Write in Support of Professor Jones

Please write respectful and polite letters to local news media in and around Brigham Young University, supporting Professor Jones' call for an investigation into the World Trade Center collapses and supporting the importance of the controlled demolition data which he has brought forth so far.

Dr. Jones has falsely been accused of anti-semitism. But that's just a distraction and a red herring.

It is important to focus on his research, including his lab results finding thermite/thermate-like byproducts in metal from the World Trade Centers.

If you have the addresses of the local newspapers, television and radio stations near BYU, please post them here.

More 9/11 Truth

Many here are skeptical of the truth about 9/11 and will go to any length to project and protect unquestionably debunked nonsense. One of those frauds is Steven Jones, shown to have deliberately lied about the evidence many months ago in order to further his political agenda.

9/11 Truthers have a hard time dealing with facts and evidence so fair warning is given. If you have a medical condition or are too young to face the truth, you should not view the following:

Steven Jones still claims (months after being debunked on this) the following:


The shocking truth revealed in the 1350 pieces of steel preserved from the collapsed towers (the pieces mysteriously shipped to JFK airport under Bush's guise of shipping them to China to keep 9/11 Truthers occupied, right?):


I know it must be a shock to you to have the person you worshipped lie to all of us Americans and the whole world intentionally, but we told you LONG ago that it was impossible to have iron rebar projecting from the interior of solidified molten metal.

Maybe you will now understand why the very people you believe without question, Scholars for 9/11 Truth, are actually deliberately directing their lies to those who won't question them: YOU. Remember, if you are going to ask questions makes sure you ask those making fantastic claims to support them with factual evidence and not the made-up stuff to deceive you.

And make sure you ask Jon Gold the hard questions he consistently refuses to answer.

Don't ever claim we never warned you.

As a 911 truther I would be

As a 911 truther I would be very greatful if you continue to post obvious BS like the above.

It makes a good lesson.

Too bad you can't address it.

It's obvious that your hero was easily debunked. Eventually, you'll come around to admit you have been HAD by the Jones-Fetzer dog-and-pony show.

Please share your knowledge

Since you believe we are misled--and purposley, please tell us, do you believe the official theory totally or what? Are you saying you don't believe the official
story is misleading and is totally factual?
Please share with us what you believe the facts are since you seem to be an expert. Really, tell us.
Thank you for your time,

Paul Craig Roberts said it best...

"...Americans are scientifically ignorant and emotionally weak"


The 9/11 Truth Movement is being set up for a fall, and a big one at that. 


so, please share with us what you know...if you know anything about what you profess to know

read the info in my blog

read the info in my blog posts.... there's a ton of stuff there. Thanks for asking, btw. It's good that people are interested in examining the data instead of just trusting someone.

Then explain this...

Just because Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has said "Americans are scientifically ignorant and emotionally weak" that means nothing in relation to your argument. Why then did Dr. Roberts sign the Petition to support the research of Professor Steven Jones?

How do I know it was really Dr. Roberts' signature? Because I emailed the link to the petition to him and he responded favorably to it.

Sign the Petition supporting Prof. Steven Jones here:

Source: http://tinyurl.com/l5346

"A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves" – Edward R. Murrow

I was merely using his quote

I was merely using his quote in the hopes that the 9/11 Truth Movement would get a grip on what's going on

abg, Please debunk this.


Please debunk this. Seriously. If the facts, reasoning and conclusions laid out in that paper are wrong, please show me. I want it to be wrong, I really do. I have looked for a rebuttal to it but have never found one. If you know of one I would like to see it.

Show me

Show me what your link has to do with the reality of physical evidence and structural engineering. Perhaps you are trying to avoid Steven Jones claims that the towers were blown up knowing full well that Jones has no evidence to back him up. Is that why there is this constant diversion from the claims of 9/11 conspiracists that the buildings were blown up but from which there is no credible evidence?

It appears that is always the case.

It has nothing to do with

It has nothing to do with physical evidence or structural engineering. It has everything to do with reality, however.

I am not avoiding Steven Jones any more than you are obsessing over him and the questions surrounding 9/11 are far bigger than the ones Steven Jones deals with. I am simply asking you to debunk the case someone has made that 9/111 was an inside job. Perhaps you don't want to precisely because it has nothing to do with physical evidence.


No physical evidence of explosives, no "9/11 was an inside job."

Would you believe otherwise?

abg or Abbys "jokes"

So with my other patented Abby's Jokes Via Powerpoint being so successful (read: not at all) on this blog, I've decided to keep flogging that dead horse with another one. Enjoy:

As some of my readers know, I've been on Paxil for quite some time. There are some side effects. For example, it takes me a long time to orgasm.

But I was suicidal before...

It would take me a lot longer to cum if I was dead.

According to researchers, boys with some music tastes, such as techno and pop, are more likely to contract HIV than other styles.

Least likely to be infected? Fans of Weird Al Yankovic.

Most likely? Listeners of the hit song "Come on Everybody, Lets Get Together and Share Heroin Needles".

heres another comedic gem from Abby- A woman in Beijing suffered a car accident after trying to teach her dog to drive.

He is already set up with a license from the New York Taxi and Limousine Commission.

wow Abby. do those jokes really work in the clubs you work in? why are females almost never funny? also, are you really as pasty as you look in those pictures? eck..

abg aka abby?

okay, nothing else need to be said.

yep, aint she just

yep, aint she just hilarious? i was waiting for her to drop a "guy walks into a bar" joke shes so friggin cliche and unfunny. dont quit your day job abby.

steel v/ wood

What is stronger steel or wood? It is documented fact that the World Trade Center towers were designed to withstand winds of 160MPH for two hours. So if a tree could grow to the height of the towers would the core of this tree be stronger than the core of the World Trade Center? Would the bark of the tree be stronger than the outer shell of both towers?

Now if we imagine a 757 hitting this tree three quarters up, would a tree turn to saw dust from the top down as it fell to the ground?

It is so obvious and blatant that it was controlled demolition it will be impossible to keep it under wraps forever. This is not JFK, every human watched the pyroclastic flows which not one single official has ever even attempted to explain. You do not need to understand Newton's laws to understand what everybody saw.

The only thing keeping the 9/11 truth movement at bay is denial and emotions. This will not and can not last forever. Time is on the side of truth and truth will prevail.

Your source?

The source for your claims is exactly from whom and from where?



The towers were designed and built in the mid-1960s through the early 1970s. They represented a new approach to skyscrapers in that they were to be very lightweight and involved modular construction methods in order to accelerate the schedule and to reduce the costs.

To a structural engineer, a skyscraper is modeled as a large cantilever vertical column. Each tower was 64 m square, standing 411 m above street level and 21 m below grade. This produces a height-to-width ratio of 6.8. The total weight of the structure was roughly 500,000 t, but wind load, rather than the gravity load, dominated the design. The building is a huge sail that must resist a 225 km/h hurricane. It was designed to resist a wind load of 2 kPa—a total of lateral load of 5,000 t.


Jones must be hurting

Jones must be hurting big time to have asked one of his shills to take a head count on how many groupies he has left.

You are truly deluded


Remeber, these bush

Remeber, these bush worshippers are the sample people who deny that the rescues workers at ground zero are sick, they continue to deny the troops are being harmed by the Uranium-238 used in Iraq, these are the same government worshipping morons who believed Saddam planned 9/11, same idiots who know we found the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the same type of unquestioning government worshipping morons that allowed Stalin, hitler and Mao to to commit mass murder on their own citizens. Americans demand answers from their government, communists attack those who ask questions. It's obvious who would have fallen into the ranks of Stalin and Hitler here, government worshipping morons are a danger to America.

Does anyone find it interesting that

the attacks on Professor Jones from defenders of the official story escalated at the same time that attacks from certain portions of the 9/11 truth movement occurred?

These attacks largely focused on different things: the defenders of the official story called professor jones anti-semitic (which he's not) and blasted him for blaming elements within the government for 9/11. Attacks from the 9/11 truth movement focused, instead, more on Professor Jones' lack of endorsement of the "no planes" theory.

Isn't it an interesting coincidence that these attacks occurred at the same time? What does that mean?

I do find it interesting

I do find it interesting that GeorgeWashington can't defend Jones' bogus research, so he resorts to ad hominems.

Where's the science???

Newton's Laws

Newton's Laws, pyroclastic flows, and the strength of steel. If that is not science, I suggest you do not get in you car next time because it is this science and the science of Steven Jones that allows people to drive. That's the scientific method in case you are so delusional and can not understand. Dee te dee dude.


Actually, as Professor Jones has stated numerous times, it wasn't until thermite that he was convinced of a demolition.

So why don't you ask him why the following items you posted were not enough to make the case.

Seriously. All of this was already known but apparently not enough. Personally, free fall and the ridiculously fast dust ejections were enough for me.

Please think carefully before lashing.

My Bad

I should never call anybody names here and I apologize for my delusional comment. I don't know what to think about what is going on with Jones and the others. My best guess would be everybody has denial and emotions to get past when it comes to investigating 9/11. Or maybe it is just good science engaged in debate. I certainly should never talk as though I know everything about 9/11. I may know more than most which is not much, but I do know one thing and one thing only, that those towers did not just fall down. No one can ever take that away, it is so obvious it borders on scary.

You make good points.

There is no need to defend Jone's research

It stands on its own. Read his paper. Jones states his hypotheses, and answers puts forth a theory that fits the phenomena observed at Ground Zero much more closely than the government's theory. The science is accurate, and I have yet to see an effective debunking. End of story.

Can you defend the official

Can you defend the official version? No you can't, It is as blatant a lie as the warren commissions report on the JFK assassination. Your just having a George Bush worship fest. When you kiss Bush's behind, do you put him on a pedastool or just fall to your knees?

The Powers that be

9/11 was not planed by people we see or know of. It is and should be no surprise that the attacks on Steven Jones are coming from all side and angles. The people that planned and executed 9/11 were already prepared for the likes of Steven Jones, they would be fools if they were not and they must certainly are not fools. They leave that to the American people.

Official Fairy Tale: Shelf-life = 5 yrs

I've looked at this from every angle I can think of, but it's the angles I can't think of that scare me. That being said, the best I can come up with is that The Perps (whoever they may be) knew the OFT would hold for five years. By that time, they would have Phase II ready and waiting. Again, it's the angles I can't think of. I don't know what they're planning, but personally attacking the messengers only buys you time, so whatever they have planned must be coming soon.

Of all the people I've personally spoken to regarding 9/11 (including two pilots, former NSA, and an MIT grad), none of them have been able to answer any of my questions (WTC7, Flight77, Flight93, etc.). All but one have begun their own investigations. (The other guy put his head back in the sand after muttering something to the effect of "there are some events we just can't explain".)

My point?

The Official Fairy Tale, by design, only has a shelf-life of five years. Phase II is in the works. The Liquids-on-a-Plane nonsense was just a litmus test. They wanted to see if we would fall over ourselves in fear of OBL and his minions. And look at the back-to-back polls on MSNBC. Why issue the same poll (with only minor changes) twice in as many days?

The Perps aren't deities. They don't see all and know all. They do, however, know and understand the American people. Again, five years is all the time they knew they could squeeze out of us. Proof to back that up? None. Quote that back at me if you like, it's obviously an unverifiable opinion and won't help your rebuttal.

I agree, the question is what next

I agree with you that the perps didn't think this ruse would last forever. The crime was too public, too brazen, and there are too many questions to attempt to make this 'the perfect crime'. They have gotten a lot done over the last 5 years. Now that many people are waking up, what will be the perpetrators next move? Do they have the clout to attack Iran anyway? From the polls, it looks like the answer is yes. 77% of the American people think that Iran will get a nuke soon, and the majority of those people are willing to allow this administration to do whatever it takes to stop them.

Will the perps pull off another 9/11? All of the fearmongering seems to point that way, although they must be fearful that the 36% already awake to 9/11 won't swallow the government's story on the next 9/11. Most of the 'terrorist' plots that have been promoted by the administration in the past year have literally been debunked in a few days, including the miami 7, the liquid bomb plot, etc.

GeorgeWashington, not true

"Attacks from the 9/11 truth movement focused, instead, more on Professor Jones' lack of endorsement of the "no planes" theory"


You're tricking yourself.  It isn't that Jones doesn't "endorse" tv fakery, it's that he doesn't use physical science to refute it! That's a big difference.

I don't know of any anti-semitic comments Jones made, nor do I care. The fact is he's tricking us.

 A careful reading of this paper makes everything clear as day. It's not a matter of chosing who to trust, i.e. Jones vs Wood/Reynolds. Any intelligent person knows than no sane scientist would use a known doctored picture as evidence of something, and on top of that hide the fact that it was doctored. It is crystal clear he's tricking us

Co-Intel Agents

Prof. Morgan Reynolds and Prof. Judy Wood have truly outed themselves as counter-intelligence agents with that article--at least by all appearances. If they aren't actually counter-intelligence agents, then they're going very far out of their way to act like they are. (See http://janedoe0911.tripod.com/why_indeed.html .)

You'd think that Prof. Steven Jones had run over their beloved dog with the amount of irrational vitriol Prof. Reynolds and Prof. Wood spew at him. They even attack him for not writing about the plane shoot-down in Pennsylvania, Shanksville (in addition to just about any other silly gripe they can throw at him)!

Prof. Reynolds and Prof. Wood attempt over and over again in that article to impeach Prof. Jones's motives and character, i.e., they make it personal. With this article, it's obvious that they are trying to minimize and bury Prof. Jones's vital and exceedingly sound thermite/thermate research. Now what organization would want to do a thing like that? Certainly no genuine 9/11 Truther.

Besides all the vitriolic personal attacks Prof. Reynolds and Prof. Wood spew at Prof Jones, to give just one very important example of how flawed their scientific arguments against Prof. Jones's paper are, consider the following statement by them:

If the observed molten metal in the south tower pictures is iron, Jones’ favored interpretation, it must be above 1538°C. To rule out molten Al in these south tower pictures, Al would have to be heated above 1538°C for a valid comparison. Here is an analogy: who would conclude that a liquid at 25°C (room temperature) cannot possibly be water because we all know H2O is a solid at -10°C? No one. Compare apples to apples, oranges to oranges, one metal to another under the same conditions. In the case of an aluminum alloy, it only takes about 600°C to become liquid. ...

Now the above "reasoning" is itself pretty amazing in its absurdity, for it demonstrates far too much. They acknowledge that the yellow-hot molten metal seen cascading off the South Tower (which would have been white-hot at the source, just as the videos we've seen of thermite reactions show that the cascading molten iron coming of the reaction quickly turns yellow-hot just inches away from the reaction source) had to be at least over 1000 °C, yet jet fuel burns in open air at 260-315 °C; nor do any office, building, or plane materials burn anywhere near that hot (indeed, it would present quite a hazard if such things were constructed with such powerful incendiaries, and so designers of such objects go out of their way to make sure that they are not). Thus, if it wasn't molten iron from thermite that we are seeing come off the South Tower, then by necessity a reaction source with a heat intensity very much like thermite had to be present. Yet there is nothing in the U.S. government's account that can explain such a heat source; indeed, there's nothing innocent that could explain it, since it requires some sort of extremely powerful incendiary.

I could go on, but the above argument alone is enough to completely demolish Prof. Reynolds and Prof. Wood's attempted hatchet-job against Prof. Jones's central argument in his paper.

Indeed, even the official FEMA scientists Jonathan Barnett, Ronald R. Biederman, and R. D. Sisson, Jr. bolster the evidence that thermate (i.e., thermite with sulfur added) was used to bring down the WTC towers (see "C Limited Metallurgical Examination," FEMA 403--World Trade Center Building Performance Study http://www.fema.gov/pdf/library/fema403_apc.pdf ):

Evidence of a severe high temperature corrosion attack on the steel, including oxidation and sulfidation with subsequent inter granular melting, was readily visible in the near-surface microstructure. ... No clear explanation for the source of the sulfur has been identified. The rate of corrosion is also unknown.

Another strawman

You have a habit of using the strawman of some "official story" when we all know the evidence comes from everywhere but the government.

Your "official story" diversion is your achilles heel, Mr. Washington.

Steven Jones and James Fetzer are known frauds that you defend. Their claims do not stand up to scrutiny, they have been shown to be completely wrong. Yet they continue to spout nonsense and you continue to defnd them.

What does that make you and the 9/11 Truth Movement other than willing participants in lies and fraud?

Yeah, GW

It's a co-ordinated attack by ops in the mainstream and moles in the movement.


Here is a list of some of his colleagues

muriel_allen@byu.edu ,d_whetten@byu.edu,Nora_Nyland@byu.edu ,russell_nielson@byu.edu ,
brent_nielsen@byu.edu ,sheldon_nelson@byu.edu ,rileynelson@byu.edu ,laura_jefferies@byu.edu ,
brian_johnson@byu.edu ,von_jolley@byu.edu ,Michael_dunn@byu.edu ,
robert_davidson@byu.edu ,Bruce_Woolley@byu.edu ,ewilson4@byu.edu ,

jlo2@email.byu.edu ,

No one here can refute it

Interesting that no one here has yet refuted my lead comment of the factual evidence that Fetzer lied to you all.

Not to speak of the fact that 1350 pieces of metal 9/11 conspiracists claimed were shipped off to China are actually in a hangar at JFK airport.

Here is some more education on how Fetzer DELIBERATELY lies to YOU:

Noted 9/11 Denier, James Fetzer gets a spanking

Then Fetzer lies to Americans in the name of the 9/11 Truth Movement, gets royally debunked

You asked for Fetzer to speak for you. You got what you ask for.

Now here is the question you have to honestly ask yourself: how can you defend Fetzer when he continues to lie about the evidence. And remember the evidence does NOT come from the government.

Are you going to continue to deny that you have been defending a liar or are you going to begin to DEMAND that Fetzer and Jones defend their assertions?


Can you please explain to me why the 911 committee said that the people that funded 911 were irrevelant when almost all conspiracy convictions are made through tracking the money?

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as judge in the field of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods. ~ Albert Einstein


Oh really, abg, well if this be true then surely even you must be in agreement with me that this evidence - for that is what it is - must be immediately examined by independent researches.

And if that proves explosives, then you can shut ut, whereas it is disproves explosives - we can!

If that metal is at JKF like you say, then it is about time we knew about it, and it is about time it was examined independently.

Frankly, there is nothing more I'd personaly like, than to be able to forget the "conspiracy", and just get on with my own life thank you!

No one here can refute it

Interesting that no one here has yet refuted my lead comment of the factual evidence that Fetzer lied to you all.

Not to speak of the fact that 1350 pieces of metal 9/11 conspiracists claimed were shipped off to China are actually in a hangar at JFK airport.

Here is some more education on how Fetzer DELIBERATELY lies to YOU:

Noted 9/11 Denier, James Fetzer gets a spanking

Then Fetzer lies to Americans in the name of the 9/11 Truth Movement, gets royally debunked

You asked for Fetzer to speak for you. You got what you ask for.

Now here is the question you have to honestly ask yourself: how can you defend Fetzer when he continues to lie about the evidence. And remember the evidence does NOT come from the government.

Are you going to continue to deny that you have been defending a liar or are you going to begin to DEMAND that Fetzer and Jones defend their assertions?




Troll Level: Elevated

Copy that, Houston.

A good sign

When 9/11 deniers are faced with the truth they can't refute, they can only claim the source is a "troll". Never have we had more evidence of theo ngoing disintegration of the "9/11 Truth (Ha!) Movement."

Good job. You got these uneducated believers in 9/11 Lies and Crap running scared.

How did you know that I was

How did you know that I was talking about you?

You might want to mention to your superiors that your incessant focus on Steven Jones reveals your fear of his work. Your focus on him only reinforces the validity of his research. Really, your rookie attacks aren't ready for the big leagues - you still need some seasoning on some of the gatekeeper blogs. Keep trying, though, and you just might merit an indictment as an accomplice after the fact.


I don't understand anything of what you just said. Running scared? Disintegration? Huh? Have you been paying attention to the polls in the past 3 months?


Can you please explain to me why the 911 committee said that the people that funded 911 were irrevelant when almost all conspiracy convictions are made through tracking the money?

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as judge in the field of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods. ~ Albert Einstein

did you get a tan yet?

did you get a tan yet?

Are you for real? Oh, and I

Are you for real?

Oh, and I love your so called claims against Jones and Fetzer.

Typical response, and once again like the many who have come here before you...You do not offer a single alternant hypothesis that supports the known evidence.

This leads me to believe you are not here to gather facts but only to distort and mislead from them.

Let me point out one of your

Let me point out one of your deceptions:
"You asked for Fetzer to speak for you. You got what you ask for."

I have not asked Fetzer to ever talk for me in relation to the pentagon, and that statement is misleading and flat out wrong to assume.

Drop the insults and outlandish statements.

Let me also point out to abg

Let me also point out to abg that when Popular Mechanincs Lies about 9/11 and distorts the facts and gets things flat wrong, do u think people should be saying:

You asked for Popular Mechanics to speak for you. You got what you ask for.

Stop generalizing and acting like the people who you rely on don't lie or distort truth.

Prove it

That's funny. On what basis do you claim that PM lies about 9/11 when they aren't the governement and consult hundreds of structural engineers who understand building collapses instead of a physics professor who admits he has a political agenda and demonstrably has been debunked on scientific grounds.

Please explain what sources you use to make your extrordinary claims.

do you have any friends

do you have any friends lars? a girlfriend? a job? any hobbies? what is your motive for being here? what do you get out of it? can you answer any of these questions honestly without any snide remarks?

Another one avoiding answering the questions

If you can't see that the truth is the only motive, then you are a 9/11 denier with no hope for redemption. Get a life. Address the facts presented to you.

answer the questions lars.

earth to lars. your proving my point lars. these are basic questions lars. do you have any friends lars? a girlfriend? a job? any hobbies? what is your motive for being here? what do you get out of it? can you answer any of these questions honestly without any snide remarks?

I would encourage you to

I would encourage you to watch the democracy now taping with PM, and see how Jim miegs distorts things about shanksville, and then says that all experts agree about the twin towers collapse. Also, see how they dodge the assertion that William Rodriguez heard explosions before the towers were hit. Also, many commentaries have been written on there first article, of which i hope you have read. I would encourage you to do more research before saying things like, "thats funny" and other absurd assertions.

Also, PM may not be the government and be independant, but stop assuming that just because people are not the government, we should believe them. I don't play that game for either side of the debate.

Stop putting people in a box, it is not funny. All don't agree on everything on this site.

That was good!

If that doesn't ever show how Fetzer has crashed and burned! What more evidence could our loons here want than that??

Here's my letter

Dear Professor Jones,

Please stop lying about 9/11. It's unethical and contrary to the code of ethics of BYU. It's also contrary to every ethical code developed by humankind. It's not nice to lie to people who put their trust in you.

Thank you for reading this. May the truth be with you.


Lars Nisse

earth to lars. do you have

earth to lars. do you have any friends lars? a girlfriend? a job? any hobbies? what is your motive for being here? what do you get out of it? can you answer any of these questions honestly without any snide remarks?

I would stop asking lars

I would stop asking lars these questions, and start bringing up facts, all your doing is making yourself look bad.

Also, lars, your letter to steven jones is absurd, your letter is contradictory to your statements above that you want people to show you evidence, when in the letter, you blatantly leave all your evidence out. I would rewrite the letter and let people check out your facts and decide for themselves.

I would also reccomend LARS

I would also reccomend LARS watch the movie 9/11 Press for Truth, which can be viewed on google video.
It shows plenty of evidence of lies and coverups of the governments view and action after 9/11.

I don't have a link to it, but check google video, its a good start to understanding that your being lied to about 9/11

i''ll care about your

i''ll care about your opinion when you get a name. thanks for the uneeded tip.

I love how you need a name

I love how you need a name to generate some kind of validity, i don't really care what your name is, you can follow my advise and watch the video and do your homework, or you can be in the dark waiting for a name just so you feel better.

Laslty, if i gave you a name anyway, how would you go about verifying it? Go do your some research and stop pulling at straws.

Chris, I just wanted to

I just wanted to reiterate that i have the upmost respect for you, i just don't think a name is necessary when asked to watch a video.

Take Care

Chris, I see what you were

I see what you were refrencing, i just think that you should be asking him questions that are relevant, just as you would want him to ask you relevant questions and stick to 9/11 atleast at the start. Maybe some of the info will be useful later.

yes, cassiea, your right

yes, casseia, your right again. Anonymous, thats all i was doing, was troll hunting. if the troll cant answer basic questions like "what is your purpose or motivation", that says a lot about them in my opinion. the guy isnt interested in substantive discussion about any of the evidence, hes only interested in creating turmoil. thats all the trolls ever really try to do, because you'll notice they avoid cetain evidence and focus on one facet of one piece that they think they can refute and it goes on and on. i was just trying to get the little bastard to answer some basic questions. sorry i lashed out though.

The point of having a name in a place like this

is that your discursive thread can be discerned among many. You identify yourself as a voice -- it doesn't have anything to do with a real or valid name, unless you want it to.

Otherwise, you're just one of the many anonymice who scurry through.

And it's good manners to stay out of someone's way when he's troll hunting.

Work my ass off.

Come home to find lars and friends playing in their own shit, leaving a mess everywhere. What a dishonest bunch of creeps. Someone get a hose.

no doubt

Truly shitty and disgusting... they should be forced to clean up their own mess, but in lieu of that just deleting their crap would work.This is an action blog in support of Steven Jones. There's no need to allow it to be spammed up with shit by people whose job it is to bury the man and his work.


We're right, you're in denial

It's the nature of the illness of deep denial that you can't stand when facts refute your precious beliefs about 9/11. You need to actually get off your lazy butt and get to worl educationg yourself that the 9/11 Truth Movement believes in nonsense and protects liars like Fetzer and Jones. You're are not working your ass off, you're shirking your responsibility to THINK and provide evidence for the claims you make.

So wake up, RC, you're in denial and the real world knows it.

Are all conspiradroids dullards?

It is more than passing strange that progressives, who so revere science on such issues as tobacco, stem cells, evolution, and global warming, are so willing to abandon science and give in to fantasy on the subject of 9/11. You conspiradroids need to give your little pin-heads a shake...

Conspiracy Smasher

Can you please explain to me why the 911 committee said that the people that funded 911 were irrevelant when almost all conspiracy convictions are made through tracking the money?

Still having trouble, I see

I see you are still denying that you have to provide physical evidence of explosives to make your "theory" work.

No wonder you're stuck in the Dark Ages.


Can you please explain to me why the 911 committee said that the people that funded 911 were irrevelant when almost all conspiracy convictions are made through tracking the money?

Look in the Mirror, Conspiracy Smasher

So far as conspiracies go, they are ubiquitous. Everyone is in agreement that the 9/11 attacks were the result of a conspiracy. But those who are genuinely knowledgeable and care about the truth reject fallacious conspiracy theories, such as the U.S. government's lying, self-serving, a-historical, a-factual, and provably false official fairy tale conspiracy theory concerning the 9/11 attacks.

More than four times the amount of non-combatants have been systematically murdered for purely ideological reasons by their own governments within the past century than were killed in that same time-span from wars. From 1900 to 1923, various Turkish regimes killed from 3,500,000 to over 4,300,000 of its own Armenians, Greeks, Nestorians, and other Christians. Communist governments have murdered over 110 million of their own subjects since 1917. And Germany murdered some 16 million of it own subjects in the past century. (The preceding figures are from Prof. Rudolph Joseph Rummel's website at http://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/ .)

All totaled, neither the private-sector crime which government is largely responsible for promoting and causing or even the wars committed by governments upon the subjects of other governments come anywhere close to the crimes government is directly responsible for committing against its own citizens--certainly not in amount of numbers. Without a doubt, the most dangerous presence to ever exist throughout history has always been the people's very own government.

Needless to say, all of these government mass-slaughters were conspiracies--massive conspiracies, at that.


The yellow-hot molten metal seen cascading off the South Tower (which would have been white-hot at the source, just as the videos we've seen of thermite reactions show that the cascading molten iron coming of the reaction quickly turns yellow-hot just inches away from the reaction source) had to be at least over 1000 °C, yet jet fuel burns in open air at 260-315 °C; nor do any office, building, or plane materials burn anywhere near that hot (indeed, it would present quite a hazard if such things were constructed with such powerful incendiaries, and so designers of such objects go out of their way to make sure that they are not). Thus, if it wasn't molten iron from thermite that we are seeing come off the South Tower, then by necessity a reaction source with a heat intensity very much like thermite had to be present. Yet there is nothing in the U.S. government's account that can explain such a heat source; indeed, there's nothing innocent that could explain it, since it requires some sort of extremely powerful incendiary.

Indeed, even the official FEMA scientists Jonathan Barnett, Ronald R. Biederman, and R. D. Sisson, Jr. bolster the evidence that thermate (i.e., thermite with sulfur added) was used to bring down the WTC towers (see "C Limited Metallurgical Examination," FEMA 403--World Trade Center Building Performance Study http://www.fema.gov/pdf/library/fema403_apc.pdf ):

Evidence of a severe high temperature corrosion attack on the steel, including oxidation and sulfidation with subsequent inter granular melting, was readily visible in the near-surface microstructure. ... No clear explanation for the source of the sulfur has been identified. The rate of corrosion is also unknown.

For more on government-staged terrorism, see the below post by me:

"Documentation on Government-Staged Terrorism," September 30, 2005:


You illustrated Conspiracy Smasher's point

It's fascinating that you would go to the effort to claim that Bush was behind 9/11 without the ability to bring forth one concrete piece of physical evidence, misrepresent evidence, quote debunked nonsense, and ignore the massive amount of data and evidence never in the hands of the government to begin with.

It's incredible how ignorant you guys are and make such easy patsies for people like Steven Jones and James Fetzer.

There is Physical Evidence

The money trail is physical evidence. Can you please explain to me why the 911 committee said that the people that funded 911 were irrevelant when almost all conspiracy convictions are made through tracking the money?

Learn How to Read

Hi, abg. You are in much need of a reading-comprehension course, although I suggest you get private tuition as the government miseducation system has already damaged your mind quite enough.

Below is part of what I wrote in my previous post above:

The yellow-hot molten metal seen cascading off the South Tower (which would have been white-hot at the source, just as the videos we've seen of thermite reactions show that the cascading molten iron coming of the reaction quickly turns yellow-hot just inches away from the reaction source) had to be at least over 1000 °C, yet jet fuel burns in open air at 260-315 °C; nor do any office, building, or plane materials burn anywhere near that hot (indeed, it would present quite a hazard if such things were constructed with such powerful incendiaries, and so designers of such objects go out of their way to make sure that they are not). Thus, if it wasn't molten iron from thermite that we are seeing come off the South Tower, then by necessity a reaction source with a heat intensity very much like thermite had to be present. Yet there is nothing in the U.S. government's account that can explain such a heat source; indeed, there's nothing innocent that could explain it, since it requires some sort of extremely powerful incendiary.

Indeed, even the official FEMA scientists Jonathan Barnett, Ronald R. Biederman, and R. D. Sisson, Jr. bolster the evidence that thermate (i.e., thermite with sulfur added) was used to bring down the WTC towers (see "C Limited Metallurgical Examination," FEMA 403--World Trade Center Building Performance Study http://www.fema.gov/pdf/library/fema403_apc.pdf ):

Evidence of a severe high temperature corrosion attack on the steel, including oxidation and sulfidation with subsequent inter granular melting, was readily visible in the near-surface microstructure. ... No clear explanation for the source of the sulfur has been identified. The rate of corrosion is also unknown.

For more on government-staged terrorism, see the below post by me:

"Documentation on Government-Staged Terrorism," September 30, 2005:



"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."--H. L. Mencken

Petition for Dr. Jones

Please sign and spread this petition supporting Dr. Jones. Thanks!