ST911 Scientist to Sue BBC for Public Deception

By Mick Meaney
RINF Alternative News

A British scientist and member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, John A. Blacker MSc IMI (Physical Systems), is threatening to sue the BBC for mass public deception via their “9/11: The Conspiracy Files” program, RINF Alternative News can reveal.

Needs to include the Anthrax attacks

To the non-physicist the focus on the physics of the collapse of the towers is not as simple to come to the conclusion it was an inside job as the anthrax letters. This suit to the BBC should highlight this also. e.g. only Democrats were targetted, the anthrax was US military grade, and all the comparable samples at Ames were ordered destroyed. And the media including the BBC pretty much ignores it.

Another bit that was very deceptive...

That I cannot see in his letter, is the way the BBC distorted the facts by...

Manipulating the NORAD "real world or exercise" section

Where they have dubbed additional noises, i.e. womens voices and phone ringing over the top to make it sound much more confusing than it actually was.


I don't have the actual audio file, but anyone with a copy of the "9/11 Conspiracy Files" can confirm, also at below link on Google Video...

BBC's Audio :

This was a blatant deception by the makers of the documentary, trying to support their "but in the confusion" excuse.

Actual audio :


It's sad, but the BBC can not be trusted with 9/11 truth without distorting the facts, go get em !!!

Good luck and best wishes

Strike While the Iron is Hot !!!

Spotted this over at

Dear colleagues,

This is an email which is particularly addressed to everyone who works in programme and content parts of the BBC, but I thought it was important that everyone who works in the organisation should see it.

As you will know, there have been a number of incidents - recent problems related to phone use including the controversy over Blue Peter and, in the last few days, the incorrect and misleading edit of Her Majesty the Queen in the BBC One seasonal launch tape - which defy our values and threaten the precious relationship of trust between the BBC and our audiences. We cannot take that trust for granted.

The vast majority of you ensure our TV, radio and interactive content is accurate, fair and complies with our own clear editorial guidelines and Ofcom's code. We cannot allow even a small number of lapses, whether intentional or as a result of sloppiness, to undermine our reputation and the confidence of the public.

Even before the most recent issue involving the Queen, I had asked the Directors of Vision, Journalism and Audio & Music to work with their senior editorial and creative teams to identify any further issues or incidents of serious intentional or unintentional deception of the audience.

I am writing to you today to ask you to help and support this process in any way you can. If you know of any further incident, please let us know.

Next Wednesday I will be delivering a full report to the BBC Trust. After that, I will write to you again to set out the action that I and the Executive Board intend to take to minimise the risk of anything like these totally unacceptable incidents ever happening again. The vital first step is to ensure that we know about every problem that's out there.

Nothing matters more for us than honesty, accuracy and fair dealing with the audience. We must now put our house in order. We need your help to enable us to do that as swiftly and as comprehensively as possible. I know I can count on your support.

Yours sincerely

Mark Thompson

Director-General BBC


Basically the BBC over the last few weeks have been getting hammered over deceptive broadcasts and based on the above internal letter from the BBC's Director-General, they are trying to put it right...

Let's help them by supporting the complaints at the below link :

Invite them to view the online petition at

Let them know you want them to clean-up their act etc...


I believe now is the time to PUSH !!!

Many thanks and best wishes

BBC's 9/11 failure

I agree,

let's write to them and remind them of their biggest failure -- to examine 9/11 with any kind of true investigative journalism.

Front page news

don't get why this isn't front page news, this is a big deal imo

Was waiting for them to clean-up text.

The updated article is now front-paged from u2r2h's blog.

There is a related article

There is a related article on prison planet as the link doesn't seem to be working at the moment: