TUC Radio

Harold Pinter's 2005 Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech


I thought I'd post this stirring and inspiring speech by playwright Harold Pinter upon the occasion of his Nobel Prize for Literature in 2005.

From the last paragraphs in the speech:

"I believe that despite the enormous odds which exist, unflinching, unswerving, fierce intellectual determination, as citizens, to define the real truth of our lives and our societies is a crucial obligation which devolves upon us all. It is in fact mandatory.
If such a determination is not embodied in our political vision we have no hope of restoring what is so nearly lost to us - the dignity of man."

We need spiritual food in this important 911 truth voyage, and Pinter serves it up as good as anything I've heard from anybody.
Thanks to Maria Gilardin of http://tucradio.org for hosting this and many other fine broadcasts.