Would You Want to Know?


Given many people's strong psychological bias against questioning the government's version of 9/11, I wonder if an alternative approach might be helpful.

Specifically, psychologists tell us that many people project parental roles onto the government. Therefore, psychologists say, questioning the government is like questioning one's own parents. Because many people need to believe that the government is protecting them, believing that the government could carry out false flag terror is terrifying.

So psychologists say that if you just try to hammer people with facts, you probably won't reach many of them!

Instead, try starting with the following question (I'll explain why below):

We're adults.

But if you were still a kid, and your parents were abusing you, would you want to know or not?

In other words, if your parents had such severe problems that they were threatening your life and very survival, and if there were other people that could help you and protect you and make you safe, would you want to know what your parents were doing so someone could help you, or would you want to just go along and pretend it wasn't happening, even though your life was actually in danger?

I think that most people would say "I'd want to know what my parents were doing". Even if they were one of the majority of people who repress painful memories in order to cope with them, and even if they were one of the many people who were actually abused as children and yet chose to believe their parents were good people who would never harm them, everyone wants to appear logical and intelligent.

Now the benefit of this question is that -- once people say that they would "want to know" -- they have chosen the fork in the road that leads to thinking about things like false flag terror. Specifically, once people choose the "want to know" option, it is easy to follow with this statement:

Yes, I think it is better to know.

How about if bad apples within our government were abusing us . . . would you want to know, so that we can replace them with good people, and make sure that others can't pull the same shenanigans?

Almost everyone will reply with a "yes" answer. So now you can discuss false flag attacks. I would recommend starting out by saying something like:

Well, bad apples within foreign governments have intentionally killed their own citizens for short-term political gain.

For example, the Nazis killed German citizens at a radio station and blamed it on the Poles, as an excuse to invade Poland.

And the Turks killed some of their own and pretended that the PKK did it, in order to justify a crackdown on that group.

And -- as admitted by the Israelis -- Israelis killed Americans and other westerners in Egypt, and planted fake evidence implicating Egypt for the killings, in order to justify war against Egypt.

And, as confirmed by a former Italian Prime Minister, an Italian judge, and the former head of Italian counterintelligence, NATO, with the help of U.S. special forces, carried out terror bombings in Italy and blamed the communists, in order to rally people’s support for their governments in Europe in their fight against communism.

And recently declassified official documents show that in the 1960's, the American Joint Chiefs of Staff signed off on a plan to blow up AMERICAN airplanes (using an elaborate plan involving the switching of airplanes), and also to commit terrorist acts on American soil, and then to blame it on the Cubans in order to justify an invasion of Cuba.

In fact, this abuse by "bad apples" in governments around the world is so common that there is a name for it: "false flag terror", based on the practice of old wooden navy ships sometimes hiding their own national flag and raising their enemy's flag before firing on one of their own ships, so they could blame it on the country whose flag they raised.

Do you think the bad apples who plan these types of "false flags" should be fired from government and replaced by more honest people? Do you think they should be criminally prosecuted for attempted murder?

Virtually everyone will answer yes to this.

So now you've informed them about false flag terror, educated them about specific examples, and gotten them to agree that the people who plan and carry out false flag terror should be prosecuted.

From here, you can bring up 9/11, efforts to stop future false flag attacks, and other related topics.

Give it a try.

Note: If the person you are speaking with was actually abused as a child -- a large percentage of the American population has been -- he or she may become very angry at you for bringing up a painful topic that has been long buried. If this happens, don't take it personally, and just politely say that if they don't want to discuss painful issues, you will drop it for now. And then wish them well.

This is not a total loss: understanding that one is avoiding something is the first step in being willing (eventually) to look at it.


I was going to send you to the BBC report on Gladio -- but Google video has deleted it!


Italian officials directly accuse CIA of orchestrating the terror bombings. CIA wasn't mentioned in your summary above.

70 Disturbing Facts About 9/11

John Doraemi publishes Crimes of the State Blog

johndoraemi --at-- yahoo.com.

Here's some backup

Good stuff! (Someone had said to think of the Republicans as the

Daddies, & the Democrats as the Mommies, and we are the subservient children.)

Consider mass emailing truth messages. More info here: http://www.911blogger.com/node/13321

This is a very important

This is a very important subject.
We should really spend a serious part of our time experimenting this and other ways of breaking, or at least weakening unconscious barriers in the minds of conformistic people. Maybe we should direct part of our attention towards education in general: how to help people and children be freer, stronger, less conformistic?
Wilhelm Reich wrote a famous book about that subject, thanks to his experience trying to fight the rise of nazism:

Read the last genius on this Earth: http://www.notbored.org/debord.html

Mass Psychology of Fascism

I agree! This is a REALLY important subject. The other great Wilhelm Reich book on this subject is the Mass Psychology of Fascism. It's a bit more challenging read than Listen Little Man, though.

The myth-makers and propagandists of the Empire have think-tanks devoted to the manipulation of mass-psychology. They understand the science of the psychology of disinformation to be key in the control of the "rabble." We need to approach the issue of the psychological aspects of organizing resistance with as much sobriety and seriousness as the "evil-doers." For us, however, the goal is not to scare people into keeping the windows and doors of insight shut tight, as it is with the lie-weavers, but rather to help people overcome the fear that keeps them psychological shut-ins.