Inside Story From the Men Who Cleaned Up 9/11



"WTC Body Parts in Landfill — 9-11 Part 5"

Were all body parts painstakingly picked up and preserved during the Ground Zero cleanup operation? It may have been an impossible task, given the condition of the site. However, could they have done a better job? Was it more important to complete the cleanup operation than to find every single remain, regardless of size?


Inside Story From the Men Who Cleaned up The Mess from 911.

Marked as: "Some information may offend any person with family involved in this mess."

Video Transcript:


"Did the cleanup crew remove and preserve every body parts [sic] found at ground zero?"

Interviewee: (cleanup worker at 9/11 ground zero — intermixed with background images of clean up, memorial and similar 9/11 images)

"Yeah, they made us do that until the end. Towards the end. That's when the people protested. That we were just loadin' them in, because they were finding most of the parts at the landfill." [Fresh Kills Landfill]

[audio cut?]

"That's when everything started slowing down."

[audio cut?]

"We just loaded trucks. Full of... of body parts. For a month and a half, there... there was no stations. That we didn't even know that we loaded, because our grapples and the machinery was so big, that it just blended in with the pile. We didn't know."

[video cut]

"The... the second day I was there, when I was, when — it might have been not the second day — but it, at least a week when I was there, I had a charred head hit my windshield... of my excavator — and I screamed like a woman."

[video cut]

"Um, another thing that happened down there, that, that really, completely messed me up, and, and I'm sorry to say, Mayor Giuliani let the families of the cops and the firemen down there for closure. And while we're going through — sifting through — all the debris, we find a, uh, port authority cop. We have people screaming, 'That's my husband!' or the kids crying, and the whole deal. And I went to the DDC, um, Charlie was in charge, um, I don't know his last name, but he was from the Mayor's — it's called, uh, Disaster Control."

[video cut]

"And I went to Charlie and said, 'You cannot do this to us, because we have enough just to bag the bodies. You cannot bring families down here for closure while we're, we're doing this, because, it, it affects us just to do what we're doin'.'"

[video cut]

"And let me tell you something, if I had to do it all over again, I always tell myself I would — well, I wouldn't."


setting aside the sentimental aspect

which of course is huge, we shouldn't forget that by not combing through the debris more carefully they ended up not being able to verify many of the dead--what kind of crime scene investigation was that? what was the freaking hurry? I mean I know what the hurry was, but how can they possibly justify this, not just in emotional terms but in pure forensic terms?


Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force



I encourage people to go to and view the other parts of their series.

One interesting thing I heard there was that one of the clean up people picked up one of the smashed firetrucks with his excavator and shook it to get stuff off of it so he could move it out of the way and...

...bags of money fell out of it.

Not to denigrate firemen, but we know they are human, and as likely to do something untoward as anyone else. (statistically, there would be some who are more likely to do something like the above, just as in the regular populace)

It does make one wonder, however, who "got away with what", before, during, and after. (money, gold, who knows what)

Senior 9/11 Bureau Chief Correspondent