MOVE ON- Enters the ChangeDotNot Arena- NOMINATE a Goal

In ten words or less I stated: "Reveal 9/11 as False-Flag Terrorism"
We can let Move on know we are here and are not going away.

Dear Joe,

People often ask, "What is MoveOn?" The answer is really simple: MoveOn is you—well, you plus five million other like-minded folks all over the country.

We're not politicians or CEOs—we're just regular people in Duluth and Spokane and Brooklyn and Raleigh and hundreds of other cities, working together to make our country a little bit better.

Now we have some really important decisions to make together. Our country is at a critical moment: The opportunity for change has never been greater and Americans everywhere are ready for it. But there's a lot that needs to be done to get our country back on track and we have to decide—each and every one of us—where we should focus first.

Click on the link below to tell the rest of us what you think is the most important goal for MoveOn to focus on in the next year. Is it winning health care for all? Ending the war in Iraq? Switching to a green economy? Making sure every child has access to a college education? This is our moment to dream big!

On Wednesday, we'll all vote together on what MoveOn's priorities should be based on what you nominate today. Click below to nominate a goal:

This is just the first step in a week-long agenda-setting process that starts today.

Here's how the whole thing will work:

* Today, you nominate a goal you think is important for MoveOn to focus on. After you nominate, you can read and rate other goals that MoveOn members have nominated.
* Wednesday, we'll all vote for our top choices from among the 10 most popular nominated goals.
* On Friday, the voting will end, and MoveOn will have a new slate of priorities to guide our work together in '09!

The truth is after the last eight years, there is so much we'd all want to see change that it's hard to know where to start. We'll work on lots of issues next year—not just one or even three.

But even with November's huge victory, the big progressive changes we dream of aren't going to come easily, so we absolutely need to get focused in on our priorities. Click below to nominate a goal:

We've seen millions of us work together to make truly huge things happen before. And we can do it again—but it's going to take all of us and now's the time to start.

Can't wait to read your nomination!

Thanks for all you do.

–Nita, Aisling, Patrick S., Eli and the rest of the team
Which big goals should MoveOn work on in 2009?

MoveOn is our members, and this week, we're all going to decide together which goals to focus on this year. The first step is to nominate the goal that you think is important for MoveOn in 2009. Then you'll see what others have suggested. Later this week, we'll all vote from among the 10 most-nominated goals.

I submitted a goal.

Unfortunately there's no way to track it with a link. And they posted my name and location which I can't edit. But I spoke pretty aggressively for the cause of 9/11 Truth regardless. MoveOn would sure be a boon to our cause if we could ever convince them to look further, investigate, and demand answers. is an email address I've used in the past.

Or here is a form:

I guess it is worth a try.

But I won't be surprised if Moveon says move along. is misspelled...

If you ever want a modern day example of how somewhat clandestine forces play chamelion [sp] and slip into powerful and influential places using the idea that they are speaking "for the people" when just a few people who are NOT the people are in charge at the top...just check out the history and positions of _ _ _On. Org.

There could not be a better example of a modern and clever "cointelpro designed" organization than _ _

Just go back to their position on funding the war in Iraq, and if that tweaks your interest, check back a bit further into what position they took regarding Israel's overreaction to the minor issues with Lebanon in 06'...

...not one question to its members as to what position that its members should take regarding this conflict...

_ _ took the same tact as did Al Franken and Jerry Springer...BOTH soon driven out of AirAmericaRadio ops because of REAL progressive's WRATH against both of them AND against AirAmericaRadio owners' and funders' positions... give Israel "carte blance' for the Lebanon slaughters...and the use of illegal weapons... 2006 and the Israel-Lebanon War and AAR ownership's, funders and mangagement forced REAL progressive employees away from AAR because they got to "see and feel" exactly wht the original, AND remaining "wide vision purpose" of AAR actually IS ALL ABOUT...

...AND of course, the obedient congress on BOTH sides of the aisle couldn't waste a single moment before they said: "Anything you want AIPAC, 'anything Israel' is A-OK by us". wanna end the 9/11 Truth Movement...just give your proxy and power to _ _ and other such organizations and you will hasten the demise...

..why doesn't Richard Greene of AAR continue to talk up 9/11 issues?...

...because he and AAR wanted to end such discussions in the first place...

...DOT...DOT...DOT...DOT...right in front of our eyes....

...I will say this again for clarity and consistency:

...the most significant force AGAINST 9/11 Truth is Zionism...

...300 million citizens in the USofA...

...200 million are somewhat adults...

...Israel-Americans make up 3% of total US population...

...this is 6 MILLION +/- Israel-Americans of age...

_ _ 's 3-4 Million...

...its growth STOPPED around 2006 when its REAL objectives were discovered by non-Israeli-Americans...

...who spread out into other meet-up and progressive groups other than _ _ _On.Org...


...figure it out Truthers...

...and keep on doing independent things to seek 9/11 Truth...

...many of the Ron Paulers are now history and reduced numbers are now contributing to the 9/11 truth

...its best to steer clear of these and other fraudulent organizations and "alleged" opportunities...

_ _ does NOT have any country in the northern-western hemisphere as their priority...

...listen to Al Franken's and Jerry Springer's radio archives right around the time of the Lebanon butchery...

...probably scrubbed as clean as NORAD's audio and radar tapes by now...

...something that us Truthers are used to...

...please note that in the last several weeks there have been some "initiatives" that have served to "draw in" the 9/11 Truth Movement to believing that it actually has political "opportunity" through THEM?...

...aacomplished by at least two organizations that are...

...lead by people who have vested interests in NOT having a viable 9/11 Truth investigation go where a SOUND investigation would normally take it...

...for example...can you spell Rahm Emanuel? [maybe I can't]...

...can you spell _ _ _On .Org...I can definitely spell this one...


...We are pretty good at what we do WITHOUT these two "initiatives" emerging from questionable sources at interesting timings ...

...opportunities that seemed to IMMEDIATELY emerge after 11/4/2008...which BTW... WHY we are getting such opportunities as of late... I had predicted would begin happening about a month ago...

...right around 11/4/2008...SO...

...beware of Trojans bearing gifts...

...smell the coffee...

...keep your heads up...

...look both ways before you cross the street... what you do best...

Love, Peace, Progress...and an independent 9/11 Truth Movement...

Robin Hordon

I was very involved in Moveon from '03 to '07

Not just online, but going to meetings and trainings at local houses.

When I brought up 9/11 truth, everyone stared at me like I'd put a turd in the punchbowl, and they never called me again.

Fine by me -- if they're not gonna work on the most important issues, what's the point?

_ _ _ _On.Org IS working on their most important issues...

...protecting Israel's interests...

...keeping AIPAC's power intact in this country...

...all the while making it look completely innocent and without such an agenda...

...just like the leaderships of MOST of the "allegedly" progressive groups all across this country...

...just like the leaderships of MOST of the "allegedly" democratic groups all across this country... and democratic unless they dare to begin looking into the Israeli-Palestinian issue...

...most are left gatekeepers...simple as that!

...we have our own group...9/11TruthOn.Org...

...and that's really problematic for ALL of them... you have found out... you know WHY you were shunned Sheila...

...just like most 9/11 Truth groups are shunned at Peace Movement? meetings...

...and NONE...absolutely NONE...of this is by accident... thing to do is WALK AWAY from Peace leadership...

...but keep believing in "the people of peace"...IE:..the REAL peace seeking citizens all across the country...

...and keep seeking 9/11 TRUTH...wherever it leads...

...which is everywhere corruption exists...

Love, Peace and Progress...

Robin Hordon

Investigate 9/11

Posted under:
Accountability for Bush:

The official conspiracy theory is not supported by the evidence. The FBI has NOT charged Bin Laden with 9/11 because there is NO hard evidence connecting him to 9/11. 7 of the hijackers are alive and have given interviews in Egypt and Great Britain.
NIST did NOT explain the total collapse of the trade towers. They stopped at collapse initiation. A third skyscraper collapsed on 9/11. They say the failure of a single column caused WTC 7 to collapse completely in 15 seconds. WTC 7, a 47 story building, imploded and landed mostly in its own footprint just like a controlled demolition.
A hijacked airliner that they knew was coming, crashed into the most heavily defended building in the world.
A hijacker would nose over and fly straight into the Pentagon. He would not make a 270 degree turn while dropping 7,000 feet at 480 mph. The official conspiracy theory is a crock of Swiss cheese.

There is no list and you have to walk thru every post one at a time. No point in writing as much as I did because no one will ever see it.
But what the hell, it's worth a try. Just post "Investigate 9/11" and a few words.