My Inside Info on 911...u want to read this...

just feel I am moraly obligated to share something that happened to me 4 yrs ago and I barley dare mentioning it to people. It is just TOO crazy for people to believe me and I hate to be looked at as a liar.

I was in Iran, August of 2003 in a famous old hotel in Isfahan, met an American man there.

He mentioned he was the psychologist of the white house??!, under some guy named Clark ( I recalled the name after the Clark stuff happened). He said he has renounced his US citizenship and has left US out of fear for his life. He told me 911 was all planed, they knew about it ( I was 22 at the time and really could care less about politics and 911 stuff though the person really freaked me out!) We talked until 4am in the lobby of that hotel, of course all throughout the conversation, I thought I am dealing with a lunatic who is out of his mind. He said he could not live with that guilt and etc. He also mentioned that he has visited all the middle eastern countries for the past 3 mts, had come from Saudi Arabia to Iran and he was headed to ' can't disclose' to live there rest of his life.

Sometimes, I think about what I REALLY heard with my 2 ears that night. I wish I had ever used narcotics in my life, that way I could blame that on some hallucination or some drug related fantasy.

too bad

too bad you couldn't get his name...

Thanks for sharing.


Let's learn what we can from this info. For example, I'm interested in Whitehouse psychologists, names, timelines, etc.

Why were you in Isfahan, Iran in August 2003?

Any pictures?

How did you come to have a long conversation with a random American Whitehouse psychologist?

“It is a capital mistake to theorize before you have all the evidence. It biases the judgment." - Sherlock Holmes

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You're going

You are going to have to give more details, otherwise it sounds like a drug hallucination. I would love to know that this story is real but just based on tid bits you're testimony is worthless. Certainly you should be able to track down the exact dates of your hotel stay and exactly what hotel. Hotel records could be checked and matched against the White House Medical staff. It sounds like powerful stuff worth the required investigation.

Similar Event

As the 2004 Presidential election approached, I took my daughter to the Big Apple so she could attend the annual banquet of the Women's Sports Foundation (she was a pro athlete at the time). While she was at the banquet, I walked around the city a bit, up to the SW edge of Central Park, and then down to the Rockefeller Center. I stood on the street looking down onto the open plaza there where they were decorating the broadcast booths and getting ready for the big night. I stood there just observing and killing time, and struck up a conversation with another fellow there. We chatted about politics, the news business, etc., and he invited me to join him for a drink in the bar down near the skating rink, whcih I did. There, I discovered he was the space planner and decor designer for the Rockefeller Center and the work I'd been admiring was his. We talked more, including 9/11. I essentially said that the election was somewhat of a fraud, and this coverage was too, because neither the networks nor the candidates would touch the subject of 9/11. He said that there was talk that day in the Rockefeller Center of 9/11 being an inside job. I still have his business card.