There's Never Been a Real 9/11 Investigation

A couple of days ago, we got a 9/11 story on the front page of Buzzflash.

Let's do it again! Vote for this story:

All we need is about 20 votes.

I'm trying to lead the gatekeepers by the nose with seemingly innocuous stuff, but stuff that will change them and open them to 9/11 truth down the line.

Let's get these left gatekeepers into progressively harder and harder hitting 9/11 truth...

I buzzed that story. It wasn't too hard to register and get the job done. I hope the Buzz crowd is more open to 9/11 Truth than the Digg community. Good work on branching out regardless. Well worth the effort. Everybody. Buzz this stuff.


It is really interesting to read the comments. Truthers' comments are uniformely good there -- well informed, not angry, crisp and often funny. Good job! Let's keep it up.

That fellow (or woman?) zee makes himself and therefore all anti-911-truthers look like fools.

Chris does nicely, in the face of such trash. You do well too, Orangutan.

I hope we all can notice how clear it is when someone's case is weak. They get angry and hurl insults.