Mia Hamel

Tampa 9/11 Truth Sweeps Olympics!


In a feat not even matched by Mark Spitz, winner of 7 Olympic Gold medals, Mia Hamel of Tampa 9/11 Truth triumphed at the Tampa Bay Senior Olympics, winning 9 golds and one silver medal in track and field events and earning the best overall trophy in her age group (Junior Seniors if you please!).

Wearing 9/11 T-shirts in all events and brandishing 9/11 dvds at the banquet, some will remember her for her athletic prowess and others for her animated discussion of why the crimes of that decisive day have not passed quietly into history, but remain as timely and important today as the very day of 9/11/01 itself, and deserve to be revisited and scrutinized by all who are concerned with the downward spiraling trajectory of our once great nation.

Interviewed about the games, Hamel states: “The toughest challenge occurred at the awards banquet at my table of 5 women and two alpha males. When one of the men asked “So…what REALLY happened?” in response to my T-shirt, the brief exchange that followed led to an angry snarl about ‘Conspiracy Theorists’.