered persons, and I recommend this strategy to others. Lars and Pomeroo and that guy from Canada may be intellectually dishonest, but at least they identify themselves - maybe even all of the time, who knows.

Shrapnel, you post above to

Shrapnel, your post above to godfather was brilliant, and that's exactly what I intended this thing to be about. E.g. explaining the importance of 9/11-truth in comparison to other struggles. But this thing’s been hijacked by retard trolls, and individuals trying dilute the debate with completely inappropriate "socialist ideology". I should have thought ahead, and so to everyone I'm really sorry this things been partially sabotaged by assholes.

Thank you for your kind words

Cheers Bruce. I have been engaged for a long time, and have had lots of practice. Every time I go out with a sheaf of flyers I can think of hundreds of reasons not to bother, but it is always true that every interaction makes you stronger - whether or not the recipient of your immortal words of wisdom gives a positive reaction. In fact, that residual frustration with people who are savagely dismissive, is often the impetus to more creative and sublime phraseology. Many of us have had that experience after a disappointing conversation “I should have said.......” well Truth activists get the opportunity to put these tardy comebacks into action on future occasions.

I have been bringing Truth to Huffington Post for many months, which is really an uphill struggle. I believe that Huffpo is just another part of the massive disinformation operation, whose main objective is to distract people from taking worthwhile actions, and to keep political debate within the narrow confines established by the republicrats. Still, I enjoy harassing the disinformation producers, and it’s a good way to develop cogent responses to current events, reframing the issues to conform with reality, and there are other truthers on that forum who are no doubt encouraged by me, as I am by them. If we weren’t doing useful work then we wouldn’t have all been banned from Daily kos.

Yea very true man, I should

Yea very true man, I should have thought about total f*cktards trying to crash this.

Good points on this debate.

Good points on this debate. It's also picking up in

I'm going to futher break it down to the progressives who are stuck in the Left/Right paradigm in my upcoming posts.

RADA Tha RebeliouZ

That anonymous poster has

That anonymous poster has been banned and his comments have been removed.  Please let me know if any more trolls show up...

For anyone unfamiliar with

For anyone unfamiliar with Noam Chomsky’s stated opinion on 9/11 here’s video of him voicing it;



Ok I've just transcribed a

Ok, I've just transcribed a section from Barry Zwicker’s stunning book “Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-Up of 9/11” which I strongly recommend you go out and kop Godfather. Find the Amazon link below;


Barry Zwicker’s “Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-Up of 9/11”

On Amazon  

(Chapter 5, p 179) 

The Shame of Noam Chomsky and the Gatekeepers of the Left

“Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories ….”
-President George Bush, Nov. 10, 2001,
to the United Nations General Assembly

“Look, this is just conspiracy theory.”
- Noam Chomsky to author in conversation,
November 14th, 2002

“There is a principle which is a bar against sll information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance – that principle is contempt prior to investigation.”
- Herbert Spencer 

Thanks for the identical advice, George Bush and Noam Chomsky. But no thanks.
There’s something very strange here. You’d expect George Bush, the most visible face of the American Empire, to employ the intellectually-bankrupt put-down phrase “conspiracy theory” as an element of his propagandistic rhetoric in defence of the of the official story of 9/11. On the other hand, about the last person you’d expect use the same phase the same way for the same purpose would be Noam Chomsky, know for his masterful deconstructions of propaganda.

  You’d expect Noam Chomsky to be unmasking the nature of this phrase and the purpose of George Bush in using it. As we shall see, this phrase (and its friends “conspiracy nut,” “conspiracy whacko,” etc.) is far more than simply another misleading figure of speech. It’s a particularly effective tool for suppressing healthy skepticism about the contradictions and absurdities of 9/11 and further investigation into them. 

  Chomsky himself at one point issued a strong caution against the use of the term. Hehad just explained, at a public meeting, how mainstream meida stories are skewed to favour vested interests by means of reporters quoting establishment representatives at length while neglecting to quote critics of the establishment. “Would you characterize [your] media analysis as a “conspiracy theory” at all?” a woman asked Chomsky.
 “It’s precisely the opposite of conspiracy theory, actually,” Chomsky said. “… institutional factors … set boundaries for reporting and interpretation in ideological institutions.” He continued: “Any economist knows this: It’s not a conspiracy theory to point [out] that … it’s just taken for granted as an institutional fact. If someone were to say ‘Oh no, that’s a conspiracy theory,’ people would laugh.” He concluded: “For people to call [Chomsky’s media analysis] ‘conspiracy theory’ is part of the effort to prevent an understanding of how the world works, in my view – ‘conspiracy theory’ has become the intellectual equivalent of a four-letter word: it’s something people say when they don’t want you to think about what’s really going on.”

So, when Noam Chomsky repeatedly uses the phrase “conspiracy theory” to describe questioning the official story of 9/11, he clearly knows its power and purpose of its use.

(Sidebar): Emotional Considerations Arising from a Study of Chomsky’s Work

Among readers of this book’s draft form, this chapter became the most controversial. These readers include writer friends, other friends, and colleagues. No one was close to neutral. This chapter – and I – encountered strong praise and strong aversion, hearty congratulations and dire warnings, gratitude, anger and suspicion.

 I came to realize how deep for others – and for me – are the feelings associated with this chapter. That caused me to try to separate out the emotional issues. This attempt has helped me more clearly about Noam Chomsky and the Left Gatekeepers. I hope this sidebar likewise will be useful to you, the reader.

 The emotional attitude toward Chomsky on the Right for the most part is simple hatred. A hatchet job on Chomsky in the Saturday observer section of the Ottawa Citizen of November 5, 2005, provides an example. “The Fantastic Professor: As smart as Noam Chomsky is, he can be infuriatingly stupid” titled “Blind genius.” The hatchet is wielded by the paper’s editorial page editor, Leonard Stern. Chomsky’s political views are “crude”. Chomsky is a “weird one” who “buys into ideas that would embarrass the flat earth society.”

 One the Left, the feelings are more complicated. The main emotions are gratitude and admiration – sometimes to the extent of near idol worship. As Daniel Abrahamson puts it: “Noam Chomsky is often hailed as America’s premier dissident intellectual, a fearless purveyor of truth fighting against media propaganda, murderous US foreign policy, and the crimes of profit-hungry transnational corporations. He enjoys a slavish cult-like following from millions [of] leftist students, journalists, and activists worldwide who fawn over his dense books as if they were scripture. To them, Chomsky is the supreme deity, a priestly master whose logic cannot be questioned.”

 I myself was one of his earliest supporters, from the days when most had not heard of him. My admiration knew no bounds. I have a stack of his books more then a foot high. I praised him personally and publicly and in my university teaching. I was honoured to interview him for four segments on Vision TV. A friend of mine and I at one time competed to see who could get the lager number of letters to the editor published defending Chomsky against the ill-wishers who twisted his words or called him names such as “anti-American.” I assisted in a small way with the film Manufacturing Consent.

 But I became one of those in the Left puzzled, even mystified, as a result of Chomsky’s insistence for more then 40 years the Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman who killed JFK. This puzzling anomaly took on a new significance after 9/11 with Chomsky’s opposition to questioning the official 9/11 story – which questioning he says is a huge mistake for the Left.

 As I studied his work ever more closely under the intense illumination of 9/11, I became increasingly amazed at patterns, dealt with in this chapter, that emerged from his body of work. Disbelief turned to shock. I feel I have been duped. I feel embarrassment that mainly I duped myself, that I had been in denial. With these realizations came anger from feeling betrayed by someone I welcomed into my innermost sanctum of trust.

 One of my emotional tasks is not to go overboard, like the jilted lover who seeks revenge. Trying to be reasonable, I attempted to reconcile these new strong negative emotions with the positive emotion of gratitude that I felt for so long, and that it would seem reasonable that I should continue to feel. Gratitude for all that I did learn from Chomsky, for all the support he has given to causes I support. I still wrestle with these conflicting emotions as I chance across the latest brilliant articulation by Chomsky of the havoc wreaked by the American Empire. For instance, his comments in an article by Jim Mcllroy and Coral Wynter:

Caracas – By sending gas for heating to poor, homeless people for free and at very low prices for those who can pay, “Venezuela is giving a great example of cooperation and solidarity with the people of the United States. And this is being seen by the entire world,” Noam Chomsky, well-known US intellectual, told a public meeting of teachers, students, researchers and journalists on February 13 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, according to a special report in the February 15 Caracas newspaper Diario Vea.
 Chomsky also said that majority of North Americans “receive little or no information of the great achievements of the Bolivian Revolution, that is headed by President Hugo Chavez, because the mass media only emphasise the bad, and are silent about the positive.”

 But now, even while reading a report such as this, I cannot forget the evidence of his being a major leader of the “controlled opposition” to the American Empire. My feelings of gratitude are hugely diminished and can never rise again.

 I decided to disclose my anger and mixed feelings here, but I have reined them in as much as possible in this chapter. My hope is to channel most of my anger into increased research and into understanding better the complexities of the subject matter. I have also been helped by a friend who is a leader in the “Forgiveness First” movement.

 You, too, may encounter strong feeling as you read this chapter. I am grateful for the debate that raged among my friends and colleagues, not least for the emotions directed at me. They have made me reconsider, have rekindled my sensitivity for the feelings of others, and have helped me rewrite usefully, I hope. I also hope you have friends as thoughtful and honest as mine with whom to discuss the intellectual, political and emotional aspects of Chomsky and his work. I must say I now find it creepy.               

And? What is the point of

And? What is the point of all of that? It proves something that is firmly established! Chomsky doesn't go towards things that are widely seen as Conspiracy Theories. Ok, so do it moving and recognize the value of his broader work.

Also, how is he "conrolled" opposition? Who is "controlling" him? Totally baseless.

Daniel Abrahamson puts it: “Noam Chomsky is often hailed as America’s premier dissident intellectual, a fearless purveyor of truth fighting against media propaganda, murderous US foreign policy, and the crimes of profit-hungry transnational corporations. He enjoys a slavish cult-like following from millions [of] leftist students, journalists, and activists worldwide who fawn over his dense books as if they were scripture. To them, Chomsky is the supreme deity, a priestly master whose logic cannot be questioned.”

Oh, since Dan said it, that means that it's true. Who is Daniel Abrahamson and why is he a Chomsky expert? Could he be the Dan Abrahamson of Or is he the Dan Abrahamson of the Drug Policy Alliance?

The critique on "conspiracy theory" language is valid...however, he doesn't have to agree with you on everything...nor is he perfect, which many of you claim that I say he is, but he is with contradictions like anyone else.

The bottom line is that no one here can make a valid argument as to why his work is "controlled opposition" which is indeed ironic because that is a theoretical framework he uses against media organs like the NYtimes. Which you all should be screaming about as its scope is far more wide and influential than Chomsky's.

"The bottom line is that no

"The bottom line is that no one here can make a valid argument as to why his work is "controlled opposition" "

^ LOL, go read Barry Zwicker’s book man, and then readdress what you think is the "bottom line" in this debate.

No...I will not. You

No...I will not. You actually read something of Chomsky's before you rely on other people's opinion of him. Form your own based on information that you get yourself.

In the words of tech, "REad it yourself instead of asking [others] why"

Look man, by saying "No...I

Look man, by saying "No...I will not." you're saying you don't want to challenge you're idea about Chomsky, a man who's work you admire, correct? If so that's just normal human behaviour, but it's also denial. "Towers of Deception" is a great book; I've got it out in front of me right now in fact lol. It’s a fantastic analysis of the media’s relationship with 9/11. Barry Zwicker even agrees with Peak Oil, so you've got some common ground (although I'm telling you man peak oil is ruse lol!). He’s not trying to savage Chomsky, he just analyses his work and actions, takes a look at his affect on things and draws a fair conclusion. Here's a video of a speech he made, he might have changed his stance on peak oil by now actually, but even so I'd happily say this man can speak for me as far as 9/11 truth goes. Check it;