James Woolsey fingering Iraq on 9/12

While the whole world was fingering Osama, Woolsey was trying to make the world believe Iraq was behind the attacks.

James Woolsey, Iraq again, NBC, 22:26, 9/12

James Woolsey, fingering Iraq again, ABC, 13;49, 9/12

James Woolsey, fingering Iraq, ABC, 00:19, 9/12

James Woolsey fingering Iraq, CNN, 06:53, 9/13

Ray McGovern...

Debates (and makes a complete fool of) James Woolsey.

Click Here

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

I know

someone who knows Woolsey personally.

Woolsey has a skewed view of geopolitics - geopolitical strategy and no idea how vulnerable the United States is to destruction- military AND economic.

His CIA bkgnd is a farce.

Underestimating sleeping bears,mythological dragons and cowering samurais.........

Many people have betrayed the United States.

The blood pressure is rising.

Against ALL enemies.




The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Woolsey is part of the Agenda

This is a quote from an anti-war.com article by John Taylor:

"Woolsey had jumped on the "get Saddam" bandwagon. He was a signatory, along with fellow neocons Elliott Abrams, John Bolton, Richard Perle, and Paul Wolfowitz , of the Project for the New American Century's letter to Bill Clinton that called for "the removal of Saddam Hussein's regime from power" using "a full complement of diplomatic, political, and military efforts." Sept. 11 gave Woolsey and his associates their opportunity, and they began working diligently to shift the government's emphasis from destroying al-Qaeda to invading Iraq.

Shortly after the 9/11 attacks, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld sent Woolsey to the UK to find a link between Saddam and al-Qaeda. Woolsey came back with a story alleging that Mohammed Atta had met a senior Iraqi intelligence official in Prague shortly before Sept. 11. Never mind that only the most slender evidence supported the tale and that the FBI soon determined that Atta had been in Virginia Beach on the day in question; the story was told and retold, especially by Vice President Cheney, and believed by a significant segment of the American public."

Woolsey is a big-time player and his understated style makes him dangerous. He is presently into green energy and recently left Booz Allen Hamilton for greener California? HIs law firm received $100 million to waste on Chalabi in Iraq at one point. Woolsey may believe a buck can be made on green energy?

It also may be the case, Woolsey is part of the next psy-op that Americans can no longer live as they once did? You'll have to sacrifice to get away from oil?

I believe, California is in big trouble.

Don't let him pull the Woolsey over your eyes!

...don't believe them!