Jell-O Biafra, another left gatekeeper

I went to see Jell-O Biafra's spoken word in San Diego, expecting him to be fully on our side regarding 9/11. I was floored to hear him, in the midst of his four hour rant, call us worse than religious zealots. He stupidly stated that the our logic was flawed, since the bombs would need to be HUGE to blow up the huge pillars in the world trade center. He also said that Bush is so incompetent that it is impossible that they had any part in it. It was obvious by the way he was discussing it that he had never really done any research himself. I was so pissed off that I yelled "what about WTC 7" to him, but he didn't respond. What is really strange is that he openly believes that they could have blown the levees in New Orleans. So after the show, I approached him with a copy of 9/11 Mysteries, and told him that even though he thinks we 9/11 truthers are crazy, that he should watch the movie. I said that I felt like it would change his mind. He told me that he had seen loose change, and that he is "With Chomsky on this one". I responded with "You think the levees were blown, and that the elections were stolen, but you can't comprehend our government being involved in 9/11?" I told him that Chomsky doesn't think that JFK was a conspiracy, and that maybe he should think for himself, watch this movie and hopefully it will open his mind. He seemed reluctant, but told me he would watch it. Let's hope he followed through on that promise...As of now he is just another gatekeeper.

That is bizarre!

People must be paid big $$$ to say stuff like that and/or be seriously threatened. Either that, or they are COINTELPRO all the way. (I don't know enough about this guy to guess about him.)

Well as far as an artist he

Well as far as an artist he must suck, how can you perform/speak on a subject without looking into it?  Especially something as emotionally charged as 9/11...

 Hope he can find the courage to go back in front of the mic and speak the truth once he has learned how to think for himself...

bizarre indeed

Specially that hes using the 'bombs would need to be huge' argument. My guess is that he just never really looked into it, and trusts the judgement of others such as Chomsky ....
Anyway, even in my punkrock days, i never really liked the Dead Kennedys, so who cares:)
But, i wonder where Ian Mckay / Fugazi stand on the 911 issue.
Cause they actually do have a brain ...

I *did* like the Dead Kennedys

and I've seen him do a solo spoken word performance, too (in the PRE-9/11 world) so this pisses me off. "I'm with Chomsky on this one -- nyah, nyah." Fuck you very much, Jello.

Does anyone have an email for this guy?

And oh yeah, the columns were too massive for bombs

but the kerosene-tin darts combination (as Erin S. Myers puts it) was plenty to just bust them out of the way and leave them conveniently sized for removal. I guess I have to agree with em7 -- there's a clear cognitive deficit at work here. I should probably cut the dude some slack.

Biafra email

his email is on this contact page (thats his label):

maybe give the dude a link to press for truth.
concerning the 'would take too big bombs to imagine' argument:
tssss. i still can't believe it. Makes me shake my head in total disbelief. how could anyone with an IQ > a shoe regurgitate such a crap.

HUGE bombs

Yeah, when he said that about how BIG the bombs would have to be, I almost laughed because I thought of the image of wiley coyote and roadrunner and their huge cartooney black bombs with the wick a foot long. Do you think JellO has heard of dynamite, or cutting charges? Does he understand that controlled demolition companies use very small explosive devices not enormous black bowling ball bombs??? haha

"I will not withdraw from this war even if Laura and Barney are the only ones supporting me." -George W. Bush

Al Jourgensen (Ministry)

Al Jourgensen (Ministry) gets it, maybe he should give his ol' pal a call and compare notes...

He was with the Dead Kennedys?

Interesting, because years back, I met a cat named Klaus Flouride who used to play with a band called Jumbo Shrimp, in San Francisco, with another DK dude, by the name of East Bay Ray. One night, I was introducing Klaus to a friend, and I inadvertently called him Klaus Barbie...needless to say, that was the last he and I ever spoke.

Sorry for the OT post, but whathehey, it's Christmas!! Does sound like this guy is being played...

"Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest." - Benjamin Franklin


I agree, I really respected jellO when I was a kid. The Dead Kennedy's really influenced me, and I was really shocked to hear him say that stupid comment about how BIG the bombs would have to be to blow up such a HUGE buildings. It sucks that he has such a cult following who will believe everything he says.

"I will not withdraw from this war even if Laura and Barney are the only ones supporting me." -George W. Bush

>>>I responded with "You

>>>I responded with "You think the levees were blown, and that the elections were stolen, but you can't comprehend our government being involved in 9/11?"<<<

He sounds like my housemate who called me ridiculous for suggesting the highjackers--if any-- were patsies. He's also a liberal/progressive in every other way-- and has no problem beliveing neo-con corporatists are willing to poison our air and water, benefit/ encourage human trafficing/slavery, traffic in drugs and drug money to pay for their black ops, amoung other things, engage in child prostitution, and kill reporters who get to close---

Yet somehow these people WOULD NEVER cold bloodedly kill US citizens in a false-flag.

Oh, I missed radiation exposure, testing on mentaly disabled people, and probably more.

So, what? Criminal sociapaths in high places are suppposed to have LIMITS beyond which they NEVER go in pursuit of money or power?

News to me.

"Bugger this; I want a better world."

These people remind me of

These people remind me of high school cliques...  There were always two groups diamterically opposed, if one group promoted one fad, the other hated it, and vise versa.  They are stuck in a social dance.

To break this would distance themselves from either part of their well-understood view of political dynamics.  They lack the courage to step away, and think for themselves. 

>>>To break this would

>>>To break this would distance themselves from either part of their well-understood view of political dynamics. They lack the courage to step away, and think for themselves. <<<

It's more than simply courage, though we could have more of that--they don't have a better frame--a better world?-to replace it with. People are trained to accept the frames they see as inevitable forces of nature. It's remarkable how someone who is not even aware of the frame can react SO violently to it being challeneged, because their whole world is being challenged.

Take bullying in schools. Teaching kids it's okay to get away with terrorizing people and conversely that if you are terroized no one will heklp you, clearly is bad in SOO many ways, not the least of which you are training future sociopaths. Who will be a public safety problem, for those of you who miss the point. Yet for decades teachers were either wet(oh, you poor victim) or hapless(well, what can you do?). Well, for starters you can suspend the bully for endangering student safety--because that is what will happen in the adult world. You can also contact the familiy as they are probably part of the problem--this is not too difficult to see when you meet them(no, it's not the money or lack there of; it's how they interact with each other). Then you can figure out where the kid learned bulling people was okay, and hopefully help him/her learn new interaction skills.

On the otherside, schools can stop having policies to punish kids for defending themselves. Way to create the victims of tomorrow, twits. And you can actually teach kids to defend themselves, each other and other usefull crisis skills.

But this all takes training and a clue--something educators and even parents were MIA on for decades. Instead there was a frame: the strong have a right to get away with what they want and the weak are at fault for anything bad that happens to them. And no matter how sypathetic a teacher might be, they could not think outside this frame.

This frame needs to be replaced with: the strong have a responsibility to protect the weak AND TEACH THEM HOW TO BE STRONG, so the weak are no longer weak--we are all stronger when we are all stronger.

It is very hard for people to think beyond their frames. Most have to have a shock to motivate them--the frame has to fail in some intrinsic way. For many 911 was that shock. The fact that mass murder IS NOT enough of a shock for many people shows two things:

1: the strength of the frame: obey authority--if you don't you will be punished. This started in childhood.
2:The fact they have considered no replacement frame, say: authority has a GREATER, not lesser, responsibility to account for itself.

Well, that's me.

Kevin Barrett's new book

This is a subject that Barrett deals with very well in his latest book, Truth Jihad. He lays out the problem that Chomsky-types have when they are forced to consider something that doesn't fit their standard frame. When you think that everything the leaders of the US do is corrupt, you will easily accept the story that Chomsky sells about how our leaders wouldn't do this because the terrorist have a legitimate reason for doing it. It's stupid, but since Chomsky pushes it, his acolytes fall in line.

I would love to get Chomsky alone in a room and fight this one out with him. I can't figure out, other than money, what would motivate him to keep this fraud going.

Money, lots of money, and/or threats. Either that or he's

just hardcore CIONTELPRO by choice.

..."I would love to get Chomsky alone in a room and fight this one out with him. I can't figure out, other than money, what would motivate him to keep this fraud going."

Sorry, that's COINTELPRO


>>I can't figure out, other

>>I can't figure out, other than money, what would motivate him to keep this fraud going.<<

When last I emailed him and he responded, amoung other things with something like, "well if you've read my books you know what I think is going on," (very rough paraphrase) an idea occured to me: what if he's talking in code? They've threatened his family or something and he's trying to send out a message by saying the maddest things a person like him should know better about? And that's like the signal, completely contradicting himself? And what he's really saying is: You have to stop them before it's too late!

Okay, that's probably an optimistic fantasy--blame it on too many "Doctor Who" episodes. But the brain does reach to explain the unexplainable.

If that were true, he is

If that were true, he is doing a really bad job at signaling his devotees his true viewpoint on the subject.

A man with such mastery of the language should be able to signal his followers to break from his lead and follow a different path. 

>If that were true, he is

>If that were true, he is doing a really bad job at signaling his devotees his true viewpoint on the subject.<

LOL! Yes, you are probably right--I tell you, it's the "Doctor Who" episodes! Real life does tend to be less complicated.


Especially since he has spoken about how when people use the term "conspiracy theory" they are trying to cover something up, and prevent you from researching it more. Yet he has summed up alternate 9/11 theories as merely "a conspiracy theory", while knowing the stigma attached to those words. Very strange.

"I will not withdraw from this war even if Laura and Barney are the only ones supporting me." -George W. Bush

And yet the idea has it's

And yet the idea has it's points--like this.


Just because JellO Biafra parrots Chomsky doesn't mean that he is COINTELPRO. Maybe Chomsky is, but I think we are being way too paranoid when we assume everyone is under mind control or COINTELPRO. It is much more likely that he is just blindly following Chomsky like lots of generic liberals do when it comes to 9/11.

"I will not withdraw from this war even if Laura and Barney are the only ones supporting me." -George W. Bush

i totally agree, to me it

i totally agree, to me it seems like Cointelpro in general works best when its done like an information domino collapse. An agent will get someone influential in a movement to parrot or 'mock' (hence operation mocking bird) a form of government planted propaganda or purposefully misleading information.

these rampant accusations here about people in general not just lackies like Biafra being cointelpro are absolutely ridiculous. Either these people must be very stoned, on high doses of meth, hopeless paranoid misanthropes or cointelpro agents themselves.

It causes in fighting distraction, and simply put outside percieved retardation to constantly accuse others of being Cointelpro. If i was someone genuinely interested in learning the truth and i came here and saw all these paranoid bastards calling eachother Cointelpro i would be very very dissapointed.

although i do think people like Biafra need to be giving a truth sledgehammer. If they read forums, respond to e-mail, or do public speaking tours (like biafra does) we need to give them information in a non confrontational way. Yeah chomsky can keep his fucking cult like fans, but he cant keep those people, his followers away from watching a moive like Press for Truth, Improbabale Collapse, 911 mysteries or Terrorstorm (when obviously chomsky himself hasnt seen these). There are ways to get people to be exposed to information, once trhey are exposed they will see Gnome as the true gatekeeper that he is.

Is this guy serious?

Our logic is 'flawed' ?

"He stupidly stated that the our logic was flawed, since the bombs would need to be HUGE to blow up the huge pillars in the world trade center."

But a little jet grade kerosene'll do the trick, right?

Does he act like he's insane? Cause' he sure sounds like it.

I guess Einstein was right, stupidity knows no bounds.

Huge columns

9/11 Commission Report?

Hello.... what columns?

Gee.... I wish they would allow the books on the construction of the WTC to be published again.... so we can see for ourselves.

Really? It's hard to get

Really? It's hard to get books on the WTC construction? Not that I'd be surprised--it's hard to get live footage of the attacks on line--you know, the ones where the anchor says "it was just like-just like a demolition-like when they implode buildings". Clips of the towers falling, seems to be lots of those--from very restricted angles. Nothing to see--move along...

Now I have to tease you--get registered, you trolling shill!


"Building The World Trade Centers"

Isn't analog film so

Isn't analog film so charming?

Very interesting: the outside columns took all the wind load and SOME of the tower's load--almost the reverse of the OT.

And while I was at YouTube I took a gander at this on the side:

An ABC anchor states his opinion that the tower's collapse HAD to be planned.

See, before the propaganda machine got in gear, people weren't so stupid after all!

Jello catches a free ride on Chumpsky's 9/11 denial train

in lieu of using his own brain... how totally fucking radical, Mr Punk Rock.

This joker is a friend of a friend - I'll see if can't scare up some face time.

Fill his email inbox:


Everyone should write an e-mail to Jell-O asking him to please research this more, as it is clearly the lynchpin to toppling the Bush and Co house of cards....

"I will not withdraw from this war even if Laura and Barney are the
only ones supporting me." -George W. Bush

since the bombs would need

since the bombs would need to be HUGE to blow up the huge pillars in the world trade center

and yet for some reason the magic kerosene (jet fuel) did NOT need to be huge in order to blow up the huge pillars in the wtc.
are you guys aware of the fact that MUCH of the steel from both towers had disappeared into thin air before it even hit the ground?
jello biafra; a fine example of the corporate punk in action!

jello schmello

"jello biafra; a fine example of the corporate punk in action!"

Yeah, no kidding.

"I will not withdraw from this war even if Laura and Barney are the only ones supporting me." -George W. Bush

Taladega Nights

The Ballad of Ricky Bobby.... gave shout out to Halliburton and Dyncorp!!

Did anyone see this movie?