Creative Tabling 101 (or 201)

I suggest that people be creative when creating things for tabling, whether it is for informational items like flyers and the like, or signs, or other things to grab people's attention, like this idea. (below; you would think this would be self-evident, but I've seen so many tabling tables that even I just want to walk by even though I'm interested in the subject) This stuff is SO much easier now than it was before we had computers.

And it doesn't take a lot of effort, or talent, or ability to make stuff look pretty nice and even professional. (think about using some color instead of all black and white, and consider laminating things that are there for people to look at and not take (or one of what they can take) so they don't get bent and crumpled and stay nice-looking)

There is a site about paper toys that has a "print out, fold and glue" 3-D World Trace Center complex. The graphics by themselves are pretty nice. Better than some I've seen anywhere. So you could just use those by themselves. But it could be used as a nice educational and informational device to show people exactly where each building was, and give an idea of how far away they are from each other, etc., as well as an attention grabber because it's not a flat "lifeless" thing.

If I saw something like this on a table, it would definitely grab my attention.

Depending on how good you are at printing things out and manipulating them, etc., you might want to use the PDF versions. They have this one as GIF images, too, but they usually don't print as well as PDF files. Unless you have a decent graphics program and are somewhat adept at using it.

It would probably work best if done with a heavy paper or card stock. If you can't run that through your printer, print out a nice copy on nice white paper and take it down to your local photocopy place and copy it onto a heavier paper stock. And you can enlarge it and make it bigger, too. And color it using inks pens or pencils or maybe colorize it using a graphics program before printing.

I've also been meaning to make a "world trace center building" 'simulacrum' for some time now as a simple square tube, about 4" to 6" sq. and maybe 24" to 36" tall, using either bass wood, which would probably work best, because it's stiffer and heavier, or balsa wood, which is lighter but also a bit easier to cut — you can get both of them at most hobby-type stores relatively cheaply as 1/2" sq. (+/-) lengths — with cross beams to make it keep its shape, and wrap it in black plastic window screening material (pretty cheap at your local home or hardware store), with a heavier base, probably out of scrap pine so it sits well and doesn't fall over. (you could make this for several dollars, or so, in probably just a few hours)

And then stick a yellow-orange #2 pencil (or two, or several) through the screen. And when people ask what it is, I was going to explain that one of the designers (?) of the WTC towers stated that an airplane hitting it would be like a pencil going through a screen door (or however it was he said it) and wouldn't have an affect on the rest of the building because of the way it was designed. (you've probably seen that in one or more of the documentary films — I think it was in "9/11 Mysteries") Maybe even print out the exact quote and stick it on top of the thing. Something like this would sit nicely on a table as an attention-getter and discussion-starter.

Again, just using creative means to grab people's attention, and to make a point, and as a means to explain something about the buildings and why things happened the way they did (in a 9/11 Truth sense), etc.

Please share your ideas with the rest of us.


Narketing People! Marketing! That is the Key to us moving forward...when your message looks like "crazy-UFO-Tin Foil-Tabloid" design, then guess a new person its crazy-UFO-Tin Foil-Tabloid material

I love Jim Hoffman Site and I printed out some of his "brochures/flyers" and the avg person didnt even look at it twice.

Design...Marketing....Design. That is how you get people to come to you

47 stories + 6.6 collapse = impossible

Thank you so much

This is going to make my study so much easier.
Maybe a good idea is to make this part of your signature so that it reaches everybody you e-mail to.
This and some easy to understand inconsistencies like WTC 7