wtc7 mike rudin german

WTC7 documentation on german ZDF tomorrow

A lot of different 9/11 topics will be shown on german mainstream media this year around september 11th. Besides the WTC building demolition theories and flight 93, the "Second German Television" (ZDF) will broadcast a WTC 7 documentation tomorrow, on September 7th:

Webpage information.

The feature is said to be directed by Mike Rudin and Christoph Röckerath, who was also responsible for the WTC 7 featurette in "auslandsjournal" posted earlier this week. We don't know, yet, whether it's just the BBC feature with german voice over or if there are additional scenes, corrections or discussions from Röckerath as well. The show will be hosted by Guido Knopp, one of germans most popular history television hosts and can be seen free to air in whole europe via Satellite and in german territories via cable and antenna.