O reilly Again Attacks Sheen, Cuban, Loose Change

This video is not the best of Quality, But its the only one I can find,

Does Loose Change...

State how many may have been involved?

"So where is the oil going to come from?... The Middle East, with two-thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies."

Richard Cheney - Chief Executive Of Halliburton


But the complexity of its alternative scenario allows people like O'Reilly to exaggerate the number of agents required to pull off something like 9/11. If Dylan is smart, he will opt for DRG's approach: Simply prove the official story is nonsense. You don't have to prove all of the possible alternative explanations.


You don't even have to come up with "possible alternative explanations." However, a lot of the information that shows the "official story is nonsense" indicates that a very real "possible alternative explanation" is that elements of our Government were complicit in the attacks of 9/11. When information like that exists, we would be fools as citizens of these United States to ignore it.

From the movie "National Treasure."

A toast, yeah?

To high treason.

That's what these men were committing when they signed the Declaration (Of Independence).

Had we lost the war, they would have been hanged, beheaded, drawn and quartered, and - Oh! Oh, my personal favourite - and had their entrails cut out and burned!

So, here's to the men who did what was considered wrong in order to do what they knew was right.

What they knew was right.

Well, good night.

I liked the way that sounded. It is analogous to the way members of the 9/11 Truth Movement are treated by the media, etc... even though our cause is just.

"So where is the oil going to come from?... The Middle East, with two-thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies."

Richard Cheney - Chief Executive Of Halliburton

we did NOT attack ourselves on 9/11

we had trusted allies to do it for us...

and now I notice the "jihadis" want to exterminate us. with their allies' Nazi propaganda (Loose Change).

Just to think how many idiots are going to be walking around parroting this stuff makes me giddy with anticipation. Bring it ON!!!


Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero

WTCdemolition.com - Harvard Task Force


here we go again

Holocaust deniers I am really getting sick of that crap 911 has absolutely nothing to do with that. Every interviewer Hannity O Riley or Scarborough They tried to smear the 911 truth with nonsense like saying or implying those 911 conspiracy people are a bunch anti semitic holocaust deniers. what a joke!!
Are we that much a threat to you that you have to go that low. They suck , nobody should believe those chucky cheese balls anyways

I bet if Eric Williams would have spoken at Arizona he would have been brought up in all of there rants he would have been on CNN ABC fox trying to represent the 911 truth movement he can stay at home

Still don't trust Mark Cuban though Time will tell

Keep flap"in

your lips Bill..........Thanks for making Americans curious enough to look at the facts our controlled media has prevented them from seeing.
The truth is coming.


im starting to kind of enjoy these o'reilly videos.
dunno, these attacks seem to get worse and worse...

They goofed

They goofed- they meant 'hologram deniers' folks- be compassionate to these deluded souls.

O'Reilly promotes state censorship

"You don't refute garbage, you throw garbage away."

We know what the real garbage is, Mr. O'Reilly. (He's looking a little pale and unbalanced these days, don't you think?)

"America today is a confused society, caught up in a terror war, a culture war and a media war where honesty and professional standards have vanished. We're simply not prepared to face an enemy who wants to exterminate us and that makes us have a huge weakness."

Oh please uncle Bill, you are so honest and professional and I am so confused, please read us a nice, patriotic bed time story about our great government and how you will protect us from evil propaganda being created by American 20 year-olds, promoted by al Jazeera and funded by billionaire basketball team owners.

Could this guy be any more pathetic and ridiculous?

Does anyone really watch his show?

What media war is he referring to? The people's media on the internet vs. the corporate media?

He seems to be calling for some kind of state censorship in order to keep us from being exterminated. Is this so he can go from being an unofficial government news reader to an official government news reader?

Shred the Constitution and burn the Bill of Rights in order to save the country, eh Bill?

Perhaps his cell in Leavenworth will need to have a tv showing Loose Change 24/7 in it.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Call in to Alex Jones Monday

Call in to Alex Jones Monday (today) and ask for his take on Cuban and Magnolia. See if he is aware of Halifaxion's 200 videos being pulled as a result.

The true threat to liberty comes not from terrorists but from our political leaders whose natural inclination is to seize upon any excuse to diminish them.
~~ Walter Williams, Nightly Business Report, September 2001

Whoever it was that...

...got on Alex's show today, PLEASE write that article, as Alex asked you to do.

Alex said,
"Get a story together with the facts."

Please follow through with this. Alex seemed genuinely interested.

I tried, unsuccessfully, to get on for an hour. i'm glad someone made it through.

The true threat to liberty comes not from terrorists but from our political leaders whose natural inclination is to seize upon any excuse to diminish them.
~~ Walter Williams, Nightly Business Report, September 2001