
Senator Proposes National Whistleblower Day

The idea might not win approval with the rest of the Senate, but Republican lawmaker Chuck Grassley has put in a resolution for a new commemorative holiday for the United States – National Whistleblower Appreciation Day.

"Anything we can do to uphold whistleblowers and their protection is the right thing to keep government responsible," said Grassley, who is famous for personally aiding whistleblowers in their battles against rule-breaking officials. "If you know laws are being violated and money's being misspent, you have a patriotic duty to report it."

The choice of 30 July, the date suggested in the proposal, made jointly with Democratic Senator Carl Levin, is not accidental. It marks the 235th anniversary of what was one of the earliest whistleblowing regulations implemented anywhere – by the Founding Fathers in the Continental Congress in the midst of the Revolutionary War.

The Founding Fathers

Guest column: All-knowing mastermind of 9/11? Hard to believe

I posted the following comment on this article; people who feel strongly that a 757 didn't hit the Pentagon should really review the material at , they have a number of articles on the Pentagon, i linked one in my comment- the case is not persuasive to a great many sincere people, and may be a booby trap or intentional distraction. I support the release of ALL video and pics.

loosenuke wrote:
the official 9/11 story is BS, but the "pentagon hole" may be a red herring, it's been shown that 77 or a 757 could've caused the damage- when you look at ALL of the available photos, there's a 100 foot gash in the base, and it's possible the plane went into the building, getting shredded as it went- this is not solid evidence

The Pentagon No-757-Crash Theory: Booby Trap for 9/11 Skeptics by Jim Hoffman

Also, "victims" lists are not passenger lists:

Passenger Lists: Victims Lists, Passenger Manifests, and the Alleged Hijackers

Republican presidential candidates debate in Iowa on August 5th


Campaign 2008

Welcome to ABC's Campaign Headquarters. Coming up-- the Republican presidential candidates debate in Iowa on August 5th. You can watch it live on a special edition of This Week with George Stephanopoulos on your local ABC News station.

Here's your chance to talk back on the major campaign issues that are important to you-- from Iraq to healthcare-- immigration to education. The candidates or their campaign surrogates may answer your question!

Get your video questions in early-- we will be posting debate questions on and people will be able to vote for the questions they like best. George will put some of the questions to the candidates!

All questions should be in by Thursday August 2nd at midnight.

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