

Member for
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About Me

I'm a father and patriot, my 9/11 epiphany came when I saw the videos of WTC7 being demolished by controlled demolition in late 2003. Since that time I have studied the 9/11 events quite thoroughly and seen the how they connect to Iran/Contra which I studied quite closely in the 1980's. My primary focus now is on developing the strategy and tactics of the 9/11 Truth movement, how to push 9/11 Truth to the tipping point and what to do after that.

My name is John William Wright. I was born in Seattle in 1960 and have lived in Marin County, CA since 1971.

I am a member of the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance (founded by Carol Brouillet) and stage managed the annual film festival in 2008, 2009 and 2010. In 2010 I also hosted three days of the film festival in San Francisco. I was also the lead organizer for two Fire Fighters For 9/11 Truth ( with AE9/11 Truth) events in May of 2010 and an Annie Machon event in September, 2008.

I work with Ken Jenkins and hummux as part of 911tv.org. I helped with the production of 9/11: Blueprint For Truth, Let's Get Empirical, AE911Truth SF Press Conference (1,000 members), Nanothermite (Dr. Steven Jones in Sacramento), several other videos and the video's for the conferences in Chandler, AZ, Vancouver Canada and Deep Politics in Santa Cruz, CA.

I also work with ae911truth.org and have known Richard Gage since before he began making public presentations. I helped move his office and set up the computer network in his present location, including doing all the required cabling between floors.

I also work with truthaction.org and the SF truthaction team whenever I can and consider cosmos a good friend.

I studied international relations, economics and Spanish at SFSU.

I worked in construction for 25 years, most of the time as an electrician.

I referee soccer and help run a lunch time soccer program for 6th grade students.

I am a full-time activist at present.

Northern California