Boston Gets Drenched for the Truth

The rain was relentless -- a deluge at times during the five hours we were out there -- but we still enjoyed the camaraderie and had fun! We were very visible, but only a few people were outside to receive literature or DVDs since everyone (everyone but us!) was scurrying to try to stay dry. We moved through town and stopped at the Boston 9/11 Memorial where there were many floral wreaths and bouquets. At times when the rain did let up passersby were mostly receptive. When we walked along the streets from one stop to the next we got some horns tooting. A couple of people laid on the horn and gave us very enthusiastic "thumbs up" which was encouraging. Very few middle finger salutes. Everyone had a good time and spirits were high in spite of the weather!

Boston 9/11 Truth

View images here:

9-11-07 Sept 11 Memorial in Boston Garden.jpg157.39 KB
Getting DRENCHED for TRUTH 91107.JPG175.42 KB
T and W 91107.JPG224.25 KB
Copley Square Boston 91107.JPG162.58 KB
First Responder Poster 91107.JPG172.5 KB

I love...

The parka with "9/11 Truth Now!" on it... that's classic.

A "Full And Complete Accounting" Of The 9/11 Attacks

Hey... New Idea...

"9/11 Truth Now" or even better "STOP the 9/11 Cover-up" umbrellas ;-{)

or if you live in Arizona a parasol...

Excellent work all of you!

Even the rain couldn't drench your passion for the truth. Bravo!