Dallas Dealey Plaza Truth Action on 7-11

About a dozen members of North Texans for 911 Truth made a public appearance at Historic Dealey Plaza (Where JFK was murdered) in downtown Dallas on 7-11-07. Thumbs up and peace signs slightly outweighed middle fingers.

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Love the picture by the "Grassy Knoll"...

Great job North Texans for 911 Truth

Best wishes

Dealey Plaza is the perfect locale....

....for any 11th of the Month Dallas Activism....

Great job Joe, to you and the rest of the Dallas patriots.....well, well done.....

nice job

only slightly huh? well it is Texas i guess so.......

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

Great work

You picked the right spot for it.

Thank you for your activism.

Nice shot at Dealey Plaza -

Nice shot at Dealey Plaza - no pun intended. Great activism. Great photos. Great people. Great Truth. We shall overcome, and in the meantime my family is jumping around while looking at your photos. Thanks.

President Bush, defending

President Bush, defending his troop surge in Iraq, insisted Thursday that the insurgents attacking US troops in Iraq "are the same ones who attacked us on Sept. 11."

Bush was speaking at a White House press conference on the same day an interim progress report on his troop surge in Iraq was released. Asked for proof of the connection between insurgents in Iraq and the 9/11 hijackers, Bush said both had pledged their allegiance to Osama bin Laden.


"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

Speaking of Osama........

what happened to bringing those involved in 9/11 to justice?.........Hummmm? Going on six years, and
Osama's name is never heard on the media. Hell even Bush does'nt bring his name up anymore.

Keep up the great work!

"I will not withdraw from this war even if Laura and Barney are the only ones supporting me." -George W. Bush

This was my friend Nomad's first truth action!

What a great day! We'll have

What a great day!
We'll have a video collection of the past 2 months dealey plaza actions up in the next week.