Gwynne Dyer Interviewed About 9/11

Gwynne Dyer is a prominent Canadian political author who recently wrote a hit piece about 9/11 called "The Conspiracy Virus", in which he claimed that government complicity was impossible because 10,000 people would have been in on it and someone would have spilled the beans.

I caught up with him yesterday when he was visiting Sheridan College in Brampton, Ontario.

In this interview, he admits the physical evidence doesn't add up, but refuses to acknowledge the significance of the strange nature of the collapses. When confronted with the paradox of fire melting steel beams, he claims that "chemicals" could have been in the buildings that burn at a higher temperature than the melting point of steel. What chemicals Gwynne?

we can just hope it made him think

He is very closed minded, ego maniac, He believes the official lie. Dont waste your time. we can just hope it made him think

PS good job

It amazes me how people like

It amazes me how people like Dyer can, on one hand, believe that 19 hijackers could pull it off, and on the other hand, expect that it would take 10,000 people in the government to do the same thing. Beyond ridiculous.

And "chemicals" in the buildings? Oh good grief. Of course, every single floor of both towers just happened to be laden with "chemicals" that unfortunately exploded and.... blah blah blah.

Good job in confronting this idiot though! And, btw, watch the body language -- VERY telling.

"It amazes me how people

"It amazes me how people like Dyer can, on one hand, believe that 19 hijackers could pull it off, and on the other hand, expect that it would take 10,000 people in the government to do the same thing. Beyond ridiculous."

Great point!


It amazes me how people like Dyer can, on one hand, believe that 19 hijackers could pull it off, and on the other hand, expect that it would take 10,000 people in the government to do the same thing. Beyond ridiculous.

thats the best point I have heard in a long time


 Physics/Science/Mathematics do not lie, only people do.

9/11 was an INSIDE JOB

Same goes for

claiming it would have taken tons and tons of explosives to bring the buildings down while at the same time presuming fire and gravity would have sufficed.

Great work

The Manhattan Project involved nearly 10,000 people and was successfully kept secret for almost a decade. The CIA has countless operations around the world involving thousands of people and it is routine over multiple decades to keep them secret. Regardless, many thousands would not have been required to carry out this operation. The average response time for NORAD to intercept flights that have gone off course is 20 minutes. The year before 911 it occurred over one hundred times. Loose ends this bozo tells you, you should have told to quit drinking in the morning maybe he could get a clearer picture of the obvious. I'm not against drinking in the morning, but if you are going out on a limb and potentially assisting in the cover up of mass murder you best have your wits about you.

nice work

You were quick on your feet to respond to his "Occam's Razor" nonsense. I almost wish you had started there. Dyer's entire understanding of 9/11 is clearly not based on any research but on the idea that he can't fathom the alternative to the official story. He clearly doesn't understand the litany of coincidences that had to fall into place to make the OC happen. For someone like Dyer, I would recommend introducing arguments other than the collapse evidence. Talk about the visa issues, the ISI chief meeting with Graham and Goss on 9/11, and related incredible "coincidences" that might appeal to Dyer's sensibility. I've seen people like him, talked to them. They see the world through this "shit happens" lens, and it's almost impossible to convince them that sometimes accidents don't happen.

Flight 93 in Shanksville

He gave you a huge opening with Flight 93 and the lack of debris at the "crash" site. I would've run with that.

(some of the audio was cut out, so my apologies if you did ask him questions on that)

If you're going to talk to someone about the WTC buildings, focus on WTC 7 first and then move on to the Towers. Has he even seen the video of WTC 7 going down? Does he understand the physics involved?

As to why would "they" bother taking down all the buildings:

1) 9/11 was primarily a psyop and the psychological impact had to be overwhelming in order for it to be successful, thus the buildings had to be completely and traumatically destroyed.

2) The Towers needed to come down as they were big money losers and no insurance company in the world would underwrite either the EPA required cleanup or the controlled demolition and clean-up of the building site.

3) The evidence from the planes had to be completely destroyed to cover the fact that the planes were remotely controlled and/or had no hijackers and/or had been substituted for.

4) WTC 7 had 3,000 to 4,500 SEC case files that were critical to key cases against major players, this reason alone is motive to destroy the building.

5) Don't forget the insurance scam worth as much as $7billion.

My standard reply to the question of how many people would be involved in the conspiracy is that less than 50 would have to know about the full operation, perhaps even less than 20.

Compartmentalization is key here. Small demolition crews working for the six weeks after Silverstein properties took over the lease before 9/11 would not need to know about the planes.

Due to the exercises going on that morning, very few people would have to know about the planes. The FBI agents sent to seize evidence and talk to witnesses would only have to know about their specific tasks.

Finally, murderers don't tell their wives or brag in bars about their crimes, that's just a ridiculous assertion.

I commend you on the civility of your discourse and your fine effort. Thank you.

I hope that you and yours are well.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

port authority

good points from you.

"Small demolition crews working for the six weeks after Silverstein properties took over the lease before 9/11 would not need to know about the planes."

in 911Mysteries, ca. 1h:11m:18s
"the new york times has reported, that the foam fell off ..... and the port authority had been fixing and replacing missing sections in the month before september eleven"

replacing asbest foam at some sections ?
best opportunity to place the cutter charges for the steel structure ....
i am 99% sure, the port authority was (indirect?) involved, and for different reasons (ie insurance) silverstein "officially" took over the buildings.
and this is also a good insurance for "them" (behind the port authority).
if something goes wrong, they present silverstein as initiator.

psyops and explosives

Yes, people have asked me why the towers had to be destroyed. Dyer's question is common. Your answers are very good. The most common "debunker" comment was reiterated by Dyer: how could they place the explosives in the towers without knowing exactly where the plane would hit? People seem to get stuck on this idea that somehow the planes would dislodge the explosives and cutter charges on the floors of impact. True, they might. But I don't see how this affects THE REST of the cutters and explosives. I don't see why someone could not detonate the rest in sequence, and still bring down the towers.

I also think the explosives served two purposes: one, it would not have been enough of a shock to sponsor a generational war, to crash the planes and not bring down the towers; I think people would remember crashes alone as nothing more than accidents; two, I think the bombs were the backup plan, in case the hijackings were screwed up or something else went wrong. They already had the 1993 bombing as a precedent. People would believe the possibility that terrorists would somehow bomb the towers. One way or another, 9/11 was going to be the new Reichstag fire.

It is absolutely ignorant of

It is absolutely ignorant of people to think that the planes would affect the charges. The charges work by each receiving specific timing detonation sequences. It's not as if they are all necessarialy rigged to each other. If that was so then you wouldn't have control over when to detonate them on each floor. DUUURR. People's cognitive dissonance keeps them from seeing this issue for what it really is. That's the whole point of the BIG LIE. But I guess they aren't familiar with Mein Kampf. Those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it.

"... In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual." (Galileo Galilei, 1564 - 1642)

Good work.

"Basicly, we have two conspiracy theories. The official and the alternative...

Nice move.

Where's yer bomber jacket, Gwynne?

Kudos to carbon for ambushing this "historian" who can't recognize a false flag op when he trips over it!
Expose them all!
2007 is shaping up to be an awesome year for truth!

This guy completely jumps

This guy completely jumps off the tracks during your discussion. He literally goes from discussing the evidence with you to complete speculation. He seemed to not comprehend why you weren't speculating yourself about certain issues. He got suckered just like most of us did that day. Shit. When I saw the first building come down I told my ex, "those bastards had bombs in the buildings", and I completely forgot about that because of the Afghan/Iraq diversions(which I was against with out proof). False flag ops never CROSSED MY MIND until I started looking up info on flight 93 in 2006(I thought it had been shot down).

Keep hammering away carbon! It will eventually click for people like him.

"... In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual." (Galileo Galilei, 1564 - 1642)