Peter Rodman

Mahmud Ahmed's itinerary from his Washington DC visit the week of 9/11

Here is the highly redacted intinerary of Pakistani ISI general Mahmud Ahmed, from his visit to Washington D.C. the week of 9/11. It was received last year via FOIA request by the 9/11 Working Group of Bloomington.

Apparently Ahmed's activity that week included meetings with the following people or groups.

Unidentified representative(s) from The State Department
Unidentified representative(s) from The National Security Council
Peter Rodman, PNAC member and former assistant to Henry Kissinger
The Direcor of the DIA (at the time - Vice Admiral Thomas R. Wilson, who was briefed on Able Danger in March 2001)
Senator Bob Graham, who with Porter Goss would lead the Joint Inquiry into 9/11
Rep.Porter Goss, who would lead Joint Inquiry with Graham and then become CIA Director
General Tommy Franks, CENTCOM Commander

by teleconference:
Paul Wolfowtiz, PNAC member and Deputy Secretary of Defense
Douglas Feith, decribed by Tommy Franks as "the dumbest fucking guy on the planet" (according to Franks' autobiography)