Veteran Gordon Duff, author of the recent truth breakthrough article, "The 9/11 Commission Rejects Own Report As Based On Government Lies" follows it up with another mind blowing cover-up exposing article:

Special Report: OUTFOXING THE 9/11 COVERUP
Posted on September 24, 2009




When 9/11 Commission Chief Counsel, John Farmer, released his book, The Ground Truth, debunking his own 9/11 commission report and was supported by Chairman Thomas Kean and commission member Senator Bob Kerrey with no dissent, the cover story of 9/11 died.

This leaves us with these inescapable facts: We no longer have an official answer to questions about 9/11. Perjured testimony and falsified information given to the original commission is a criminal act and demands a Grand Jury investigation and Special Prosecutor. Hundreds of respected leaders of the military, law enforcement, intelligence and scientific communities question the credibility of an investigation now proven beyond a doubt a conspiracy in itself.

The institutions of government, including all 3 branches, Executive, Judicial and Legislative have combined in an unexplainable way in their failure to respond to circumstances that legally require action. The press has continued a pattern of distortion of facts, suppression of news and has engaged in a systematic campaign of deception.

Years have passed and soon 10,000 Americans will have died. Taking into account the epidemic of veterans suicides, we may have already passed that figure now. The cascade of events, financial collapse, government spying, oil price fixing, massive military corruption and a dozen more issues as serious have been able to move beyond our ability of everyday citizens to influence.

In fact, the most corrupt and debased groups involved in the 9/11 coverup are being actively recruited by the press as a patriotic resistance.

The tone for the coverup is being set by Australian media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, who controls much of the press in the US and United Kingdom. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see Murdoch's role in covering up 9/11. His networks created the "9/12ers" who are continuing the coverup and Murdoch employees like Fox funnyman, Glenn Beck, are still a major part of the effort to protect those in government who lied to the commission and may have aided the conspirators.

Murdoch's media has held to "party line" on 9/11 and the Iraq/Afghanistan war since day one, suppressing facts any time they threatened an agenda of broad regional war. Murdoch acted, every step of the way, in concert with groups hiding facts on 9/11 while promoting continual phony terrorism alerts whenever political allies became subject to scrutiny.

Conspiracy theorists, largely proven correct thus far, refer to Murdoch's position as leader of the Israeli ultra-right wing Zionist movement as a rationale for his continued involvement in the cover up. No proof of Isreali involvement in the planning and execution of 9/11 has been offered except for Murdoch's relentless disinformation campaign.

Geopolitical theorists accuse Murdoch of orchestrating a plan for Israel to draw America into a wide set of conflicts in the Middle East, tying down forces for many years, while Israel extends broad economic influence into Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. The massive oil and gas reserves of the area, formerly the Jewish Kazhak empire, represent one of the greatest economic prizes in the world.

Only Iran threatens Israel's goals in this area.

Over 40 years ago, the US and Israel engaged in a false flag operation against an American warship called the USS Liberty. The plan was for Israel to attack and sink an American ship, kill the crew and the US would blame Egypt, invade and oust Soviets from the Middle East and control the worlds oil supply.

A Russian spy ship observed and filmed the attack. The Israeli pilots went public. American naval officers reported White House involvement in the plot and it failed.

We only know that 9/11 was not what we were told it was and that it is being covered up by propagandists tied to Israeli extremists. Can we make assumptions from this? I say no but we can and should ask questions.

However, anyone asking a question or advocating an investigation is subjected to vicious personal attacks not limited to attempts to influence violence. The 400% increase in threats against the current president can easily be traced to their source in the media industry.

Was the Bush administration trying to repeat the Middle Eastern takeover tried by Lyndon Johnson long ago? Exposure of their plans to invade Iraq, made long before 9/11 need to be added into the equation.

9/11 could be a massive American intelligence failure with NORAD and the DOD melting down for lack of leadership. The lies told afterward could have been the result of embarassment at total incompetence.

Nothing points to solid proof that 9/11 was staged by the US, with or without Israel. A long string of odd coincidences and a few violations of the laws of physics don't prove a massive conspiracy, not in themselves. They only raise a need for impartial investigation.

One thing can't be explained. Why are lies, known lies, still being broadcast daily, lies orchestrated from one source, meant to suppress an honest accounting of what may have been a series of mistakes?

Why go so far to cover up mistakes if they were only mistakes? With no 9/11 Commission standing behind the report that was meant to clear the Bush administration of responsibility, why is the Murdoch propaganda machine, the Wall Street Journal, Fox, Hannity, Beck and gang so busy burying something that doesn't exist?

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran and regular contributor on political and social issues.

Source: http://www.veteranstoday.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=8671

That is Beautiful!

If Not Me? Who? If Not Now? When?

The 9/11 Commission Rejects Own Report As Based On Government Lies Gordon Duff Salem-News.com

so why does not blogger put in on front page?

i asked a moderator about this..

i scratch my head..

the 2 biggest stories of recent times, proving the 9/11 commission report was fictitious and a cover-up. of all the news stories posted.. these support NYC CAN to get a referendum vote for NYC to vote for a new investigation this November.. (if there was any justice in that city and our world.)

so what is up with blogger putting it in the blog section and not NEWS?

is there a political answer that some posting on blogger get published right away in the news section.. while others.. get automatically put in the back section..?


Factual errors, plus promotes the "Jews control the world" meme

"Conspiracy theorists, largely proven correct thus far, refer to Murdoch's position as leader of the Israeli ultra-right wing Zionist movement as a rationale for his continued involvement in the cover up."

"Geopolitical theorists accuse Murdoch of orchestrating a plan for Israel to draw America into a wide set of conflicts in the Middle East, tying down forces for many years, while Israel extends broad economic influence into Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan."

"Why are lies, known lies, still being broadcast daily, lies orchestrated from one source, meant to suppress an honest accounting of what may have been a series of mistakes?" "One source", i.e. the Zionist-Jewish controlled media.

Many people with entrenched interests in the military-corporate-financial-insurance-media complex that profits from war and economic control may be choosing to promote the cover up simply cuz they don't want the new paradigm questioned- they don't want to know the truth, when it's obvious if the truth is something different, it will shake the foundations of the paradigm they've accumulated great wealth and power from.

I'm not a 'conspiracy theorist'; i want answers for the unanswered questions, I want coherent explanations for the myriad facts in the public record that contradict the OCT, and i want accountability for those who swore an Oath to defend the Constitution, and instead 'failed' to prevent an attack on the US and exploited that aftermath and public hysteria to subvert the Constitution, loot the Treasury and go on Imperialist rampages. Anyone who aided and abetted 9/11, and evidence points to US, Israeli, Pakistani and Saudi persons needs to be exposed and held accountable.

Unless someone can produce hard evidence that Jews are an evil master race 'behind all the wars in the world', as Mel Gibson put it, i'm skeptical of claims/insinuations that they are, and i'm skeptical of the judgment and motivations of those promoting that perspective. Other nations/races have also engaged in imperialist behavior- Egypt, Babyon, Assyria, Persia in the ancient past, and in recent history, Holland, France, England, Germany and the U.S. Israel has stolen Palestinian lands, spies on the US and influences US foreign policy- and so does Turkey, Saudi Arabia and probably others.

Seems to me the problem can't be blamed on one race or ideology- one common thread runs in all these situations- people grabbing power and it going to their head. People gaining great wealth, and instead of doing good with, become megalomaniacal and invest their wealth in grabbing more power, using it to maintain their position and privilege, even at the expense of other's rights and lives. They are rarely exposed or held accountable, and they continue to do evil, even teaching their kids to do the same things.

People who focus solely on Israel, imho, are discrediting the 9/11 Truth Movement, imho- in most cases it's not clear if that's due to racism, or as an intentional act of sabotage. Duff ties in Israel's attack on the USSS Liberty and cover up by the White House (Jewish lackeys, in his opinion?) but doesn't mention the Nazi's staging the Reichstag fire and Polish takeover of a radio station, or US false-flags such as the USSS Maine, faked threat and annexation of Hawaii, FDR and Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, Operation Northwoods, Gulf War-promoting Kuwait incubator babies GHW Bush lie, or Iraq WMD lies promoted by Bush, jr as pretext. Duff does ask and state, "Was the Bush administration trying to repeat the Middle Eastern takeover tried by Lyndon Johnson long ago? Exposure of their plans to invade Iraq, made long before 9/11 need to be added into the equation." However, given the general tone of the article, i wonder if he would blame this on manipulation by Jews and 'Zionists'.

Duff Insinuates Americans in the CIA/FBI obstructing investigations and lying about info-sharing regulations may be an "intelligence failure", and the 'coincidental' air defense 'failures' by Americans, despite decades of training and real world practice may have simply been "lack of leadership". Lies afterwards may merely be an attempt to cover up negligence and incompetence, not complicity. "The lies told afterward could have been the result of embarassment at total incompetence." This is what John Farmer would like you to believe.

Certainly questions are raised that need to be answered and there needs to be a full investigation of all the facts, and while facts are being suppressed is not the time to be promoting theories. In addition, Duff repeats factual errors about Farmer that he made in his last article, which i pointed out in the comments on the last article, and this one:

Erik Larson September 24, 2009 7:11 pm (Pacific time)
Certainly, the 9/11 Commission was a fraud of an investigation, http://911reports.wordpress.com/2008/08/15/911-truth-part-3-of-11-the-91... the 'mainstream' media have failed to ask questions, investigate and report, and a full investigation is in order- including into the cover up. However, John Farmer and his book essentially support the Commission Report; as Farmer said when interviewed by Brad Friedman, "I think the report is, uh, extremely accurate, and- and sets forth the facts of 9/11." http://www.bradblog.com/?page_id=7416 The Commission Report noted "inaccurate" testimony by NORAD officials on pg 34. The DOD IG 'investigated' and concluded it was due to inaccurate record keeping, not wrong doing. Kean, Kerrey and other Commissioners have made statements that challenge the idea that the Commission thoroughly investigated 9/11, but not recently, AFAIK



I used to laugh hysterically at this. Not anymore. This demented thinking is a reality, and dangerous.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

I sort of agree

We have known for a while that many of the people associated with the 9-11 report pointed to its shortcomings, but at the same time went along with the program of promoting the disgusting recommendations of the report, and even going so far as to continue the commission on a private level, which is totally absurd. In other words, to continue to promulgate the bogus list of recommendations, which my one-time Congressperson Kirsten Gillibrand held onto as a platform to promote her career, is pretty pathetic, and if we ever find out who funded the continuation of the 9-11 commission after its government mandate expired, I think we will get some very important information.

You've touched upon some very sensitive issues, and you have addressed it very well, loose nuke.