Le Monde- the reprisals begin

From here: http://fr.news.yahoo.com/19042007/202/plainte-d-alliot-marie-apres-la-divulgation-de-documents-de.html

Charges pressed by Alliot-Marie after the disclosure of GDES documents

Paris (AFP)- The Defence Minister, Michele Alliot-Marie, has decided to notify the Minister of Justice in order to request pressing charges, after the disclosure by Le Monde of classified documents warning of a hijacking of American airliners 8 months prior to 9/11, according to the Ministry.

“The Minister has decided to notify the Minister of Justice in order to request that charges be pressed for removal, seizure, and disclosure of defence secrets,” stated the spokesperson for the minister, Jean-Francois Bureau, at his weekly press conference.

These charges relate “specifically to 6 classified GDES (the General Directorate of External Security) notes,” he specified.

According to the article and the documents published by Le Monde on Tuesday, French foreign intelligence had, in January 2001, 8 months prior to 9/11, alerted their American colleagues to an Al Qaeda plot to hijack American airliners.

The minister “does not see it so much as an offence by the press,” stated Mr Bureau, reaffirming that her “main concern” was to ensure “the protection of national defence documents given that they come under a particular system,” and, “if that fails, to impose sanctions upon the people responsible” for their disclosure.

“She is leaving up it to the magistrates and the chancery to judge the facts, and to conclude whether, over and above the people who have committed what appear to be infractions, there might also be other people involved”, he said.

Le Monde stated that they were in possession of 328 pages of GDES documents bearing the label: “Confidential- Defence”, and “notes, reports, summaries, maps, diagrams, charts and satellite photos.”

All of this was “dedicated exclusively to Al Qaeda, its leaders, sub-leaders, hideouts and training camps”, but also “its financial benefactors.” It represents, according to the newspaper, “nothing less than the essence of GDES reports between July 2000 and October 2001.”

Thanks again.

{{tips hat}}

the real story here

The French Feds are pissed at Le Monde (avid publisher of anti-truth hit pieces) for leaking information that purports to support the official false conspiracy theory that Arab Muslims hijacked planes on 9/11.

Kind of reminds me of the Bush admin making a big deal about the New York Times, its erstwhile assistant in spreading lieas about Iraqi WMD, in order to create the illusion that the government is at odds with the press when in fact the exact reverse is true.

I frankly don't see the value of this information except in light of the clear efforts afoot to prop up the dying OCT.


Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero

WTCdemolition.com - Harvard Task Force



That's how it strikes me as well.

Thank you...

For all of the translating you're doing. I failed Spanish if that's any indication as to how helpful this is.

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