Cyrus R. Vance Jr.

AE911Truth's Report to the Public: Cyrus Vance, Jr., Manhattan D.A., On Notice, Again

For eight years, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth has sought an impartial, subpoena-powered investigation into the destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7 at the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001.

On February 14, 2013, AE911Truth petitioned the office of Cyrus R. Vance, Jr., district attorney in and for New York County, asking Vance for a confidential meeting with him and/or with any members of his staff he chose to designate. Our purpose in requesting this meeting was to discuss the appointment of a special prosecutor, and the calling of a grand jury, to investigate the explosive 12-second destruction of each of the Twin Towers, and the unprecedented free-fall "collapse" of Building 7 on 9/11.

We made a formal offer of proof based on the evidence — forensic evidence that overwhelmingly and irrefutably shows, by itemization of the key facts and by supplemental video of important witnesses, that the three skyscrapers at the World Trade Center were destroyed on 9/11 as a result of professionally engineered controlled demolition, not by office fires and/or aircraft collision.

We were later contacted by Vance's office and told that his office had no power to proceed because the collapse of the WTC Buildings 1, 2, and 7 were exclusively a federal matter. This was a feeble response. The state district attorney in downtown Manhattan obviously has authority to prosecute — and does regularly prosecute — the offenses of murder, arson, and the willful and malicious destruction of property, as crimes against the State of New York. Thus, we politely renewed our request for a meeting, subject to such conditions for assuring confidentiality, as the district attorney should request. We were ignored. The details of our attempt are in our website entry of November 26, 2013.